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September 26, 1868.] THE TOM AH A WK. 13...
Letter man III . St .— . Leger Canard / ...
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September 26, 1868.] The Tom Ah A Wk. 13...
September 26 , 1868 . ] THE TOM AH A WK . 133
French Pictures For The English: By Jules Cana R D.
Letter Man Iii . St .— . Leger Canard / ...
Letter man III . St . — . Leger Canard / is First rescued appearance . The Reli of gion the of London an English Fog - . Potentate The Dog . Star Office is of threatened the Sir-Richard with " Mtizzling -Mayne . Description " A great of the u Polis-mans . " Arrival in London . Its size . Habits of the Nobility . A Bill of Fare . Hoiv the Memories of Great Me ? t are Installed . To the Editor of the " Gamin de Paris . "
Hotel of the Two Worlds Sept and . 20 St . , Cloud 1868 . , Leicester square , My much honoured and dearly-loved Redacteur , adventures You had will arrived remember at the that point when where I I last was wrote left waiting to you -, my in C a *> third bliilU -class VAMliJk ; carriage ^> C *>* . * . tt *^ V on X ^ JLJ . the V * AU Folk Jt . V / AAk . -es ^ "h * -tone W ^ A . *^* line AJL ** Wk , the W- <*^* apF proach t / v ^ * ^ XJ . of \ S JL
and an eng was ine attached . To make to a long train story . As short we , were the eng on ine the arrive eve of d , starting , I called out to my the peasant : " This carriage is cold : let me get away . I would ride on the The eng peasant ine . " staggered off , and , after a long parley with the driver , I *> * mi . *** . ght £ ^** , returned be +-T ^* accommodated MVW 411 with AAJ , VVIfcVVVVkl the answer . ¦ I * - paid h # hWA th at — K ah if -W h A I ! would these WJL * ^^ h > f ^ V barb —^ pay * - ^ JL , k ^ arians b * fourpence Jh Vbkl'lh'B , are -V * , ^^
they not mercenary ? and When the train I had was taken beginning my seat to in move the , tender I commenced among the the follow coals - , ing conversation : — covered " Tell with me , driver brown , wh holland y the . train " was left all day in the cutting , " Wicked one—it was Sunday . We work not on Sunday . " " A Ah JbXAa , but but * ¦ * V 4 . V here AAVA that ^* is * it W * is . % J different still * J «>*& A Sunday ** - * U 1 AMW matter 1 J , and MfAAV ! yet J ^ V we * V ^ are % >»* . W moving 4 . & J . V ) ** J . ^^ . » "
" Ah , a " " " Because Why ? " said 1 'Sir I Smith . wishes to come to Town to-night . He has paid extra !" " But because Sir Smith has paid extra does that make it less Sunday ?" " " Ah Undoubtedl AUl it is JbM y reli JL !" ion Vll : how l \/ IT strange Ail !"
" Stran > , *< « r ge— your T ^ wicke * V ** . VUw d g one ' < ! J I would M ** , < have t ^ ^ aa you know that we are Christians . We believe in two good books . One of these good books is called the Bible ; but there is another which we esteem even more . " "And that is called ?" " The Ledger ! The jour defite of this book is known as the •»**^* * St * r « r . Leger ¦¦¦^^ s ^^ n . / or ^ r * , * Derb *— •¦ v-i . ¦ » y T Day ¦*— " ^ **** J . ' On ^^ ** the fc ** W morning *** . ^** . ** . ***^^ of ^^* the w ** % «
in festival which a all great the race Mayors is run compete , called . the The ' Oaks winner of Old is made England ' Mi , - ' Lord Mayor of London / with a salary of . £ 150 a-year . * Now you of us understand and directs ; us is it on not earth ingenious —tells us ? how The to Led live ger to takes the best care advantage—how to do to others as we expect to be done by . " "And what do you do with the Bible ?" of » > " time Oh , to that read we it keep W then to !" read when we get to Heaven ! Plenty ^*»*•*** W **^^ ¦ * , ^ W ^ Vr * * W ** , ^* *
not " Ah duties , it ? is " capital ! But have you not Bishops—have they lawn " Oh sleeves , yes , to for spend the benefi ten thousand t of the laundresses a-year and ! wear " monstrous ni ght With passed much and instructive the day conversation began , and still we we journeyed were miles on . away The from London . The sun shone brightly , and at last I fell asleep . **•*•*•* and I was before h /\ iiwi awakened ^ us UW was YVMQ by a a heavy JLJ , jerk V * C 4 ) V Y . - "" AW looking We W XVlii were & wall TV C 411 nearl of \ JM . vapour y frfcUVSMJ in total . , } as Cfc £ > hard X darkness 1 MJ . VA as € A *& a CV ,
stone and as black as a coal . " " This What is is the this London ? " I cried Fog , horrified , " replied at the the eng awful ine- si driver ght . ; " you must jump out and help me to dig a tunnel for the train in it . " sled I got hammer down at . once For five and hours assisted we my worked companion with the to wield utmost a heartiness ge , and yet could make no impression upon the frightful a * prince I cannot 1—JULBS believe CANARD this . £ . *< o a-year 1 Why in our country such a sum would be the salary of
mass . The more we beat the Fog the denser it grew . At last the engine-driver said to methat " Mounseer now remains , we to have us is tried strategy strength . Wait , it here would while not I do costume . All myself . " there The some engine minutes -driver . then After entered a while the he guard returned ' s van costumed , and remained in the most eccentric style . He had quite altered his appearance . He
mysterious wore wore a a short shnrt letters blue blue tunic tunic and numbers , , with with silver silver on the buttons buttons collar in in . front front He , , had and and on some some his head a sort of felt helmet that looked like a hat that ( having a without taste for ever the quite military effecting ) had its tried object hard . to He get carried into by the his Militia side white a truncheon hair and and a seemed waterproof to be cloak nearl . y He eig wore hty years spectacles old . and He advanced towards , the vapoury barrier leaning upon a stick . ¦ He * shook ism his fist and ?*^ cried
out—¦ ¦*• ^** *~ r M . j . ^* r ** s . xjiam ****^ w * -- *¦ vp va * , ^^ p >» >^ *» v " Move on !" I watched the Fog narrowly , and saw it tremble , but still it did not move . " Move on ! " shouted the disguised engine-driver . " Do you dare of all question I survey my ? Stay authority here ? another Don ' t moment you know , and that I g I ive am orders King to He JJ my . V- had myrmidon 11 U . VJ . QV scarcel ^ CVl V /^ to l y V muzzle uttered UUkV / XUU the . the WJ . XW Dog threat tll & WUW Star ere * ! " the tlAV >» Fog J- W £ ^ J , with FT * - ** the V ^ v
sound You of can thunder imagine , rushed how surprised screaming I into was the at sk this y ! adventure . I could hardly speak for about ten minutes—the time occupied turned by the he eng laug ine- hed driver heartil in removing y at my look his of disguise astonishment . When . he re" " Not Why , strange " said he ! " , I " there repeated was . nothing " Why strange , the Fog in the obeyed matter your . " will !" " Of course . Didn ' t you see why ? The stupid vapour
thought I was the Sir-Richard-Mayne !" When I understood this my surprise was at an end . Most likely some of my compatriots have read of this great potentate . He more is , in reality from , me the King will of Great understand Britain . the When Constitution you have of heard this strange land better you , but I may say at this point of my adventures that Parliament the Government , and the Sir of Eng -Richard land - consists Mayne . of The the Soverei Soverei gn gn , acts the is Ah with independent the tV advice of The her officers Parliament i of this , but great the potentate brWVWJ Sir-Richard bMfcV are -Mayne called
^ * AAXai «^ W ** VIVA 1 W . ^ . AAV VA ^^ VA *¦* *— ' ¦*¦ fc ** A *» r <^ ^ % ^ m ~ + * n 'Ml \»< V ^ M . XXWV <> " Polis-mans . " They live chiefly upon cold meat and rabbitpies ( provided for their benefit by a race of females yclept the " Slaveys wildest " ) , daring which — food such encourages as capturing them small to commit boys , reporting deeds of publican ale , " and s muzzling who do not some purchase savage their animal silence s known with in pots London of " pale as - " toy-terriers . " When the Fog had gone we started off again , and arrived
without you a Map further of London adventures , as . you At will this then point understand I think I should better g my ive allusions to the various localities I shall have to mention . * I may Islanders say at call once their that the metropolis " Modern ) is Babylon a very " small ( as these place wretched , not a fourth English of boast the size very of much Paris— of in their fact towns , utterl ; y as contemptible for me , the . onl The y place I saw the whole time I remained in England that I considered W » w . «* ^« Wh at w « v all *•*** . ** fine « . *^ s ****** and ^ v » impressive *** A K" > ^** " * hJ * - ^* was »» VVkJ a ivV ^ certainl *>^ A lr «^> ***•«> y T magnificent ** n WV V
vincial city about village three reached hundred by omnibuses miles from ) called " Brompton ' * Welch " ( Harp a pro . " - You will observe that in the centre of London is a spot called " Leicestere Squarrr . " It is here that I have taken up my abode they charged . My hotel me on is the the finest morning in London of my arrival , but very eightpence expensive for ; a bed and breakfast ! So exorbitant did I consider the prices that I determined upon getting my meals elsewhere . It is very T W * T XJ much . XMW * . * . the V ** W * fashion •»»» *** * * * W * * among M «* J >\/ i » fe the b **^ / % * lite V + f ** of V ^* the « r * AV ^ Eng J ^ lJI- * lish iWl * * Aristo AI tlJbV
to cracy take ( they their are meals called al the Jresco " svel j - so mobb to be " the in " the costbre mode -mong I always ire " ) feed in the streets . Here is my daily bill of fare : Breakfast eye , " and . — half " Crumpet -a-pint of " ( " souche Sparklin ) , " -Sarsaparilla Vinkles , " " . " Bull ' supon expect * We which to regret see throe it that in our hundred this impression week c * we ngrnvers have of Tuesday not have the been next space . euira —Ed to ^ . ed insert TDM for . m Mods any , months Canard . 's Our Map readers of London may ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Sept. 26, 1868, page 133, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_26091868/page/9/