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7O THE TOM AH A WK. [August 22, 1868.
tioned The by University Governm of ent ...
the Now time that has the come season ro...
Vive la Lanterne.—No sooner has the Lant...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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7o The Tom Ah A Wk. [August 22, 1868.
7 O THE TOM AH A WK . [ August 22 , 1868 .
Ladies' University Examinations.
Tioned The By University Governm Of Ent ...
tioned The University Governm of ent London , for Public has issued Examination its regulations s for Women , sanc- , list The candidates subjects are which to be will examined necessitate next a new May profession ( 1869 ) in a in the ng metropolis such paper —that as , the of f Female ollowing Crammer at the very . We least may , and expect we pity some the poor Examinations dear girls . who intend to go in for the London University May Term , 1869 . Latin .
Grammar 1 . Conjugate " on this the head verb . amo . Quote the " Comic Latin sa 2 ils . Translate and state N whence olens v derived olens , Ab . uno disce onines , Cum grano 4 3 . . , Decline Scan uxor , and state why . A Tityre nna virumque tu fiatulce , cano &^ c , . &~* c . Give V the 111 nameor / n AiailiVWa amesof / authors bJ
N ^ l X ¥ , . W llCVXllV'J , VJ . , VJ . CA . U .. A . WA * J . Which 5 . State do you your pref opinion erand of why Ovid ? ' s Arts and Horace ' s Odes . tion 6 . article Translate into a dog passage Latin , from . Give the the Daily Eng Detonator lish of cur ' s . last sensa-English Language . 1 . Give the derivations of the words joll y , muff , duffer ; rove 2 r , croqueted what wnat . British Where classics classics used in best do the iiie authors following ? uotation i
z . . From r rom JDrmsn uu luuuwiug q quuuti . u . uss come 3 . Give —Like exa a bird , Out of for the a uses lark , Not which for Joseph that f that which which thatthat mp therethem whichand any , similar , gramma- , tical idioms , you may be , in the habit , of using . Guy 4 . Livingstone Give the plots and Enoch The Moonstone Arden . Who , Lady by ? Audley's Secret , titled 5 . Write The Girl an answer in , the to Gutter the article . in the Saturday Review
en-History . 2 1 . . Which Name your do you own think hero . the most ill-used man , Henry the Ei 3 g . hth Give or short Charles memoirs the Second of Joan ? of ArcMadame de Maintenon 4 . What , and the is the Qu use een of of dates the Iceni ? . , Gil 5 p . Whose ' s ? history do you prefer — Macaulay ' s or J ohn
Mathematics * 2 1 . . If What you is have a soverei ten pounds gn worth and , and only how spend far fifteen will it , go how ? comes the it you 3 . result When cannot three you live for divide within yourself four your by and income two one , wh to y ? the do you other invariabl side ? y make 4 . In wedlock do one and one always make two ?
Natural Philosophy and Chemistry . 2 1 . . ? What Is the is air the by vacuum Beethoven abhorred composed by nature of oxygen ? , and hydrogen 3 . Why does a kettle sing , a chimney smoke , a fire go out , a mother out 4 . at Wh the -in y - window law does scold Poverty ? , and Is this come a baby true in cut ? at its the teeth door ? when Love flies ment 5 . Exp and lain " cold" app to lied to a reception , " heat" to an
argu-6 . Give , the " vapottrs formula " for any the elements lady . of Hi : cocc : Alorum : J ig . Music . 2 1 . . Do Do you like to the listen Opera or to ? talk Which ? V Phia 3 . workski Give you the go . biographies of Rdne Favarger , Claribel , and side 4 . drum What ? is your notion of thorough bass as applicable to the 6 5 . . What Score the musical Old magazine Hundredth do for you piano subscribe , piccolo to , ? and triangle . 7 . Quote Shakespeare and Swinburne on music ?
Botany . their 1 . Describ Latin names e the primrose . , the daisy , and the dandelion . Give 2 . What are cuttings , seedlings , and annuals f sensitive 3 . Which plant is ? the most irritable , the passion ' flower or the 4 . What is the meaning of " Up a tree ? " a Greek root ? " a regular v 'Jfc ' " 'wv What * plant Mr irasirw is wr mr m Miss ? " a % str carpet v « raddon vr *¦*¦ w - hop m **\ S K * favourite ? MiXLVfc and " the ffflf pink £ S w mrg m * % of / * LW perfection r ^ mixture J ^** v ^ + rr * r ? ? m "
6 5 . . What is the nature B of the ' s weed known suppressing as Trabucos ? inform But we our have readers not that space Dancing to give , the the Use entire of paper the Globes . When , Crys we - will tallogy think , Phot with og us rap that hy , the Tatting students , and who Politics compete are will include have d , their they t coming ime fully May occu Examination pied , and work . over , to get half marks in the
The Jreformejd Parliament.
The Now Time That Has The Come Season Ro...
the Now time that has the come season round is over for a and general no one cleaning is left up in London and re- , the embellish British ment Museum of the or public a wash property -out of . the A basins fresh of coat the of Trafal paint to , gar special square fou comment ntains , ; is but an the annual orders recurrence that have and been calls given for th no is year of Commons regarding are the worth re-arrangement recording . of We the there interior fore reproduce of the House the , Board of Works minute . 1
[ Memorandum . ] Spring August Gardens , 1868 , S . . W . The and House water of . Commons is to be thoroughly cleansed with soap The leather benches are to be covered in the strongest brown
hollan which d they cases will to pro preserve bably be them subjected from by the the wear members and tear of the to new Parliament . The peers' gallery is to be protected by a silken net , fixed after may arranged be the thrown fashion in such towards of a a position spectator the as gallery ' s to box intercept in from a tennis the any floor missile court of , that and the , House .
order The that ladies its ' occupants gallery will may be faced witness with the sheets proceedings of plate glass of , the in House speakers w . ithout Notwithstanding being compelled the great to listen expense to the of language this alteration of the , ladies it has been who may considered be present absolutely at the debates necessary . in the interests 01 erected Hy A de row Park down of , and iron the the railings entire strength length similar of which of to the those has House been recently , tested so put that , will up any be in collision between the Ministerial and Opposition sides may be
rendered Accommodation impossible for . an extra body of the metropolitan police will be prepared in the lobby of the House , and an indiarubber chair speaking , in - order tube will that be its fitted occupant from may the lobb communicate y to the Speaker with the ' s police without quitting his seat . By order of the Board of Works . alterations time The been arrangements speak found well anything of for the the House but discrimination perfection of Commons , and and hav good the e for proposed sense a long of , the cautionary authorities measures . The were result not will taken doubtless before prove they were that wanted the pre . -
Vive La Lanterne.—No Sooner Has The Lant...
Vive la Lanterne . —No sooner has the Lantern been extinguished Brussels . In in fact Paris the than French , hey , Government presto J it flares will find up that again th in , ey have that such undertaken a chase a generall regular y will leads -o' -the the -wisp pursuer chase into ; and trouble we . know As not will- exist o ' -the- were wisps it are not created for the by abuses bad air from , so which the Lantern it derives could its light and fire .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 22, 1868, page 70, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_22081868/page/2/