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NO. SS.] LONDON, MAY 23, 1868. [Price Tw...
Jftt IPtnwriam ,
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Thetomahawk: A Saturday Journal Of Satir...
No. Ss.] London, May 23, 1868. [Price Tw...
NO . SS . ] LONDON , MAY 23 , 1868 . [ Price Twopence .
Jftt Iptnwriam ,
Jftt IPtnwriam ,
+ Henry Brougham. {Bohjv, 1778. Died, 18...
+ HENRY BROUGHAM . { BOHJV , 1778 . DIED , 1868 . )
I Thus The " Died boldest lided in his , into fiercest sleep death ! sp " iri the Thus t of man his gentl whose day y passed ; life away Had been g one long and unremitting Strife . That Old age Strife mig for ht dim him could eye never , might lose chain its charm the arm , \ S ^ J till \ . * . * . * - yearned J WVJ . lXV < - « . his A . M . J . KJ restless * . Wfc-J !¦* V *< 7 > - » sp fcj U / irit K J . X * , for 1 V 1 the I . 1 J . V / Fi J . At g : ht 11 . 1 . , ;
Still Still hated burned Wrong his bosom , still with faithful indignant clung to fire Right ; To see Man ' gainst his fellow-man conspire . He Where longed ' er Injustice to strike raised the hideous its cursed . monster head dead , . Befo Thoug re his all voice too feeble still quailed he to deal the dastard blow foe , ; T Still he greed shrunk wretch by instinct who from sacred his trust honest betrays gaze
And meanly y turns to his own selfish ends , The dole of helpless Poverty ' s true friends . F H e never those , grew whose too hearts old himself Despair had feel seemed to steel , — Who , looking ever on Want ' s weazened face , In Ne ' sullen er dreamed silence heard smiling their Plenty children ' s blooming grace ; For bread—in sullen silence saw them cry die ;
Th Their eir greatest minds , b foes y brutal as greatest Ignorance friends possess they ed bles , sed , Bade Till E them ducation from oped Restitution their hoodwink ' s slough ed arise eye , , And Within mad th e them bosoms Men in H something ope ' s heav more enly than flame name , . W Than hat he man who to swept Freedom -away nobler the name servic of e gav Slave e , , Who urged our country of that foul disgrace
p Which marred the noblest boast of Britain ' s race , — T S teps hat , on free our ourselves shores , , no man he at , whoe once ' er free he be ? , Honest he was in thought , in word , in deed ; The Untutore Wrong d in our saw modern he sco caitiff rned to ' s c christen reed , Right , No i B *> * ec * - * " au specious WJVVw se e xp Vtw e robe di W *~ e nt \* could WV in * som , * - « . e W ' e e •« r 4 . tric * fro A Will k ster him | l | i ' s si c g / ht J . S VVM c . . i
Oppression ' s cruel claws and cloven heel ; F Ne earing r da zzle c urs b e y , the lie meanl splendour y stoop of e success d to ble , ss ; And His noble dared nature e'en sceptred spurned Vice the paltry itself def lie y , . The From stains him no of blood tyrant which ' s purp loud le e ' er for could hide cried He called not brazen Conscience iron vengeance Will— ; , The Fain Assassin would we crowned not recall was that the shameful Assassin , still ! scene ,
Whe To n lut E the ngland malice ' s wronge of her ruffian and persecuted Queen , g spouse Was ( Sure tried such for a si that ght mi unpardonable ght the most crime callous rouse !) , Which Yet Broug she in him ' s noblest had pardoned work were many left a untold time . And If History ' more lUV s page lw fe J . ^^ we el * our scrup inmost iiiiuvo led to . nature i vmfold 4 ¦ thrill , *
Xi-ilvA VJAH once - *^ ^ i , v ^ w-J . a « .. vwv « .. s ^ w ** - . * . * . With That gem that of perfection eloquence of , the whose lawyer noblest ' s skill part — Was the untutored utterance of the heart . That Well king might , in that name Thing alone , which a gentleman those may , praise who can , Whom e ' en his toadies scarcely dared commend ; True T The he onl onlv to no decent decent mistress action action , false of of wnose whose every life life friendy
Was when he kindly put away his wife—Feel Well pangs might of this rag puppet e within of Its the padded Tailor ' heart art ; W Well hich mi e g ' en ht It It knew quail before of honest that loathing lofty Scorn born . While No need his defects " tell his with various sorrow merits we dep o ' lore , . T One he many of his blots virtues we would gladly for dare all to atone own . ,
Whom O youth prid of e Eng of land Race , spr or love ung from of Fam noble e insp sires ires , , And Who set seek some to write mark your upon names the fleeting on History age , ' s page , Waste O learn not the your lesson strength taught in by Party Broug ' h narrow am ' s life strife , ! Look far and wide—but not with half-closed eyes—B Sear efore ch for by sel abuse fish s meanness e ' en before nursed they rise and , fed
T Strik hey e dare , and at once ylight . Heed raise their not the Hy whining dra head , cry ; , Procrastination " Spare , us , and is w the e'll coward reform ' all s art by : and by . " He thinks by gaining time he may gain heart . D You all ' ll w h ug evil the , foul soon abortion familiar for grown your own . Be UC just J ll ^ t , , but UfLLU keen ivv * i ; il ; , thy 1-lj . jt and merc luwi \ ^ jr y ke rwi , i e' £ p - his ' jwi for den liiwiij men ,
But No more slay the let monster Evil stalk in destroy gay disguise , . ; And flaunt itself as Good before men ' s . eyes ; Do what is right , nor heed the ribald jest , Th Her y judge fiat sanctioned , thy Cons b cien the ce Jud sits within above thy breast ; Thou ' It need no noisy y faction ' ge hired lov , e ; All " Here hearts lies shall a man own who as was o ' er Mankind thy tomb ' s true ey b friend end , . "
Tomahawk (1867-1870), May 23, 1868, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_23051868/page/1/