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May -28, 1870.] THM TOMAHAWK.
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May -28, 1870.] Thm Tomahawk.
May -28 , 1870 . ] THM TOMAHAWK .
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SAUCE . —LEA it PERRINS . —SAUCE . THE Pronounced WORCESTERSHIRE by Connoisseurs , JjB W ^ m THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE' flH Its Uwri use improves / oallcd for appetite Piquancy and digestion and Am wIH ^ L . LEA Beware To & avoid PERRINS which of see Imitations on the all Names bottles , aud , iggrB Prif ^ £ iliB l £ «< M | , pSirJlw ? I Aeic tor "LBa ' a ; PEBRIWS ' | S ^^|| , Agents Sauces London : — throughout , Crossh and sold the & by WwM Br all -ACKWELt Dealers . In ., wHEMlH ^" uUImHI ^ P
I' THRI | PHIZES MEDALS , 5 PAiRXS , EXHIBITION , 1867 . ^ SAUCER PU W » « E iS Al PICKLE ? L |^ UCACIES S , f * MANUFACTURED BY CROSSE JPintVJEYOBS & BLACKWELL THB QUEEXT , , proprietors pickle of captain , curry white Paste ' , s oriental Are sold AND Retail sale In OTHER all at trie parts Manufactory CONDIMENTS of the World , , and . Whole-SOHO SQUARE , LONDON .
faV 0 U : TTOR FOR ^ X YE ^ RS has Pnbllc . 'Yt ^ ever fafls 7 ^ ° ^^ ' ° ° . you I RESTORE t thful will promote colour . and GREY luxurlnnt beaul % y crowtli ; ^ ApBD , . \ . ^ AIR Its Faljlne Thin Hnlr Hnir . is Is thickened immediAt : « jly ^ , eck . ^»\ Sold „ Baldness mj , , by , Clxeinff W prevent ' Pi *« s ts e "bpf and ed tles . , PeWrhers , ptlco sin ; . sHUlinss Deppt , . n 65 High Hoi |> i ? r ^ , London .
Londoni Printed by the Steam Printers ! x 6 Grant Windmill Ffreet IloywurVorj . •» id pnW'iho'l by Hbnrv Conn , 399 Btrnnd , W . C . ~ Mny b 8 , i 8 ; o .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), May 28, 1870, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_28051870/page/16/