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No. 73.] LONDON, SEPTEMBER 26, 1868. [Pr...
No. III.—On Sundry Varieties of the Grea...
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1 The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal Of Sa...
No. 73.] London, September 26, 1868. [Pr...
No . 73 . ] LONDON , SEPTEMBER 26 , 1868 . [ Price Twopence .
Woman And Her Mistress.
No. Iii.—On Sundry Varieties Of The Grea...
No . III . —On Sundry Varieties of the Great Plague . There are many species of Female Servants which we have that not yet form attempted of torture to which describe literary . The and Housemai scientific d , men for instance so justly ; a dread , who which insists re upon sults " in tid the ying utter your papers confusion , " as of she all calls it , in in memoranda process the the s sacrifice acrifice , notes of of vour , unfinished most most valuable valuable MSS ., & documents documents c , and not to to unfrequentl the the . flames flam your e . y s . your
under the comprehensive title of " rubbish . " , maid trinkets This does word and not , things " rubbish understand good , " includes to the eat value or everything drink ; that . One is , of everything which must be the a house except natu- - ralist , fully to appreciate the ruthless destructiveness of these that female fern Goths procured . That at beautiful the risk mineral of your life specimen , that flower , that rare which insect you , walked miles to find , —on all these , should you leave them
anyhurries where where within within them all her her into reach reach that , , swoops s premature woods the the grave relentless relentless of so barbarian barbarian many precious , , and and things destruction , the dust with -bin which . Then valuabl the e miraculous ornaments passion become for endued selfunder It is hopeless her touch , to , is think very of trying ever both educating to the purse the housemaid and the temper up to . we the may level hope of a luminary to teach her of science at least , or to utvu a leave connoisseur things alone of china . , but The — — - —¦ Cook - * -- ^ ---s *»« j , again M ^ " * ' 9 , is **¦ ' a **** being *^ w * . * .. *^ Mt armed with rr ivu terrible frv > x x x t- 'Xt * powers ir ^ v of / 1
natures rendering of one the ' s human life miserable species . whose Every stomachs body , except have those been lusus conpocket structed -handkerchief on the same or p a lan half as the without ostrich ' s , which inconvenience digests a which everybody bad , except cooking these inflicts fortunate upon penny p man henomena . Some any , knows peop the le agony affect ; martyred never to care steak what with they apparent eat , and gusto swallow : for the these grimy , that ashes leathery of a delicious shaving coat of greasy of morsel dried , black ; but up , bread something punishment -crumbs -or for - , other calling such , disguised wicked itself a indifference cutlet in a , thick is a ,
though though years , mad slow slow with , , is is sure sure the , , and and pangs these these of d are are yspepsia the the very verv , clutch persons Dersons wildl who who y , . at in in such later later comestibles Norton's Camomile as Du Barry Pills . ' s The deliciou worst s species Revalent of a domestic Arabica poisoner Food , or barous is the " precepts professed , and cook iniquitous , " whose art tradition is founded s , by force on a of stock which of bar she - perpetrates ages , but ages enormities of culinary sanctioned corruption , indeed — , enormities by the custom at which of the educated ¦ " - * - * w ~» , ^ v * palate |^ l ** M . VW and M * l . * % . l . the bUV pure £ Sl 4 . i , W ~ - XXX minded & XXVX , WV 1 , stomach 01 »\ J XXACfcVrf 1 J . become M ^ vV / UlW
congealed professed with cook horror " will , never or burn learn with even fiery the indignation rudiments . of The her taught profession ; and , for if that you involves venture the to unlearning make any all suggestion she has been or s find elf-confidence any fault , you such are as met experienced by a lofty scorn ignorance and a only colossal , can assume learn , than . It one is better , whose to have only an experience inexperienced has been person in continual that will rather error , and a trivial who matter will not after unlearn some . of Bad the cooking more serious may seem evils of which we have spoken in relation to servants ; but this is - — -
juices most cooking certai of , the but n meat , that that being there not onl is properly y greater does preserved good extravagance health in the depend and process more on the in of - materials excusable , waste than by committed a really good by a one bad , thoug cook h he with or the she p send lainest up thing every is day turned the most to the recherche best account of dishes , in . the In former the latter it is case turned every to - no account at all . the There household yet remain who would many feel of the deep upper ly insulted female by functionaries being classed of
amongst servant girls . The airs with which " the Room " looks satirist down upon . The " assumption the Hall" hav of superiority e often furnished on the part materials of the for house the - tried keepers to set and their the ladies inferiors ' -maids a better would examp be more le . The justified most , if paltry they tyranny is practised in many cases on the humbler servants of the establishment by the mistress of the keys and the store
precious cupboards meaning . Indeed , — , the when word the " head famil of y " the is quite house losing was its something old and knit more together than master by the , and tie all of the a common members affection of the household for their home were , and and those devotion in it ; tor when the familiarity intercourse bre between d , not contempt master and , but servants respect could be trul ; y friendly without injury to the dutifulness are are of the removed removed one , or from from the the the dignity influences influences of the of of other their their . own own When home home young it it peop surelv surel le , y
behoves those , under whose roof they live , to do all , they can to in good suppl b y y the examp place le , as of well parents as by to precept them . , to To shield encourage them fro them m evil masters by kindness and mistresses , as well need as not by be strictness ashamed , is to an exercise office towards which their so heavy servants on their . Those hands rich , that heads they of have families to rack , whose their time brains hangs for more some wholesome idle ith * amusement loyment with which for to those fill it faculties , would find and amp energies le and
which J ^^ Jl ^ j * j ^^^ V v they ^ v 4 ^^ W now ^^ * A » ^* ^ emp ir fritter ^ 4 4 W ^ ^ " ^^ J away ^ ^ ^ ^ p a ^ r a on ^^ ^ frivolous V * m ^ ^^ mmr ^ r ** ** v ^^ w excitement ^ v * k v ^ vr w m » ^^^ , ^ v ^^ if -v ^ ^ they ^^ ^ ^^ ^* , m would take as much pains to perform the duties which they owe to the those duties whom that are they owing employ to as themselves they do to . We exact mig to ht the hope uttermost then to find would as great their an impro masters vement and mistresses among our . servants as they The among position which Ladies' -maids occupy is becoming , in the must present not age be , surprised one of such if they - > - >* importance are sometimes and confidence too presumptuous , that we
t ^^ g 4 ^ 4 p ^ ^^ ^^ 4 b ^ p ^ 9 ^ ^ r w ^ ^^^ ^ p ^^^ ¦ " . * v ^ m ^ " ^^ ^^^ ^^^~ ^— ^* ^^ - ^^ m a ^^^ ^^ r ^ r ^^^ ^^ ^ m ^ v ^ p ^ ^ ^ " w ^^ ^^ ^ v ^^ r - ^ v ^ ^^ v - ^ ^^ ^^ ^~ ^ ¦ ^ ^~ ™ ^ - **_ ~^ v ^ v - ^ the and secrets overbearing of that for wonderful their station effort . of The art abigail a lady in now full knows evening all themselves dress . She , that knows go to all make the elements up the entity , insi , gnificant before which , perhaps we , fall in knowledge down and , worshi and , encouraged p . What wonder by the success if she avail of the herself lady amongst of the her own equals . The , practise astonished the same but admiring amiable housemaid deceptions imitates amongst abi her
her gail at Sunday a respectful out , struts distance majesticall , and y Betty along , the in scullerymaid all the pride , on of cheap rouge and a second-hand chignon . And so the system which of false the pretences lady has spreads discarded downward for newer s , and ones the , are follies still and preserved vices , in the tardy but faithful imitation of the humblest of her servants sincerest . It form would of flattery be worth could while not trying be extended , at least to , whether good as well this
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Sept. 26, 1868, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_26091868/page/1/