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A ugust 32, i868,] THE T OMAHA WK. 79
has Dion again the achieved Great, the a...
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But We Ver Are Y Frail Too . Often Some ...
" The birdlime which stuns while it sticks " ? We might go on multiplying instances of the way in which to verse Tupper publish ; ' but s mind we a poem are has enabled become which , inspired by the a wonderful modest with the songster effort spirit of of of clairvoyance Swinburne The Rock ' s , has testant held flavour back of , the which charming must domestic commend interest it to all and admirers true Pro of - Martin Farquhar Tupper : —
GOING TO THE WASH . { Lmes written on Monday morning . )' By M . F . T . I reall I must y must watch loo hpw k to my my shirts washing are got s wee up ; k , ¦ For flk KSM . I A feel ^—V ^ J . that IvXXfctrb in 111 matters JtJLJ . » -V 4 * ir ^ 'A like **« . »¦* - » this VMAvl I --W ' ¦ m *»» . too W *¦¦ -r w * meek »* •«• **> ,
And I don ' t keep my pluck enough up ; I oug For of sheep be brav , sure e , and the male to speak is a Tup mind , out , And I must I am put a Tupper Mrs . Sarah , so quite Hiccup to the . * rout Let Five me collars see ; five ( not fine paper shirts ) to as match ever , was seen , With four pairs of socks , some blue and some green ,
Then Will Will of make make handkerchiefs up tin a a beautiful beautiful seven batch batch seem ; : semblant to see And two or three neckties so white ! , Every When clear on starcher my sacred ' s soul things will they be st set rang sig ht . with glee , Stop And , I ' ve nearl flannel y forgotten shirts too two I vow jerseys ! ( quite thin ) , In this weather it ' s right to wear flannel next skin .
One At ni least ghtshirt I do , i trul f modesty y so trow lets ; me to add . I ¦ _ would Society In my mention list sneers I must that my also nig it ' s htcap incl rude u , . , t soberly sad , Mrs A . n Sarah d return Hiccup all the now thi I hope that will I send take care , But trumpets of treachery ngs tickle the air Till bv » 4 V * bb I bv ^ know ^^ bV ^^ F v V not AJm ^^ v where V V ^ ah ^^* *» Treason ^ p bV ^ v wvh * p ^ if m m- ¦¦ ' will W V ? •*• end mm " ^^ ! *
W M hat shirts if Rituali to s make t robbers es sho with uld recklessl to seize y join . Or the y patter , ing Papist cop my parcel , purloin i His priests so prehensile to please ? wonderful There , we way think the lyrical that this melody charming of Swinburne poem with combines the tender in a is domestic still there simplicity , and unless of the the Tupperian great philosop muse . her But can the shake corruption himself free from the allurements of alliteration and jingling rhyme we the f Fall ear th at Tupper we shall . indeed have to witness , with tearful eyes ,
But We Ver Are Y Frail Too . Often Some ...
* A sobriquet for the washerwoman . " ' ' ¦ MI > IIMWtfl ||^^» i | il ' BWN «» , M »» w- - | M . ii . Jiil ¦ l . Bm «»>»» J ^¦¦¦¦ l i ¦¦ p . . » . i . lf ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦>» ib » b . » jmp » p ^^
A Ugust 32, I868,] The T Omaha Wk. 79
A ugust 32 , i 868 , ] THE T OMAHA WK . 79
After Jdark.
Has Dion Again The Achieved Great, The A...
has Dion again the achieved Great , the a literary inexhaustible success , . the Boucicault never-to < -be adds -suppressed another brought . £ 45 , 000 out to the After account Dark at and his a grateful bankers manager ' . Dion has Boucicault telegraphed has down to Brighton , where , the great man is " smoking his cigar ( orator champion think Mr of . that of George dramatic I ) on Vining the art esplanade . ; , to say * that ' ( we Dion Quote is that again well the -known only question l A % 0 literary of literary success merit \ Well we ¦¦ mi , of ght b course find Jbf , it if difficult we went to fcV into £ the for
know or * -v » against * V . , v-t # of AJb V putting /* 5 but VW-l . •? then * a piece *** , Mr * * V together . Boucicault * « *¦>¦ . <¦ . A , V that c ** has \ A is c a ^ uite way ******* irresistible W of V »* W his V > - * argue " own * > . . * - >» , The » you * * % ** -. * will reader introduce probably him never then was without in the delay great . Dion ' s laboratory . We it hi Mr gh . Dion time Boucicault to think about having his half income -an-hour for to next spare year , and , is finding sitting lies down a comp with lete paper edition , pens , ofX and ^ Thddtre ink before ContemPorain him , while . at Drawings his side of " sensations " of all kinds , as produced at London , provincial ,
Has Dion Again The Achieved Great, The A...
floor and . foreign theatres , are hung round the room and cover the a part " Let for me himself see . Vining , and a wants considerable a piece with pile scenery of agony for . Lloyds Let us , bit look from throug another h these and plays an . ori By inal the sensation powers ! . this will do , with a UEl " Serjents ysee ^ quat de tzer viHe St — . Policemen Antoine g — . the Htrondelles Elysium — in Nig Broadway ht-birds . , Westminster .
V W ^ BB 1 ^ BP ^ ^^^ Bt ^^ B" ^^^ HBB BB ^ BP ^ BB ^^^ P B ^ " This is child ' s play ! I suppose I must put down something for the p the iece characters ought to go to in say a ; series but , reall of tableaux y , if Lloyds . does his best the "Byjabers Vic , where ! the that express was a good comes sensational down to the scene foot they -light had s and at stops in that before ; it wasn it runs ' t orig off inal the at rails the into Vic , the for orchestra Charlie Dickens . We'll put got rid of bpbp Carkers bbibtbfbbi bi bit in b that aBiBpbb ¦¦ 1 t Virfv ¦ so we'll try an at the b ^ b ^ bb 1
^— ^ " ^ p ^^ ^ ° *^» ^»^» ^^ p' ^^ p » ^» ¦ wap »* Bp way T , Vbt ™* p ^ * ^^ p ^ ^*^* ™ " ^* F ^> vot express ^^ r ^ ^ W ^^ ^^ ^ " ^ " ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ p tear Princess up the ' s , smash rails with in an the earth Metropolitan quake . , stab the inspector , and " Stay ! the express and the damage to the Metropolitan will be quite enough this time . I'm on the track . Lo ! there it stands found . Tom What Robertson shall it , he be took called that ? ; Caste and Society is a good would title scarcel . Con y - suit — ' — m ^ BrBr . ¦ Blow ¦ ^ Bp- - ^ - ^ for m - ^ w Blow m " ^ mr ^— w . ^ No bh v « r « ! m I ^ quite ^ rm ^ v M ^ ^^ forgo ^» -mr ^» w ^ h - *^ t ^ m B ' —i yron j ^* ^^ ^^ m ' s ^^ p n ^ ^ iece - ^^ ^» - - ^^ .
besides Birds of , Miss Prey . Braddon That looks might like object the . orig After inal too Dark much . Wilkie ; and , ages Collins ago won , and 't I object shall ; do any so how now , . I There meant it to is— reg After ister Dark that . title " Act I . " Sc Sc . . 2 1 . . — —Mews Victoria , with Station real , straw with . a real cab . Sc Sc . . 4 3 . — — Covent Silver Hell Garden , with M reall arket y good with intentions real cabbages . .
Sc Sc . . 6 5 . . . — — The Temp Zoo le Bar , with , with real real monkeys advertisements , . . Sc . 7 . —Blackfrzars Bridge , with real suicide . " If Lloyds does this scene well— . ( We open a parenthesis to remark that Mr . Lloyds did do this scene particularly well ; but V ^ BP ^^^ H V ^ it ^ ^ P * ^ is ^ ^^ P * a ^^ ' ^ P ^ remarkable . V ^ VT ' *^ P ^^ vwn * ^^ ^ B « ^^ " ^^ r ^^ v ^^ P ^ BP ^ thing ^ v HJb 1 B | b > PIBK that W Bi BB V ) PV Bl scene ~^ B > B ^ ^/ ^^^^ Bp -painters ^ P ^ v ^^^ V ^ ^ B ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ B ^ ^^ ^^^ never ^ v ^^ BT ^ V ^^ P seem ^^ i * ^^^ ^ p «^ ^ v ^^ to ^^ i - ^^ p-
have much observed better such how a reds scene lose would their be colour with all at ni bright ght , and dresses how toned down to a uniform tint . ) "Act II . " Sc Sc . . 2 1 . . — — Dr The y arches Lilacs , , with with real real curtains spirits . . Sc Sc P V . . 3 4 . — — Greenwich Cremorne BP HP , with with BB BHB real BB » real B ^ V B ^ BI fireworks whitebait flW « B / . .
~^^ B * ^~ VVW . ^~ ^ BP ^ V ^ V ^ V ^ P V ^ ^ WBB BP , B ^ BB . ^ ~^ g ^ « ^ BF BHB ^ V Sc Sc . . o 5 . . — — Green Garden cham gate ber , with , with real real Walter sobs . Lacy * My . Eliza Hann !!!' "Act III . " Sc . 1 . —El comic ysium Musi ong in c all Hall its , dreadful with real reality break , - real down billiard , real Sc . 2 . —Crystal table , Palace & c , dedicated , with real to acrobats G . W . M and . Reynolds Mr . Coward .
Sc . 3 . —Wine on on the the cellars organ oreran , with .. real key-hole . Sc . 4 . —Real curtain . Sc . 5 . —Underground railsreal red Railway firereal , with slack real lime semap and real hore sensa , real - tion . , Very well managed , . , Sc . 6 . —Bursting surgeon of , and the real locomotive railway , with director real . accidents , real
"Act IV . " Sc . 1 . —The Lilacs again , with real curtains as before . Sc . 2 . —Storming Chief . of Magdala , with real Commander-in-Sc . 3 . —Attack on Private Junks and fall of Theodore . " There , with a little Cutting , that will draw . "
We agree with Mr . Boucicault . In fact * if Mr . Vining had onl Rose y engage Leclercq d Mr to . look Lloyds like to Kate do the Terry sdenery and and come engines in with , Miss the himself tableaux , as trouble wanted , for Mr s . o Boucicault paltry a sutrt need as sc ^ 45 arcel 000 y , have to waste given so for muc i ts good decorations writing on on a piece which the public will rush to see y _ _ _ _ j 9 _ _ __ - - _ ... ^
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 22, 1868, page 79, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_22081868/page/11/