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No. 17.] LONDON, AUGUST 31, 1867. [Price...
The following bond, Jide letter, from Mr...
posed The , fro Flaneur m the prevailing...
command the That fate of e Gallant d Eng...
This society met a few days since at She...
The Slang Dictionary Individualized.—The...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Tomahawk: A Saturday Journal Of Sati...
No. 17.] London, August 31, 1867. [Price...
No . 17 . ] LONDON , AUGUST 31 , 1867 . [ Price Twopence .
Cole On Fire \
The Following Bond, Jide Letter, From Mr...
The following bond , Jide letter , from Mr . Henry Cole , has been received at our office : — South Kensington , W . 21 st August , 1867 . Sir—My attention having been called to the continued offensive
— , - < j manner in which ^ my name is brought forward in your paper , I should wish you most distinctly to understand that , should you persist in this dastardly course , I shall not fail to administer that chastisement which your conduct so richly merits . I have the honour to be ,
Sir , Your very obedient servant , Henry Cole . To the Editor of Tomahawk . ; It is scarcely — necessary — * to say that the Editor of the "
Toma-HAWK" has started for Shoeburyness , with the intention of taking lessons in practical gunnery . The Editor of the " Tomahawk " takes this opportunity of informing Mr . Henry Cole that he ( the Editor ) fights with no weapon less formidable than a sixty-eight pounder .
The Genial Jenkins.
Posed The , Fro Flaneur M The Prevailing...
posed The , fro Flaneur m the prevailing of the Morning dearth St of ar news has been . He suffering closed , a it short is to column be supthe other day with the following announcement :- — Then " Artistic followed London details has to followed the effect " fashionable that London , and is off . " Mr Mr . . So Robertson them was and in Mr Ireland . and j Mrs . C . Mathews at Homburg ; Mr Miss . Boucicault Herbert out at of Bri town ghton ; and
. As the whereabouts of swells is generally supposed to interest " snobs is onl scar y , " cel th y e comp publication limentar of y to the purel world y domestic literary concerns and artistic of six . " However artistes " , wh as th y e doe Flaneur s he not thinks go a s it is further interesting ? All somebod honour y by " such artistic information London " , t represented he Flaneur would abov make e , but of " would fashionable be reall London y worth " at while a similar seeing pace what .
Command The That Fate Of E Gallant D Eng...
command the That fate of e Gallant d Eng by old land women Old in th Lady . Sir modern , William Her times Excellency Mansfield , that her is . — no army It exception seems should to b be to e two the rule in the . Crimean True , he . War is not who of that would type almost of which into we had fits if a a specimen soldier had or not quiring his stock what on stores when the , going re , mig on ht be a long . Still march Sir go ; William but never is the thought beau of ideal inmea of a nness scandal . It -loving is difficult old woman to read , the who accounts se virulence of the is o Simla nly exceeded court-martial by her and If the be victorious lieve that an hero Eng of lis the h gentleman great Pickle and question a soldier will was return the prosecutor to Eng- , . in tcwn land round quisitoria , , w th e e e c l e tea talents his promis tables acute will e of v him i e gilan the dul a y 6 e ap h , lite ea his preciated r of t ingenious y re the cepti , scandal and on economy fi nd -mongers any their , smal and pro and l pe his c gossi ountry s gr cope ea ps t who constitute the " high society" of such places . I
—— ¦ ¦ ¦—.—-— * Moral Saw-Grinders' Society.
—— ¦ ¦ ¦— . — - — * MORAL SAW-GRINDERS' SOCIETY .
This Society Met A Few Days Since At She...
This society met a few days since at Sheffield , to consider the question of a revision of the code of morals which has been necessitated by he peculiar circumstances of Sheffield life , and to make the alterations which experience has shown to be necessary in the old saws to make them app xi licable to modern __ . instances . _ . _ ____ . Mr — . Broadhead _ __ , sas the Saviour
of Societies , occupied the chair , and the following saws were agreed to , and a petition adopted , praying that the Committee of Council on Education will cause them to be taught in all schools , and set as texts in all copy-books , subject to their authority : — was Murder denied b will y a large was number h out . — of This grinders provoked that there some was discussion any necessity , as it , to * . ^^ wash II MK JA & it JbW at «>* V all VV ^ A any 1 « V ^& 1 more ^ . ^* . V * r « . ^ v than ^^ MtSJ ^ JttM . to V * * ' wash » TWi- **^ out V * »«* W any 1 ^« 1 J other WXfc ^ k devices % » a . ^* ^ fcWM imprinted & A A * W 1 . AAJbV ^ NAi
understanding upon a fabric for that its no embellishment imputation was . It intended was finall upon y agreed murderers to , . with the was When suggested the that Rattener this should ' s away " framed the and machine hung up will in every play work . —It - : hand shop in of the kingdom society was , " but required on its to being defray announced the expense that of shooting the balance those in who do not believe in proverbs the proposal dropped . exactitude A shot in time sum costs named nine , but . —There on Mr was . Crookes some dispute volunteering as to the the
adopted statement unanimousl that he would y . shoot anybody for seven pounds ten , it was p dissentient quantity loyed Its an to blow f ill gunp voice wind up o , wder and are that , expected with and blows the not , as understanding to honourable up appropriate nobody that . — part Accepted , those to of the who loy without money are the em full to a - their own use . verb Piece was - admitted work is to the be thief required of in time the . — cases An of exception murdering to , this beating pro- , and such like special work .
mi Strike ht be no while contract the contract it was ' s lained hot . that —It if was men objected struck whenever that there they g could inflict most , injury upon exp their employers , that would be considered acting up to the principle involved . The man who can work and will work must be made as dul HE g can ing their ' t work vicious . —The propensities necessity at of the preventing expense of their individuals fellow from men was
incarried considered a vote to be thanks properl y themselves asserted by for this having saw , taken and the in hand saw-grinders a crime which is winked at by the laws . The better the pay the better the deed . —This was objected to as tending to expense , but Mr . Broadhead explained that it officers was taken rea as ll on y intended g a e liberal neral promissory scale as an . encouragement note from to the the Society deserving to , remunerate and might its be
One good turn out deserves another . —This was objected to it as requiring ledged itself a reason to nothing for turn that -outs it , could but th not e meeting deny at w the as proper reminded time that . Soft words butter no black sheep . —Denounced as a cowa to warn y compromise non-union , but men that chairman they must exp not lained expect that it civility was o . nly The intended meet i that ng wo was uld covered observe b that the other did not saws te . ll them what they must expect , buty
The Slang Dictionary Individualized.—The...
The Slang Dictionary Individualized . —The Editor of the Westminster Gazette .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 31, 1867, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_31081867/page/1/