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184 THE TOMAHAWK. [August 31, 1867.
Och ! your Majesty, shure we're all loya...
And Who, drew when I was interference a ...
follo to This A our wing lad guessing y ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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This Day. Gave European Their Names .—Tw...
princi I do not ples know : they , and are I identified do not care with where those it of comes the emp from ire . . There A great are many my royal personages have been obliged to look at me lately . I think thirtyseven pose the . Yes people , that like is what me . It we does call not the matter moral influence if they do of not France . They . I have sup-I lots can of flags a pinch , gas take lights care , and of fiddling 55 000 . troops That means . That national means jubilation municipal . security OVVfUllLJ de a Lavalette . , wish to read his letter to the court
the M mag . istrate rose , having . His expressed worship said a , he required no further evidence , in this matter . As regarded the prisoner Bismarck , his disgraceful stamp conduct the during charges the broug hearing ht against of the him case with the was seal , in of itself truth , . enoug He could h to not seemed conceive congenial a more to the disreputable prisoner before means him of existence . Here than was a that man which , who against might be it filling ba systematic a decent position interference 111 LVX JWX in society with Itil , the tAJ bent > V ri solel hts and y on properties making war of
C t . CLCLJ weaker . AJ . OL . Jvly , *~ nei f y ** ghbours "J *^ fc *^ JLXXCV . L . X V A » man who K ^ XXX- ' s TV occupation JL XgAlkkJ g was UtiVA such as WK this V * VXVJ , was V * means nothing the more first nor charge less of than the kind a cowardl that had y bull been y . broug This , ht home , was to him no . from Even Denmark since the with commencement a black eye of had the called hearing on him of this ( the case mag a istrate gentleman ) with prisoner a fresh comp in the laint dock against was the exasperating prisoner . in His the conduct extreme , . It , was to his perhaps fellow if J below . J . OMWA such * the provocation L / J \/ di ( VVMUVIA gnity of were TV the V ** . ^ to bench t . V J lead . V » fcCV * , to to IV say his JLXX *? so getting T ^ v , ^ " ** but fcJ ™* £ a it a would good C WVi hard , thrashing u serve uiammam labour him ^ hSV some ri The g ^**~* ht
pr day isoner . As , it was received he should this sentence piece of him information to six months with ' an oath , was . removed with some difficulty , kicking , from the Court . Order being restored 77 ie , Magistrate addressing the other prisoner , said : You are not to I hav imagine e just if said I deal has more no reference leniently to with yourself you ; on on this the occasion contrary , that , looking what stand O at *>« AAJLVli your accused UVUUtJIvU antecedents of \ J * . attempting WLLIjAIJIL , you / HUtT will to \ . \ J do draw \ XLM well 1 T others V to i . ponder V'LW into JLJ . X-l . Vf it your J at your own V H « leisure quarrels *^« - »«^ f * J . v . . w , « j You MM and 'w
of attempting this , too , in a threatening manner . If your own disposition own at least renders creation abstain it . impossible from A mere any attempt for profession you to to keep involve of honourable the others peace in yourself intentions difficulties , you will of should your not serve fore I you dismiss in the the p evidence lace of facts you — adduce at least in , favour in a court of yourself of law , — as and worthless there- . As to Prisoner the Salzburg here affair interposed , he merel . He y wished really did give not a mean friendl any y warning harm . it about to was a member the undertaken visit of , when a respectable for after the sole all , house purpose every . sensible The of talking papers man purel had in Europe said y famil a knew great y matters deal that over a cup of tea ! { Lazighter . ) - The * . lanations SCtr Magistrate * ' *«| t aVWfS M'tVL . * — . Silence ^ ilVilWW * . This . *» XXX * 7 is JU not H \ J \ r the LXIV p L-TX lace & AiWW for A- VSJb your » V- ^ ? * - *» facetious AMVVWAWHU
exp carefullover ; the nor evidence were it , before would me they I have affect arrived my judgment at what I Looking consider a just decision y on the merits of this , case . It is , perhaps , due more to present your previous instance bad , that conduct you are than placed to what in this you humiliating have actuall position y done . , in There the is the , moreover charge . , Let a disposition what has occurred on the part be a of warning the prosecution to you . not You to are press discharged The decision . , which was received with mingled cheers and hisses , seemed After thanking affect the the prisoner magistrate visibl , y . bursting into tears , he left the Court with his friends .
184 The Tomahawk. [August 31, 1867.
184 THE TOMAHAWK . [ August 31 , 1867 .
Queen's Irish.
Och ! Your Majesty, Shure We're All Loya...
Och ! your Majesty , shure we ' re all loyal and true t A Jist plague ye come on the in blagyards the midst ! of shure us— boys give us white a chance or blue . , If they ' re minded to fi ght , will soon tach ' em to dance ! D ' you think that ould Ireland now wouldn ' t be quit A Of republic the Yankees ! she want and it such ? och like I all shure over not the a bit place ! What she does—is a sight of your beautiful face !
It And s to S in cotland England you it go ' s odd every if year your , not so they to be seen ; , By D St ' you . Patrick think , she ould ca Ireland n ' t shout ' out good " Hurrah any day for , her Queen ?" Now You do 'll say do more you'll than come the ! try Parliament a month , and platform you ' , or find press , 1 i It ' When s yourself eight that millions would would plase dance us j now jist shure to hear you you ' ve say a mind " yes ? !"
The Jesuit To His Grandmother.
And Who, Drew When I Was Interference A ...
And Who , drew when I was interference a puny child mild Shrieked at my me , and grew very , wild ? My Whalley ! Who Grabbed , when at my the toys country day after day play , , And scared -v foes ?
^ v ^^ ^ - ^ ^^^ ^ h ^ ^ v ^^^ v ^* v my ^—^ g very ar vr *» y ^ b , ~ t j ~ q ^ a # away aj . ^ v ar v ^ v w op My Whalley ! With Who thus injudicious , when , things wild attack seemed , growing slack , Brought all my finest business back ? My Whalley I Who , when the House discussed my claim , Till Yelled * - »^— - *^ a » v- » v at fc-v < v AA me votes « V — VM called ^^ for VWb me ^ AX ^ , every ^» shame V ^» JL W name HUA ? 1 IV 4 ,
I got —very My Whalley I Who " Like , when Paganini he rose , on his one change string , to " ring , W " as very strongly urged to sing ? My Whalley ! Who , when his name became a jest , Himself By friends to well other cursed arts addressed —by foes ? well
blest—^^ ^~ " » ^ ^« fc »^ ^ e »^»^ v ^^ ^^ aj ai * ^ w j > a ] w aj m ** i ^ l llXil » — mr ^** J ^ v ^* fe 9 My Whalley ! And Who spread all his — nasty Lord powers Campbell tasked ' s Act , unasked—His famed " Confessional Unmasked " ? My Whalley ! Who V foremost in ¦ the JLA Turnbull a » WA AAMMJ > A chase -- A r m ¦ * - *^^ A ^^ A ^ a *« t **^^ fcj * v 44 A ^*^ ^^ ^^ ¦ f . . y ^ t ,
When bigots drove him from his place , In savage war-paint led the race ? My Whalley ! Turnbull no more , who still must rave , Insul And , t none the dead to answer man in , call his him knave ? — grave My Whalley I
And Who , enemies by such b wiles y no — means friends few not — too true , Rallied them all around me ?—Who ? My Whalley ! Who And Grand thus , should Inquisitors the whole turn tail Order , fail , In any mess will stand my bail ? My Whalley I M And y honour who , — unto life —will very e ' er end defend , ?—My grandmother I—my truest friend M !— y Whalley !
Follo To This A Our Wing Lad Guessing Y ...
follo to This A our wing lad guessing y week , directions going , abandoning readers to a with ; party the her , Acrostics foll and maid owing having : , puzzl Charades lost e . one , of and her servants gmas , we left offer the IF UCAN UCME SEND MRAN AND MECUM . tations The language be is sen English t to No , though 9 Burlei it does h street not ( look prepaid like ) before it . Interpre Friday
next . may . g ANSWER TO THE DOUBLE ACROSTIC IN OUR LAST . S lave S H urra H A bracadabr A
M u M S pad E ¦¦ I II - I I . —— — ¦ II I I I il . I . i i ¦ ¦ i - - - - _ I I ¦ I - ¦ | I I ¦ II ¦¦!! - ]¦ *""^
Tomahawk (1867-1870), Aug. 31, 1867, page 184, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/t/issues/ttw_31081867/page/8/