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264 THE TOMAHAWK. [December 19, 1868.
* ^ * they Editor Correspondents attach ...
THE WEEK. Str Richard Mayne has not yet ...
We understand that the Royal Tradesmen h...
Mr. Gladstone's seriousness of purpose i...
Not even the robes of the Sovereign were...
A well-known and generous Irishman has r...
A not very imperial organ on the other s...
against When the Sir dogs Richard in the...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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264 The Tomahawk. [December 19, 1868.
264 THE TOMAHAWK . [ December 19 , 1868 .
LONDON , DECEMBER 19 , 1868 .
,Kcanamla Kwahamot.Ecnepeerht Ecirp
, KCANAMLA KWAHAMOT . ecnepeerhT ecirP
To Ma Ha Wk Alma Na Ck, Second Issue Is ...
* ^ * They Editor Correspondents Attach ...
* ^ * they Editor Correspondents attach on any any consideration value are informed to them whatever . All that letters . Contributions Contributors on LITERARY cannot should matters make possibly copies should be of returned be their addressed articles by the to If the ( Mr . Editor Heather . ) Letters to ensure , on atte purely ntion BUSINHSS Envelopes matters containing , should solely be addres Answers sed to to Puzzles the Publisher must be marked after the " Thursday Puzzle , " or evening no notice follo will wing be the taken publication of their contents of the paper . Answers . cannot be received
The Week. Str Richard Mayne Has Not Yet ...
THE WEEK . Str Richard Mayne has not yet resigned / / f
We Understand That The Royal Tradesmen H...
We understand that the Royal Tradesmen have assumed for their motto , " Ex Nile oh ! Nihil fit ! "
Mr. Gladstone's Seriousness Of Purpose I...
Mr . Gladstone ' s seriousness of purpose is fully shown in his refusal to make a place in the ministry for that arch jester , Bernal Osborne . Surely he has better wit and better sense , too , than Ayrton .
Not Even The Robes Of The Sovereign Were...
Not even the robes of the Sovereign were present at the opening of Parliament . Perhaps Her Majesty is so pleased with the people ' s Representatives that she does not wish to bring their debates to a clothes *
Not Even The Robes Of The Sovereign Were...
"Surely " CLOSi ; " Is notmeant by the writer . —{ Ed . TOMAIIAWK . 1
A Well-Known And Generous Irishman Has R...
A well-known and generous Irishman has refused the Chief Commissionership of the Metropolitan Police ( offered to him in anticipation of Sir Richard's resignation ) because he declared that he " would rather be any thing than Mayne / "
Wild Boar-Gia!
A Not Very Imperial Organ On The Other S...
A not very imperial organ on the other side of the Channel has Wales , thank , found s to out the a new recent meaning accident in Comp to H i . & R gne . H . . the Those Prince much of - prized even with invitations her false , for hair which are not many after a Parisian allthe beautiful lady would part liments the world would , have us , imagine . , The paper is comp white hbut death ¦ ¦» works m ¦• in the ink •«¦» . Napoleon hh - ^» - w » like wm the ¦ Borgia
enoug ^ mw • ^ mw ** w Bib , j ^ " ^ ^*^ wr »^ ar v ¦ w » ™ » ^ . » » ™ * ^ ^ w » » ^^ »^ » ^» w ^ --w ^ v w ^ v , j ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^^ —¦ - ^^ - ^ - ^^ m , j poison wishes being to get out rid of of fashion his " friends , owing " to in the a friendl prevailing y way taste , and for so , fiost- ? nortcm examination , he hits on the no less happy expeand dient the of wildest giving of them boars a day , are ' s kept sport ready . Savage at all and deserted trained spots stags in , the forest , and woe to the chasseur who is led into the snare .
A Not Very Imperial Organ On The Other S...
According solel quite providential that , then his life , to , he Jules mi having ht , the recent been the invei escape hitch gled of int the o in Prince the the " ' reci ont was - y gavenge , say procity Jules treaty has , . on the strength of this , favoured us with the following , which is , of course , absolutely authentic . Scene—The Palace at Compieg ? ie .
E 7 iter the Queen Empero of r Spain , the , King and Prince of Prussia Christian , the . Czap , the The Emperor . —Good morning , gentlemens and woman . The Prince Czar Christian . —Good morning . —O yes , you ! Ros Sar ! bif ! I am Anglische ! dam The . King O yes of ! Prussia . —No , Sir , you are one Schlesviger . Clean Prince Jfa fc my boot Christian . fc rffc r ~ te fc 4 b . — O yes ! I am Ang J lische Duke !
- ^ b ^ u ^ *» ^^ - r " *^ ^*^ ^^^ ^^^^ m- * v - ^^ m - ^* ^^ v — — —y — rf . 'Oorah The Queen ! Long of live Spain s the . — Queen 'Oorah ! ! 'Oorah ! ! 'Oorah ! !! The Emperor . —O yes ! Let us ' ont . { To the Czar . ) You a shall strong go and tree . find I g one ive . little you this stag gun that . not { Gives bite it , tied . ) It by carry his ' orn nine to - mile that , little and kill st ten . I stag tell each of time and . fire Go . and Ha stick ! ha it ! on the kill eye him of dead : it is the ag , ' ontVive you le , sportgentlemens and you woman !
The Czar . —Thank . you , Sa ' ar , I , shall . [ Exit , him The , and Emperor hold the { stag to the when King he of is dead Prussia , or ) cut . —You off his shal leg l , follow when he not look . { Gives knife . ) It is great sport . I do it myself —{ aside )—at the dinner ! Ha ! ha ! { Laug The hs King . ) That of P is russia only my . — one I will little stick joke , this you in know to . the Czar . Exit
[ . sport tame The . ! Empero There You will is r ' a { ont to little the him Queen p f ig { with Gives of blue S spear pain ribbon . ) ) . —You on would his face like ; so le The Queen ~ of Spain . —O yes ! { Aside . ) I shall ' [ ont Exit you . . The Emperor { to Prince Christian ) . —You not worth the ' ont Prince , eh ? Christian . —That is one lie . They do make le sport of me in my country . I am Anglische Duke . 'Oorah [ ! Exit .
The Last Cur Of The Season.
Against When The Sir Dogs Richard In The...
against When the Sir dogs Richard in the Mayne early part issued of the his summer obnoxious , not manifesto the least which irritating point available of its introduction brick wall was was the aggressive lacarded manner with the in every p p " leased Notice to . " repeal When his the edict other it was day but the natural Chief Commissioner to expect that was the the the was same case case accorded publicity , for for the the to would . public nublic its imposition be have have given been been to ; the this left leit retraction , to to however find hnd out out , of for tor has the tnemseives themselves not order been as
from quasi , -authoritative newspaper paragraphs , that their dogs had Mayne been may restored have ^ to been liberty to rush . Unwilling into print , however just at , as present Sir Richard , the / c order lamation of last . The June following could only documen be cancelled t was by evidently a further not pro in- - tended confidential for publication subordinates to the has worl done d , b us ut as one favour of Sir to forward Richard ' s less copy than to us we give canno it a , place in a in cknow our l co edgment lumns : — of the attention , do X COMMAND ^ X * » * t * * ' JL 4 > a . ^ ^ «» . *• ¦ .
to WHEREAS declare sty to ling me themselves that for the the order past the public for three the , months have remova dared certain l by the co approach mmon Police persons of me stray and , to and to myself entertain unmuzzled , and such the clogs office impertinent was I no do longer the representations country necessary the , honour 1 . have Now to considered , however hold , to , refuse it that due that Parliament the order is about above referred assemble to shall , it is be my in abeyance WILL and till in PLEASURE my wisdom I CHOOSE to renew it . Signed , Scotland Yard , 30 th November , 1868 . Richard Mayne .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 19, 1868, page 264, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_19121868/page/4/