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J anuary z^ iS6 9 j THE TOM AH A WK. 4 1
examined The witnesses Mr. -T. in W . . ...
sury exciting The for other the some sup...
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J Anuary Z^ Is6 9 J The Tom Ah A Wk. 4 1
J anuary z ^ iS 6 j THE TOM AH A WK . 4 1
Home, Sweet Home.
Examined The Witnesses Mr. -T. In W . . ...
examined The witnesses Mr . -T . in W . . this Robertson interesting said enquiry he wished having before all been the report sion Tomahawkers of , to his , make new retired a Haymarket statement for . the p He iec purpose e had had heard been of dra freely that wing , another circulated up their ver- . This version was not from his pen , and he thought it only fair an that opportunity it * should be of read thus out in publicl the Of y fice repudiating , that he mi it ght in be the afforded most emp confreres hatic manner the Editor possible orde WA red . — WU After that a the blAV slig version ht deliberation in question \ with his be
r t' ead f t / forthwith ' , * . ** V * . J ^ UibVJl It ran as UWA follows WUUW : — V 9 IWJ . A AJ . JL ^ UV W VLWJLJL fc * V HOME . The Suppressed EDiTiotf . SGENE ^ - ** 4 modern stage drawing-room-. Upholstery C . Updistance holstery JL L , ,. C , Upholstery and R . In R fo . reground Upholstery Uphoh winding iery discovered wway in
L 7 . C , . and and R R C C .. Enter Lucy and a Very Young Gentleman . married Lucy . — but It never seems mind odd , what I daresay le , that . we are going to get upholstery Very , Young . Isn ' that GENT like LE real MANi peop life —I won say ' t—but look at the Go Lu and cy . tumble vuuiuii —Nature off a itself garden ! but wall yt we again must at be once \ . true { E rt n to ic it Colonel as well .
Whit uvj cuxu e . ) Good < V gracious * o v » xx ! cvxa agwu nv sxx . * v « . . \* - * --r v-v / JL . Wii cjj lost Colonel eccentric White brother . — , fond Don ' t y practical ou know jokes me ? , ati I ' m d— your don ' t long tell my think father how — I { enj dropping oy a good his voi lie . ce ) I ' m a great liar 1 You can ' t Lu Col cy . W . — . — Do f-Well you , ? then So , let do ' s we fire . away . { Enter OLD DONisoN . ) American The jluc very v \^ j . y man xxi . < 3 . ix ! { ^^ Add n in + resses / tjjt he -j him riri-rr o . . ) j I . am a . ill a a , Colonel wuxuiici in xix in the inc .
life , and { tells arm lies v ; I for came ten minutes re yesterday ') . , I never saw you my have evidentl Old all y D sorts are onison not of particular , —Sir , stay le about her in e this . trut I h ho am , but use an wh for old at months idiot of that . . I ? allow You We a room ruffian , get , named drunk queer whenever Captain peop MountrafFe he likes , , order to smoke about in my my ser drawin vants g- , walk into my wine cellar , dress himself like a Victoria villain , name associate in the with neighbourh my daughter ood , talk What vile can slang I —an more d disgrace ? This my is
XJLCbLJL & V * * . * . * W ** W ll \ # lglllJVUlll \/ V \ A . » M l & CbV VtCfcll J- say 0 O . V lllVi V * * UIO Id you " Ho are me very / ' a home much for like incurables my long . lost You son are Mr welcome . Sothern . ! But stay , Col . W . —I an not Mr . Sothern . { Tells , lies for ten minutes . ) rather Old a D heavy .- ^ Ah set ! , However what do , you as this say to is " a Home private ? and lunch we here have in the drawing-room with Mountraffe , just before diniier , too ? { Enter Mountraffe . )
Mountraffe .- * -The very thing ! I can now put on my such cracksma things n ' s abo pot ut -ho the use sister manners and , black her friend guard that the old iio father flesh , and say blood generall could y as the stan veriest d it , smoke ruffian , get out drunk of Newgate , and . sh And ow m all this cards to the suffer son me . to Fortunately stay in th , e house ' s such at least a liar three he won month ' t mind s longer it , . but If that isn ' t like every day life I'd like to know what is . Col v » v / ij . . W » r . . — 4 I the 'd u t tvrxx ell sort . you jKtu of if xx j I . were ncic uut not meets aubu such in a tx nine liar ixdx draw . . By * jy the tile way way ,,
your get up ' s thing one ing-rooms c act out ut my of to te an father n . effective But out this . close { is Does getting . // { Goes . ) slow And throug . now Let h ' s two to have bring scenes a situation the ivith second . two I'll ivith done ladies . a — Is thunder one caug excellent ht storm by > Old , one visi , ov ted D . er , by locked piano -the , up one whole in indifferent household the ' drawing one throtigh , - over room - the window . Tells more lies , is compromised , wh 'en ) { Re-enter Old D . with a rifle ?)
, day Old life D , I . — sleep I have with not a seen loaded " rifle Tame under Cats my " but pillow as this , and is I every have - brought And now do sir wn as that I am very a young lain gentleman Enlishman off with the no wall nonsense again . not whatever over truthful , about , me , I'll , and as p I am beginning g , to fancy- you are Col . W . —Don ' t , I ' m Mr . Sothern !
Examined The Witnesses Mr. -T. In W . . ...
ones Old , but D . I' { ll me believe 7 t tally , that to himself , and we' . ) ll — have He ' s a told quick me drop twenty . { Quick good drop Mrs . ) . Pinchbeck . —I'll go in for damages . Mr . Sothern . —Dc . hitherto UllUVt Mrs . P but UUb . —No now 1 JV / j I 111 won XX dUJVT show ' t- I have UU been what W XX Ob I . a circumstances ^ ll ve ^ UUI ry dange ^ kail ^ V rous . Q and CtUU woman Mr J . TX . . . Robertson , effect you J ll reformshew the finest
qualities of character can in together the piece * , I' , to leave , the audience brothe perfectl r . y There satisfied I and { Does happy so . ) , make my exit , followed by my holstery Everybody ; it ' s so sitting natural ! down . —How nice to have lots of up-Old Mr . Sothern D . —Now . , — Mr Just . Sothern one . , my boy , no more lies . Lu Mr Old cy . Sothern D . — . — Oh Well , yes . — ! Home Just with / one it . little one , do .
Curtain . the The reading Tomahawkers of which appeared having listened to create attentively a profound to the sensation above , in that portion of the room devoted to the public , retired for deliberation The part . of Their Mrs . report Pinchbeck is to , the rather following thankles effect s in : the — earlier scenes by reason of its excessively " stagey" character , admirabl 11 AL 1 C % U 1 other y ^ playe I ^ XCLJT V"Vfc d usual toward 1 \ Z IV O . LU < s the IUV othern close V 1 X / JV but by tJ J in Miss -ITJLA this * J--J Ada 1 instance 1 > UU Cavendish \«> a V not WJllV & too l * 71 it .
pro Mr . minent S , n and as therefore Mr . responsible S , for a most intelligent and laudably agreeable attempted performance , and . Up downhill hill work work for for Mr . Mr Chi . Compton ppendale point conscientiously is drama , p floored leasing . and Miss livel lone y . Burke Miss , Caroline though her Hill , strong ladylike A gentleman and natural in . a Mr dressing . Robert gown Astley and , painstaking candlestick , and conscientious promising . . Mr stage . O . 'Connor ' s scene , one of the best interiors ever put on the against General ^ a most Summary questionable . —A clever plot p . iece well written , but fighting
Proof Positive //
Sury Exciting The For Other The Some Sup...
sury exciting The for other the some suppression day attention , when , the we of ba had Minute nkruptcy the of temerity in the the Lords Civil to disagree of Service the Trea was not - that only the with best their method Lordshi of ps , preventing but with the bankruptcy whole press amongst . We argued Civil which Servants the was by loosening -lender or instead tradesman of ti hold ghtening s the the unh iron gri clerk p in . wa In y defianc of putti e money of ng what a stop everybody to the growing else said scandal , we was held not that appy by the giving only the creditor the clerk ' s appointment as ao security i for the nib loans he iiv
LUC Ol . CVAI . kUJ . lAXb UKta . a a ^ ipuiiLVii . ibiii . . jv . « -. u .. xujr xvsji . juuiij . but own contracts , by risk leavin , which without g the is vi creditor reference rtually out the to in effect the the cold of official the , to Treasury g position ive credit Minu of at the his te , resources customer , , before and by he making an him account look to and the balance clerk ' s his income chances and privat of payment e individual as he . would opens in the case of , a professional man or a for We the are mselves going , and to own since ourselve the Minute s in the came wrottg into . force Facts the speak following cases have been brought before the Treaand 11 hav 1 IH e
lUWlllg V « CtSW >) XXCVVW l ^ V » V » XX UtUUglU UblViy lll \> HbUdUI suryJ ' J , UU » W lat been e their disposed Lordships of in the on the manner eminently below practical specified w . orking We congratu of their - new decree . ins It tance will be in remembered which a cle that rk finds the regulation himself involved enacts that in m in onetary every diffi bring culties the , facts he is of bound his case , und before er pain the of chief instant of his dismissal department , to visi with a view of the to Minute his being Were dealt it with not in for accordance this wise provision with the it pro is
-, not able VlalUlta ons improbable examp VI I . l es of VAlllkl that reckless l . lT in . . more VV profligacy 61 C than 1 b -11 VI one . lUt , some of the X 3 arrangement WXOV following 7 piUVlOlUlt inexcus would XL 13 - have the authorities been come would to between have been the clerk robbed and of his the Creditor opportunity , by which of administering of Civil servants a wholesome . check on the growing extravagance
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Jan. 23, 1869, page 41, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_23011869/page/11/