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116 THE TOMAHAWK. [March 26, 1870. I
mittee feature If the on it certainl muc...
[continued by our special correspondent....
London, March 19, 1870. fortabl Yes, y I...
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There Are A Great Number Of Misnomers In...
"Liberal . " Stop one moment—he is Liberal in one thing "—in his abuse ! After passing over Mr . Cardwell ( who would make an excellent model for a statue of Economy in the courtyard of the War Office ) and Mr . Goschen ( who wastes only himself at the
Poorlaw Board ) we come to the greatest cheeseparer of all , the Right Hon . William Ewart Gladstoneotherwise the " Tele-, grafiJUs pet , " alias the " People ' s Bill . " The last name , we admit , sounds a little vulgar , but the Liberal Government , as at
present constituted ) in spite of the refining influence of Apollo Ayrton ) is , in itself , vulgar . It is " popular" with the masses , and rests its claims upon public support on its " sensationalism . " It will be remembered by all our male readers , and by some of the more elderly , andconsequently , more married of our
, female subscribers , that the present Government came into power by using as a talisman the words " Justice to Ireland . " Nobody thought at the time that they meant very much by the cry , and now that "William Ewart Gladstone " { vide Daily Telegraph } has revealed his policy , everybody finds that less
even was intended than the public expected . It is true that the Irish Church has been very properly sacrificed to the clamouring of the people ; but as for the Land Question , it remains where it was four years ago . It is useless to canvas its measures in these columns—it is only necessary
to point out to two great facts : — 1 st . The Bill passes under the patronage of the Conservative » party . 2 nd . The Bill is opposed by the more influential representatives of that people on whose behalf its provisions were specially
framed . And yet Mr . Gladstone and hiscolleagues pride themselves upon their claim to the title of Liberals , and cling with more than Conservative tenacity to that Bench which repre-} sents in the House of Commons both money and power !
116 The Tomahawk. [March 26, 1870. I
116 THE TOMAHAWK . [ March 26 , 1870 . I
Militar Y Reform.
Mittee Feature If The On It Certainl Muc...
mittee feature If the on it certainl much Army talked y Administration is written of report in language of possesses Lord , so flowery Northbrook no other and pathetic 's striking Com- , as which to be it quite is enshrined out of . keep From ing a with business the point blue-paper of view binding , however in , so far as the recommendation for the abolition of the dual government right direction are . concerned It remains , the yet committee to be seen whether have worked the influence in the of the Royal Duke at the Horse Guards , whose stolid resistance
for to to the the a time proposed proposed , in preventing innovations innovations the is is amal a a remarkable remarkable gamation of trait trait the , , will will Department succeed succeed ., we over think which that he presides the tide with of reform the War has Office set in —but so for strong our ly part that Finance resistance Lord to its Northbrook waves will and be his futile confreres . As seem regards to have Military thoroughl , y astray . The abolition of a proper check on gone exwith penditure ¦ " — — — — what - » — » — - v w , is ^ ^ which v advisable *> -v « v — mm- — is "w w v recommended - ^ v or ^ mr mt practicable |»^ ^ vw ^ mr mi * - * mr •* •¦ *^ < , ^ B * , m is and * m ?^ scarcel m ^ m ^ the «* 4 * t > ^^ y very V ^* in # * W accordance fac m * ^ V ^^ t Vp that * t mb m ^«* ** is # h ^ m *
made accounts so much exceeds of , that the amount the expense of short of examining creditswhich and . passing therein appear a wholesome , has no check significance on their beyond doings proving keeps Military that , the existence Paymasters of which and Accountants Lord Northbrook in order would . The wish system to inaugurat of mutual e is confidence absurd in the extreme . It might as well be argued that ticket collectors ¦ with on railway . Peop s , le or do check not rm ¦ travel takers ¦¦ w ~ w on at railways mw theatres f » Mb without might be having dispensed ± first ¦•
~ — ~ —^ — " — " ¦ ^^ ™^* W ^ ^ ^ m ^ mr - * mr ^ ^ v ^ ^ - *^ ^ ^» » w m * T wv ¦ J m ^ V A Vm * ^ w ^^ WV ¦ * * * ^^» f mm m -m wmm ^ ^ W ^ W 0 admission order paid their , because fare are , requisite or they go know to . the No that p doubt lay vouchers without the salaries having for conveyance of procured the ticket an or time collectors to time and , they check collect takers for their far exceed employers the sums but i £ which it was , from an understood thing that railway travellers should , be taken as having paid their fares no tickets being issued or asked for ,
Mittee Feature If The On It Certainl Muc...
and that persons who enter a theatre should have honestly paid for that their trains tickets and at play Mitchell houses ' s would in the be afternoon crowded , we without fear either much sh No areholders , we hold th or at managers the examination gaining any of pecuni military ary accounts benefit thereby is ad- . visable small degree not as but a cure as a for prevention an evil against which the happil evil y . exists Lord in North but a - brook taken Alfe Jb » in deserves thoroug , well hl of investi the country gating the for subject the pains with which which h he he has has
had V ^* v ^^ to deal Jb VAA ^ . ^ ^^ but w ^ r ^ T J __^ he -MtmX * y J is •» ** committing W ^ mf 1 ^ 2 ^ % ^** ** mV ^\ a * m >^ grave ^ mf m * m - »» m ^ r ^ - error * m * ^^ V * v ^ when ^^« ¦* ^« a he •**• ^^ recom ^— — ^ v- ^^ — - — - - mends that , the system of examination and audit of expenditure should siasticall be y all on but the abolished benefits which . It is result easy from enoug treating h to write servants enthuwith anxious confidence to render , but accounts good of servants their stewardshi are not only and willing none but but the dishonest ones would care to avail themselves ps , of an far immunity as the Horse from supervision Guards question . We hope is concerned , and we believe Mr . Cardwell , that so
will be guided by the recommendations of his under , secretary , but Mr . we Cardwell can scarcel is will y allow believe himself that to so be able led an administrator ba little blue as - book grandiloquence , so far as to forget the away traditions y of his office by accepting and acting upon Lord Northbrook ' s ideas on Military Finance .
The Roundabout Rambles.
[Continued By Our Special Correspondent....
[ continued by our special correspondent . ]
London, March 19, 1870. Fortabl Yes, Y I...
London , March 19 , 1870 . fortabl Yes , y I in am the absolutel fifth story y home at the at last Charing I Here -cross I am Hotel settled , listening comstars to the that rumble for a of brief a thousand half-hour wheels at least beneath the Indian , and Chief thanking is dozing my in the the trouble next room I have . had Since to I face last wrote on his , , you account have . no The conception attack in of the photographic studio cost me seven rf mT hundred francs «••• and a
•*» . » . ^ m * fmT +. M . ^* W ^ -f b _ ^ "wW » - ^ rffcA * * m * * rf * M M ^ . fc * * mT ^ m * * mT »^ •» . »* . « . ^ mf » - ^• ^^»» ^ mm WSKK * »* - ^^ « »— -v — . , —— — » — bath of oxalic acid for the Chief , who , you may remember , was covered Stilltha with t affair nitrate has been of silver settled , made and a hole I can in afford one hundred to forget more it . . was It , however , the wors , led t thing to serious in the consequences world , for the . savage Feeling mind that , I idleness planned si out ghts a regular of Paris programm , as well as e of I could recreation with such , and a " companion did " all the . chief I , of ¦ courseendeavoured + m to excite his mm «« r interest in 4 what we saw ¦ » - « ¦ but
wmr ^ mr w ^ h m ^ ^^ , ^ vtvb ^<^ ^* ** w v ^ mr ^*» ^ mr ^ m ^ ^ mmr ^* tm ^ ^ m * ^ w ^^ ^< m * a ^ s v ^ ^ mr ^ m ^^ ~* r ^ m ^ ^ » » ^ ^ « ^ m — - ^^^ ^ v - ^^ , ^^ ^ ing nothing , perhap seemed s , the to Jardifi afford him des the Pla ? sli ites ghtest , where sati he sfaction seemed , except very - much struck with the anatomical collection and the bears . Inthe deed Chief , we had one dail morning y to visit jumped the latter over the , and railings only , gave and it foug up ht when the great brown African one for a Bath bun which I had just given the him interior . Accustomed of Pokyar , apparentl he easily y , to got encounters the best of with him this and brute rushed in
lected up the crowd pole , where he no t to on , the lbolted delight the and bun astonishment wholebut , also of finished the cola ton of tripe , which had y just been flung there , for the week ' s tiresome dinner . , At and the begged feeding me time to use of the my animals influence , too to , he get became him a cage very in to the the keeper row , that , who he , mi I daresay ght take , though his turn t the with request the rest an . odd I spoke one , for he answered with a jocular smile something to the effect that
liked Mounsier he could could have not a have place a in whole that cage of the to himself Bengal , but tigers that . The if I rather Chief at dine once there assented than at to the the table proposal d'hdte , and . No said doubt he would he would far have three , done in consequence this , had we of not his been having turned seized out the of human the gardens skeleton at ¦ from they ^ r —— - *~ ^ bp were the w v ^^^ ^~ ^ museum ^ to ^ 1 him ^» ^ ~ ^ ^ m ww , a ™~ and ^ mere ^ ^» ^ ^^ r ^™ fed ^^ r dead ^ rw the ^^ ^ m ^^^^ seal letter ^~ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ with ^^ . At it ^ ^^ . ¦ As the ^ ™~ ^ to Louvre ~— all ^^ " ^^ ^^ — other " — ' ""^ I ' si could ^— ghts — - —^ — ,
not for some time get him beyond the official who takes the a sticks French and god umb . rellas I subsequentl , whom he y found somehow put got that into he had his fallen head into was speculation this idea , from going the fact on in that Pok , as yar there , they is frequently a good deal change of relig their ious divinity ployment , and , and from glad this to p cause ick up a god his is living often as thrown he can out . Taking of emumbrellas , and attending at the cloak-rooms of theatres , is
Tomahawk (1867-1870), March 26, 1870, page 116, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_26031870/page/2/