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A ugust 22, 1868.3 THE TOM AH A WK. 77
Chapter V.—The Service Mess . Our Revell...
The Moniteur informs us that on the occa...
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A Ugust 22, 1868.3 The Tom Ah A Wk. 77
A ugust 22 , 1868 . 3 THE TOM AH A WK . 77
" The B Urnham Scr Ubs R. V. C"
Chapter V.—The Service Mess . Our Revell...
Chapter V . —The Service Mess . Our Revellers Second . Gunn Mutiny on . the Volunteer the Gentlemen able , and saluting all ! " us said with Sergeant his hand Gunn while , he taking gazed a intentl seat at y at the beef . the And guests now , showing , with your where kind they permission sat at table , I , & will c . give You know you a Charles plan of X Reade ^ W **»*» the fc **^> novelist AAV W WAAwi * is + * 9 very V WA T fond AVAA \ 4 of ^^» g iving fS maps **•*••?* i «* of ^^» undiscovered ** A «^* a . h # ^**^ v wh «* * ^ ^*
the islan n , ds should , and « I /< be ? rj / roug less generous sketche ? o Of f n course othing he n gives particular these — won y - , derful on the drawings contrary , because have no better he thinks reason them for very bestowing , very useful my . gift Z s , tha instance n that , what I believe can said be prettier gifts to than be very the , accompany very beautiful ing . plan For 1 the Look printer well at has the shown straig in ht the lines choice , and admire of his type the : — exceeding taste PLAN OF THE REGIMENTAL MESS OF THE "B . S . R . V . C . "
Showing wh Smyth ere e Captain was seated Cockloft , where sat Sergeant , where Gunn Lieutenant took up his position , and what became of private dubbs . Captai ( jh a bit n Cockloft rout-seat ) . o
Empty chair O O Empty chair . o > Empty chair O & O Empty chair .
Lieut ( on a . Smyth air ) . e O § £ « o o Empty ** J chair . Empty stool O " * 8 ° EmPty chair ' ¦ % - « S 4 _ r Empty chair O § ' g * ° Empty chair . Empty stool O Jj O Empty chair . Empty arm-chair O I O Empty chair .
Sergeant ( in an arm Gunn -chair ) . O O Private ( on a Dubbs stool ) . There " I say ! , old Now fellow I trust , " said you I are to Cockloft satisfied , . after - a careful inspection you intend of the supper to do ?" and those who had come to eat it , " what do know " What as wel do l as I intend I do . to What do ? " have echoed we come Cockloft here , angril for ?" y ; " you replied "As far testily as / can see , to make ourselves dee'd ridiculous , " I
" Good , again . ! " shouted Gunn from the other end of the table . taciturn "Good Cockloft again . glared l » , but was silent . I smiled , and was equally spitefull And y thus munching we sat at moodil the y loaf eating before the us ribs . Not of beef a sound , and the was whispered heard save remarks the unearthl of Gunn y giggle , our of sergeant Dubbs . , as It he was listened a painful to sight sorrow —one ! to make the judicious grieve , and the holy cry for
playing At length the fool Cockloft ?" said , " Now , Smythe , are you quite tired of proves lent " Playing master the of fact the that j fo but ol art ! , — I M the decline y lesson dear , n sir you evertheless , I are know giving , you to me become are now an clearly excel your - pupil was rather , " and neat I smiled . " gently to myself , and thought " Hum , that rage " I , " mean do you , " said intend Cockloft to allow , red any in business the face to be with done suppressed ? " "What business ?"
And " What Cockloft business trembled ! This with is reall anger y too , and much glared !" at me with the eyes of a murderer . " Why , you know as well as I do that you •¦ - n . . . -.-v . .. ., ... . _ „ .. . -.,...
have come down to be introduced to the men of your regiment . On " my GuVnors soul , you ! Mean don ' t no deserve 'fence a , " commission growled a thick !" voice from the bottom ? ' Certainl of the y , tabl Sergeant e , " but , " — rep must lied — Cockloft have— , beer graciousl !" y , " you will find some over there on that little shelf . When you ' ve got it , fill The l your llC 'worthy Vr g lass HIV . ( V or I have AauiWi rather a toast unworth uuvv table v / to iwi propose y ^ y ) Gunn \ ji w * A 4 . " staggered *** ' *• his + ' &&* " * w ¦ lass ^* to " ^ he the w- * w beer *^ w »
jug some , and of reeled the beer back on the to the cloth— . looked In filling at the drops g savagel upset y , up tossed ? Say off the much bump more er , and and I'll then punch exclaimed yer ' eads savagel !" y , " What ' s for " and Gentlemen very incoherent , " said Cockloft remark , ignoring , " Gentlemen Gunn ' s , rather this evening uncalled I - that have duty a very is to ^ pleasant present d to uty you to perform my dear . friend When Smythe I tell yo as u your that future ' known Lieutenant Lieutenant , I ' m Smythe sure you for will understand and— my arid feelings I have .
Ive many years , perhaps always _ found jm before •• him « ^ I j a present very nice him , conscientious to you * ? I had kind 1 better J of — £ . a man propose - » . But "TO a toast . " " Yes , pr * ose toast ! " murmured Dubbs . Queen " I propose Victoria then , His the Royal health Hig of hness Her the Most Prince Gracious of Wale Majesty s , and names the rest that of the of Sergean Royal t Family Gunn , , and brave I beg rri or , co a sober uple w soldier ith thei —" r
" " Ri And ght a loyal gain , " bombardier thickly fro . m the I may " sober add , " soldier continued . " - Cockloft , toast tC that to it drink is not it cu . " stomary for the gentleman who responds to a another " That ' s lass all of you beer knows . about it ! " said Gunn , as he tossed off called The upon toast g for was a duly reply responded . I give it verbatim to , and then . Gunn the said Sergeant , " Ladies was , Gents , Guv'nors , and Dubbs" ( sleepy applause from the Private )—" Speaking deal too for much Queen honour and Prince—thankee for self kindly , yer does few us
remarks a to make—it ' s them . S as peaking fbllers . Most , peop I ' ve le got calls a you may wolunteers be wrong scum )— . I That don ' ' c all a yer t they scum call . " ( Loud , but * and I ( mind long yer -con I - be yer tinued hugl scum cheering y . hidiots " ( Hear , from ? and , hear murdering Cockloft !) " I says and thieves , myself yer , * may . ' but ?) ~ be " yer No fools hain , / , ' yer t ' scum ' t may call ! » An With d what this I says Sergeant ^ I sticks Gunn to' ! sat " down , and oncemore addressed himself Cockloft to the rose beer for . the second WQ % timeopened his mouthand « AV « said
smilingly ^** r *^ % * K ^ A *^ , " A And ******* AVA now hUV I will J ^ Vi * V ^ - introduce *** - * . ***»^* J , f ^ the V «**^*^* onl **• y A officer ** VMVA *^ , that . ** % has ^ K * A ^ 4 . look honoured I arran as mu ged our ch my board like uniform an this officer evening to as the possible to best the . advantage man of the , and regiment tried . " to been " Who conferring ' s that a with calling the me Sergeant a man ) ? " angril asked y . Dubbs " And ( who who sai had d he choose " ( pointing their own at me officers ) " was , and an hange officer d ? if The I don men ' t choose of a regiment mine !" ( To be continued !)
A Curious Coincidence.
The Moniteur Informs Us That On The Occa...
The Moniteur informs us that on the occasion of the funeral national of the lat mourning e Queen , which of Madagascar was to last orders three were months issued . During for a bosom that period or fell ladies below were the knee to wear . The no " effect garment , " says that the covered Moniteur the , was that in " peculiar Paris , . and " We certainly are surprised in London at the , a rem similar ark , considering costume is former now gascar perfectly and women either common go about metropolis . half The -dressed th onl at y we difference in can obedience see between , is to that superior Mada in the - orders # for 4 i a limited period and 4 t in Mr Mr moments ftiiVIll 111 of griefwhereas
^ " * w « v * ¦* A v * •• • • w ^^ \* w ^ ^* ^ ^ ^ " * wv * * vm ^^ % J W A W ^ * * * f ; W X Jl ^^ ^ K ^ Cmi tJ amongs supposed t us gaiety they , indulge and threaten in the to " continue peculiar to effect do " so in for hours an in of - tion definite of extremes time . We meeting suppose . Perhaps it is onl when y another the fashionable illustrafemales to go into of mourning England are , they compelled will once by more some dress calamity themselves or other at least for a time . , :
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 22, 1868, page 77, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_22081868/page/9/