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No. 2S-1 LONDON, OCTOBER 26, 1867. [Pric...
the The objects International which the ...
to A that Word ), make to a the forced W...
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The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal Of Sati...
No. 2s-1 London, October 26, 1867. [Pric...
No . 2 S-1 LONDON , OCTOBER 26 , 1867 . [ Prick Twopence .
.National Curiosities.
The The Objects International Which The ...
the The objects International which the Exhibition Emperor , has the achieved Commissioners to the , full and every the Munici one of - in pality Which of , Paris foreign had nations in view could when occupy they so generousl space on condition provided of a building paying for it . waiters It has , promoted or waitresses the of union every of clime nationalities , and by b means y intro of ducing strange us meats to the has glorious kept future half the of populati humanity on of Paris awake at night to think over the
the eiviivwa It worst has xutux articles given w v- ' * an in jaumxwmav enli the g g htened lobe y * . at the encoura highest gement prices to . trade by assembling in It the has minds favoured of those contentment who bought and those native articles manufactories a fixed determination by begetting never It has to make given a an purchase impetus out to of art their by own showing street the for worst the future specimens - of artistic skill which could be borrowed , thereby convincing every artist who It -O-V saw * has AM > iJ increased AMM them . K *! . WAOV that *« - < . the IrXJiVw be knowled XWX was 4 VS If better J . VUg ge V than V of ** man -J , 1 the JL « 4 . J K best b *** y 7 p I- ' - lacing *** of his -l < i contemporaries before »» # V , ** - 'A'W - iim * H- «* a ** col . » - " . - he
le does ction of of the products use of the and P manufactures yramids . of which he knows as . much as amity It nas "by bound quarrelling all the with nations each of of them the earth separatel in a y over . league their of restaurants peace and , viands a letter , . gas , pillars , and everything else on which it is possible to write rank has I , by has of cherubim a , in final short act , b of raised y taking grace h , umanity exalted away what far both above they visitors had its common to and sit exhibitors down condition upon to . , and the Having" done all this , however , the Exhibition is now to be closed ,
b but ut our our readers readers will will be be g plad lad to to hear hear that that the the elli ellinses pses which which have have regen conceived erated the the brilliant world will idea not of be rep lost lacing to it for the ever temporary , for M . exhibition Le Play has oi to what furnish is by a a warning permanent to all exhibition ages from of the what spectacle was and of the is no various more failures , so as reached through . which He has the according perfect development ly addressed of circulars the present to all year the has Powers been they asking have for all no obsol further ete use inventions or , objects ctand , and the manufactures following articles , for which have
already been promised .: — respe , France . known —A newspaper in the world containing a system the of admission government that superior there has to been the actual rJgime in France , and among men , one equal in glory fo and llowed integrity bno to avertissement Napoleon III . . , the announcement having been y
T The he Editor original of se the cret said Treaty newspaper by which . M . de Bismarck engaged to cede the Rhine provinces to France , as a reward for her Several n Mexican eutrality official loan during announcements . the Bohemian and campai speeches gn . , recommending the The The Tribune September of Convention the Corps Ltg . islatif . The pot au feu bequeathed by Henri IV ., to the French
peasantr lories y , and & c & c larg . e number of guarantees , liberties , oaths , g , , England and . —A Mr collection . Disraeli . of old principles , contributed by Lord Derby A A compound fine old Tory householder , who believes . in the above ( fossil ) . T Several he remains prisons of , capable presti of ge keep of the ing English prisoners name in safety on . the Continent .
i An example of commercial integrity . The nine Church articles of . England as by law established , and the tlurty-A prejudice against assassination ( from Sheffield ) . The not idea to be , that treated a murderer with the honours who calls of himself War ( Ireland a Fenian ) . , ought And the various Pentateuch items , marriage of bric-a for -brac love , including , value for the money treaties , fr of cM 1815 & c ,
Prussia The . — Treaty Several of small Prague thrones . from various parts of Europe . All the inhabitants of Schleswig-Holstein who speak Danish . Four The opposition Burgomasters members . of the North German Parliament . Also against several might stands . " of muzzle-loaders , with the legend , * ' right Austria . —The Concordat .
A The list Imperial of debts power of various in Hungary members . of the Imperial family . The Several belief Reforms that all projected men are in 1864 not . equal before the Zundneu & l-And gewehr several . princes unprovided with crowns . Italy . —Securities for interest on the National Debt . The An attempt idea of to ever discove paying r how it . much the National Debt is .
A duplicate copy of the September Convention . And country various , the parcels ministers of , the popular army enthusiasm and navy , & for c . the king , the Holland the . — Scheldt The Treaty . binding her to keep open the navigation of A The nd formerl laws various y of in harmony princi the possession ples , by , old M . of paintings Musard the king . , decencies . and scruples , Belgium The . — fortifications The signatures of Antwerp of the Pow contributed ers guarantee with ing its great independen deliht ce by .
the inhabitants . , g T R eliance Editor of the E Indtpendance land . Beige . And a collection upon ng of spurs from the cockpit of Europe . Spain . An —General Essay on Prim Parentage ' s patents by of the nobility King . Consort . And several traditions of honour and liberty .
t From will be able materials to construct thus fu rnished scheme , it is E expected as tha it mi t students ht have of been hisand ory will thence be able to appreciate the blessing urope of living g in Europe as , it is .
To A That Word ), Make To A The Forced W...
to A that Word ) , make to a the forced Wise meaning . —L « t out not of men our ( or words women . In eithe several r , if it recent comes portionat articles we e witli have th had e importance to attack abuses of our — task with , a but severity while perform no way i dispro ng the - painful hemian duty clubs , w are e have pernicious carefull , but y avoided many a de worth aling y man in personalities belongs to . the Bo m - the system of theatrical engagements is frequently corrupt and was a manag short time ing smal since l theatres a crying who scandal have , b ever ut s been till there an honour are clever to their actre pro sses - fession not with . good Only men snobs or of honest both sexes women need . Once fear our for weap all if on peop —we le will war gofit wear . caps not made for them , it is no fault of ours . Chaam & son
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Oct. 26, 1867, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_26101867/page/1/