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I ^ I. Grazed And Impressive As The Scen...
insisted upon her remaining in the room till tlie dangerous operation was leted . Cape Wrathseems greatly to have impressed this
comp , redoubtable hero , who , we were told , made as much fuss about getting wet in a boat on the Kyle of Scow as though he had been a
delicate young girl , and insisted upon possetts and hot bed by way of precaution Scourie . was our first halting point upon leaving Durin , and a
more charming place for a sea-side sojourn it would be difficult to imagine . The road from Durin to Scourie is by turns wild and
beautiful , the early portion of it running across the " gaulin" or " shoulder" of a hih hilland then through a " strath" or valley ,
till the it head strikes of Loch upon Laxford the g coast , a at reg a p ion lace famous called Hhiconich for salmon , situated and trout at
fishing as the name signifies , , Laxford having its Scandinavian derivation from Lax-fiord , the salmon firth . From Hhiconich to
Scourie we rattled along a beautiful road , in a spring-cart drawn these appreciation by a powerful places ; of our black the youthful gallant mare , animal the driver ordinary , thoug proud ht mail onl of conveyance y his of exhibiting steed between and her our
speed , of and time whisked . Twice _lis before over the that seven morning , miles had in the an mare incredibl been y short over space
the same ground in performance of the usual mail duty , and long before we were up next day she was again in the yard , looking
/ horses bright , and as we fresh soon as had ever occasion . Strong to and prove staunch , making are li these ght of mountain a day ' s <*
work under which our highly fed , pampered animals would infallibly succumb .
Scourie is a small township surrounded by an amphitheatre of rugged rocks , save 021 the side open removed to the sea , from which the
houses of the township are a little . Wild and picturesque masses of rock , interspersed with patches of soft sloping turfcharacterise the coast , rocks around whose
j calm agged of base the cruel the sea and curls , destructive and foam force s and with hisses which , in ominous storm it even hurtles in
and battles , tossing its angry mane in impotent wrath far up their there gray and here immovable in abundance sides . where Sheltered health nooks and and leasure sunny seekers slopes alike are p
may find enjoyment and , repose ; where lovers of earth , sea , and sky , may where revel in short with unceasing " the world deli forgetting ght in the and vary by ing the moods world of forgot each , " ;
refreshment , of , mind and body may be found "by all who seek it , apart which from follow the in crowded their train haunts . A of short men , sea and remove the follies from and Scourie vexations is
the large and uninhabited island of Handa birds , celebrated which for its them cliffs ,
and the vast number and variety of sea frequent . These cliffs are remarkable not alone for their stupendous and which
assume precipitous alon hei g a ghts line but of n earl y two infinite miles . variet 5 such y as of columns forms 3 caves , they and
Rambles Northward. Si 9
English Woman’s Journal (1858-1864), Jan. 1, 1860, page 319, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ewj/issues/ewj_01011860/page/31/