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October 24, 1868.] THE TOMAHA WK. 183
A pretty little bit of sparring has been...
Promoting That most Christian prosy but ...
tion Dear s on the Tomahawk above subjec...
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October 24, 1868.] The Tomaha Wk. 183
October 24 , 1868 . ] THE TOMAHA WK . 183
Pot And Kettle.
A Pretty Little Bit Of Sparring Has Been...
A pretty little bit of sparring has been going on between Spectator our conceited , which contemporaries reminds us the of the Pall editorial Mall Gazette quarrel and by the the says country that inn the fireside Pall Mall in the Gazette " Pickwick is " ungentlemanl Papers / ' The y , " Spectator and the Pall Mall retorts , " You ' re another . " We confess that we are obli is founded ged to agree on the with language both of them emp . loyed The Spectator by the ' s Pall comp Mall laint towards though we Od are ger , not the such working screaming man ' s candidate Radicals for as to Chelsea think , ; with and the House Spectator of Commons , that Odger , we ' are s proper certainly place of in op creation inion that is the his attempt say nothing to get of the himself ungentlemanl there does y , insults not justif heaped y the upon unmanl him y , by to the Pall Mall Gazette . The Spectator adds that the Pall Mall ' s suppression Odger ' s real of claims Professor to political Fawcett confidence ' s temperate obli statement ges it to change of Mr . its estimate of its contemporary ' s standard of honour . We must standard once of again honour allow had that ever if been our estimate hih of so the Pall a Mall trick s ' would have compelled us also to very lower g it . , But scurvy of all the journals seems to entitled have the to sli administer ghtest qualifications such a reproof ; and , the in Spectator the very number in which it takes upon itself to rebuke the Pall Mall ' s its sense own of . honour One Dr , it . g Inman ives a , shocking whose name proof even of is the strange ricketiness to us of , has written a book called "Ancient Faiths , " which the Spectator reviewed both in a hostile and in an offensive manner . Dr . presses Inman his then letter writes , giving to the the Spectator following , and excuse the for Spectator doing so sup : — - tions " Dr . of Inman which , so he far comp from lains substantiating , so compleltey various misunderstands misrepresenta or perverts what we did say , as to leave us nothing to retract or modify ; and his tone is such as would not justify us in inserting his remarks . " We wonder what must be the " tone" to which the Spectator objects ; but it is quite impossible that it should be worse than the accusation of " misunderstanding or perverting words , the Spectator ? which the grossl Spectator y insults flings Dr . at Inman the Doctor , and then . In refuses other accuses to let him the be Pall heard Mall ! And of ungentlemanliness this in the very and number a low in standard which it good of honour its case , for against doing its precisely contemporary the same , the Spectator thing ! In has making passed a severe judgment on itself ; and as Tomahawk has noticed of late a mild a very word pronounced under the sp circumstances irit and attitude , in that of unfairness weekly journal , to use , he feels himself bound to administer this severe correction . He hopes it will be followed by amendment .
A House Divided*
Promoting That Most Christian Prosy But ...
Promoting That most Christian prosy but Knowledge respectable in Fore institution ign Parts , the , is Society on the eve for of of its a serious proceedings disaster was . At interrupted its last by meeting a noisy the discussion sober monotony on the subject which it of was a grant proposed of , £ 2 should , 000 for be the made use independently of the Church of in Bishop Natal , Colenso declining . to The pled Opposition ge the Society fought to hard any , op but inion an on amendment disputed of questions 130 to 94 was . rejected The dissension , and the , however grant was , has carried not its b ending y a maj here ority , for a notice was immediately given forjrescinding the vote ; and an shortl application to be made to the . Court of Chancery for an injunction is The y Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge is a wellto-do institution , and , thanks to its long establishment and a the satisfactory respect of balance a large at and its influential bankers , class has hithert of the o public commanded ; but a party Chancery fight suit must must destroy weaken the most the most legitimate ample influence resources . , and How a - ever , the sowers of the seed of dissension , who appear to be in funds a substantial of their Society majority are , have consumed but themselves and its prestige to thank is frittered if the pr away eliminary in a battle skirmish of which . the public has yet witnessed but the 1 _
Promoting That Most Christian Prosy But ...
When the promoters of Christianity ( and Christian knowhas ledge proved we presume them to to be be the the same most bloodthirsty thing ) do fi , ght unappeasable , experience , habit and remorseless of blessing of those belligerents who attempt ; and to as play they the are part not of in peace the - makers excellent , we advice consider which it we the mi more ght prudent offer to course the members to withhold of this the hitherto cannot much forbear -respected the expression institution of . a But regret at the that same a time Society , we having for its one object the propagation of Christianity in feelings foreign parts of hatre should d , malice be , so and lamentably all uncharitableness illogical as in to the arouse very heart of civilised England .
Operatic Music Ijv Germany.
Tion Dear S On The Tomahawk Above Subjec...
tion Dear s on the Tomahawk above subject , —Would ? I you hope like so , to inasmuch have a few as observa I have - nothing else to write about . I have fust reached the end of a brief holiday , and I need not remind you of the feelings of demoralising disgust with which inactivity one . grasps the pen after a few weeks of were I found mounting my way Herr , first Wagner of all 's , to Lohengrin Baden-Baden with , much where care they . may you There met be were sure would ever , pretty tell so you many freely that connoisseurs expressed such gorgeous . The , and first and opinions infallibl poetical were e music judge , you has two never would before contend been that heard Lohengrin ; whilst is infallible not music jud at ge all number . You tent will , not have be spoken surprised truth to . hear I will that not both go int would o an , to elaborate a certain criti ex - - probabl cism of y the be merits in a position of this to work jud , ge because for themselves your readers , as will Mr . Mapleson will produce the piece in London next season . There is unquestionably much . in . Lohengrin that is poetical and interesting , but there are also numerous portions of the work in which should the be inclined music is to strained doubt , its wearisom taking e , a and strong exaggerated hold on . the I sympathies of an English audience . amounted Mdlle . N well ilsson -nig was h to also frenzy at . Baden The , critics achieving cam a e success to the end which of their Assuredl superlatives y , if the , fair and the head language of the young of adulation Swedish was exhausted songstress . it can is be that turned men , , to the whom mischief the has guidance now been of public done . op What inion a is p en ity - b trusted y their , will blind persist and unreasoning in bringing the flattery office of of the critic artist into of disrepute the hour , whoever he or she may be ! Were it possible for the public to enjoy the inestimable happiness of again hearing Madame sion 01 xiiose
were j eiiiiy hers l-anu in m 1848 me and posses were a arison pecriess between resources her and wmen the singers of the present , day to be comp instituted , the result would be language almost laughable fitting . for Still one , of the the critics greatest would geniuses not be who able has to ever find in trodden bearing the senseless lyric stage tribute , which to some has not one been or other alread of y the exhausted popular but singers . I deplore of to-day the . present I am condition in no way of a the laudator musical temporis art , and acti the , entire absence of all promise for the future . As long as the critics are ignorant and the public complacent , we shall stop where we are . in In a gambling the fulness place of time where I left the Baden bank ; has in fact a " , double to remain zero long " at vour roulette , is , , to and say a the second least of apres it , somewhat at trente et risky quarante ! And , in so its I be fa- - heari took ng myself Mdll to e . Carlsruhe Orgeni in , where Meyerbeer I experienced ' s Huguenots the rich . I treat cannot of power as tell actress you and when grace or I singer have of her , been is acting alike more , together an pleased accomp with . lished This the lady comp artist , whether leteness . The and the ranks purity of of her her profession singing , fit . her She to was take wretchedl the highest y supported position in ; her but , equals like a , true and artist she was , she rewarded sang as , thoug as she h her deserved comrades to be were , by the most signal and unmistakable success . From Carlsruhe I found my way to Homburg . Mdlle . Patti had been prevailed upon to sing in the Theatre of the Kurhaus
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 24, 1868, page 183, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_24101868/page/11/