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- ^ — ' ^^—M——» No. 151.] LONDON, MARCH ...
There are a great number of misnomers in...
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The Tomahawk. A Saturday Journal Of Sati...
THE TOMAHAWK . A SATURDAY JOURNAL OF SATIRE . o € Mteti bp & ttt ) ux a'l & eckett . \ o i
" INVITAT CULPAM QUI PECCATUM PR ^ ETERIT . " i -- . . . _ . ____ - I
- ^ — ' ^^—M——» No. 151.] London, March ...
- ^ — ' ^^—M ——» No . 151 . ] LONDON , MARCH 26 , 1870 . [ Price Twopence . |
A "Liberal" Government I
There Are A Great Number Of Misnomers In...
There are a great number of misnomers in this world of ours , or rather this language of ours . We suppose that there must be something particularly charming about a non sequitztr —something exceedingly pleasing about a paradox . If this is not the case , how comes it that a heavy boat is called a
" lighter , " a landsman at a cab-stand a " waterman , " an omnibus cad who rides behind his vehicle " a conductor , " and silver gilt "Abyssinian gold ? " A little time and a fair share of patience would enable us to ask such questions by the score , — nay , the hundred , but , in pity to our readers , we will put only
one more poser , which we defy them to answer or explain away . How comes it that Ministers , noted for their parsimony , cheeseparing , and general false economy , are distinguished by the name of a " Liberal" Government ? They are not generous , save to their relations ; they are not just , save to their own
pockets . They have but one redeeming point : they know how to save fourpence by cutting down a poor man ' s pittance , —they have learnt how to reward talent and perseverance by fine fat sinecures for the sons of Cabinet Ministers , pleasant salaries for the wealthy idlers of the Coulisses and the Court !
Many a letter has been sent to the office of this paper asking the question , — " Is the Tomahawk Liberal or Conservative ? " and the answer we have returned has been ever the same , — " We are neither Liberal nor Conservative , but only just , only intelligent , only English . " A man may pick your pocket and tell you
that he is the heir to a Dulcedom , and although you may entertain the greatest possible respect for the British aristocracy , that respect will not prevent you from calling to your aid the assistance of the police . A man may strike you across the face with a stick and inform you that he is a Fellow of the
Royal Society , and although you may admire that learned body ( in spite of the Government-office clerks , and others , who are now elected to its advantages ) , you will scarcely compliment him upon his address in inflicting pain . In like manner , a Government may sacrifice the public good to the advancement
of private ends , and tell you that it ' s " Liberal , " for all that there is no good reason why you should sing its praises to the skies , or cheer its name to the echo . As we are now well into the Session , it will not be altogether out of place to enquire into the various " good " works of which our Ministers ( scarcely " heaven
born , " by-the-bye ) have been guilty—we use the word advisedly . Mr . Lowe , for instance , is a most charming man . He has
regardless caused the of whole the claims community of justice to pay or their the demands taxes in of advance public , j convenience . By this means he ( a year since ) was able to produce a Budget that looked like absolute perfection—on paper . It is scarcely fair perhaps to judge a man unheard , but as we
may gather hints of a man ' s character from his antecedents we may fairly anticipate this Session a Budget equally as startling , equally as sound as the very " Lowe " measure of the years 1869-1870 . Passing from the Chancellor of the Exchequer to one of his j
the colleagues Admiralty , we . come This to worth Mr . Childer y " sea s - , dog the " Nautical ( if we may First call Lord the of i to rig a ht charge hon . gentleman of disrespect a " ) sea has -dog , since " without his tenure laying of ourselves office , turned open j scores of clerks from their stools at Whitehall and Somerset j 1
means House , and has hundreds probably of reduced workmen the from Naval the Estimates Dockyards , . weakened By this j the power of Britannia on the seas , but—and we call attention to the " but "—has managed to send the First Lord of the Admiralty for a pleasant " cruise " with the Flying Squadron . In spite of this last truly generous action we can scarcely (
remembering , as we do , the anxious faces of clerks out of employ , and the pinched cheeks of artizans clamouring for bread ) describe him as a " Liberal" statesman . Of Mr . Ayrton it is scarcely necessary to say one word . In fact it may seem an outrage to mention so honoured , so
accomplished , so refined a gentleman in pages soiled with printer ' s ! ink and teeming with the writings of " Radicals " and " Republicans . " Still , there are many of his enemies who will pretend 1 to say that the Ayrton method of disposing of the public money is remarkable neither for judgment — nor " Liberality . " These are j
of they Kensington who want Gardens flowers in ! Hyde Park , and gilding on the railings j Next we come to Mr . Bright , the President of the Board of Trade . Here , again , we find a want of " Liberalistn" marked degree . The worthy gentleman has been so
economical that of late he has actually treasured up his own words , and not allowed a syllable to escape even in the House of Commons ! There will be found many who will praise him for his reticence- —among others , several of his own colleagues . Again , when a deputation of working men begged his aid to
secure for them the advantages of cheap locomotion , he treated the very idea with ridicule and contempt . For these reasons and others we cannot compliment Friend Bright , ex-Agitator , and now Courtier and Counsellor , upon his generosity . He would feel insulted , probably , if he were told he were not a
Tomahawk (1867-1870), March 26, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_26031870/page/1/