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March 26,1870. 3 THE TOM AH A WK. 123
THOUGH by no means inclined to appreciat...
So we are threatened with a new cab comp...
Mr. Arnold is one of the oldest and most...
Without entering into the question of th...
The East-End clergy are becoming clamoro...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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March 26,1870. 3 The Tom Ah A Wk. 123
March 26 , 1870 . 3 THE TOM AH A WK . 123
Jdeajst Lijddell As A Reformer*
Though By No Means Inclined To Appreciat...
THOUGH by no means inclined to appreciate the levelling tendencies of the age , there is one act of Iconoclasm reported in last that week the Dean ' s papers of , Christ that we Church must pause has done to applaud wi . th It one appears of the away " customs ^ BP wj ^ b ^* - ^ ^^ ^ " ^™ ^ B ^ Br '' peculiar Bi 4 ^ r ^ B > ^ B ^ ^ wh ^» ^ ^ - ^^™ to ^ r -v ^ r the bt ^^ " ^ tt ^ v house ^ B «» * J ^* " 41 ^ rv ¦ ^^ r _ ^ b ~ over - ^ 4 ^ w ^ B ^ ^ m ^ tt which w bbbmibi B > ^ b" b BB » b » he ^ bbi ^ t ^ presides F *^ ^— Bl ^ b"BbT *» ^*^ b ^^ ^ ^ Bk . V bbj Noble « ^* ^* " 0 ^* A * 4 ^ a ^ B _^
-and men bear are no , in longer a society , as of , where old , to academic be decked learning out in gold should and alone silk , their create backs distinctions , but are in to ming academic le with dress their , a fello sort w of undergraduates birth livery on on equal terms as gentlemen . Conscious of the vast amount of prejudice which has to be faced even in the carrying out of praise such to Dr outsiders . Liddell , an for obvious the firm reform hand as with this which , we cannot he has too grasped highly
VW ^^ V V ^ " ^^ " ~^ " ~ ^^ - — ^^ f V ^^^ b ^ H ^™ ^ V ^ H - ^ " ^^ ^ . V ^^ ™ *^» " ^™~ * " ^^ ^ B ^™^» - ^ B 1 *^* ^^ ^^ ^ V ^^^^ ¦ ™ ^^ ^»~ - ^^ V ^ P ^ B" ^^ W V ^ B V VWV ^ B » W ^^^ H ^ B ^ V *^ . BP ^^ ^ W *^ B" ^ Bf Bh ^^*^^ ^ b * j ^^ ^^ ^^*^ b ^^ B ^ B ^^ ^^^ F ^ fe * V ^ the matter . It will now no longer be in the power of Balliol men to reproach by far the noblest and largest of all the Oxford and Colleges less , educated with its adhesion . No to doub the t " there snobbism will be " of those a less who refined will weep over the prohibition age , and believe that the House of Lords is b bv coming the the wav to are are the verv dust s-lad lad because to to be be a relieved relieved few University from from the the youths vul vule-ar , who dis dis--y way very g gar
against tinction such peop , certain must le it is g useless ive phases up to wearing of argue University . gold One lace life of the is and great that velvet they reproaches . foster With that detected peculiar and so Ang unsparingl lo-Saxon y sp lashed irit which . We Thackeray will undertake so keenl to say y that he would have hailed the little paragraph to which we have
^^ ^* ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^~ ^^ ^ B ^ v W ^^ r * w >^^ ^ v ^ b ^^ ^™ ^^^» * ^^^ ^^ ^™ ^ 'V' ^ B " ^ ^ B ^ ^^ " ^™ B * ^ " ^^ ^ B ^ ^^ ^* ^^ ^^ ^ " ^ r »^"^ ^^^^™ ~ " ^^^^^^™ B . ^^ ^^^^^ F ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^¦ ^ ^^ ^ B ^ BHB » V Bb ? ^^ Bb ^ V ^ V W ^^^^ move referred A at , Christ as a health bi Church 4 ^ y si will m gn imperceptibl of the 4 times b * y . do Dean i more Liddell ^^ to — ¦ bi ^ raise ^ . ' s last _ the tone of University feeling , and in the widest sense popularise University training , than a dozen bills to let in Wesleyan heads or Baptist Censors !
A Ifackjveyjsd Point.
So We Are Threatened With A New Cab Comp...
So we are threatened with a new cab company at last . " The Metropolitan Public Carriage and Repository Company , to ing Limited shame a society , " and has for send just the the issued supp ordinary ly a prospectus of cabs Hansom , which with to will hide the put object its the diminished of Growler formhead in Whitechapel . The capital of the new company is to be respectable £ 180 , 000 , there and , as is the no reason Directorate that the is more concern than should averagel not y
prove ^^ ^ B ^ ^^ F V ^* ^^^ ^^^ not ^ F ^^^^ *^ B ^ ^ W onl ^^ F , ^ M ^* y ^^ ^^ ^ a ^^ ^^ ^ BF boon ^^ ^^^ B > ^^ ^ to ^ ^^^ ^ B a ^ ^*^^* ^^^ long " ~~< ^^ - ^ v ^^ suffering ^^ — ~— ^^ ^~ ~— ~— ~^^ ^^^ public ^ 1 ^ ^^ ^^ ^ B « ^^ B ^ ^ " * ^ , ^^ but ^ B ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ a ^ v ^ ^ source B ? ^ kWJf W ^^^ ^^^ F SB of profit to the shareholders . Hackney carriages with fresh health cushions , will , easy certainl springs y be , an room acquisition for the — legs and , acquisitions and clean bills should of certainly be encouraged . We wish the " Metropolitan Public Carriage and Repository Company , Limited , " an unlimited success .
A Lesson Late Ijst Life.
Mr. Arnold Is One Of The Oldest And Most...
Mr . Arnold is one of the oldest and most respected of the word Metropolitan s wei police ht with magistrates them . , Were and it it therefo not for re this follows we that should his be inclined carry to form g an opinion for ourselves , regarding , a case which was heard last week at the Westminster Police-court . ¦ ¦ The ^^ " ¦ ^ " ^ BT facts "B » V ^ B * B * ^ W were ^ W ^** ^ " ^ B as ^^^ ^^^ follows ^~ ^^ ^~ ^^ ^^^ T w ^» * , —It ^^ ^» seems ^^ ^ B" ^^ " ^ ^ 1 ^ ~^ that ¦¦ ^ ^™^~ ^ " ^ ^ a ™~~ - short ^^ ^ ^ BP BV ^^ ¦ time ^» ^ ¦ ^ B * ^ ^» " ago Bk ^ bT , *| one ^ B ^ ^ B Bh ^^
to Mr the . Church Argyll , described Rooms , and as " there a gentleman met a lad of 50 who years wore of diamonds age , " went . Mr . Church and some friends accompanied y the lady ( who became the prosecutrix ) and a few friends of hers to some supperrooms in the Haymarket . Here the fun soon became so fast and propriety proprietv furious , that of of putting putting a female her her friend diamonds diamonds suggested in in her her pocket pocket to the . . prosecutrix This This she she did did the .
earrings placing , a value star , two value hundred fifty pounds pounds , , in her pur handkerchief se , and her , , pinning the pocket . Shortly after this she left the supperrooms and went home to her residence in Brompton with the prisoner missed , together , and when with they the arrived purse and at home money , the , and diamond " the gentleman star was of 50 years of age " was given into custody . Of course he debeyond nied , and doubt truly that , all he knowled was not ge guilty of the of matter the theft , and but it was at the proved same time Mr . Arnold admitted that , seeing the prisoner , was the only
Mr. Arnold Is One Of The Oldest And Most...
g person iving him with into the custod prosecutrix y , but , he after did the not think evidence she that acted had rashl been y in g sli iven ghtest , Mr idea . Arnold of committing did not a think felony that , and the " he prisoner left the had Court the , " character added the . worthy magistrate , " without the slightest stain on his While we are fully willing to endorse Mr . Arnold ' s decision as to - ^ ^^^ the ^^ ^™ ^^ - ^^ r guiltlessness ^ m ^^ . ~^^^ ^ w ¦» ^ r " ^ ^^ ™ ~ - ^ - ^ " » ^^^ i ™ ™ of ^^¦ ^ ^ w ^ Mr mm ^ ^^ . ^ Church ^^^^ ^^ ^^ —^^— —^ ~^^ *« . v ^ in ^ ^^ the ^^ ^^ —^ - ^^ r ^ matter h ^ " ^ " ^^ - ^ - ^^ ^^ - ^^ f ^^ of ^^^ ^^ stealing ^ B ^ ^ V ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^** ^^ ^ m ^^^ fc dia ^^^^ " ^ B ^^ " ^ B ^ -
we monds hold , were Mr . it Arnold not for and the his respect inions before we should referred be to inclined in which to think that instead of leaving the op Court , without a stain on his character Police-court , that with Mr some . Church considerable emerged blame from attaching the Westminster to him . wards When to old late gentlemen and noisy of suppers 50 go to in the the Argy Haymarket ll Rooms , their , and moral afternot characters thieves . can In scarcel this case y be the regarded charge as of stainless theft was , albeit no doubt they alto are - gentleman gether absurd of 50 and years untenable of age , , " scarcel but Mr y . comes Church scatheless , viewed as out " of a the should ordeal command —at least respect , if morality . is held to be a virtue , and if age
Stage Rowdyism.
Without Entering Into The Question Of Th...
Without entering into the question of the rights and wrongs the of Miss case , L as ydia reported Thompson in the ' s encounter Daily Telegraph at Chicago , are , the certainl facts y re of - critics markable and , as theatrical exhibiting the manners in the and New customs World . of When dramatic we read of people carrying managers loaded revolvers in their pocketsand producing tnem on the least possible provocation , we have gene , -
going rallv rally picture picture unexcitable d d to to ourselves ourselves Englishmen a a class class have of of men men little with with in common which which we we ; but stead steadv here y--we find one of our countrymen , who , but a few months back , with was p a ly deadl ing his y weapon trade as , and a theatrical apparentl manager y as read in y to London use it , as armed any well Oxenford -educated for abusing Yankee , a Imagine new play Mr at . the Webster Adelphi pistolling ; or Messrs Mr . , Gye and Mapleson indulging in a desperate struggle with bowie
knives on the back stairs of Covent Garden Theatre—no two ve very ry probabl extraordinary e occurrences about , them perhaps if , yet they there were would to happen be nothing in America . We shall learn in time what our cousins across the water mean when they boast of their advanced civilization .
Tomahawk's Mite.
The East-End Clergy Are Becoming Clamoro...
The East-End clergy are becoming clamorous for assistance the cannot towa limits rds wonder enabling of conventionality , too the , if poor the of earnestness , their now that district of poverty their to emigrate no appeals longer ; exceeds and means we poverty gentleman , but , a starvation Mr . Catlin and , who death is an pure Islington and simp missionary le . One , worth having y previously fought a pitched battle with the Holborn Guardians for has has parochial at at length lenerth assistance turned turned to to the the towards Press Press emi , and and gration demands demands , alas , unsuccessfull the the assistance assistance y ,
which publicity will lend to his cause , . May the publication of his in hand appeal . , which we append , assist the good work which he has rolled "In as Cow Members Cross , of or the * Ragged above London Society , in Four the Centre Hundred , ' we Families have en of - able-bodied workmen , —not paupers , nor persons of bad character —but red stead uced y , hard to a - state working of destitution people , artisans , misery and , and labourers despair . who There are is now no withdrawn prospect of their work funds for the from m , th Benefit ey have Societies exhausted have their so littl ld t e h savings eir f , itur have
and pawned their tools for food . ' We speak , what we do know urn , and e , labour testify what market we . have The seen government . ' Emigration of Canada is the will safety receive valve skilled of the and free unskilled would be sure labour of , but work not over paupers there . . Surel 20 , 000 then labourers if work and cannot artificers be brought to where there is labour , we ought y to send , the labour to where there is Btw work »» v » f State wi aid h has been »•* refusedParochial aid lias been
» . — •>*• ^* >» . W **» . «* *^« . * - »» w v v -v m y * m > , fr * - »«¦• ^ - * . \ 9 ' ^ % 'W rtllVt' \ + ( 4 > / I % , fr & |>*{* t / p overcrowded refused ^ VOIWVII . What \ then the burden . can . ^ my of poor Poor peop -rates le « do is becoming ? Our ^«^ Workhouse b _ ^ _ intolerable — d is , alread I can y rescue no longer some remain . The silent British , and and see Colonial the peop Emi le perish gration , -wit Fund hout offer an effort to assist to a limited number , who can contribute £$ and upwards each statute
Tomahawk (1867-1870), March 26, 1870, page 123, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_26031870/page/9/