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August 31, 1867.] THE TOMAHAWK. 183
but as treacherous as the sea, and etern...
In the Daily JVews , of the 2Oth ult., w...
Mr New . Cole Song , C.B by .).— the " O...
This Day. gave European their names .—Tw...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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August 31, 1867.] The Tomahawk. 183
August 31 , 1867 . ] THE TOMAHAWK . 183
But As Treacherous As The Sea, And Etern...
but as treacherous as the sea , and eternal night dwelt along this highmass way . of I knew itfalls . that And this as road I looked was called ontwo " S men peculation began , " to and run was upon one it . and The stuck his first in hat p his was was neckcloth exceeding worn very and ly rakish much carried . on His in one , one clothes side hand . He fitted a note had ti -book g a ht horseshoe to , and his limbs in p the in , were other m a ost pencil amusing . His , and efforts , for a to while arrive I forgot safely his at danger the Temp in my le o laug f Wea hter lth . he He would never be quite on tj mu arrived the at threshold the destination ¦ ¦ of the Temp he had le t fixed but »* - an for ¦¦ unluck himself y stumble . Now
would rw p ™ ^/ V m 3 a 1 throw 1 " ^ i Pi ^*^* him p ^ back _ r very » ^^ fc j to ftj *^™ the ^^»* »»^^ starting 4 ^* ft > ^^ m * ^ ^ j p ^^ lace »^ r » ^ pwa . , . He ^^ ^ would v * m —^ ^»^ ™ - ™ ^ make ^~^ w — ' » -i ™ a few — — This of sometimes steps promise went forward . on within , And for lose so hail every his long of balance a fortune step time , he and that — took at fall I others began . he This entered miles to he grow did away into weary time his from note , after when the -book time land , to , . my into horror the ground , after , a and very was heavy seen fall no , more he sank ! with the report of a pistol eminentl I now y turned respectable my eyes , and towards was adorned the other with traveller a fool . ' s-cap This . man Regardless looked ¦ of the ^^ fate of his companion | WA 4 f who had fallen 4 h into the kA it mf he began ¦
hurry \ m _ _ _ l _ ing _ f 4 w ^ along V ^ rf ^ Jft through ***^ ^^^^* A * , ^ the ^** darkness , W w *^^^ ** towards « wv * AW » A ^^* the » A »« r ^ Temp ^ w « - ^ r le p j— ~ w of , — - » Wealth -w « -w J ^ ^~ . And as he hurried along in vain haste , voices emerged from the brambles of Bags " Journalism of money strewed " and warned the way him , , and but now he paid and no again heed would to their he words stoop . begg down ing and him pick to stop up , the and booty telling ; him and of still his voices fate ; and sounded the tones in his of these ears voices and the were voices soft of and children plaintive . But , and he heeded were the not tones the words of women of advice ' s vo and ices now A prayers ^ l ^ V V he AA ^^ was of V V * J * h entreaty ^ very V ^^*> W near 4 h &^^ , but & the ftfAA hurried ^^ Temp * h ^^ AA » K ^ le Jfc headlong ^* of *^ * m Wealth V V ^*» M on «** 4 indeed » into A A ^»^^^*^ , *« the V . darkness ^ He M ^~ " ^ P- had *»« » . but —~ « And V to W -V
take along a he few saw more a mass strides of , and jewels he and would gold pass of its surpassing portals , and brilliancy as he , and ran fell fli his ght I soul , The he hungered stretched earth opened for forth so rich his before hand a treasure him , and , and p ; lacing so he pausing tumbled his foot for headlong upon a moment a rock into in the his that abyss even — among the voices flames of and his wife utter and ruin children ! He fell calling so low upon in a him few for seconds bread , were lost in the darkness , and could not reach him , and he went on his falling and ! falling And when throug he h reached the most his dreadful — horrors still he fell until ! he reached ¦¦ .. & grave grave .. „
A Caution.
In The Daily Jvews , Of The 2oth Ult., W...
In the Daily JVews , of the 2 Oth ult ., we find the following letter : — " Sir , —A friend of mine has just informed me that a lady of her acquaintance was lately applied to by two females , attired as * Sisters of stand Mercy of , ' some for a pecuniary charitable contribution institution in and aid , as that they she gave was her induced to under to - contribute ^^ F ^ bv ^^ ^ v ^ r ^^ ^ , . *^ p ^ v ^ H Vp ^ . V in ^ B ^^ W consequence ^^ P ^^ q . w ^^ v - ^^ - ^ rm ^^ f ^ - ^^ « v . ^ ^^^ ^^^ of ^^^ r ^^ their ^ v w vv ^ h * ^ k « V having ^ h ^ B ^ f ^ v v ^^^^^^ ; mentioned ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^* V % ^ mW ^ H ^ B my ^ ba . ^^ J ^ name B ^^^ W ^ m ^* V ^^ v ^ as V ^ V ^ v a V ^^ V sub W ^ r ^ . v ^*^ f -
mination scriber to , the advisedl same y object , for . years Now past , Sir , , never as it to has respond been my to appeals fixed deter from - such a quarter , it is obvious that the money contributed on this occasion was obtained under false pretences . against ' * Will impostors you do me of this the favour class , with to insert whom , this no as doubt a caution * the end to the sanctifies pviblic the means . *
"lam , & c , " H . J . Brockman , Lieut .-Colonel . " This Lieut .-Colonel Brockman is one of the heads of the Probook testant entitled Electoral " The Union Confessional , which hawks Unmasked about . " the He streets is one that of those filthy excellent persons whose religion consists in maligning—we were going
claim to say , to his a fellow name Christians of which — fortunatel but he and not such all as those he can who hardl bear y lay it have forgotten the , original meaning , . It y , would hardly seem worth it while such affords utter to notice so discredit excellent any productio on an examp all calling n of le such of the themselves an sort insignificant of Protestants conduct person which . , We but brings need that scarcel because y point it is out directed the insulting against tone a bod of y the of women whole letter who , , all whatever the more their so reli highest gious sense doctrines of the may word be , All are , but at least those in whose practice lijv minds , Christians are deformed in *¦ the
~~^^ B | ^ ^^ ~ " ^ ** - ^* * •** ^ v ^ v ^ w »^ v v v ^^ m «* w . ^* ^ b otvt 9 ^ « rv w ft * m ma iif ft ^^ v V V * ¦ * ^^ ^ * * *• &^***** V ww & ft ^ ft * ftt ^^ A * i ^ A A m >^ t- m . by the bitterest bigotry know how much real good the Sisters of poor Charity j and , whether we can of onl the y Ang wonder lican if or these Roman Sisters Church reall , y do did amo quote ng the the who guilty name tion , evidentl for of of Lieut which such y . a does - they Colonel stretch not were of know Brockman invention collecting the meaning as as funds to having accuse , of that the subscribed of word they an act could . We of to charity the have hope institu been that one - the name of this champion of " Protestantism" may never toe put to a worse use .
Mr New . Cole Song , C.B By .).— The " O...
Mr New . Cole Song , C . B by . ) . — the " Oh Editor no we never of " The mention Tomahawk him . " " { dedicated to
Police Extraordinary.
This Day. Gave European Their Names .—Tw...
This Day . gave European their names . —Two respectivel ill-conditioned y as Count and de powerful Bismarck -looking and the men JZntperor , who from Napoleon this court the , evidence , were for final broug that examination ht the up prisoners yesterday on the , both before following of the whom presiding charge were . mag stated It istrate appeared to be at and well known using threatening to the police and , had other been language generally , misconducting calculated to themselves provoke a , Hapsburg serious breach and v * v of Co ir the . was peace nm first . %% Francis called fcrf jfoseph He A , deposed of the well that dllMV -known on the firm 2 Oth of
inst — * ~ j T , he v had ^^ » r been -v accosted , y * * . a . a b y the ^>« m .- last « . ^^ A . » named ^ ^ v ^* prisoner ^^ WuVVA , * at Salzburg V ^ » i ^ MV . The > v til to prisoner fiht somebod ' s manner on and that told occasio him n it was would threatening be the worse . He for wanted him if him he refused g . He had y , not promised exactly what he would do , but he felt be that in if fear he did of receiving not do what bodil he y had harm been from asked the , he prisoner should , and have he reason wished to charges charges the magistrate to to prefer prefer 's protection against aerainst . him him As . to and and the would would other call call prisoner witnesses witnesses , he had for for grave that that ,
dence purpose Baron in . a von humourous Beust t a respectabl then entered y dressed the witness man , who -box . gave In his answer eviway , had The to the been taller mag causing of istrate the he two a great said , better — deal He known of knew annoyance as both the German the in prisoners the nei chicken ghbourhood at { the laug dock hter for ) . , reputable some Last year time sort he past of was . club He in that the believed called capacity he itself of was the treasurer by German profession , mixed Unity a up . prize with As -fighter far a dis as - .
he on could Sheffield gather princi , it p seemed les . He to be did a kind not know of trades what ' union it had affair to , conducted do with of each " unity them other . " who , { and Laug had he hter had could . ) their All bring the subscri forward members ptions witnesses levied seemed to by at prove force loggerheads , were that several loudl with y demanding { Laughter . ) them The back prisoner , and , threatening Bismarck , to by sp a lit sudden up the whole movement concern , and . before large brickbat the officers at of Witness the court , which had , time however to prevent , most fortunatel him , here y threw missed a its aim .
subsided The commotion , and the consequent prisoner having upon this been interruption properly secured having , the somewhat witness refused continued to . join That it , showed they tried the to nature knock of you the down " Unity . { '' Much ' ' Club laug . If hter you . ) bottom time As to ago the ; , but other and he had prisoner had got had a , bad he a character hand did not in think in several consequence he queer was looking so . mischievous jobs some at broug The ht Mag here istrate ? . — Then on what charge is the prisoner Napoleon The Witness Mag . — istrate His . old —What game , do your worshi mean p b . ' * { Laug his old hter . ) ?"
Witness . —Trying to get up you a row , and y threatening game parties if they won ' t help him . The Magistrate { to Prisoner )— . What have you to say to the charge ? Prisoner Nobody in . — the L'Empire Court having c'est la been paix . able to understand what the prisoner hoped meant Prisoner b they y continued this did , and not an . offend interpreter By those anybod words having y . He he therefore had reall a y habit meant been of summoned say nothing ing what . , He the he did culty ¦ - not in making mean , and himself had , understood in consequence ubvv France , sometimes was WW W « t a great the greatest country diffi and
-———¦—j — — — — — - — -. » —— ——_ — ——wv w ~* K- « . »«« a , > A . « ¦ . A V ^ «^ »**» » V *»»** Afc * J CdliW . great countries —^^ had great destinies . France ****^ had a great §* - destiny before * , kick her , and from that his was fellow — . prisoner The prisoner Bismarck was . here The latter interrupted having by now a vio been lent that thoroug dock hly for pinioned ? That , Napoleon kick reminded proceeded him of . his What position was . he He placed begged in the forced Court ! Oug to ht consider men of the intelli degraded gence , men society of into great which and pacific he was ideas thus to be contaminated with highwaymen by association ? He felt with his position boxing mountebanks keenlj how —he could might he
satisf say y the Court of his integrity ? y The The Prisoner Magistrate . — — I . have Have your you honour any witnesses . " Let ? me first call my "Universal Exposition . " The Universal Exposition , having been duly sworn , said : I am called Men do the congregate Universal at Exposition a franc a . head I am within supposed my walls to ti and pify drink " peace Rus . " - sian teaAmerican cocktails
That is , the harmony of nations , and . London porter , under the same roof . Is The this Mag all the istrate evidence { severel y ) . — have You to can offer stand ? down . { To the prisoner . ) The Prisoner . —Pardon you me , your honour . My " Nbuvean Paris . * My The " Letter Magistrate to M — . de . That Lavalette will do . ! " M Let y " the Trip first to witness Salzburg be . " sworn My . — the Nouveau prisoner Paris some having time . entered We have the had witness a good box , deal said : to I do have with known each other . I believe I have run through a fair amount of the public money .
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 31, 1867, page 183, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_31081867/page/7/