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August 32 , 1868.J THE 7OMAHA WK. 71
Epistle III. From Erica to Florence—(Con...
name Mr , . is Mortimer credited as a Co...
Lucerne, August 17, 1868. ait My quatrid...
the Allow irritatio th n e will sting ce...
Schwalbach Extremes . meet, as the Czar ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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August 32 , 1868.J The 7omaha Wk. 71
August 32 , 1868 . J THE 7 OMAHA WK . 71
A True Tragi-Comedy. Told In A Series Of...
Epistle Iii. From Erica To Florence—(Con...
Epistle III . From Erica to Florence—( Continued . ) Meanwhile For life is life , you and must somehow not mind must what be he used may say , Nature But even at first solitude is , pleasant be in abused its way . , , Why We \^ ^ , take all C % r \ . M . Vyi of this us UO wax very " % ** V less * V may p lace Jh » and «* A . could less A From ^« a # te ^ ^ amused *» . * day . » . 'W * W * ¦** to ¦« - . day
As Mountains splendid in scenery scores as but you not a sing scan le ^ man - — . , At least not one to talk to . And there isn ' t Young A shop children that it , and is worth some peasants ' s while old to enter and widened . , Are And all then one sees a string . I find of mules them and insufficient their tormentor . , In Nor foaming can my torrent interests s or in for forests ever centre hilly . !
Oh Oh , . for for one one good erood half half--ho hour ur in in Piccadilly Piccadilly ! Oh Your to be with rkling you triump , Florence hs , and , and to liv e once more , If onl something y meekly following like the life on I you lived r lee before , . I hate The moonli the streams ght p , lagues I hate each ej and shrub the and sunset tree s bore ; . The Softer thr the ostles scene sing , the , I more sigh for my Covent spirits Garden harden . .
But In as your I si bright gh in vain glories , and ev m en ay with not my share eyes , All I what can do chief is bid peril you now , Flo athwart ' , beware you lies . I have Or make no wish you , to darling strip life , miserabl ' s beauties y wise bare . , Whi But c I would has b guard een mine you ' n gainst d many that a one path ' s pursuing undoing . , Mind Nor Nnr , mostl let let- it it y run run , that away awav you with with keep you VOU your full full heart tilt tilt ; : in hand ,
The Then A But s one in end e the whose s in fray first steed ' sword s as little and eliriously is rider chance broken gra being you n at , the sp stand ilt hilt . Or In short trusted —you carbine ever injured after are at a the cripp nippl le . e . , W Accept hate ' with you do grace , avoid all homage this fatal as fault your . due ; For admiration is the social salt
But Which when makes you have the that dull homage the bright , always , the old halt the , new ; Gi ve not even yourself fly—for , until homage you will all receive pursue . ; Or you will live to mourn from morn to eve . For For love the , real calm love days , should when in hopes reserve and be fears held are over ; W hen so h m ea ethi rts , n and g mor fancy e than is no novelty more doth a rover weld . eel
Oh ! I can ' t tell you how I fimpelled Travel To rush both away day , and from night Calais till cr at oss your to Dov side er , , And be your friend , philosopher , and guide . And Never look you , Florence existence !—and without don't mone think me venal—Can Thihk possibly suppose you , be forsooth anything , cmr but exile penal here . is sunny y ? Ah Unless K \ ve my seen you " deaf , want yo simp u'll to have le lead child a a great , life when of respect torpor you have , for honey seen all . Or bitter struggle , marry not a pauper .
Epistle Iii. From Erica To Florence—(Con...
Now I ' m , write sure you me 'll often very — soon often . be For all the althoug rage , h You But once ' t forget a week Erica will — scribble will you me , Flo a ' ?—To So tell will me all I dear so much banishment long to know page . . Adieu For fearful I God you banishment , bless , my . is just Love what and this assuage thousan is . d kisses . you ,
A Sullied Page.
Name Mr , . Is Mortimer Credited As A Co...
name Mr , . is Mortimer credited as a Collins writer of , who musical , upon lyrics the — strength which , however of his , do not bear to have their jingling dissected—has endeavoured to hide from Shakespeare by no means . There nice novel is nothing under sweet an attractive about Mr . title Mortimer taken answer Collins , ' s most latest probabl production y , its intended but the name purpose , which , namel , however y , to induce , will decent ^» V-V *^****» persons k ^ WA ****** J . A t-t to WV look lVV / 4 ^ into XAAWV the »»** . W book t- ^ V ^ r A * . , expecting V ^ JL / Wk ^ Uw - to bV find X 4 XJ . % _ -1 . « a - * - sweet - » If WWfc
tedious subject , chronicle pleasantly of and the tastefull doings of treated the vicious , instead of both a coarse sexes , . No Collins one ' s would great venture knowledge to dispute of the subject for one moment which he Mr has . Mortimer so gracefully treated , but it is a knowledge which he had best keep lo himself few more , for such his readers books as will Sweet be none Amt the e Page worse would without make it . us A welcome The »¦ mf man ! a who Censorshi sells k / p of some the Press poisonous with compound unfei gned heartiness under the .
name - *¦• ^ . » «** of _*> .. * , wholesome WW Jk * X ^ VA ^ W you J food V- ' « - * h ^ \^ AAA is ^^ not * - * ^^ J . * very - * ^» * . * V ^ V * far fe ^ ^ , x ^ removed A * •¦ * V ^ Vi *¦ M . Vk from V * . X A . \ - ± *** X . him b AX \«» , with who would indecent try trash and , poison under such minds a winning of young and innocent and women title .
Jsto Stopping It.
Lucerne, August 17, 1868. Ait My Quatrid...
Lucerne , August 17 , 1868 . ait My quatridme dear Toma at the hawk Schvueitzerhof , —Here I . am Her comfortabl most gracious y" located Majesty not more —I beg than her a pardon week , so the Countess must admit of Kent I am —has not been much here behindhand . You will , ask you what I have come here very for . You will and a suggest dozen other the lake lions , the , not Ri omitting gi , the Pilate Thorwalsdens , Lungern 1 , No Fluellen ; none , of these things hj have V for A me the slightest fe attraction bfc I have AACb
come ¦>* A hAAVUV here fcAAtll , then ^ , for * . % ** V the * »^ sole * Wr + % * purpose *>**^ S fc ^ -. *^^ of * . * « r ^> being u , * , * , « . « . on (^ V ^ > the * . ^^ * . . spot Jb with V \ ^ wishes Royalty to . There preserve ! Conscious a strict incogni that our to , most under gracious the title Majesty of the have ing Countess , cre come ep of ing likewis Kent , dod e , g , ing with have , og the ling come laudable , , eyeing as thousands object , staring of watching , of gap my ing friends , , peep and - generally disbehaving myself , as can only , Ever yours I ¦ n m , uch independence 4
•*• » * . *** V * ^ ** » , » Th *^ v *^ e k ^>«* British ^* -V ^>^ . J . ' ^ 'W , % Snob . will P . b S e . — at I am keeping service on a diary return , which . , if sufficiently interesting , your my
Cure For Mosquito Bites.
The Allow Irritatio Th N E Will Sting Ce...
the Allow irritatio n e will sting cease to remain and the unrubbed mark will , and disappear in course . of time b notwithstanding een We communicated assure the the public hundred to the that " infallible prescri . remedies ption Has is it the " not which onl occurred y cure have , to antidote the dweller for the s in pain Woolwich of the mosquito and newspapers its neig sting hbourhood existed , peop that le who any th liv e e in live India sw , and uld have are bitten found it unceasingly out long ago for ? the best part of ,
Schwalbach Extremes . Meet, As The Czar ...
Schwalbach Extremes . meet , as the Czar said to the King of Prussia at The The sea- Gide side . to take during the coming Elections . —
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 22, 1868, page 71, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_22081868/page/3/