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348 ^ THE TOMAHAWK. [December 28, 1867. ...
A waggish knave said that he thought pro...
spondent We learn at throug Washington h...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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348 ^ The Tomahawk. [December 28, 1867. ...
348 ^ THE TOMAHAWK . [ December 28 , 1867 . 1 , _ __ . . . -
Diogenes' Tub Talk.
A Waggish Knave Said That He Thought Pro...
A waggish knave said that he thought prophets were all fools . " No , " said Diogenes , " but those who listen to them are . " lie Diogenes answered was , " I asked shall not if he be feared able to to hear die , what — " Wh my y friends should say I ?" of me . " of A borrowing certain author from , others Klepsippus said , th who at his was ideas somewhat came so over fast -fond they
quite ran away with him . , " Nay , " said Diogenes , " but I , wonder Klepsi at ppus that , , for " To they cry oug * Stop ht to Thief run . after '" you . " " Why so ? " asked that Lawyers they soon have learn to invent to pardon so many it in excuses themselves for . crime in others , A certain fop who was arguing with Diogenes on the immortality of the soulasked him" Nowwhere do think I
, , , you shall l go after death ? " " Wherever your tailor goes , " was the repy . When a woman confesses a fault , you may be pretty sure that she has committed a crime . A xx certain i / Ci iaiu doctor uuliui u asked -sts-cu . Diogenes l / iugcucs which vviin-ii . he ne thoug uiuugin ht the liic best ucsl
much way to from die . your " Surel patients y , " he . " replied , " you might have learnt that Men hate liberty so much that if they can find no other tyrant , they make themselves the bondsmen of their own vices . A certain satirist who was at great pains to familiarize himself with ex ^ — " ¦ " pression ¦ ^ ^ ~| ~ the ^^ ^^ ^ - ^^ vices ™ ^ of ^ 1 F * flfc bitter r which I " * V ^ ^*^ ^~ contempt ^ P' he ^^* ^» ^ ^ V satirized ^ P" ^» ¦ ^ ^ " ^ P ¦/ . One , ~^ t ^ alway ^ ^ - ^^ blamed — f . H ^ s pV ^^^ when ^ P > ^ P ^»^ him ^^ ^ b ^ silent ^»^ *» ^ for b ^ Hp * ^ h , this affected ^ V ^^ H ^ ^ ^^ f before f f ~ " ^^ ^ h ^^^ an ^ fc ^^^
he Diogenes is always , who thinking answered of — himself " Poor . " fellow ! He cannot help itbeing The cruel Government . that will never be severe is sure to end by hard The to Gods say which made of us the , and two we have make succeeded our Gods in . creating It would most be monsters . what If men trouble believe they they take are to prove superior the to contrary beasts , . it is astonishing
It was told Diogenes how a certain notorious malefactor had that been we let should go . "Ah send ! " him said such he , " a Death scoundrel is too . " dear a friend to us The man who drinks to drown care—is like one who strives to quench a fire by throwing oil on it . depend ^ n ^^^^ When W ^^ ^^ V ^ F ^^ V . upon ^^ w any M ¦ * ^^ ^ ** one it ^ ^* they ^^ ^^ ^^ beg ^ P ^ W ¦ onl ins ^^^ ^ " ^^ ^ y M to want W W p ick ^ . ^ h ^^ to ^ f holes ^ . ^ r prevent ^ ^ v - ^^ ^ in - ^^ r ^ ^ p ^ p their your g ^^ r ^ v v ^ . b own finding ^ r ^> ^ v ^ b ^ . ^^ p ^* character ^ v ^ v h | a out ^^ j ^ g ^ ^^ of ^^^ p ^ ,
what vile stuff it is made . During a discussion concerning the authors of the day , it was observed how certain of them had out-written themselves . of "Yes brains , " said , with Diogenes which , they " These try to scribblers fill a flagon have . " but a teaspoonful sition One , , when who was discussing a coward with , but Diogenes of the the most horrors mali of gnant war dispo , said - ,
wonder " There at is one that thing , " replied I cannot Diogenes bear , , " and for that look is how cruelty easil . y " you " I bear malice ! " A young wit told Diogenes that it was woman ' s mission to p make hilosop fools her of , " men to find . " how How often vexed Nature they has must forestalled me , " replied them the . " ails Diogenes thee , friend one , " day he asked found . a man " Oh , weep good ing master violentl , my y . wife " What has deserve run awa that y from she me should . " come " Poor back wretch again , " . said " Diogenes , " you
A Waggish Knave Said That He Thought Pro...
suicide It is who an unfortunate are a plague thing to themselves that those , and persons not those only who commit are a plague to others .
Latest From America.
Spondent We Learn At Throug Washington H...
spondent We learn at throug Washington h the Atlantic , that Congress Cable , from having our ta S . ken pecial into Corre con- - the sideration advantages President of the Johnson doctrines ' s message therein , and advanced having , has recognised agreed the to the President following wants address : — , which it is hoped will be exactly what " May it please your Presidency , — peop nv - ^^ r " ^^ We v *^ ^ le ^ - ^^ 0 , ^ . , in k ^ v the ^^ Congress ^^^ - ^ ^^ r ^ Senators ^ ^ ^^ . Hh ^^ ^^ P ^^ P ^^ P * ^ assembled ^^^ ™ ^^ v ^ and ^^ p ^*^ ^^ ^^ *^^ V riV ^^ p Representatives * ^^ P ^ V , ^ M humbly ^^ ^* ^^*^ p ^^ ^^ * V *^^ P ^^ ^ W thank ^ P * ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ of your f ^ p ^ ^ the W ^^^^ fr Presidency ^^ P « American ^^ ^ S ^ ^^^ . ^^ ^^^^ h ^^ pr ^^ ^ b ^^ y
for the Message which it has pleased you to communicate to us . cip " les We , which humbl a y long acknowledge study of political the correctness science has of the enabled first prin you - so satisfactorily to impart to us , and we receive with the truest from large are thankfulnes p . leased these We s to thankfull princi and lay highness p down les y follow and for of our axioms all mind behalf the , they and inferences , and require shall that , which - ever of the the axioms endeav you world draw you our at to leased follow to faithfull indicate y the According course of policy lwe which beg that your Presidency will receive is
p our solemn adhesion . to the following y , set of opinions you which we humbly venture to think we can gather from the message you have " The been American pleased to Union deliver has to never us , that been is broken to say , : — or so much as cracked , either de j 7 ire or de facto . Union " The , and Southern the war States was , , therefore on our , part have , an always idiotic been , if in not the a wicked ^ States ^^ ^ pi v ^ iv v «^ , declared ^ kp ^ violation ^ pT " ^^ 4 > vpv >^ ^ pp > ^ V ^ b that VAAlfV of W the they v # 4 h ^ fa Union ^ Bp g had ^ Vw ^ P ^ P ^ . P ^ b compact * seceded . v ^ kr ^^ P ^ ^ P ^ b h ^ p ^ ^^>^ . from — - When — - — — —> the ^ ^ f--v the ^^ v Union ^ Southern ^™ ^ r- - ^ ^ — - — , we ^ - —
their ducked ought assertion to our have heads by disbelieved firing and relied cannon them on - the balls ; and Constitution at us when , we they oug for ht defence supported to have . " We unhappily committed the egregious folly of going to war tution of ag Pil scious ainst grim blood ; was our and Fathers and never fellow we millions lost , or - contemp citizens and in any won , lated an way many millions event by provided bloody . the which of most treasure battle for we b warlike now y s , spent the and are Consti of rivers broke con the - - every engagement and tradition upon we were bound to respect , and all In fact in order as , we as now we said see , to we make tramp the led Southerners the Constitution respect in them the .
dirt in , order to cram it , down their throats . " And when the war was over , so misguided , so wicked , so we ungenerous actually required and selfish the were South we— we we had humbl conquered y confess to it g — ive that us again some . guarantees We see now that that they as would the Union not revive was never the old dissolved grievances , so the I . A 4 V »> Southerners ^ VI * tiAvl 11 V * iJ were TT V ^ V ^ ever v V WJ . entitled W-1 J ViblWfr to V ^ -f « all - •** the wt . a .-b'w advantages ••»**• w w»— wwq — —¦ which - —
as it has the alway war was s conferred over we upon should them have . We iven now see that claim as soon to the fruits of victory , and should have let g the up Constitution every and everything on one cheek else , and go on having precisely hit back as before pretty . hard Having , we been should smitten have p and Unhappil icked troubles our y man we of have the up question and not done turned . We this to have , and him done hence the a other good all the deal cheek difficulties towards also . tected putting in down the South Slavery those —we who will were now undo not abl it mtw all e . to We protect have them pro-
-VW V * feW V-fc && -k ViiW t »^ W UVM W ** V * UW * T * . * N ^ ¥ » W & *»• - >»^»* ¦• ^^^ -m ^ w v JT selves—we will now leave them to protect themselves . We have appoint established a Day of negro Thanksgiving suffrage—we for will the now revival take in it away this con and - tinent of the great principle that neither one man nor one colour is " as We good trust as that another by . following out the course above indicated , tion we may they succeed had Clt before 1 in replacing the war *•** all began things which in exactl we ¦ y understand the same posi is
same what North fefl > W IK W 41 your causes >^ # and Jf AJL Presidency ^ r the ^ should MVV Sout \* again W h W considers we * f lead shajl *> # to W ^^ « should the ' *•** endeavour , same »» . »«* be w «» quarrel done to »»» respect »•• ; between and w— — ——^ if in -- — —— the the all — — things the motives of the , latter , and to let the former take care of itself and the Constitution . " Tin ' s address we need hardly say has been adopted unanimously .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 28, 1867, page 348, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_28121867/page/2/