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i8o THE TOMAHAWK [August 31. i86tT~ ^
: TVTOTICE W havin .— beeit We found beg...
LONDON, AUGUST 31, 1867.
1 leagues We understand of the Protestan...
Truly, France is to be envied for someth...
Alas ! misfortune ever pursues the brave...
Orthodox Motto for Bishop Colenso. — "St...
{See Cartoon.) that Gold leads -seeking ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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I8o The Tomahawk [August 31. I86tt~ ^
i 8 o THE TOMAHAWK [ August 31 . i 86 tT ~ ^
The Mansfield Testimonial.
: Tvtotice W Havin .— Beeit We Found Beg...
: TVTOTICE W havin . — beeit We found beg to to amtounce exist in favo that 2 a tr very of Sir "wide Willia -spi m 'ead Mansfield sympathy ¦ ' ivko has , in g the opinion of many , been very tinjustly censured for doing , an some tmpleasant practical effect duty , to a this committee feeling of in gentlemen favour of a has brave bee 7 and t for kind med -hearted to give ptirpose officer . of We compensatin have consented g this to mali receive gned subsc hero riptions for the ' towa severe rds losses a fund , which for the he has incurred tFirougk the mal-administration of his store-room , by his
extravagant be happy to receive aide-de subscriptions -camp . We , be either g to in infort money ? t our or readers iit kind , that at our "we office shall . JPickles ( mixed or West Indian ) , Jam , or Marmalade , Tapioca , and Betts bloaters ' British take ? i Brand for pntrposes y , thankfull of exchange y received . . JVo LoaJ dripping -sttgar can and be Yarmouth accepted , . We shall pziblish from time to time a list of subscriptions . FIRST LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS .
Jocko . —A United States postage stamp . A Field ( medium -Marshal quality , his ) Famil . y , and a Few Friends . —A pot of marmalade The five Mite pounds of an Aide of wax -de- candles camp— . , Three and two dozen cans Yarmouth of treacle . bloaters , sixty-FURTHER AID IS EARNESTLY REQUESTED , a wh Sir ol William e leg of Mansfield mutton ! having lost , since the last appeal , no less than
London, August 31, 1867.
LONDON , AUGUST 31 , 1867 .
1 Leagues We Understand Of The Protestan...
1 leagues We understand of the Protestant that the Electoral Holy Union Whalley are and preparing his pure a comp -minded lete col and - full translation of the Decameron of Bocaccio , in order to circulate it in the streets as a warning to young ladies not to read that wicked Papistical poet .
Truly, France Is To Be Envied For Someth...
Truly , France is to be envied for something more than its witty women and its delicious claret . How easily contented is that happyminded nation . For weeks every mind has been on the rack of expec" tation , waiting for the fresh measure of liberal reform , which their Emperor was about graciously to concede . The letter which is to free
France , is published , and behold—it announces the necessity of making parish , roads in the country ! We know that the Government of Louis Napoleon rests on no less true basis than the love of his subjects , else should we be tempted to think that he was bent on showing there are many Roads to Ruin !
Alas ! Misfortune Ever Pursues The Brave...
Alas ! misfortune ever pursues the brave and the innocent with relentless ferocity ! Poor Sir William Mansfield has lost another leg of mutton . This time the leg , damning proof ! was found in the aide-decamp ' s quarters . This hardened wretch ( who subsequently turned out to be innocent ) had actually said on being questioned about the missing
leg , that he " supposed it must have been eaten , " But calamity cannot weaken the intellect of a head like Sir William Mansfield ; he replied with stern accuracy that a sheep had four legs , and only three had been accounted for . It never occurred to the afflicted general that the faithful sheep might be only commencing a career of severe flattery by reducing its number of legs till , like his noble master , he should not have one to stand on !
Orthodox Motto For Bishop Colenso. — "St...
Orthodox Motto for Bishop Colenso . — " St . Peter's non movere "— " Let ( T ) well ( s ) alone . "
- The Road To Wealth I
{See Cartoon.) That Gold Leads -Seeking ...
{ See Cartoon . ) that Gold leads -seeking to fortune for ? ever What ! matters Who would it that not the climb coin is tip soil the ed with steep dirt hill ? cast What charm that matters of heavy life ? it burden that Does to , it h make onour not , turn the to the ascent the ground gouty mor fop e easil Is of y three it gold is score necessary the and mighty ten to into an Adonis—the illiterate merchant of Manchester into the man of c voice education oarse of blood the and speaker mantling refinement is to drowned plebeian ? Who in cheeks the can clink hear when of bad from gold grammar plebeian ? Who ears when can dro see t o he p
diamonds diamonds ? ? , - But But tto o my mv allegory alle ^ orv .. the A sa p lain , spot covered to the with Realms brambles of Wealth and flowers . I — looked many and roads the leadin brambles g to , , were strewing spreading the last across few steps the commencement that led to the of golden the pathways temple , , the and flo m wers any people were , fighting their way amidst the thorns . And I noticed that little when about these peop the le flowers emerged from the brambles they seemed to care very
and it struck me that they —nay gave , about themselves the contents a good of deal the of Temp unnecessary le itself ; lured trouble the . But travellers I knew on that , so the that Temp they le foug looked ht bravel brilliant y with from the afar brambles off , and , and left them behind them with the utmost determination . And I looked A youth more , with closel a noble at the forehead toilers , and , and this a is keen what , intelli I saw gent . expression , li g knew hting up from his the handsome proofs that face , he was grasped the first in to his attract hands my that notice he . was And a
young some of au , the thor ^ wild . As creepers he strugg at first led looked on throug exceeding h the brambles ly inviting , I — observed nay , almost that like very flower sharp - thorns beds . , which It was I so knew in the were author " Refusals ' s case . " and After " passing Impertinence some from and stopped Publishers for , a " moment he came admiring to sortie of their the beauties se pleasant . Now -looking these brambles brambles , were sweet - » t » w ^>« , covered odour vv ^ v « - *¦¦« . was r > with % ^ tmj ^ like . ^ m . blossoms ^*^ unto v «~»^ bvr tobacco w ^ , a- which c > vwwv ^ mii and put < a g c in ut forth ) . And a * a : » x . ^~ sweet i . then VAfcv *** I odour ju knew O . A . & . V * , and that V nn ^^ the t he
were young about tied him author to were th had e hundreds ground got among ; of for travellers the the parasites se creepers , who of had ' * grow Bohemianism tarried apace at , this and . " spot quickl Round , and y imprison those who allow their branches to entangle them . Even -while he effort looked he foug the ht unhealth his way y throug plant put h the forth meshes its tendrils , and escaped , but w . ith As a h e ghty left , the poor creatures that were inhaling the blossoms that smelt like unto p tob fc > leasant x ^ m acco oi * tn , and society i ^^ r % ¦ # *«¦ g \ in * j . yelled But Jt—r w he after **^ rf heeded HWViVu him , and them kllWlii vilel not Al \/ y , « abused and M » 1 V \ passed L . ri **> him JtJWV- « - for on X ^ 4 & . # leaving . And A . . ^** . ^ -fc their now UV IT
and he had were come called to fresh " Journalis brambles m * . " , and And these they creepers were like were x \ pto very " Bohemian poisonous , - attacked ism , " except the bod that y they , but were these more affected pernicious the mind . '' . Bohemianism For a moment " had these only new that the plants looked author so like knelt flowers down , and see them med to to offer take such a few moments soft seat , of hard-earned young rest . Scarcely had among he done so ere he felt himself pulled him back self rap he jumped y towards wia % and the vii pursued » - brambles ^ % his tt | of course " B > J \< ohemianism o % ^ nce **^ more . " an Exerting d as he
«****&•>* w ** , l **^ 1 w *** . *^^ up ^ w « , » v *» % ** uww « * ij wv ^ Vt * w ** iv * V » ; MAt «* miup maw left For the awhile creepers the stings of " Journalism smarted most , " he terribl found y himself , but soon stung the on pain all ceas sides ed , . and and ** he Magazine passed throug Writing h " the into last the brambles land of of flowers * * Publishers . And ' Obstinac the flowers y " were invitations to balls and dinners , and supplications for his carte de visite with much . And joy he by passed those on who into lived the Temp in mansion le of W s in ealth Bayswater , and was , and received kept their And own I broug looked hams once . more and saw a maiden moving towards the
stood Temple between , and she her was and rather her destination ill-favoured . were And labelled the first " brambles Early Moral that her Teaching , and esc . " aped But . she And foug now ht hard she , and was met on by cut another the mesh barrier es tha . And bound I she d knew etained could this her boast was a very composed of , and long were time of " altogether , Rivals but at " who last more had she charming each made a . her prettier These way face brambles through than them these . brambles And now I know she came were to called a barrier " Creatures even thicker , " and than that the they first , were and said from # . V ** " . to marry , **•** drink «•*» ing ***^^ up # . the And Jte **^ wealth - *> this % . •••¦»¦ of barrier *•**•• * the **^** land was Tf »*^ , so 0 and % ^ hard ***** to to prevent ^ ' % m 9 pass | . rw . fcJfc » that ** **** Eldest W the V ** W maiden *» Son IHil" s ^—» "
wept at her bitterly feet , so . she Happ stooped ily , however down and , some adorned rouge herself and other until , p in igments indecency lay of apparel , and falseness of complexion , she rivalled even the And ' Creatures the flowers " themselves were diamonds , and then and she opera passed boxes , into and the she land passed of through flowers . to old the lord Temp , who le mad of Wealth e her his , and bride was . And there there received was much in the rejoicing arms of a among gouty p the aths dowagers of their w daug ho hters saw a who barrier were still remo travelling ved b y her thi- oug arriage h the brambles fr om the . road And tha I gazed led straight once more to the and T started emple of back We in alth horro smoot r I h a There s calm was wa one ter ,
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 31, 1867, page 180, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_31081867/page/4/