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35o THE TOMAHAWK. [December 28, 1867.
* * Correspondents are informed that Con...
The Fenians threaten to destroy the gas ...
We believe that we may venture to contra...
The Americans are anxious to declare the...
If any one wishes to understand what tru...
Is not this Merry Christmas time? Of cou...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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35o The Tomahawk. [December 28, 1867.
35 o THE TOMAHAWK . [ December 28 , 1867 .
* * Correspondents Are Informed That Con...
* * Correspondents are informed that Contributions cannot possibly be returned by the * Editor on any consideration whatever . Contributors should make copies of their articles if they attach any value to them . Letters , on purely business matters , should be addressed to the Publisher to insure attention .
London, December 28, 1867.
LONDON , DECEMBER 28 , 1867 .
The Fenians Threaten To Destroy The Gas ...
The Fenians threaten to destroy the gas manufactories of London . They had better destroy the lamp-posts at the same time , lest J udge Lynch should take to ornamenting them with some of these brave patriots .
We Believe That We May Venture To Contra...
We believe that we may venture to contradict the report that the Chief Commissioner of Police has been authorised to pay a reward of fifty pounds to the intelligent officer who so nearly apprehended the man who lighted the squib at Clerkenwell —after he had done it .
The Americans Are Anxious To Declare The...
The Americans are anxious to declare the great and noble leaders who plan assassination for their dupes to execute , and who maim and murder women and children on the chance of getting one of their band out of prison , citizens of the United States—with all the privileges thereto appertaining : they are quite right ; there should be no mistake as to the real country of such heroes .
If Any One Wishes To Understand What Tru...
If any one wishes to understand what true Patriotism is , let him read the account of the proceedings at the Dublin Police Office on Monday the 16 th inst . Such a disgraceful scene has rarely taken place in any court of justice ; and the idea that to give evidence on behalf of the Crown in support of the cause of
loyalty and order is a disgrace , exhibits a sensitive shame which none but an Irishman could possess . Sir John Gray should have known better than to countenance , directly or indirectly , such an exhibition as this procession . As for Mr . A . M . Sullivan , he is a blatant nuisance , and it was not to be expected
that his vanity would allow him to miss the opportunity of " talking big , " and of trying to make himself out a man of sufficient importance for the Government to go out of their way to crush . We dare say when they do want to imprison Mr . A . M . Sullivan , it will not be hard to find a reason .
Creatures like him who encourage the ignorant and reckless in sedition and outrage generally know pretty well how to . take care of themselves , but they are often forced by their own assumption and bluster into an overt act of turbulence which brings them within the province of the police .
Merry Nature And Her Mirror.
Is Not This Merry Christmas Time? Of Cou...
Is not this Merry Christmas time ? Of course . Then let us greatl get a reci deformed pe for a about pantomime the head . Take , and an addicted extraordinary to a bad habit villain of , speaking y as if his mouth were full of potatoes . Lodge him in a well talk freel appointed y on the dungeon important , but cut political off his , social supply , and of gas other . Let ques him - tions apparentl b <^ of the " ¦ select day in and verse ¦ intelligent » , and ¦» let » ¦» him set ¦ of do monsters this to a . frisk Disturb 4 y , though the
» domestic ^« »<^ »^» ^ ^^ ^ ^ y peace w ^^ ^» » " ~ - ^ of ^ ~ r ^ this ^ ^ ^ ™ eccentric *» ^ " ^^ ^ ~ ^ m ^ ^— ^ *^ p hilosopher » - »^ ^ v » - ^^ « » w ^ - b ^^ ^ y a sudden ' ^ mr v w ^ r ^ r visit v • ^^ from a young lady , who appears to have purchased her clothes young ready made lady , object and to to have making got a her bad entry fit in b consequence y the ordinary . Let street this - door , but burst in through the wall . Let them both , probably last in consequence mutually agree of this to , fig qua ht rrel it , out and b threaten y interfering each in other the , p andc rMiggj ^ ikju ^_ __ ... i ? ° Ml ± *
Is Not This Merry Christmas Time? Of Cou...
the concerns young of lady some with local the famil bad y fit . to With some a sort view of to g this littering , transport place chasers where she of read meets made a great clothes many and more let young them all ladies debate , also over pur her - troubles by franticall y y hopping , and flying about for the space of the a quarter intelligent of an support hour . of Be the sure stalls you . do Having this , and secured you will this enlist will quit ¦ M . fairy ^ -land for real life , Sand introduce— , you
An ' Old a . Man 7 id on . — terms Let him of fai be 7 foolish tiliar intimacy , t , vicious , with terribl his y deformed servants . , Let exceptions him strike , triumphant every one tyrant as an . athletic , and , with afeiv A Maiden cate , whom her to O talk 7 ie would slang rather , insult not her meet uncle i ? ( i the society before . - Edu men- - an tioned attachment old man for ) on some every penniless possible gymnas occasion t , and who conceive has not a word to say for himself , but wears pointed , slippers .
A YOUNG Man ( the gymnast in question ) . —LetHIS education finish be co 7 ifined at a deaf to dancing and dumb , and abo lum ve all . , let it receive its asy A Cook , alive whose into ordinary a raging occupation ovena ? idpierce is to put his the Master kitchen with boy a dece ? it-sized spit . ,
A PAGE , unsuspectijig who heats the trades poker 7 nen red arid hot polish , gives es the the wrong floors end of his to Master ' s castle with bittter , . Other . . S wages ervants , a 7 id , who never are take hourl out y a horse summons -whipped . , receive no A Neighbour maiden , who a 7 id 071 77 iay ter be 77 a is riva of affectionate l suitor for intercourse the ha 7 id of with the the political , de 7 no 7 i alread 77 te 7 itio 7 ied . He 7 also
be a colonel of a regi 77 ie 7 it of y deformed dragoons nay who 77 i he is accusto 7 ? ied to mutilate on parade . The f , 7 i 7 i of this character consists in its pure and unprovoked atr intersperse ocity , arid his to C 7 give 'i 7 iies with it b 7 ' co eadth 77 iic , so he 7 igs should . be able to A VALET disposition , Creative . of Like the his above erriployer , and of he a still has weaker 77107 'e treacherous - 77 W 77 ie 7 its Z 7 i which he i 7 idulges in break , -downs . Altogether a ,
very revolti 7 ig type of htunan 7 iature . Other People . —Too horrible for description . bring Having matters worked to a at climax your , story and with again these introduce promising your materials political , they demon can and , point sparel a moral y-dressed , and young by way lad of y impressing . Let them a , wholesome as well as lesson spot , built on your of tinsel audience , blue , -fire sweep , live everyone women , off cog to -wheels a very , and beautiful
gaspipes Here . you wijl require four new characters , being the legitimate in your development story . First of take the orig Vice inal , you vice will and introduce virtue as portrayed ( i . )—A wretched time of life old when ruffia hoary 7 i who locks , spite should his havi len 7 ig d a reached dig 7 iity that to the man pu , spends 7 poses ' his of 7 days ~ api 7 ic t 7 , t theft ha 7 ig , and i 7 ig about murder the / streets Give th for is ( 2)—An crea unmiti ture gated a crutch scoundre , a 7 id l call . A hi 77 brute i " 2 . antaloo A coward 7 i . " . A 71
. comes ignorant across , ill- j bred 7 ieve butcher r satiated , —deceiving with bloodshed every soul and lie a Let traitor him to suppor the aged t the rascal funny , his elemcvil only app i 7 i 7 your 'oach to sketc a , friend h , and . call him " Clown " Represent virtue by—( 3 . )—A li to to ght shew shew -hearted his his fa fa a 7 ce ce id . . mischic Let Let him him 7 > ons be be a a rasca poltroon 1 > oltroon l , who a a is fribble fribble asha 7 ) zcd , aa
great him " cotvard Harleq u a i n id ? the most cbnswnmate , idler . Call , ( 4 . ) —A foolish and i 7 ijudiciously-conduclcdyotmg wo 7 uan , who every backs freak up the . Let u fribble her take , " to apa . wh 7 0771 tme 7 she its in is evening attached dress , in and let her caper be know about ?} regardless as " Columbine of police . " regulations , and exalted With tone such to materials the mind you of cannot youth . fail More to give , you a will health instil y into and Erajffiherl bgl ^ those y manl good y fellowshi and generous p , so peculiar sentiments to this of happy honourable Season . and
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Dec. 28, 1867, page 350, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_28121867/page/4/