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136 THE TOM AH A WK. \September 26, 1868...
the Electioneering followers of Mr. Glad...
readers LAST , week we attempted , at th...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Perhaps It Is As Well That Lord Mayo Is ...
it The , as p , henomenon unfortunately lasted , the rain but a fell very and short the time sky was , and cloudy but few at saw the been moment as s brig of the ht and greatest clear obscuration as the scientific ; but if men the who weather went had to India on purpose to get a good view of the eclipse could have loose wished a , no herd benefit of Indian to science Civil Servants could possibl to stare y accrue the sun by letting out of ClO else countenance ^ . , No X of 1 U wonder W such V , without 1 UV . 1 vul his 1 UJ either Majesty J . Ti . CJ . JV ^ OLJ profit ' got gV / L to disgusted UlOg themselves UOH-U at O . L . being U or ^ iJig to made J . XJ any . O . UV body * ' the tllb
object clouds on purpose to gar disappoint curiosity the , and thousand hid himself or so behind European the know her fiery -nothings master who an excuse had made for adding the moon one ' s more impolite idle behaviour day to their to official existences . Beyond this , putting every other consideration aside , Sir itself John comes , Lawrence but due dangerous , or a ' s meteor Order as a in shower precedent Council is . was expected In future not , onl we , when y shall ridiculous an have eclipse all in the clerks of Somerset House clamouring for a holiday , and in possession and unreasonable of " a grievance . " if their request is refused as absurd
136 The Tom Ah A Wk. \September 26, 1868...
136 THE TOM AH A WK . \ September 26 , 1868 .
Wantbn, A Horsewhip.
The Electioneering Followers Of Mr. Glad...
the Electioneering followers of Mr . Gladstone atrocities are have cropping achieved up the full memorable early , and notoriety servative candid of being ate the for the first boroug to disgrace h of Sandwich themselves , one . Mr The . H Con enry - on Worm the strength , happens of to this profess fact the have J ewish been relig furnished ion , and with the electors the fol- , lowing circular : — , " iWho crucified our Loi-d ?—The Jew
. . " " 3 2 . . Who Who declared continues Him to deny to be Him a blasp ?—The hemer Jew ?— . The Jew . " " 4 5 . . Who Who will would destroy deceive our his common father Christianity and sell his ?— birthri The Jew ght . ?—The Jew . flesh " 6 ?— . Who The Jew will . ' worm' itself to the surface and have its pound of pents "We , ' and are deny Christians the Jew . . " Take our Lord ' saying , ' Be wise as
sercandidates Mr . Knatchbull for the -Hugessen representation and of Mr Sandwich . Brassey are but it the is difficult Liberal with to believe the perpetrators that they can of this have abominable in any way insult identified , to Mr th . Worms emselves in Worms particular happens and to the to be whole not Jewish only a community highly respectable in general . but Mr a . sensible scurrility gentleman will do him , and and it his is cause not improbable more good that than such harm wanton ; but we it is have really quoted a disgrace should to Eng be lishmen permitted that to such be printed circular and s as pub that - wont lished to boast " the . Christian land of liberty , " of which we are all so
The Riddle That Has Puzzled The Lunatics.
Readers Last , Week We Attempted , At Th...
readers LAST , week we attempted , at the urgent to obtain request a solution of some to thousands a question of that our term has ( we of years understand —we allude ) given , of the course m ceaseless , to that annoyance great problem for a of long the generall nineteenth y felt century that the , " When conventional is a door answer not a door " When 1 " It it ' has s a- been jar , " have is not g in iven accord up ance steam with -eng the ines , sp boot irit of -jacks the , times and — the times electric that telegrap t ^ iV < gl C 4 . LSAA h . * This JL AAJ . O that being UWiUtj the bliV would case V * C 4 . hJl * , « find we VV \* begged '"'^ 'SS better ^^ our V / UX solution readers * VH > UWI < » J than to WV " the try t * * J
one again to , " which trusting we have they so contemptuousl a y alluded . but Some They the of majority have the answers " tried have b again we een have remarkable , " but receive with for d questio have an utter been nable absence passable success of . , point attempts . It at has wit , become fun , and evident waggery to , that us from the rising these generatio sorrowful n u cranks nhapp " ily for lack which the our capability ancestors of performing were so justl the " famed quips , and and
benefit from wh . ich our dear old England has derived such marvellous However , as we wish to be just as well as critical , we allow answers our readers we have to jud received ge for . themselves To aid the by public giving in , en their masse judicial , the labours , we have attempted a little classification . The question was When is a Door not a Door ?
may And thu the s be answers arranged we : have — received to that difficult problem When it ' s a-Negress Class !—Orpheus i . — ( Ramsgate 'Passable ) . Old Brum . When it Class ' s va ( r ) nished 2 . —( . On —Mid the ge . Verge of Silliness ) . When When it it turns is a shut into -ter a . street —C . Weinberger —WMcD .
* * AAWlk **» kVlAAXU AtAVV M * UVLVVWt . » ¥ . ATJVJL ^ . When it ' s aw-shut t-aw . —Hotspur ' s Popingjay . When it is to ( two ) . —Bill Class y-go- 3 Buster . —( Silly , Rose ) . , Isabella S ., and Midge . When it ' s o-pen ( a pen ) . —Jargon , and Forest Hill Owl . The When Cheapsid it ' s e a- Lunatic opening . . —Maniac Jack in a state of Champagne , and When it is on the swing . When it is swinging . —Annie ( Tooting ) .
Forest When Hill it ' s bolted , and . —Mustard Peach Stone ( Lowestoft . ) , Samuel E . Thomas , Midge , Class 4 . —( Utterly " Stoopid . " ) Out When on Sufferance it is a book . ( studied with eye-on ) i . e . shielded with iron . —One W When hen it there ' s not ' s no there door . — . — Gustave Relampago Dore ' . s Ghost . When it is not a-dor-ed . —Taciturnity .
NEXT WEEK'S PUZZLE . It is with the deepest regret that we have to announce the imag escape ined of that the he " Lively was safe Lunatic under lock of Camberwell and key on Green Friday . " ni We ght last open , . when In the unhapp ' morning ily we he left had him escaped with . his On bed the - dressing room window -table we found the following painful epistle : —
Written boots in the on shower the mantel -bath -piece , ivith . my these play I defie Ha away lines , ha ye until are , I Tvrant I before ' m late free , until 1 — you free lat I as e shall in the the be air morning madl to dance y careering ! away By the , and to time 8 to 5 g Fleet lorious Street welcome , riding to the on moonlit a towel- veloci horse pede , and of shouting the Adriatic forth I my With Hark my hark tall and y-ho hollo ! tall ! y-ho ! With It is our , my opening tall , y-ho ! tall ! y-ho !
the Yes home , thou of murderous lunatic literature wielder of is Penn situated the Puritan near Bride ! know ' s court that . What Hatchney would ? Mr . Punch do without his correspondent at Colney So Fare fare thee thee well well , for my a we n e traitrous ; hound ! A For nd the I am wind bound it is for blowing tea , and traitrous the sea ho und is cold , And I ' m my bound , for my tea . ,
Adieu ! adieu 1 The Lively Yours till Lunatic death , of Camberwell Green . fitted It is out scarcel and y necessar despatched y to in say sea that rch an of expedition the fugitive was . at In once the meanwhile we once more must throw ourselves for the second ( and last ) time on the kindness of our readers , and beg them to accept ilUUCJJL a « , puzzle JJU lore ££ 1 C them instead iliotCdVJ to of a a . riddle nuuib rathe cl at \ . our uui write hands uatiu ^ what i .
Vthe following imp hieroglyphic say : — ( or r ) we mean by V• # # # solution The . above When , with solved a little the problem thought is , most is exc p ee leasing dingly . easy of
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Sept. 26, 1868, page 136, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_26091868/page/12/