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_ * ¦ I "¦ ^ ' ¦ ¦¦¦— . - " " •——•—¦——¦-...
No. 85.] LONDOXT , DECEMBER 19, 186S. [P...
Mr. Gladstone's first Ministry is now co...
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_ * ¦ I "¦ ^ ' ¦ ¦¦¦— . - " " •——•—¦——¦-...
_ * ¦ I " ¦ ^ ' ¦ ¦¦¦— . - " " •——•—¦——¦ -- — ¦ ' 111- — . — - - _ — — — THE T O M A H A W K : A SATURDAY JOURNAL OF SATIRE . < £ YiUh l ) g gti feur & " § ttkttt "INVITAT CULPAM QUI PECCATUM PR / ETERIT . "
No. 85.] Londoxt , December 19, 186s. [P...
No . 85 . ] LONDOXT , DECEMBER 19 , 186 S . [ Price Twopence .
Mr. Gladstone's " Happy Famil K"
Mr. Gladstone's First Ministry Is Now Co...
Mr . Gladstone ' s first Ministry is now complete . The only feature which distinguishes it from a Russell Ministry is the exchange , of Mr . Milner Gibson for Mr . Bright . No one will deny that the exchange is a very advantageous one to the Premier , and to the country . If Mr . Lowe is not to be Mr .
Gladstone ' s puppet , ( and we should think the member for London University would furnish very unpromising material for a dummy ) , it must certainly be confessed that the fact of the position Reviler , of is the a guarantee Working Man against being any p democrati laced in c so intentions prominent on a
the part ofv Mr . Gladstone . Whether the Presidency of the Board of Trade will have the same sedative effect upon Mr . Bright as it had on Mr . Milner Gibson , it is impossible to say ; but , except to abolish the rate-paying clauses , and the representation of minorities , it is not very likel ~ y j that the great — ag oitator
will exert his influence very much . He may rest und ^ r the shade of his laurels , and leave to Beales , Bradlaugh , Finlen , and Co . the task of bringing about the next " bloodless revolution . " Altogether , we cannot help feeling that the New Ministry represents the transitional state in which we are . It is
something to be rid of Earl Russell , but there still cling to the skirts of progress some of the genuine selfish indolent Whigs , who trade on the reputation of the name , associated as it is with one of the grandest revolutions in history , but which then belonged to a far different stamp of men than the present
owners . We should have preferred to see Mr . Stansfeld , Mr . Forster , and Mr . Mill in the Cabinet , even if their presence necessitated the exclusion of the courtly Granville , the ponderous Hartington , the canny Argyll , or even that well-conducted genius Goschen . Why the latter gentleman'has been placed at the head
of the Poor-law Board , except as a guarantee that Mr . Gladstone yet retains sufficient Whiggism in his composition not to interfere with the enlightened and genial rule of red tape , we do not know . Red tape ! the colour is appropriate , for it has been dyed in the blood of many victims . We see no promise of any real advance
for the cause of true Reform in the composition ot Mr . Gladstone ' s Happy Family . As a specimen of incongruous elements fused into a temporary unity , it is interesting . The idea of Mr . Bright sitting on the same bench as Mr . Lowe is very amusing ; we wonder if those back numbers of the Star which denounced
in such vigorous language the slanderer of the working classes are still extant I or has Mr . Bright bought them all up , and burnt them on the altar of friendship ? Lord Clarendon and Lord Granville are strange colleagues , but stranger subordinates , of the
" People ' s William . " Fancy the pink of elegance and aristocratic grace as Secretary receiving for a deputation Colonies headed , Lord , Granville let us say , by may Finlen have ; to indeed con- , fer with ticket-of-leave men . It is very refreshing to see what wonderful conversions the Treasury Bench is capable of
producing . Lord Clarendon , as the associate of the Radical member for Birmingham , would be a strange sight for the ghost of Lord Palmerston , if that jaunty spectre should " revisit the glimpses of the moon " some night of this session . However , let us rejoice that men can forget their differences so easily , for
, their country ' s sake , if not for their own . Surely England never had deeper cause to regret Lord Westbury ' s escapades than now , when she beholds the woolsack adorned by Lord Hatherley ( late Sir William Page Wood ) . It ! is to be hoped , for the sake of the Peers and of his party , that
he will prove a silent friend of the Administration . We want above all things now a Lord Chancellor who has the ability and energy to grapple with that most difficult question , Law Reform . Lord Hatherley may have a secret fund of genius and daring , like Lord Mayo , but he has scarcely as yet given us the
right to suspect him of such peculiarities . The combative province quality of for Mr . its Lowe exercise ' s miad at th mi ; ght War have Office found , than a more at the genial Ex- j chequer . He would have snubbed the Commander-in-Chief to some purpose . Me * C . ird . velL found courage to censure
Gowith vernor the Eyre Royal , but Horse we much Guards . fear . he One will negat be inclined ive virtue to the temporize Cabinet decidedl Board of y possesses Works it : is it to does be not hoped include that Mr that . Layard darling . At of the the Morning Advertiser , ( the organ of the publicans is sure to sup
in port strong license language , ) may . find some navvy who will be a match lor hint We will not criticise the personnel of the new Ministry ai : } further . We will only ask them a few questions as to their \ intended policy , which if they do not answer satisfactorily , by j
thei worth r conduct of the as confidence well as by , of their those professions whose Liberalism , they will not means be j : y and something extravagant more tha laudation n antagonism of Mr , to Gladstone Church . Establishments Of course the , j Irish Church question will be settled as quickly as possible .
It will not be made to stretch over seven years for the purpose of ensuring to us the blessing of the present Whig and tamed Radical Government . But what next I Are we ever to see the Poor-law office , and all its shameful shams and abuses , swept , 1 officials and garnished to be allowed with humanity to thwart every and bruins attempt ? at Are Reform permanent , every | ! „ .. _ „ .. __ __ ___ t
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 19, 1868, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_19121868/page/1/