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August 2 7> 1870.] THE TOMAHA WK.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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August 2 7> 1870.] The Tomaha Wk.
August 2 1870 . ] THE TOMAHA WK .
^ Pr ^^^ MACASSARIME C ^^ C ?^^ KALYDOR , ODONTO , VOILET VINEOAR * m > EAU DE Cor . OONB , ME SMILUM EACH . Loaihar PMHFVM d-stmt MK * l « 7 TO » Niw THM Boa QVMMN d-str—ttw « Wi . ,,,
Ivl •! 41 ll 4 31 ^ Faiii' ^^ 9
QLSNFISLD STAROH , IS THB ONLY KIND USED IN IIXII MAJStTVS LAUNDRY . —**?*«— . These ladles who have not vet wed tiie GlenMald MM Starch carefully , are respectfaUjr follow out solicited tha directions to give printed It trial en * than every other package Starches . It , Is but rathe when * more this b difficult overcome to , make they will meat aay Starch Hke they the ever Queen unod ' s L , aundress , that k to tfce
FUBB AS 8 AI 1 D *» J |^ S WATBRB ^ mmmmmmammY ^ aV . * aw * M JM JM ^^ J ^ OJJWTMIIJffJ ^^^^^^ jmj jn j * all III FOR COUT-The test-named Is a spleadid remedy . EVERY CORK Is BRANDED "R . ELLIS and Son Ruthin ; " and every Label bears their Trade mists Mark , , without Hotel-keepers which , none Confectioners Is genuine , . and Sold Wholesale by Che * oalv -London from R A . ElXlS « mts-W and . BEST SONS aad . Ruthin SONS . Nth . Hearletta . Waiee , street . Cavendish square .
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Fine Oxgufe-Ieta. Xte A. Bart,
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; M OIGAR ti * withia i MERCHANT XavmLondon 1 . , , , ; aad at U HIGH 1 TRHBT . QBAVEBENO . T HE ENGLISH RESTAU-! even M * ost a things Rood KANT dinner , PAMTON arb 1 b procurabj « STRMIT strange . . to k HAYMARKRT for say , no Monky matter . — i our food what restaurant well one rfreMed Days s It at Is away th most « Went from dl « home c end « Tt how . to Numerous jet many really of as | their Ma are place proprietor hungry where public * understand . even Very connolaeurs few the . art The of and discovery catering " gourmnnds well then for may of the a tea satiate we have street themselves Made . Haymarket by nndlng I * . worth conducted the noting Enrtsh by . Restaurant That Messr discovery * Welch , tan . . vShmteeri Brothers . whose U « catering at WlmWedon for the . London Rained them Scottish so ham place ¦ mch Palace to eredltV dlae In Vea Without sUe year l Messrs The attempting . English WelcK to R have estaurant escrl equalled Bucklmr is the , If . no The ] * awpaated require stovels ! capable S la ~ completeness the of appointment » nythinii the Queen the , of culinary ^ the ' s kitchen kitchen art . neat and eieanly in theertreme that . Indeed the everything shortest private notice Is so , excellently or Messrs public . Welch room arranged , a can perfect , put dinner upon upon the of aay table number In a celebrated cool of courses cellar , , Count white wines they Runford of the also « could nenI supply hardly quality from have . a cUttciously Even fitted the up akftchen studied more completely is also . secured Brtaot , aad enlytoeaceUeace white Messrs . any they Walch p « surpass rtoe , can economy * eVwouUi vU all with In cheapness any akxi rival aa laspecdoa . house A vMt for would of excellence the repay culT . - aasVregions- . ViDm WtBas .
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V 0 I TJ M E ready S > I Price , II . and t III . OF " THE TOMAHAWK . " ! MAY BE HAD OF REEVES AND TURNER , 19 6 STRAND ; And all Booksellers .
NO REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION BgrJALS MOESOKS PEEPARATIOKS OF PEP 8 IHE , As recommended by the Medical Profession . Sold in Bottles and Boxes from ss . by all Pharmaceutical Chemists , and the Manufacturers , THOMAS MORSON and SON , 1 * 4 Southampton Row , Russell Square , London .
COOL AND REFRESHING SB < M . ^ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV *^ l feU i H ^ BBBBB ^^^ An ^ BBBBBBBBBBBH 53 ^ D ^ BBBBBBBBBB ^^ BBBBBBBBBBBB ^ L ^ BBBBBBBBBBBK . A ^ BBBBBBBBB ^ AsAa ^ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl q v ^ SHIB as ^^^ ? ^^ s ^ PQ vHb 19 bbbQbbbbb ^ CS OLDRIDOE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA . WARRANTED not to injure the Vf hair health torn turning or skla gr . « It y , prevent cleanses * from baldness daadrUT and , r causes Ladies everes eyebrows wM when aotonr fsJanc . whRkera / fed oK It , . lavaluabie and streofthea moustacklos fee * weak rhemislvsi to grow hair , . but eftcadous In the growth of childreas aalr . , In bottles at 3 s . id ., 5 s ., and tta , Wbllincton strbbt , strand , Lokdom . W . THREE PHIZE UBD 1 L 8 , PARIS EXHIBITION , tttf . PURS PIOKUBS , 8 AICCS , JAMS 41 TABLE KUCJklBKSt O THB HIGHEST QUAUTY . MAMUPACTURBD BY CB 088 B ft BLACKWELL , PURVEYORS TO TBS QUEEN , p RorauBTORS op Captain white ' s Orirntal Pickle , Curry Pastb , AND OTHER CONDIMBNTS . An asld Retail m all parts of the World , aad 'Wholesale at toe Maaafectosy , tOHO BQUAWt . LONDON .
¦ RROUGHAMS LET ON *~ f HIRE IOR THR 17 E YRAR't . at 1-oriy Outncn nerty nt i per the annum HJrer . , Carriages after wlilch of it ever become descriptioa * > h » prodeducted I ct on Hire as , part with payment option of . purchase , the hire being THR DENMARK HI AT . TON as built for This II R 11 Phaeton . the Princes u un « urpa * of « sed Wales fne . — H % Price ease ct and Guinea elegant * < can appearance be made , contain to « u < t * four tixed person cob s or romtortablv . , and NESS Particulars BROS and any ., IJrawinga Long on acre applylnn pony , London to .
NO ICE . THE INDIAN REFRIGERATOR . Q OLD WITHOUT IC"g ALWAYS COLD DURING SUMMER-HEAT . g UTTER , WINE , VIANDS , ~ B U T T . tod ER ., 3 S . « d COOLTE .. 4 s . 40 ., $ * . * d . RS . WINE COO L E R S 51 ed . 7 % 64 , mm 6 d . PROVISION COOLERS 6 s yi . j % od , 8 s od . 10 a ad . las < d . tion " A of provoklng aa inunuuble - 'y simple natural , but teaUjrvaluable law . "—SciBNTinc adapta-RRPORT . No Preeatog Mlsture . Never fails I SelTactCtog I I 11 Only OXFORD of the Patentee , at the Stella BlEiTt Lamp Depot , Near The Oxford . ,
" " T ^ n ^ ffftf ll M J r * ,. ' ^^ BeBna ie ^^ BML ^^ THORLClfS DCLicious / COMfOHflD OfJVCA * JL * WCl / THORLEVS HORSE only , of and all CATTLE Cavn-chandlers SPICE in . London In Penny , and Packets of all Grocers , DraavHts , and Corn-dealers in the country .
SLACK ' S SILVER 1 H 0 TB 0-PLAT 1 m a tTEONa ooATisra 01 ptjm silyib otis vigkxl , w ^ al fob hhkab to nxELuro « ltei » MamaflrOtarwd toltly by KIOHAmD fja . JOHaf SLAOVL — -tr-y rAxUOb far U » TbUs m 1 b emlTW— . QU Qom & B « Blfi » i ***! U afwfr . ¦¦ ilVAOKV OATALOaUE , witt MO Pr-wlBgtmd . TtUm , an ** 1 a » BB »^ 9 ^ bW ^ STJL ^— —Z | % kw ^ ^^ f ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ssssas— ' Fiddl BUetro * rattera -Plated riddle fitroxif Patt Plated am rattan Thread * . Klag with ' a anJ Shall ivvtasT . ^ -lisLrsJSLttSLSGr » sn £ a ^ . ? .: ?^ : «»* — ul- — ljl * — 1 ± > — tVOBT TABLB Us 14 KNITBB aImTm . Tub * ^ Mb irfwisw , ttt . nWmKKt , Hi *» X jJL A kJxL nir » K a 9 T X A A . r % I j . IT i 1 < \ nTTTT J % J A . la . 1 Ji t . " tX X BIOHAED , , * JOm 8 IaACIK , 9 H BtiMd . opporiU Sommwt Houm .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 27, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_27081870/page/13/