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December 28, 1867.] THE TOMAHAWK. 349
Mr. Editor, from The everyone question ,...
On Wednesday last Mr. German Reed threw ...
T To the Lunatics.—This being our Index ...
Answer to last Week's Logogriphe.—Fire. ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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December 28, 1867.] The Tomahawk. 349
December 28 , 1867 . ] THE TOMAHAWK . 349
Once More—"The Fire I"
Mr. Editor, From The Everyone Question ,...
Mr . Editor , from The everyone question , " for Were the you last at the fortni fire ght ? " has I was been , Sir , to and everyone though Detonator I do not ( more I can ' s their that loss ) contribute never my behel quotum d such to the an Dail awful y volcarnic , effect . - say my eyes that that The were were flames left left in in lapped blackened blackened like a solitude solitude driving ocean and and as as round the the dancing dancing the cornishes sparks sparks
rioted of the in scenic frantic Apellies splendour and , and over the the , , black smouldering fiend smoke shay swathed doovers tion am itself coming ever in tumid turned to the drapery to cause the unnatural of fire 1 reall . Mr y redness must . Editor take noticeable , were breath your in : atten but some I - to mation ladies include be ' extinguished comp were in lexions caused own % at by famil Did the internal it earliest circle ever fire strike some , opportunity which you of the require that weaker ? this s You promptl inflam sex may a y - , prey mend to this Dalmat your unpleasant ian Cream tray y . of Then Dahlias , Sir as , allow the onl me to remed recom in - such cases my In bottles at 5 sand 7 s - 6 d -- . y y
W Wl VA * VtV'a'VUll . *¦ ¦*¦* *** ^* » »¦* ^ P * " Your " ™* « J obedient . M- ~ . *»^ v g — . servants ppp . p * , Sharon and Pottifa . My Friendly Editor , may seeker I address find . Oh their these ! What way few to an the words awful bosom to lesson you of humbl many that si a y ght benig desiring of hted flame that pleasure and they fire - must have been to those who went to witness the destruction by must Heaven come # ' s elements back to of their that wandering abode 1 j ' of consciences sin and 1 » sorrow I , and have h how » made it
«¦> most t . . ia ^ pf ^^ p ^ p ^^ r impressive AA &^^ p * r » pr wv ^ v ^ ib w ^^ p discourse ^^^ *\_ r pv ^ b w * ^ ¦ w ¦ ^ at ^^ 4 my p » ^^ pp * Tabernacle ^ p ^ v ^^ ** " ^ ^ pp ^^ ^^ ^ p » ^ p' ^ p » , . v in —^ ^ Sniffley - v » * ^ pp «* wv -le ^ p ^ * tr - bow box , for which the maintenance has brought of eight the shillings Minister aud and tears sixpence into into the the of my most devout supporters . Oh Sir , , only think the fearful eyes jud a scene gment of p future laying punishment with such subjects as exhibited , as final , I am condemnation told , in the last to which act , performed I grieve on to the say last was nig Her ht of Majesty performance ' s . It in was the I theatre believe , Don Giovanni , and this sad character is hurried to torment by
the the shade shade of of a a . Commander Commander--in in--Chief Chief who who comes comes to to a a late late supper suDner with the reprobate in question . Can there be any doubt of whence awfulto the think flames upon came . My ? discourse I think on not this , but subject it is is awful published , most , at Hatchard ' s , and may be had Yours on in application brotherhood , price is . Micah Milk , an wart .
Comic Opera In London.
On Wednesday Last Mr. German Reed Threw ...
On Wednesday last Mr . German Reed threw open the doors of of St Eng . George lish Comic ' s Opera Opera House , and , Lang a large ham place audience , for , the amongst performance whom were to be noticed almost all the principal musical amateurs , assembled together to give their verdict as to the fate of the undertaking The ^ pp 1 ^ P 1 PP 1 ^ p * programme ¦ jpp' pp » ^ . v | ph pp . ^ p ^ v ^ pp 1 pp 1 vp » pp ^ F , *¦ prepared W ^ ^^ ^^ F ^ pp" ^ fpp » ^ HP * ^ 0 V by p * p ^ g Mr PP * > ^ ¦ " . Reed ^^ ~ " ^ pf ^ v ¦ " , pj consisted - ^ p * - ~~ pv ^ ^ p » ^ ^^ ^ ^ pr ^ p ^ v of ^ p ^ p » pp Puss » ^ ^ ^^ ^ p » in w p » ^ r
Petticoats and Ching , by Chow Offenbach -Hi , by O , ffenbach La Contrabandista ; with regard , by to Mr Puss . Sullivan in Pet- , which ticoats , it we has may appeared mention before that the this public was not in the an first English occasion dress on ; with if we Miss remember Louisa rightl Keeley y , it was in the given princi at pal the character Princess . * Theatre We do , in not musical , however construction , attach much , as value compared to this with piece other , which works is from deficient the will same » » ™ ^— do P . m popular ^ p ^ wisely » » «¦ *^» ^ pr ^ w pen to V ^^ , bring and ppp pp » vm ^ m « p we & forward ppr ^¦ F' are OK P w p . Pi ^ inclined ^ P ^ some ppp * ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ to other ^ p » think ^^ ^ p * ppj small vp- ppi that ppi p > v « puppb ¦ Mr work » ^ pr . Reed Pfc W as P * -Y PppT
a lever du rideau . by The Mr interest . Sullivan of , the of which evening the was lib centred retto has in been the new furnished piece by our Mr cordial . Burnand approval , and we of JLa have Contrabandistay sincere pleasure the in si word gnif s ying of the buoyant book from are beg rythmical inning to end and . fluent We will , and not tell the our fun readers is temporaries the story ( as ) , but they we are will sure merel to get y inf orm from them some that of the our main con-
On Wednesday Last Mr. German Reed Threw ...
incident of the plot consists in the fact that a hapless Cockney p of hotograp Ladrones her , who * by name insist Gri upon gg , his finds becoming his way their amongst Captain a band and , , that marry this ing matrimonial the widow of all their iance late is ' projected chief : it in is sp needless ite of the to fact say that ^ m ** ppj »^^ ^ r the V ^ fe ^ p > ^ pp unfor vv ^ p > w ^» ^^* ^™ tunate ^ p pg i ^ pi ^ p > «^ pr ^ p 1 ^ ppr p » v hotographer ^^ b ¦¦ ^ r ~ w « Pk ^* ^^ v p ¦ ^^ pi ^ pp ^ w has p . w ^ p ^ left ^ p > ^ ^ ^ p 1 a ^^^ p * wife * w ^ ^ ^ pp * ^ and v ^ p 1 ^ m ^* ^ prP ^ children ^ pv ^ pk ^*^ P > ^ P ^ B ^^ ^^^ ^ b &
at home in England . appropriate chance It will to readil run for riot music y be , and understood ; but the we story are th g would lad at fun to , thereb see of that this y , Mr cease sort . Sullivan mi to g be ht instance understands music is allowed gay what , tri it pp musical to ing degenerate , and comed humorous y into should burlesque , he be , has and ; in from althoug no first singl h his to e last pleased his work with PP it is that inasmuch 4 of Jfc a as musician he Pb has 4 hVV , contrived and AAV & we are to all steer # the clear more PVPJf of
r ~ — " ^ — ™ ^^ ^ P' ^— " — ^—— ^^ «**»» P £ , ** 4 VVPtf A «*« ^^ A A ^ VP ^ ^ . ^ b ^ * ^* ^^ * W ^ p < ^ p ^ P « ^^ *^ # W ^ p ^ h ^ ^ A ^ p ^^ " ^ ^ . i ^^ P' ^ the will modern scarcel French * bear imitation ^ school ^ ^ — . which The ^ ^ , iece however ^ was attractive letel in success itself ^ ^ ^ - , ful : there were y musical encoresand p both composer comp and y author were A word called or to the two footl about ights the at singers the , conclusion to whom of we the performance must extend . some indulgence , as the extraordinaril , y short space of time p in in which iece their their rendered was parts parts allowed . . it With With almost for regard resrard the impossible composition to to Miss Miss that Arabella Arabella and they the shoul rehearsal Smyth Smvth d be . it it perfect of may mav the
be said that she has a voice of agreeable quality , and good , extent ing . ( desp She ite has her clearl nervousness y learnt in ) was a first artistic -rate school , and , her for her phrasing singexcellent . Although Miss Smyth has everything to learn as tralto an tion actress for voice such , we of work are Miss disposed as Lucy she Franklein is to now look performing upon rendered her . as cap The a ital real good service acquisi con in - - and the music her appearance allotted to is the picturesqu widow of e ; the but Chief she is of painted the Ladrones some- ,
what what sliht too too fault much much and one the the colour colour easilto of of be a a saucepan sauceoan remedied . : : this this is is . , however however , , a a g To Mr . Shaw , , who took y the part of Grigg , we must give a sang word ( one of his of the special music Ladrones with encouragemen } care , may into also t the , for be bargain commended he was ; reall Mr . , y bvit A amusing ynsley we should Cook , and everything commend him as he a does great ; he deal has more a good , if bass he would voiceand not would overp cer lay - tainly show it off to better advantage if he would , sing more and
will bluster , and less he . will Let become him tak fifty e this per advice cent , , a offered better artist in perfect than good he is now . The evening ' s entertainment was brought to a lively conclu' execution sion by the of performance all the pieces of Ching would Chow have -Hi gained , and althoug by more h the rehearsal on the opening , we trust ni that ght may the satisfaction be taken as evinced an earnest by of the the audience support which will be bestowed on an undertaking , which has the object London of . supplying a want so ,, long , and so universally felt in
T To The Lunatics.—This Being Our Index ...
T To the Lunatics . —This being our Index Number we have only space to give the answer ( " Plum Pudding " ) to the Double Acrostic that should have been published to-day . In future an Acrostic will appear in these pages every week .
Answer To Last Week's Logogriphe.—Fire. ...
Answer to last Week ' s Logogriphe . —Fire . Fireman . Name Answers , Firman have , Mean been , Mare received , Fan from , Fern Darby , Mire of , the Fin . Squrt , A . D ., This Grog , Child Chux , 3 , . T X . ., H Midge . B ., , Treble Lucy - Long clef , , Caroline Ellen Orton Bex , R , . Avy R ., Baron , Two Chathamites , The Good Phil , Browtop , Ykcel , 'Ad yer there J again . H . , Man Bunny n , Ruby , First , Calumet Attempt , Jack , Comanche Sprat , Circe , " a and * , " E Aristeides . Nainby , , C ^* PT TJ . Mppv Lh . V ^ Lister " ^ jpipi A *^ ^ ^ PP 4 *¦ , V James W 'P »> PJ P . ^ ph p » ^ BP "pp * A «¦ a PV . w . pi Bury * P * " *^ ^^*» PJ * W , A The P ^ ^ ^ p ^ pi ^ pp pb > Chichester ^ p ^ « p > pp >« p pi ^ pi * vr Ppp * jp V ^ V pi ^ P * . dp ^ Cockles ^^ a ^ P * ^ PF pfr pjw ^ HP ppp > , PJ ^ pr VHt Macduff "P * » ^~ pi PK " - ^ r ¦ ^ w vpf pa v , pp * ^^ ^
A Cadogan . D . Clarke , Bonnie , Lina ^^ Dundee , A Lunatic , Anti , Young -Teapot Jeff ^^ , Curl , Clunch y Dog , - Katharine Fat , Lisa A and S Beppo prig of , H Lavender . W . R ., , S J p . lendid H . C , Misery One , Duffer Henri , , Mrs Ranees . Gumb Low o , , Georgy , Samuel E . Thomas , Firefly , The Baron , Boomerang , W Pons . C . Homo H . B . , I Trio ., C . , W P . . L S . . ( P Hampton ., Manducks Wick , Belsize ) , Idiotic , Isabel Owl , , H S . . C L . . G C . , ( Highbury ) , G . E . Willis , W . H . T ., Salalak , G . Allbeury , Joe , O and Sons , Young ' un , G . J . R . ( Camberwell ) , Veni Vidi Vici , and H . W .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 28, 1867, page 349, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_28121867/page/3/