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8o THE TOMAHAWK , {August 22 , 1868.
ing The prospe Dail ct y s asking Detona...
I. A Will A homely scri do ptural fo - r...
1. Manhattan. 2. Coffee. 3. Cataract. 4....
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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8o The Tomahawk , {August 22 , 1868.
8 o THE TOMAHAWK , { August 22 , 1868 .
Single Or Double,
Ing The Prospe Dail Ct Y S Asking Detona...
ing prospe Dail ct y s asking Detonator for , having space , has Antwerp close fetes d its and zoetr electioneer opic corre- - th has spondence e hot sold weather the on paper " . Marriage Had and cost the or public nothing Celibacy benefit a "— column a alon correspondence e to been . produce the motive during which bee of publi n saved shing much individual wading experiences through a , th sloug e reader h of s gush would by have the editor ' s condensation of the various observations offered as an excellent Perhaps 1 substitute it would % A for be marmalade as well to + t \ at show 1 the Tf morning by illustration meal 1 . the 1 ad \ -
- *¦ % *•*¦ * - * - » - *| -r » - » * w ^ «•« .. * . •** % * % /* + * * r \* JLM , J WAU *** J * . * A . V ** J WJ . UWVU VI . V UAva gallons ntage of ga insi ined pid by li quid iving . drops of pungent essence instead of MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY . To the Editor , &* c . Letter I . Sir—Annie JkUltAV is £ O a dear \/ Mli and tliU would live on VAX sixpence a day V & d for
my ¦ without V- sake l ^ J , * , Words as she on ca the U n concertina cook ^ , wa TV VUJ sh . , darn 11 V \*> , and ^ lAL p l ays UVV th Or e Song Y 1 \ SJL Yours , & c , Letter II . Bachelor , jet . 18 . £ do Sir a , - —George in the is Post a noble -office . soul I , shall with love a strong to welcome right arm him and to his *^ lain *¦* year ¦¦* dinner \ 4 & 1 ( cooked bme ) of cold la AUU m b W and UUV 4 ta hUA rt as ? he
co M .. m . mes r p »»• . home « . I . AA with X >« V a ^* camellia VA ^^^ VA y in ¦*¦*** his " / * - ' *¦ button ^^ V ^ AV * -hole . W C ** X * V * Yours , Maidenjet , 19 . Letter III . , christeni Sir , — ng Just fro got ck— a so sixth economical baby . Wife it will will do have for Honiton the next lac I e We on are always in debt on ^ 800 a-year .
Yours , Letter IV . Pater , ^ t . 30 . of Sir married , —I am life . mother Boot- of mending four children comes after to , £ 20 less pe than r annum five ; ye and ars we since the now hoop ing inching -cough black . Husband and blu in e the to City pay , the £ 1 * doctor 2 . 0 a-year ' s bill . Yours , Mater Mater , jet j et . . 24 24 ..
Letter V . , anything Sir , —What you like selfish to offer non . sense men write ! I will marry on Yours , Spinster j et . 39 . Letter VI . , hands Sir , — on Absurd a le talk of thou of marriage a-as . a Can bachelor ' t keep out of Jews one '
think of anothe coup r ? . year . Letter VII . rs , Swell , jet . 27 . Poverty Sir , — , I & c do . It not is believe true I have Love been flies broug out of ht the up window in Belgravia when , but we , oug though ht to I live have com nothing fortabl , y . u I can is do in the without Guard powder s , and on sur the ely
footmen ' s hair . Yours , Letter VIII . SWELLE , JET , 21 . for Sir a co , — mic I earn paper five . Maud shillings and a I -week only want by writing a room Social in a cottage Songs to be superlatively happy . Side by side on a sofa all day we do compose as we our do ? little rhymes and are content . Why do not others
Letter IX Yours . , Youth , jet , 20 . b Sir his , —I e h he ave would met slave Charlie his but life twice at for croquet me . It , is an all d I I know ask . y ey away Yours , Maidenjev . 24 . ,
Letter X . Sir Flower . —OVEy at yearl button y expenses -hole , 6 d as a -day bachelor ' . ¦ are . _ ¦¦ " :- — . £ s . d . Ess a- . w bouquet eek . and . brilliantine . . , . two . bottles . . 14 . 00 Patent Three hats leather at boots £ 1 is , . at one . pai . r ; per . month . . . -1 3 5 o 3 o o Two Cravats umbrellas and , loves , at £ at 1 4 l s east . , . . . 10 280 0 o
Tailor ' s bill— g not sent , in . . . . . . . . 060 . ^ 54 1 6 Allowance Clerk's salary from in papa Quarts , per and annum Pints Office . . . . 70 30 o o p o Leaves or about for lodg iSs . ing a-week , keep ! , dress , and cabs . £ 4 . $ 18 6 ' Georg What ina should ' s s I ? be without the flower , brilliantine , & c , ^ & c , in
eye Yours A , Philosopher of Twenty Years . Letter XI . hai r and , —If camb you ric saw ha Frank ndkerch with ief his Stephanotis would believe and with his me smooth that he is incapable of a bad action . , you It would be a bad action to force me to give up my chignons and flirtation for the horrors
of of a a nursery nurserv .. , Yours , Letter XII . Georgina , ^ et . 26 . their Sir , healths —Do as ' sake I do . we We neither have a clothe famil , y ed of ucat four e , nor children feed . them For , three and they horses seem , which to thrive I never on the pay dirt . for We . My keep wife a broug is a little m and too
fon debts d . of dress , but a little whitewash covers a multitude of Yours " , Scamp , jet . 40 . Surely more practical good sense is to be learnt from this ended series than in smoke from the or emigratio columns n of , to amateur the visible epistles swelling which of hav the e Detonator ' s coffers !
The Maniacs Column; Puzzles For Or, Luna...
I. A Will A Homely Scri Do Ptural Fo - R...
I . A Will A homely scri do ptural fo - r bred country name second ray which first so whole will me express women is the name possess j Of an artist my whose works ; my are widespread as his fame . 2 . To My first ' sec sh o o rt word for male a long m er claim name , As My but whole my for pe Sc r fo pture rme every r non of su e would wondro ay take us for acts , facts .
Answers To The Puzzles In Our Last.
1. Manhattan. 2. Coffee. 3. Cataract. 4....
1 . Manhattan . 2 . Coffee . 3 . Cataract . 4 . Prevarication . Rub Rutle Answers y ' y s , Ghost A Chickaleary , G v eneral e been Bloke Bourn received , , Bungs Silly from Tommy Chubbles Four , Mabel H , Esq astings ., May Foxy S , Fras V ps . , Stri Searle Harry pes , Bobb Botesdale Imperial ypeeps , George Guppy lorapomknaveoclubsfarfetstob , and C . Gerty R . R . , , T Generalderbese . F . B ., Herne year ngard wig Hill he e ureureumrliumhoo , Jacob Veni , Vidi W . McD Vici ., - , kooks Tremens Solved , Samuel It , The Due Malve E . Thomas Dami m gelle , Three dil F boschetto Black . V . Dia S . Habbit monds Settentrionale , The H Sa , vage Hawkins Delirium , Jack ( Pu Brixton ppies , ) , , Stup Muchtooeasy id Owl ( Forest Spooney foralunatic 'Hill , ) , , Linda Old , Brum Princess , B , aker , S enry ' tou Bills t Pi , mlico Two Yorkshire Felpham Fidgets Tike , Si , ne Three Macula Stray , Cheek Buzwings y ( Br , ompton El " pfyri ) , , Awful Dixon Duffer Scrp . , A
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 22, 1868, page 80, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_22081868/page/12/