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10 THE LEADER. _____ [Saturday ,
We have received a report of the tenth a...
Mr. Kirwan has been reprieved, and the s...
\ _ TJie following appeared in our Secon...
Saturday, December 25. The Aberdeen Mini...
The Speaker took the chair at two o'cloc...
'The: Senato met on Thursday, at half-pa...
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Miscellaneous. The Queen Held A Court An...
During Mr . "Wiblin ' _s visit alongside tho Orinoco on Thursday week , a gentleman came in a sailing boat and requested to see his sister . She came down the gangway , and they , without thinking of the consequences , embraced each other . The gentleman was immediately ordered into quarantine .
10 The Leader. _____ [Saturday ,
10 THE LEADER . _____ [ Saturday ,
We Have Received A Report Of The Tenth A...
We have received a report of the tenth annual meeting of the Coventry Labourer ' s and _Artizan ' s Friend Society , held at the Mechanic ' s Institution , Coventry , on the 26 th of October , Mr . Charles Bray , president , in the chair . The subscribers to this society number 703 . Their subscriptions are invested in land , let out in small loans , and employed in furnishing a working co - operative store . They have a mill of their own , and occupy twenty-nine acres of land , subdivided and let in 285 allotments . Their operations have been successful , and furnish an example to other towns of the profitable employment of small savings , when accumulated and carefully invested .
Mr. Kirwan Has Been Reprieved, And The S...
Mr . Kirwan has been reprieved , and the sentence of death will not , it is understood , be executed . Joseph Rann , a labourer , has been murdered in the New Forest . His skull was smashed in , and the brains strewn about . Dumper , a poacher , is in custody , but others are supposed to be implicated . ' , The police arrested last week a family of coiners , consisting of a father , mother , daughter , and son , in Clerkenwell . All the usual material and apparatus were captured after some resistance . Last week we mentioned the case of Mrs . Holly , who supposed that she had been poisoned by arrowroot given to her by a Mr . Messer , in 1850 . A mass of medical evidence was taken on Monday , from which it appeared that the woman ' s story is incorrect ; that there is not a shadow of evidence for the charge against Mr . Messer ; and that the proper place for Mrs . Holly is Hanwell Asylum . The trial of Mr . Bower , for the tragical affair that took place last October in the Rue de Seze , opened on Tuesday , at 9 o ' clock , m the Assize Court of Paris . In consequence of all the parties concerned being English , the case excited considerable interest ; numbers were waiting to obtain admission , and by half-past 10 o ' clock the court was full . About a dozen ladies were accommodated with seats , and the benches where strangers are admitted , as well as the standing-place behind , were crowded with spectators . Comparatively speaking , there were not many Englishat least , not so many as might have been expected owing to the peculiarity of the case . The examination of Mr . Bower who was seated to the left of the Court between gendarmes , commenceel at about 10 o ' clock , anel lasted full two hours . His demeanour was generally firm and collected , but when the intcrrogatoire reached that part where the terrible scene of the declaration of Mrs . Bower during her delirium , and the fatal blow which eleprivetl Mr . Morton of life , hael to be alluded to , Mr . Bower manifesteel considerable emotion , anel the feeling was shared by the auditory . Several witnesses were : examined at length . Amongst , these was the present _correspondent of the Daily ] S cics , who formerly assisted Mr . Morton in that capacity . Thc medical gentlemen all gave their evidence in the most complete manner . The peirters eif thc houses in the Rue : ele Seze anel the Boulevarel eles _Capucins ( the residence of Mr . Morton ) were also examined . The President occasionally _aske-el Mr . Bower if he : hael any observation to make as the witnesses oonclueloel their evielence . At half-past 3 the : me : elical anel other evielence for tho prosecution was brought to a eleise . The ; Court was suspended for live minutes ; and at a quarter to 4 the counsel for the prexsecution , M . Moyimrel de : Franc , began to address the Court , and hael not , _conchieleel at half-past 5 . The : witnesses feir the : elefence were afterwards i'ulle : el , anel them the ; _celebrate-el advoe _; ate , M . Ohuix d'Est-Angc adelre : sse : el the jury em behalf of the prisoner , 'flu ; result , was a verelict of Acquittal .
The lbllowing is an e ' _xtracf eif a Ie : f tor dated "Lisbon , Dec . 20 , " re : _e-t : iveel via Ernnee ; : -- " Mr . Ilculd ( Lola Monies ' husband ) we'nt . out . in one : of the vessels eif the b'eiyal Yacht Club , having in bis e-oinpany a _he-ntitiful young laely . The ynedit femneicrcel in sight of _He-r Majesty ' s steamer Inflexible , _whii'h instantly manned a boat with 14 linnets to _rese-ue _the-m ; not only we're : they unsuccessful , but the 14 bands were also elrowneel . " Starvation in ( bis trine ; of prosperity is , we : trust , not oomiiiem ; _ye-t , a case : has ine'ielenfally maele : its way inlei the : Times , uf a _peieir man who was travelling from London to llirmii ' ighain . lie ; was at . Stony SI rat lorel on the ; 2 nd , anel having upplit : el tor relief , he ; was sent , to tht ; Yarelley Geiliiem _weirkheiuse-. There ; he ; remained until the 4 th . His next shelter was an outhouse , where : he lay fwei elays without _, foeitl . Se : nf away from this place 1 , he ; crept into a _leme ; barn , anel lay there seven days without foot I . When he was founel , _eliscove-re : d by bis groans , he was sent .-buck to the Yarelley Gobiem weirkheiuse again , where 1 ho _elie-el ! [ The _authorilie-s deny that he died eif starvation ; anel the ceireu . _e-r ' s jury returned a _vorelie-l , of natural death . | An " ae : _e-ide _: nl . " those ) _eie'e'urreiliceas are called _ae-e-ielents by _ceiurle . 'sy , we ; suppose : _happene-el al . the ; I _' enkrielgenf . id . ioii em ' Christmas-ewe . As a _liirmingham train was leaving , a Shropshire Union ran inlei it , " regardless of signals . " _Se-ve _; ral _passenge-rs were- so seriously injured that they hael lo remain at Stafford all night . One laely bad he-r leg broken . Two accidents happened on the North Western Railway on _brielay tei one- train . The : mail of that nig ht , ran inlei Heiinc _e-mpty _e-ual-waggems at Derby ; anel _afte-rwards into a _gooels train at the ltroughton-sfatieui . Tbo _passengers , fortunately , not liilleel but " bruised , arriveel in London at 7 a . m ., instead of 4 a . m . on Saturday morning ! An mque : _sl , has be-on held em the ' boely eif the guarel eif the : _oxprons , who was killed a _( , Harrow lust week . It appears that the tiro eif the wheel hael been badly welded-The jury returned a verelict eif accidental death arising from that cause .
Health Of London During The Week. In The...
HEALTH OF LONDON DURING THE WEEK . In the week that ended last Saturday the number of deaths registered in the metropolis was only 871 . In the previous week it was 1041 ; the present Return therefore shows a decrease of 170 . In the ten corresponding weeks of the years 1842 r 51 the average number of deaths was 1138 , which , if a correction is made for increase of population , gives a mortality of 1252 for the present time . The mortality was lower last week than in any of the corresponding weeks ; and so far as a conclusion can be drawn front former experience , the present state of the public health must bo considered satisfactory .
Fatal cases arising from epidemic diseases declined from 211 in the preceding week to 162 in the last ; those from diseases of the respiratory organs fell in the same time from 161 to 130 . The corrected average for the former class is 255 , that for the latter 254 ; hence it appears that a great diminution has recently occurred in the mortality of both . Last week small-pox was fatal in only three cases , measles in 11 , hooping-cough in 23 , croup in 6 ; scarlatina declined to 50 , typhus to 39 , diarrhoea to 12 . Influenza carried off 3 children , 3 persons between 15 and 60 years , and one person 80 years old . Last week the births of 708 boys and 643 girls , in all 1351 children , were registered in London . In the seven corresponding weeks of 1845-51 the average number was 1255 . At the Royal Observatory , Greenwich , the mean height of the barometer in the week . was 29 - 746 in . The mean temperature of the week was 46 _" 8 degs ., which is 7 _" 8 degs . above the average of the same week in ten years . The mean daily temperature was above the average on _everyday of the week . It was highest on Monday , when it rose to 51 * 4 degs ., which is 11 * 8 degs . above the average , and lowest on Thursday , when it fell to 39-8 degs ., which is I'l deg . above the average . It rose on Friday and Saturday to about 49 degs ., or 11 degs . above the average . On Thursday the wind was E . S . E . ; in the rest of the week generally in the south-west . The mean difference between the dew point temperature and air temperature was 6 _" 1 degrees .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. O...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 21 st of December , the Lady Huntingtower : of a daughter . On the 26 th , at Waterford-barracks , the wife of Major White , I Forty-ninth Regiment : a daughter . On the 26 th , at Syston-park , Lady Thorold : a son . ! On the 27 th , at _Peterley-houae _, Bucks , the wife of Wildman T . Peel , Esq . : a son . On the 27 th , at 115 , Eaton-square , the wife of Major Ormsby Gore : a son . On ( he 27 th , at the Blind School , St . George's-fields , the wife of thc Itev . B . O . Johns , chaplain : a son . MARRIAGES . On the 21 st of December , at the Church of the Holy Trinity , Brompton , the Rev . Henry Smith Mackarness _, Fellow of King's College , Cambridge , B . A ., to Matilda Anne , youngest daughter of James Robinson _PlanctuS , Esq ., F . S . A ., of _Michael's-groveloelge , Brompton . On the 23 rd , at tho parisli church of Clapham , the Rev . Edward John Selwyn , MA ., head master of the Blackheath Proprietary School , te ) Maria Sophia Hughes , eldest surviving daughter of W . Hughes Hughes , Esq ., late M . P . for Oxford . On ( lie 23 rd , al Ht James ' s Church , Bristol , tho Rev . Brooke F . Westcott , M . A ., Felleiw of Trinity College , Cambridge , and _Assistant-Master of Harrow , tei Sarah Louisa Mary , eldest daughter tif Thomas Whittard , Esq .. Kingsdo > vn . On the 2 Htli , at . St . Mary's , Lambeth , Cornthwaite Hector , Fsq ., _see-onel son of tho late C . J . He-dear , Esq ., M . P . for J ' ctersfielel , to Ann , see : einel daughter of tin ; late William Hayward , Fsq ., of the Temple , London . On the 28 th , at St . Marylebone ) Church , bv tho Rev . Dr . Wesley , Sub-dean of her Majesty's Chapels Royal , Frederick _Bowe-u JewHtin , Ksq ., tei Jane Anderson Kirkhaiu , niece of Mrs . _Anele-rson , Pianist tei her Majesty . On the 2 ! Hh , at , St . Jeihn ' s Church , Paeldingtein , by the Rev . Herbert . _Kyiiaston , DAI ., High Master of St . Paul ' s Neheieil , Henry _Wakeftirel , _Esq ., to Rose Emily , second daughter of Sir Henry Rowley Bishop .
DEATHS . On tiie 15 th of _Neivember , at , NoIhoii , near Hamilton , Canada West , age-el thirty-five-, Karetley Norton , formerly _eif'II . M 's Fifteenth Hussars , second surviving son of lilt ; late ; Sir John David Neirtem . _I ) n the ; Kith , of yellow fever , tin board the Royal West India Mail Company ' s " ship Great . Western , Mr . Robert Dueliium , second officer of that ship , anel _eltle ; st , sein of Captain Robert Dudmnii , H . K . l . O . ' _s Service , dee ply lamented . On the ; tilth eif December , nt his residence , ( . tiffs _Oali _. _Ohcsbunt , Major Samuel Thorp , K . II , bile eif tht ; Twenty-seventh Regiment . He ; was present _, when Sir John Moore was kill <; tt at thei battle of Coriinna , _pni't . _ie-ipated in the active ; scenes in the ; Peninsular war uneler the ; late ; Duko of Wellington ami Lord Heresford , was thrice ; _weiunele-el in action with the ; enemy- severely at . tin ; battles of Allniera antl ToiiIoiiho ; _alsei _se-rve-d iu France , Relginni , ami North America . On Ihe ; 21 st , at . the ; _resiele-ne-e ; eif his grandson , William O . F . Sparreiw , Ksq ., No . 2 , Raiii'lagli-ti'irace , Kbury-siiuiire ; , _Pimlie-ei , the ; Rev . _Theimas Pennington , A . M ., of Deal , Kent , and of _Hle-elleiw , Hue-Its , late ; _se-heiliu- tif Trinity College , anel late ) _fe-lleiw of ( Mart ; Hall , Cambridge , Oft y-feiur years _re-cteir of _Thorle-y , Herts , anel sixty-six years rcotor of _Kingselown , Kent , in tht ; iniiolyscceinel _ye-nr til li in lege ; . On the 22 nd , at . Hath , Edward _KeigerH , Ksq ., of _Slaiiago-pnrk , near Ludlow , formerly M . P . for Hishop ' s Castle ; . Ou ( lie ; 'S . _U-d , ( A I'Vost , Ksq ., K . R . A . S ., of Paraelisevplaco , _llaclency , in bis fifty-fifth _ye-ar . On the 2 : irtl , at ll ill-sl reel , Kniglitsliriflgt ; , in bis forty-third ye-ar , Henry _Musgrovt ; Crispin , IOmii ., tif ber Majesty ' s Treasury . On tht ; 2 till , Thomas Hall Plumer _, Ksq ., of Canons , _Kdgoware-, M _ielelle-se-x , _iige-el ( Ifl . y-seven . On Christmas-tiny , at _lfiirrow-on-the--II ill , ageel seven years nnel ( Ivt ; months , John William , third son eif . 1 . W . Cunningham , I 0 se | .. Secretary tif King ' s Oeilloge ; , l . iiiulein _, antl grandson tif tht ; Rev .. I . W . Cunningham , vicar of Harrow . On Christmas-day , at . Mi , Upper Hurleys ! _reiol , Anna Maria , second daughter eif Lho late ; Admiral Sir Charles Morieui _Peile-, ( I . C . It ., in her fiftieth year . On the _liHl _. li . at . bin sister's , Collcge ; -st . rct-t , Niirthainpttiii , in Lin ; forty-seventh year of his ngei , Cuptiiin John Lumley , late of her Majesty ' s Hiiili Royal lte ; gimenf of _Koeil , anil son of the ; late Uo ' iiorii ! Hir J . It . Luinle . y , K . O . B ., Aeljt .-General eif the ; Bemgid Army .
I To Readers And Correspondents. It Is I...
I TO READERS AND CORRESPONDENTS . It is impossible to acknowledge the mass of letters we _receira Their insertion is often delayed , owing to a press of matter ' and when omitted , it is frequently from reasons quite inde ' pendent ofthe merits ofthe communication .
\ _ Tjie Following Appeared In Our Secon...
\ _ TJie following appeared in our Second Edition of last weehJ \
_^ _nstsrript
Saturday, December 25. The Aberdeen Mini...
Saturday , December 25 . The Aberdeen Ministry is constituted ; of that there is no longer any possible doubt ; and on Monday newwrits will be ordered most likely for Tiverton , London Southwark , Oxford University , Carlisle , South Wilts ' and other boroughs . The Times was correct in its statement , yesterday . Lord Aberdeen will be Premier Lord John Russell will go to the Foreign Office , Lord Palmerston to the Home Office , Mr . Gladstone to the Exchequer , the Duke of Newcastle to the Colonial Office , Mr . Sidney Herbert to the War Office , and Sir William Molesworth will be a member of the Ministry . We have heard strange rumours that the Aberdeen Cabinet will be far more liberal than people expected and the Globe intimates , as is natural in the Globe , that Lord John will restore the proper constitutional tone to the Foreign Office , and set the people of England right with the people of the continent . But we want to know the programme of measures , now there is no longer doubt as to the programme of men . It is not to he expected that these men would enter into a combination in ignorance of each other ' s opinions , or to compromise their own opinions ; nor is it to be expected that they will do what they do in an evasive manner , or in an evasive spirit . The circumstances of the time and the characters of the men warrant us in expecting that their conduct will be guided , both in administration and legislation , by the obvious necessities and the prevalent opinion of the day . It would not surprise us if , hy their weight and onward vigour , they were to crush the superannuated opposition threatened hy the relics of the old unleavened Tory party , and extort the confidence of the Radical party .
The following list is said to contain the names of all those Members of the new Cabinet whose appointments were made known up to late yesterday : — First Lord of the Treasury . . Lord Aberdeen . Lord Chancellor Lord Ceanwoeth . Foreign Secretary Lord J . _ltussELL . Home Secretary Lord Palmerston . Chancellor of the Exchequer . Mr . Gladstone . Secretary for the Colonies . . . Duke of Newcastle . First Lord of the Admiralty . . Sir J . Graham . Secretary-at-War Mr . Sidney Herbeet . President of the Board of Control Sir _Ciias . Wood . Postmaster-General Lord Clanricardk .
The Speaker Took The Chair At Two O'Cloc...
The Speaker took the chair at two o ' clock yesterday . The _Ciiancellou of the Exchequer said that it would be convenient for the public service that tho House ? , at its rising , do adjourn to two o ' clock on Monday . Colonel SiBTiroitP complained that so many unnecessary adjournments should bo moved , as such adjournments were detrimental to the public service . 'The house was then adjourned to Monday at two o'ch ) ck .
'The: Senato Met On Thursday, At Half-Pa...
'The : Senato met on Thursday , at half-past one o ' clock , pursuant to adjournment , to discuss the report of M . Troplemg on thc Senalus Consultum for the modittcation of the > Constitution . M . Mesnard in the chair . Another article had been added to the project , se ) that it _e'einsiste-el of seventeen instead of sixteen clauses . The new article is to the effect that Lieuteiiaiit-Geiicrals admitted on tho half-pay list may ho name-el deputies . The : Commission , moreover had added a few _weirels te > the 7 < h Article , which specified that the _Ereiieh Princes , that is , the Princes of the Imperial Family , were of right Senators at the age of J 8 years ; the words added are , " with the assent of th « Emperor . " In virtue : of another amendment , the allowance of the deputies is increased to 2 , 5001 * . instead of 2 , 0001 ., 01 * 7 , 50017 feir the year , independently of extraordinary se'ssieins . The discussion in the Senate was more animated than was expected , and had not terminated when the : express left . M . Ilorente ) , the new Minister of the Interior at Madrid , has published u circular to the governors of provinces , announcing the change of ministry , and desiring them to inform the public that the Qu < H '» desires the revision of the Constitution by strength ening the throne , without trenching- cither on representative : Government or free discussion . The Emperor of Austria left Berlin on the 2 . 1 _«* inst ., returning fo Vienna by way of Dresden . Th " King of Hanover returned to his " capital on tho pro - ceding day . Thc I )„ ke of _Ihunswick was to proceed from Ucrlin Iiy early train on tho 22 nd inst .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1853, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011853/page/10/