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No. 68.] LONDON , AUGUST 22, 1868. [Pric...
by the Certainly the earth relentless , ...
ber If that on the moors should , and no...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal Of Sati...
No. 68.] London , August 22, 1868. [Pric...
No . 68 . ] LONDON , AUGUST 22 , 1868 . [ Price Two p ence .
Another Murder At The Jfaymarket!
By The Certainly The Earth Relentless , ...
by the Certainly the earth relentless , he must , if kitchenmaid the often ghost wish of that of Shakespeare Warburton his plays had or ever been been does numbered all burned revisit with the lost books of Livy . , the at There this drama slack is always may season now a spasmodic of be the seen year trying . attempt The their unfled to revive plumeless ged Shakespeare bantlings wings in of anything of the great but tragedians graceful flights (!) whom . Now the is gods the have time left for us the , to pup come ils out in " something grand " and take the town by stormThese ¦¦
^* - ™ » — ^^ ^ b- - *^ <**^>» ^ b- v *« air —^* -T ™ & bb * bi » m ^ « b mi b > - ^* m ^ b ^ btav *^*^ h m m - ^ ^ - ^^ » ¦» ^ b » a ^^ y »^ ^ ^ b * Mb m * m *^ . 9 > Br * , ^***^ * ^^ same Minerva pup , or ils perhaps are generall they would y more not favoured find it so by easy Fortuna to make than a first appearance before as much of a London audience as friendship , and curiosity , and " paper " can get together . Every West-end theatre which happens to be vacant at this time of year purif appears itperhaps to go fro throug m the h a pollution cours % e of of the sensational legitimate ieces drama and , to
those J" ^*™»*™ y » anatomical , 9 ^ V **¦ « r 1 , exhibitions *»«¦*! " >»* » w * 4 bb < ««•» a ^_ r ^ bTbVbi which **•»*« ' * Abb go ^ b"b > W by VA'WVWVJlVAAMfA the name p ¦«¦* » ^^ ^* of ^* »•» bur MiU « fc - lesque . And after all , going to see Shakespeare ( provided you have got a book with you ) is a nearer approach to an intellectual recreation , than the unrestricted contemplation of Miss pasteboard Phemy Smith steamer ' s legs , on or the four agonised legs , or even sensation a practicable caused by railway a real engine —* " ~™ - ^^ v ^ w » - ^^ ^^ r with w w ^ v ^ p ^^^ ^ a ^^^ tinsel ^ p b * bsb * ^ B' ^ b * bb boiler w ^ B' «»^» ^ B ~ ^ B . B > ^ It ^ B » is B » ^ B » certainl ^ t ^ vj ^ b » »» vw # b b * b > B » y m v a ^ bj ^ nobler Bi ^ ^^ bb ^ B * ^ B ^^™ ambition b ^^» b » b » b » *^ B » b * wp ^ ^ B ^ bj » B . to w ^ B *
attempt Shakespeare and fail , than to attempt and succeed inwell such , envi we won able ' t distinction single out . any of our great living dramatists for st Scarcel This y had noble we ambition recovered " has from been the very inarticulat prevalent e gaspings lately . ¦ that of v ^ m ^ m v ^ Mr r merry ^^^» b » . ^ BVBB Allerton * B ^ M wag V * ^^^ J !^^ M , , Mr ^ ^^ than ^^ . Creswick ^^^ ^^ ^^^ we ^^^ ^^ ^^^ saw BB » , W gail 3 BB * ^ m > ourselves W > W y J careering ^ B * Bj ^ B ^ B » ^ BT ^ B » ^ V bBBBBJ invited B ^ b > throug V * B » . BBB ^ r ^^ B » 9 HK to h ^ v ^ V ^ Hamlet ^ witness B" ^ — ' v v b ~ ^ w B > » .
season Even the became levity sobered of Charles down Mathews into a , flabb towards y villany the , end as unsatis of the - been factory left as out a bottle of it for of twenty Chateau -four Yq hours uem , . the But cork at the of which Haymar has - in ket time , whither to see , till the latel elegant y , Society Mr . went Sothern comfortably leap off a after tower dinner on to just a feather bed—an intellectual effort to which the mental powers of Society were nearly equal—the sacred home of Buckstone and Braid j rctiu has been for tur the last xaai two iwu three weeks wecKb in in the hands of ui
_ » nas ocen me or ux mrcc me uauua a band of bravos , who have been murdering as many of time Shakespeare allowed ' s them heroes . We and assisted heroines at as one they of the could latest in the outrages short on the characters in Cymbelzne and our very passive share of tragedian tragedian the guilt . still there ther haunts e is is no no our doubt doubt slumbers ; : but but when when . Mr the the . Ryder whol whole e is stage stage a great is is
peopled by , imitations of Mr . Ryder , in various states of feebleness not , mean it becomes for one , moment to say the to deny least that , rather Shakespeare trying . intended We do nearl it is too all of deep his lines and recon to consist dite a three view gasps of bla and nk a verse scream for to any attempt one , who to has dispute not . had The a long various experience emendations on the , which stage , reverent t wbb and industrious students b of tm our great bb poet kip w > have » r made bbbh wb
— » , - « - ^_> m «¦*•** ~»» *>*>•> *•—• *» Bar bj •> > mv w * xr _ t w » warn * ¦ "a ^ w «^ "» JM >^ > ^^ n « ^^ ^ v *••• w w , >^ , ^^ on the original text , are no doubt very valuable ; but it becomes the a little Third embarrassing Lady in waiting when , every introduces character his or , from her own the King peculiar to reading of Shakespeare ' s lines , even though the great object ,
to temporaries the go thre on e and gasps have prosper and encouraged a ; they scream have , Mr be prop . Lewis secured hesied Nanton . that Some he , for of will instance our take con a - , learn great position to speak on one the line stage , at . least We , naturall hope he y may , with ; but due first regard let him to as metre his , admirers rhythm , and would sense lead , and us to surely , if he he be need such not a great imitate genius the journeyman of nature who made him suppose so abominably , . Mr . Henry Marston occasioned us considerable discomfort B ) B 4 by constantly
re-Jkl ^ k * * f m ^ B * W ^ B * ^^ fe V *** VbTW ^ W ^ B *^ B ^^ B ^^ v * ^ b «* VI % ^ ^ B * ™^ * BW W ^ * ^ B ^^ 4 ¦ pBJ m ^ A % f ^* B « # ^^ ^^ * -W M . ^ *^ V W ^ B > ^ B ~ ««*^ v — — —— J ^^ minding of tender us years of , a the very which terrible figure wax was -work supposed figure that to be we undergoing saw when the murder pro , c and ess that did gasp he made and gurgle our infant and groan soul to so quake fearfully within during us . . afflicted ing The , but exhibitor we with could assured a similar not believe us peculiarity it was him onl . y Mr in the . breathing H figure enry ' s Marston way . As of breath for seems the - other male characters . Mr . Nelson as Clolen was the only tolerable oneand he took , to filling the sfeet in
Shake-Y » v ' ^ VB *^ % If mi * IB ) « O | B WBBV , 4 ^ V 4 *^ b ^^^ 0 VgP ^ BT ^ BVhBk W *^ | B ** AJ > BBiB up BJB 1 Bl ^ W ^ Bfl « jT ^ V pare m ^ — V B « ^^ V BT ^ B > ^ B * ^ ^^^ ' ^ —— wv ^ . ^ ^^ ti of speare ogres ghts something and ' make s verse tinsel , when better ( as armour he they than spoke . are A the going certain it ) re with st to , but Mr noises eat . he the Roberts , did such young not showed as lad succeed burlesque y in signs silk in dissipating the impression that all the characters were saying their lessons , and saying them very indifferently . ¦ ^ Miss ^ ^^ ^ b ^^ M ^ . Frances A * ^ b ^ J * B B * b £ % ^ ^^^ B ^ T B Bouverie ^^ ' ^^ ^ mW B Vg ^ Ah 4 B » b ^ demands ^»^* ^** ** ^* ™ . Wi ^ W ^* ^^* BB" ^ a ^^ few ^ B ^ V " » words » ^ B" ^ B ^^^ B ^«^ of ^^ ^ " ^ friendl ^ " ^ ^ ^™ ^ ^ y ^^ I
has her must advice cut evidentl use . off Let much her y her something train more study , unless study her of words and she dramatic care have more before two and power boys her she to in robes can carry her do less , but it justice . . She Let she J ' to expression such a character , and her as voice Cymbeline , thoug . h Her musical face in lacks parts mobility , requires of j great and take management the human . Let heart her as unlearn a teacher most and that her she emotion has learned will , move both herself and her audience more , . We were painfullimpressed with the want in Eng ¦ land of a
good V V ^ B * school * * ^ HP B » ^ BT HB ^ B of ^^ VW BJ BM elocution ^ W V ^ P BVVB y B b » > b > Bk A | tf A .. ^ V * B ? How W ^ B ^ ^^^ T V can B » Vf ^^ ^ BrilV we ^ B ^ 7 W W hope VW ^ HV ^^ ^ bB to 1 ^ hav ^ BH ^— e ^ v ^ ^ actors ^ ~^^ w — ¦ when is liable what to raw be deformed talent or genius by teachers aspirants who to the can stage only serve possess as , warnings , not as examples ?
For Sir John Pakingtons Digestion A N Ex...
Ber If That On The Moors Should , And No...
ber that on the moors should , and not use you ha ramrod ve a ch ance a breech of a grouse -loader , remem . - A cartridge you is explosible , and will not bear testing between the kitchen bars . are BIBJ BB ^ No ^ aware V W » » round BfBJB . ^^ of « T B > . » shot has been successfully made square that we
A sixteen-pound salmon does not necessarily mean a fish that costs What sixteen is the sovereigns difference . between own calibre and that of a great gun ? your plexion Nitro . -glycerine Try it next is not time used you blow for chapped up an aide hands -de-camp or the . com-Will you make a Report when you go off ?
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 22, 1868, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_22081868/page/1/