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R» Christmas Is Over, And Christmas Chee...
That virtue and learning , hand in hand , May fill her councils and rule her land ,
That the sky of her life be bright above her , And her days be long with the lieges that love her .
We'll wish that the Lords may pass good laws , And the Commons be strong in each righteous cause ,
That Army and _Navy alike may be The best of defences by land and sea ,
That every Bishop may rule in peace , Over a flourishing diocese ,
And every pastor heartily strive To save the souls of his flock alive ;
Tkat those who hunger in body or soul This year be fed with a Christian dole ,
That the little children be taught to read , And a harvest reaped from the sower ' s seed .
"We'll wish to the sickly the toughest of lives , To maidens husbands , —to bachelors wives , —
That babes may increase in strength and grace , And bloom like flowers in their parents' face ,
That the fool may grow wise ere he yet be old , And the purse that lacks find a store of gold ,
And the hand that has it a "will to spend , And the heart that loveth not , grace to mend .
"We'll wish for -workers of each degree , To earn and eat in prosperity ;
Plenty of coals at the poor man ' s door , Plenty of grain on the farmer ' s floor ,
Plenty of fees to the learned professions , Plenty of railways through landed possessions ,
Plenty of cargoes brought home on the breeze By the quickest of ships on tlie calmest of seas ,
Unpacked at the docks to the merchant ' s content , And sold in the market at fifty per cent .
And . we wishoh dear reader , all jesting apart , , That mercy and love may grow strong in your _hearty
That dearer than riches or what they can buy Be tlie creed which shall help you to live or to die .
That whatever your portion of joy or of sorrow Meted out in the Year which is born with tomorrow ,,
Its close shall behold you with common accord _( _Efcatkered into one fold , in the love of the Lord .
The Editors ;
New Yeall's Wishes. 317
NEW YEAll ' s WISHES . 317
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1860, page 317, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011860/page/29/