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February 26, 1870.] THB TOMAHAW K. ==
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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February 26, 1870.] Thb Tomahaw K. ==
February 26 , 1870 . ] THB TOMAHAW K . ==
E . MOSES & SON , A-y BKADY-MJLBfi BBSSPOKBV ^^ X * TAILORS , /&/ HATTSR 3 , HOSiaRa , ^^ . yr Boot A Shoe MakeTB , y $ ^^ Minority OUXFITT ™ t ™*^ & Lt R 3 , o J ^ ^ k ~ " ^ * jr ^ lid Aldgat for Aib y £ *' V ^ TewOxfor < Uti » et » fJlMfifia S X ^ f ^/ ? -BI * Hart Btre « V / O / Tottenham Court road , / jfy f vdA Boston road , ^/ Iiondaa . S ^ X Also Bradford , Yorkshire . All goods marked in plain figures . Any Bulea article for exchanged Self-measure if not Patterns worn « , r isjared LW o . f Prioeaand Fashion Qfeeet , , post free . ,
A . LYNES and SON'S gENSlMGTQN £ 1 OVSEROOATS , New Styles far the Winter . 20 s . OVERCOATS , FACED WITH FUR , SILK , OR VELVET Sent Carriag-a Paid for P . O . "OUR JOURNAL" Now ready . A . LYNES and SON th Sen -eir d magnificent gratis and new post- Book free to for any the part Winter of . the Skilled -world i Author n produc s , Arti ng sts one , Engravers of the most , and elegant Printers volumes have united ever , tf i iss s ive ued specia most by lly any graphic intended firm in descri the to world il ptions lustrate , " of OUR the every Fashions JOURNA garment , and L of " NAL Kensingt " also on contai Clothing ns P - for VTTERNS the Winter and . a " new OUR Code JOUR for - gratis Self-M and easurement post-free ; arid to any " OUR part JOURNAL of the world " . is sent A . X / STCTESS & SON , 193 SHOREDITCH , LONDON , CORNER OF HOLYWELL LANE .
THE NEW . PERPUMB , BENEVOLENCE . GRATEFUL _ and LASTING . NJGVER TO BE ^|» KORGOITEN , 2 S . 6 d . per c ^ sPSji , bottle , rea dedicated with wT ^ Nr wC ^ ' ff' respect to < gfir ^ orge 1 JLM ^ \ p ^ aiina ^ ESQ . Retail Prepared Agent onl , J y . CARTBR by J . M . , Patlmer 17 Fleet & st ., Co London ., T-ondon . .
WHAT IS YOTJR CREST AUNHD MOTTO P Sen- Qw jjj ' v . Colours and County . 7 s . ; to Crest CULLETON engraved Manual ' on S Seals HFRALDIC of . Keialdry Book PJat , 33 OFFICE es . 9 , ti and ., post . Ste 3 ftee s 1 . Oies 6 , d . by plain for stamping ; Sketch -paper in Heraldic , ys . 6 d . / ftjL T . OULLETON , 25 Cranbourn jst ., Corner of St . Martin ' s lane . fiSKTH CULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STATIONERY contains a ream I V ig ^^^ " * S SLrl ^ I of Crest the and very Motto bsst , Mono Paper Post . erram and -o ffice 500 or Address Enve Order . opesrifall , and the one Stee or ) Die thre ejitfravci e sizes ) beautifull free of charge y stampe , on receipt d wiih * Y ^^^ l ' o' T . CULLETON , Seal Kngraver . W & J VISITING CARDS by CULLETON . —Fifty , best qnnlity , 2 s . 3 d ., ^ mA / f V ^ Ee t ^ post free b -tsed , 'in cludin Envelopes ? the vrith cngravinff maiden nams Copper , 13 s -plate . 6 d . T . Wedding CULL-ETON Cards , Seal , -jo Engraver each , . Em-J ? iux 4 utxRAMS by CULT / ETON , Quarter of ream of Paper , and 125 Envelopes , die Stamped . T . CULLETON with Monosrrarn , Di in e- rich sinker colours to the , 5 Board s . ed .. and of Trade sent , to 25 any Cranbourn p . rt for stamp street ? , . corner No charge cf St . Martiirs for engravin lane 4 .
A SWEETHEART TOR ONE SHILLING . —> oo < RIMMEL 'S NEW Sweetheart PERFUM Floral E Girl D of VALENT the Period IN Shake ES , sperian is . ; by ; post Meduev ; for 14 1 : stamp Sac ; het s . ; Also Valentine many Gloves others ; . from All fid . to . & 10 ros . List on application . RIM MEL , 9 S Stran 24 d CornhUl ; 12 <* Reg . ent street ; and
T £ 3 CHEAPSIDE , opposite Rea 1 J O Manufactured Peel Statue and . — Sold SUEZ only GO at LD , equal to THE ROYAL HOUSE OF THE FERIOD . Visiting Twenty Cards -five of for the 6 d . Period ; One , Hundred ready in for © ne is . minute 6 d . , WONDERFUL XO BE SEEN .
AKEY and SON'S EMERY OandBIackLead Mills , BIackfriarsrd ., London , S . AKEY'S SILVERSMITHS ' Silver , SOAP Electroplate ( non-mercurialifor , Plate Glass Cl , & eaning c . & c . and Tablets Polishing , 6 d . AKEY'S WELLINGTON 6 d ., is ., KNIFE 2 s . fid ., and POLISH 4 s . each . . Packets , 3 d . each : tins , AKEY'S INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOARDS from is . fid . each . AKEY'S GOODS SOLD Grocers EVERYWHERE , Brusnmakers , Druggists by Ironmon , & c . gers , Oilmen ,
MAZET'S ANTIPELJLICJTJLAIItE . ¦ ¦ so OF destructive mine all the as the the Falling scurf causes -off . THR of the which . EE Mair applications , none deter art - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ fiMgET'S AWTIPELUCULAIKF . ¦ is cases guaranteed . 3 s . and to ss cure . Sent that on disoase receipt in of the Stamps most . serious-MAZET , Inventor , 109 Bishopsgate street Within .
GLENFIEI . D STARCH , IS THE ONLY KIND USED IN HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRY . and Starc Those carefully h , are ladies respectfull i who < -llow have out y solicited not the yet directions used to give the printed it Glen a trial fiel on d , than ¦ every will other package li' - Starches e the . It , is but rather ' when s Laun , more this dre is ss difficult overcome that to it is , make th the ey ' nest say Starch they ever Queen used . ,
AT No . 11 OXFORD ST ., brilliant STELLA THER LaMP E ONLY LIGHT , the is transcendantly supplied . " " A Outshines flood of jfold all other en l grht Lamps . "—Sunday , as a meteor Times doth . a star . " —Times . " Night Ai becomes » y price a fr mimic om 2 s . day 6 d . to " — 5 REVIEW guineas . . NO TROUBLE . MARVELLOUS ECONOMY . The STELLA LAMP DEPOT , near the Oxford .
JOHH aOSNSLZ . AND CO . 'S CHERRY TOOTH PASTE is Teeth greatl a pearl y superior -like whiten to any ess Tooth , and - protects powder , the gives enamel the from decay . Price is . 6 d . each . Angel Passage , ¥ pper Thames Street , LONDON .
HAIR RESTORERS . —•> HY pay 6 s . to 21 s . when sa me size bottle ou can ? b It uy costs SIMEON in the 'S manufacture ( AMERICAN ) double at 3 s . w prepara hat any 'ion other that will Hair effectually Restorer restore does , an gray d is hair the to only its natural colour . ' WHOLESALE DEPOT J MITCHELL , JO SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN . Sold everywhere .
Cure H ^ B ^^ « H tlve Th « Cough gr * ftt , and tor all Chronic wasting , Consump diseases - W ^ ^ ^^ H H ^ W Jm cholera xs . ijid , Blood Sold ., and -spitting by Chemists . gd , & c . . bottle , ^^^^ fl M ? . SEYMOUR PRICE , CHEMIST , , ^^^^^ " a LOWER ST ., LONDON , W .
THE FIFTH VOLUME OF tjih :, : e Tio gn ^ i . A . ^ 3 : ^? l . -vsy jsl may still he obtained at the Office . Price 8 s .
RROUGHAMS LET ON Guineas - » - * HIRE per annum FOR , after THREE which It YEARS becomes , at the Fort pro - - . on perty Hire of the with hirer option . Carriages of purchase or every , the description hire betas Le - deducted as part payment . THE DENMARK PHAETON—as built for H . R . H . the Princess of "Wales . — Price an aa d Guineas elegant . appearance This Phaeton , contains is unsurpassed four persons for comfort its ease ably , and can be made to suit any sized cob or pony . NTCS Particulars 8 BROS . , luoi Drawings ag acre , London applying , to W . C .
SOLD EVERYWHERE-^ TRY THB OWL PEN . ^ ^ o HRh . wsjBiJK ^ " journal we »— have ? says ever : — used " These , and I ' ens it is are only the bare best justi and ce die to pest the Patentees to record the fact . ' Is . per box ; by post , Is . 2 d . MAONIVEN & CAMERON , 23 BLAIR STREET , EDINBURGH .
jSSj THURSTON ^ gB * . APPOINTMENT & CO . ^^^^ i , ^^^^ JBilliard-tahle manufacturers * | Wales to Her , Majesty War-office , H . B , . K Admir . the alty Prince , & of c , I i 14 f , Catherine Street , Strand , W . C . I
^ II ST IES CIGARS . L . Ik . EX ^ RT , OiaAR MERCHANT , 24 St . Switlrin ' a Lane , London , B . C .. and at 66 HIGH STREET , GRAVESEND .
SLACK ' S SILVER ELECTRO-PLATE 10 A STBONQ COATING OF PUKE SILYER OYEK NICKEL , EQUAL FOB WEAR TO STERLING 8 ILYBB , Manufactured aolely by RIOHARD and JOHN SLACK . ^——» Srwy Article for fche Table as in Silrer . —Old Gtoods Roplated ' equal to 2 STew . -F ^ J tf & fcOK'S CATALOGUE , with WO Drawing and Price * , tfratl * . V ^ , ; *^ f J ^^ - " rT ^ f A . VL— - ^ ¦ " ^ — ^ - t r atafcswt 1 ^^' r - ~~~~ & k - I I g ^ Table aa Forks ^ ' Spoons fa Bleotro iddle jBI - Pattern - * Plated 0 \ Fiddle Strong * 1 " » Pattern Plated * £ Pattern Thread 9 *" ¦» 0 1 Ctog with A ' fl HI 2 and 10 ShelL Th f — reM ^ 11 b , 14 * , ifis . id . P » m Donw . I SHjA . OXSZ » TABLiE OXJXI-iJELiI * lT . RIOHABD ft JOHN BLA 0 X * 836 Strand , opposite Somerset House .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Feb. 26, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_26021870/page/15/