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May 28, tSro.j THE TOM AH A WK. 207
As a charge has been made against Mr. Ay...
If Mr. Cardwell laid himself open to the...
It is with such unfeigned pleasure and a...
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Before These Lines Find Their Way Into P...
the others may be in bed and fast asleep . Any Christ Church man will bear us out in the statement that Peckwater may be utterly unconscious of an unauthorised though most brilliant display of fireworks in Chaplain ' s Quad , This largeness of field natural therefore disregard encourages of the consequences adventurous always after-supper great larker thus receives , whose , , refer neglecting an . additional to it , their to clear impetus supervisionary the . authorities This , however duties from . , It . by any is the not unfair way possibl . charge We enor onl of if y it were , would it be desirable , to garrison an Oxford , college with police ^ and until this be done Christ Cliurch will always . be liable end of to the an chapter . occasional will make disgraceful many , outbreak and under . One the influence fool , to the of good wine a many fool dangerous may become nuisances a dangerous as well . nuisance The present , and create outrage a appears to be a gross one , and to demand the intervention of the law . To this we would urge the authorities to appeal . that English the gentlemen wanton and , however reallbrutal young destruction they may be of j must . valuable be . taught - y pro black perty , guardism which does but not also belong punishable " to them felony , is . not only unmitigated ,
May 28, Tsro.J The Tom Ah A Wk. 207
May 28 , tSro . j THE TOM AH A WK . 207
Gas From A Yrton.
As A Charge Has Been Made Against Mr. Ay...
As a charge has been made against Mr . Ayrton reflecting upon want that of taste Right , we Hon have . Gentl much eman pleasure ' s taste } h , publishing or ( as lib is the pretended follow ) - ijig list df imprqverriehts i-ecommerided by the President of the Board of Works . 1 . That the Statue in Leicester Square be bronzed ^ arid his norse be painted a pea-green : 2 . That only sacred music he permitted at Covent Garden Theatre—such as the " Opera " of Horace , & c . 3 . That holyhbcks be substituted , fqr the less showy and more expensive flowers of trie Park . 5 . That the Lions in Trafalgar Square be white-washed and sent to the Soutri Kensington Museum . 6 . That a colossal statue of Mr . Ayrton be built in Mr . Ayrton ' s front garden , and at the public expense .
Policy And The Want Of It.
If Mr. Cardwell Laid Himself Open To The...
If Mr . Cardwell laid himself open to the charge of slow action in the reforming labours , which , as the War Minister of Mr . strides Gladstone in the ' s cabinet direction , he of necessaril a model y military took upon administration himself , his recent sufficiently show that his seeming backwardness has not been simply the caution of inactivity , but for the last eighteen months he has been busily maturing the schemes which only now are being permitted to see the light . Mr . Cardwell has proved himself too a thoroug nd he has h a d statesman one wisel to p leave ledge it himself to Mr . Childers to haphazard to reform how , little cheese-paririg has y to do with real economy , and prove what the relations of economy to efficiency must always be , to give the former well has term bided any his significance timebut . iri Unlike no sense Mr can . Childers it be sai , M d r that . Card he - has proved himself a more , feeble War Minister than Mr . Childers has been as a " First Lord ; " indeed , if the hostility of the t Press ration can of be nayal taken matters as a si has gn of been weakness by no mean , Mr . Childers s strong , ' for adminis never - was a minister in his position so persistently abused than Mr . been has Child b too ers een slow has broug been over ht . his . against On wo the rk Mr other and . Cardwell now hand eve , the n , has this gravest been reflection tha charge t he is that dis has - sipating itself into thin , air , under , the progress of his administration . Mr . Cardwell had much before him . when he went to f Pall rom Mall any , of and his events responsibilities are fast proving . First that and foremost he has not , he has shrank attacked the Purchase System . Although we cannot believe that and the attack the battle will must be successful ultimatel , yet end the in first the stone defea has t of been this thrown , y power ,
* Partly suggested by Mr . II . Cole , C . I 3 .
If Mr. Cardwell Laid Himself Open To The...
which is the oldest enemy of " Military Reform . " Beyond this , Mr . Cardwell has signed the death-warrant of the " Dual has Government put the Commander of the Army -in , " - and Chief Royal in his influence proper p notwithstanding lace as the sub- , ordinate and ( let us hope ) the assistant of the Secretary of State for War . To this Mr . Cardwell has added an entire new structure of the War-Office on an efficient basis , and with the inwe creased doub representation t not will commence of the a new department era of what of the has Lower never hitherto House , really existed— a thorough Parliamentary check on Military Expenditure . This , too , has been effected without any increase of the cost of the War Office . He As is regards now engaged the Army in dispelling itself , Mr . the Cardwel bugbear l has of also the been Army active , viz . . , the Act long passes period into of law service as it surel ; and y , will if his the new country Limited will Enlistment not only have to thank the presen , t War Minister , for the construction of an Army of Reserve , which is not a mere shadow , but for enticing into the service a class of men far superior to those which now take the shilling .. This desirable end Mr . Cardwell purposes to bring about by teaching the soldier during his short service Army an industrial , he may trade find , himself whereb , y with , immediatel youth on y his on his side , quitting quite equal the
to the task of entering the labour market of civil life with more than a fair chance of getting on . As matters of detail , the Abolition of Bounty , and the Reduction of the Pension List , are practical benefits not only to the Service but to the taxpayer ; but the great point of Mr . CardwelPs administration has been , that he has effected the reforms we have enumerated without showering grievances right and left . In fact , while Mr . Childers , filling a p Admiralty lace a good reform deal Mr too . Cardwell big for has him acted , has at the " run War a Office muck" as in a statesman and . a gentleman , , and has consequently laid himself open to the charge of lukewarmness . We will not further contrast Mr . Childers with Mr . Cardwell , balance latter for , while will with the not his former probabl brother gentleman y Minister care to will find but suffer himself it is in worth comparison weig while hed in to , the the review the different policies which hav ; e been adopted at Pall Mall and Whitehall to be able to show from which of" the two sprint ? the best results . The fickle public itself , however , has passed fiassi the verdict Mr . , Cardw for while ell ' s administration Mr . Childers ' s is popularity fully and is thoroug decidedl hly y appreciated , .
The " Telegraph" In Its Right Senses.
It Is With Such Unfeigned Pleasure And A...
It is with such unfeigned pleasure and astonishment that we all find , that bur we old cannot friend , forbear the Telegi quoting -aftli , reall the following y in the ri passage ght , stilts : — and " Let us not argue in the teeth of fact , and of those who know the opium dens of Singapore and Canton , that the ghastly vice to which we pander is slight and rare . Let us not borrow the procurer ' s excuse , and say , that if we did not supply China with a well-selected commodity of disease , other people would do it . Let vis not fly in the face of chemistry and physiology to brazen out our misdeed with the assertion , that the drug is anywhere a daily necessity and a benefit . But let us frankly say , that we are a moral nation only up to the point where morality does not plunge our ledgers into difficulty . To those who this can while believe the silent , with benefactors Mr . Grant Duff of the , that Chinese we have the been division all need not seem painful ; and those who appreciate , , with Mr . congrat Gladstone ulate , the conscience extreme danger for avoiding of an abstract that difficulty resolution . But , may we must nevertheless expect to be bittevl y laughed at abroad , as the nation which exports Bibles and chests of opium in the same ships . " Those who are accustomed to the frothy casuistry of penny papers ought to hail plain speaking like this with acclamation , cut Telegraph it out , is and quite set rig it in ht a in golden its estimate frame . of Not British a doubt morality of it . , the As individuals we may be all very well , but collectively as a nation we on are the , face and of our the neig earth hbours ; compared know it , with the the greatest shallow humbugs shifty manner language in of which the TtlcgrafiJi the Tunes handled indeed refreshing this opium . business , the
Tomahawk (1867-1870), May 28, 1870, page 207, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_28051870/page/5/