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370 THE TOMAHA WK. [December 19, 1868.
the The literary followi sensation ng sp...
^ra-A CR OS TIC.
Something And no one that be everyone wi...
Answer to Enigma in our Last.—One's Own ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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There Is Something About The Charity Of ...
socialism aspect of , there the thing is a , fo ch r witho more ut striking in the one lea , when touching the subject upon is regarded from another point of view . Robinson , to refer to year pound him . to again and charity , the has ^ , other in no as doubt four much that the is as great he his make attempt est s difficulty with a point to support of devoting sparing his family every that anxiety decently . on Now 400 it is a to -year be presumed attended that any great Englishman difficulty living and , be kSW UU he Archbishop XA . 1 Vr & X WX ^ AAVS 000 £ / , } D Jt- ^ uke UCV . W , } or VX to cotton Vr \ S descend t >»»\ SJ . X -sp ^ LyXXXlXWX inner in the , could UVUAU scale live XJ , V W like J . « .. n . V ** a
prince luxurious on , , but £ 100 still , comfortable a-year , or , , individual on 50 , 000 , or , like even a less like a plain Christian gentleman , without any killing ^ economy , on ^ 20 , cent 000 . i like Our reall Robinson y rich man who , then feels , could itbut his ive , not 300 or his 600 i | r this per per cent life , are , or concerne more poor , and d , never as far feel as the it at comforts all . , Of and course blessings he never of will sophistries do this , to the end will , of quiet the chapter his conscience . All thanks with , then all sorts , to Mr of . Peabod X K , CbU ift \ J \ - y iy is for 1 U 1 fine the 11 J . W AX new satire \* TV lig Xlg ht J . 1 V the he XXV ^ throws bllLWV ^ upon U £ SVSXX this bUlO vital VlbUl alms question ^ U ^^ bj . vrii . 1 .
of His our g wealthier a classes on . That comparativel the satire y will paltry have the -giving least i which effect , those who , who who have knows all the excuse selfish their and luxuries lying to twaddle those with who have nothing , can for a moment hope 1 It is a gloomy subject , miss perhaps , but , and it is one , nevertheless that many , or of our soon readers will be , would one of g the ladly great dis-1 [ remark questions . of It the is rather day . the As we fashion leave it am we will the make rich one to apposite look on j i simp Dives ly as very a thoroug worldly . y bad man . Thi ong s is a mistake . He was
370 The Tomaha Wk. [December 19, 1868.
370 THE TOMAHA WK . [ December 19 , 1868 .
1 B I I Tub Book Of The Year {That Is To...
The The Literary Followi Sensation Ng Sp...
the literary followi sensation ng specimen of next of season a work , has , which been forwarded will no doubt to us be . but Cal I have ais . — seen Arrived it roug here her all . When right . the The sea sea is roug was rather some peop rough , don t like it . I don ' t mind it . I can smoke . Alexandra is Alfred pretty [ I fo well rgot has had considering to say a book that . I done intend ; and to my write mother a book is about quite my a tour cele- . brated authoress 1 don ' t see why I should not do \\ something
UldlCU auilluicooi . x vavjli i » ov . v > wxijr jl ouuuiu Jiiub jlj junii ^ tuitig . . I shan How ' jolly get Knoll it is to ys think or Keppel we h to ave do got any away of mine from . Not London I . ] for four daresay months Arthur . I Lloy am d sorry will be awfull the y peop cut up , — if and they it miss ' s very me hard ; I on the Strand Theatre , but I can ' t help it . I could not let Alexandra come out , I go had throug to bolt h another . season . So as the mother won't off I to suppose Paris . Christian Vive VEmpereu will take r ^ my Vive place Schneider . What a Hurrah joke ! We J ' re •«••••••••
I must not be quite so familiar in my style . I must manage to cr costu co ocodile untries get m i e n . of . something the I I should shall Egyptians get think serious Alexandra . if I too Alfred suppose — to some write could I information shall me kill manage an an essay elep about to hant on kill the the , it a will such be a lot deu of ced crocodil hard lines es—and if I can the ' t sacred kill a crocodile Ibex—no — — in Ibis fact . , ever much But I about forgot Paris , here . we It ' are in chief Paris . town I suppose of Franc I need e , " and not say all tion tha- s at of th Dundreary ort of thing , . " ut Alexandra she laughs does , bless not he appreciate r dear face my !
imita-• ••••• ¦•••• As I was saying—Paris is a very large town . They manubad factu re gars lots , good of things dinners there , Emperors —chocolate , a , nd hat Schneiders s , fichus , chigno . I am ns , laug getting hs— funny then I ! sh I all shall try read it on Knoll this to ys . little If he Victor don , ' t laugh see — ah ! he don better ' t stare had at — on that e ' s Alexandra all . This and cwivi is an I walk wain awfull about umwui y jolly quite place miwv comfort . Th & ey
iiwAi u siai w < x * \ unwt . ixiv ^ Aaiiuiu . > v ^ ww *** w * vable Oh * ! — we nobody 'll go and ¦¦ bothers « „ see Schneider us . Let * F m ' s . see , what 1 t shall _ 1 . _ 11 we do . 1 _¦ . to -night *_^ l ^ . ? good It do practi es one ce a to great see if deal you of can good follow to see what a French they say play . Alexandra , it ' s very don she ' has t admire got much Schneider sense . of I humour am sorry . She for don that ' t . admire I don ' Arthur think
The The Literary Followi Sensation Ng Sp...
Lloyd—and she never will laugh at " The Chickaleary Cove , " though to get up I sing a burles it first que -rate , private . Ask of cours Carrington e , at Sandring —he says ham we . ought But I am wandering from my subject . I am now going to relate a circumstance which befell me in the called Forest because of Comp B iegne y J ov . e The ! the Forest Empress of must Comp hav iegn e been is so a beautiful bXIk 4 woman VUiail she is now a lendid creature WAVUlWl I like
too l * SWC , h e is a plucky ; y fello JUW w X < 3 , but XXV TV he looks sp iS ^^ IIUIU awfull Vl y seed . y . J- XXJXV I should * Nap XI AL // , not like to be him—too much trouble . These French take a deal Well of , ruli ng . going to relate a circumstance that happened to me ers at kicked Compiegne ever . But such there a fuss , you . It know was onl all a about scratch it . . The papup y ¦ . « «
Oh ^ IT , suppose ^ mm ' re off + * . £ C * again ** we **** 2 ~ go m . to j . . ** and . Paris T ) . «»« see . ± M . Schneider Let T * t 7 ' see ~~ . ~ * , what . . .. T . Ye M 4 s shall a 1 , we 11 we . will ... _ . do J — _ . to a . ^ . - — ni g ht I ^^ - 1 ( The MS . breaks off here . ) I
^Ra-A Cr Os Tic.
^ ra-A CR OS TIC .
Something And No One That Be Everyone Wi...
Something And no one that be everyone without— should have , The But when first is unto excellent the second alone joined , , It ' s really out and out . 1 . At The At least least great you vou est should should actor that declare declare the world so so when when e ' er in in saw Franrp Fran — ce
To Of course say that anyone England could it would equal be G barbaric arrick . ; 2 . That The silliest e ' er was , most touched pretentious by fingers paper taper . 3-A Of type many of vices creature he ' s not the , alas sum succinct extinct . ,
4 . A Of na many me which men no does gentle belie termination its derivation . , 5-A As useful Shakespeare creature says , whi , c " B y you cock can you ' t name are to blame . " 6 .
Which The first of lett fools ers which since then old C have adm tried us hit their on ; wit on . many 7 . Cut off a king ' s head , then cut off the tail To Of hi find m wh what o m otherwise ade so many would ; you labour 'll not much fail entail . 8 . A But name not with that ' filthy very lucre oft with , or purloined lucre ' s joi . ned ,
Answer To Enigma In Our Last.—One's Own ...
Answer to Enigma in our Last . —One ' s Own Self . Ghost Incorrect , Samuel answers E . Thomas have , been Ratap received lan , Lizzie from Burley Gray , , C . Armstrong y , Ruby ' s , Charles Rhales , Henry James , Captain de Boots , 'Andy Clark , L . L Charl . M es . Livesay O . N ., , Louisa and A Cockney Crawshay , ppop Hurston hagists Poi . nt , Thomas Nobbs ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 19, 1868, page 270, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_19121868/page/10/