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24 THE LEADER. [Saturday, January 1,1853...
LONDON, l>rlnt«d I.y Or.eme.n llooiisn. ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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24 The Leader. [Saturday, January 1,1853...
24 THE LEADER . [ Saturday , January 1 , 1853 .
London, L>Rlnt«D I.Y Or.Eme.N Llooiisn. ...
LONDON , l > rlnt « d I . y _Or . eme . n _llooiisn . ( of Ne > ; a , 1 ort _^ (; (| f Xt . He . li . gton , In lho County ul Ml' , _i , « " _^ x _' « " * / „ tin- l _' " rl " Mcu .. _Havii . i . ni . _et _KmvAou _., No . i , C . a-dos 8 trial , in ' _, „ .,, | _, y of Ht . l _' aul , Covnt Garden In iho name County j nn" * , m | il _., ) ;' , ' _'Iiie _. BNie . N I . nei . i Hunt , < e . f _Ilroudwuy , « ««• _% : _'AlVf lN HTHfc _* : i ' TIIK I . UA 1 M 4 U _OIIIOW _, No . 10 . _^ _ltM _™ _" _*™ » wn 1 . _^ HT 11 ANI ) . In the _l'ree-liiet e . f the Snvoy , both In the ) » mn » _* _MA'toaoAT , January 1 , lttOS . j
On January 1 will ho published , tho First Number of _T > UTNAM'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE 01 JL AMERICAN LITERATURE . SCIENCE AND A J" . An entirely Original Periodical ; combining the ligme r ' _toristics e > f a popular " Magazine" with the _hig _heu-ai'iM _^ qualities of a " Quarterly Review . " Royal Hvo , ( _pp . _lM . ) • • Nearly all the lending American Authe > _rs have ,, i >« . > _^ their _uupport anel _cemtribwlioiis , and the present JJ """ ' ritill „ B prohoneh . articles by tried and fkvourito writers , whose will no doubt be rece _. _gninoel und appreciated . London : Sampson Low , Bon , and Co ., 47 , Ludgate «»
On the 1 st of January , 1853 , price 5 s ., No . XLIII . e > f the ) BRITISH JOURNAL of HOMOEOPATH ? , Edited by ' _„ - _~™ _j-Drs . DRYSDALE , RUSSELL , and _DUDGEOJN . ( Published Quarterly . ) _Princifai . Contents :-On _Inflnitesimaln , _>> 7 _Dr M _" , _^ ( l ; —Anticipatiems e . f _Hoinenopathy , by Mr . Sharp—On t he _iro » mont of Chronic Local Diseases anel Phthisis , by H * hut ,, " »» " f Homeeopathio _Clinie-al Studies , by Dr . Wurmb—On a Cwjo < Obstruction ofthe Colon , by Dr . Kausford—Hahnemann « u r « Hpoiielene ; e—On the Poison of the Naja _Trijmdians , by _»¦ _RuhsoII- On tho IIe > m <» e > pathio Treatment e . f _Beu-ns _, _ny _' " _Henriques . Reviews , Mineelliinoe > _us , H « . me » opathio lutein . , * ¦' Clinical Koce _. rel , Pathogenetic anel Therapeutic _Uragmenw , » _Lemele _. n : Aylott and Jones , Pat ernoster Row .
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for JANUARY , 1853 , which is the first number of a Nevr Volume , contains the following articles : — 1 . Kin _^ Charles I . in the Isle of Wight . 2 . Original Letters of Benjamin Franklin . 3 . Fannelli and Pompadour . 4 . Henry Newcome , the Manchester Puritan . 6 . A Journey to Paris in 1736 . 6 . The Cloister Life of Charles V . 7 . The Hill _Intrenchments on the Borders of Wales , by T . Wright , F . S . A . ( With Engravings . ) 8 . Report of" the Cambrieige University Commission . 9 . Correspondence of _Sylvanus Urban : —1 . Pictures of the Immaculate Conception . 2 . The Relic of St . Mary Axe . 3 . Harley Church , Salop . 4 . Etymology of tho word Many . With Notes of the Month , Reviews of New _Publications , Historical Chronicle , and _Obituaey , including Moi # rs ot tiie Earl of Shrewsbury , Countess of Lovelace , Sir J . J- ai " _: st > Miss Berry , Professor Enipaon , Mr . Serjeant Halcomb , & c . eXc . A Specimen Number sent on tho receip t of 2 s . Od . in postage ) stomps . Nichols and Son , 25 , Parliament Street .
This day is published , rpHE WESTMINSTER REVIEW , JL New _Sbhies , No . V ., price 6 s . Annual Subscription , when paid to the Publisher in advance , £ 1 ; or if the work be delivered by post , £ 1 4 s . Contbkts of No . V ., _Jaituaby , 1853 . I . Mary Tudor . II . Condition and Prospects of Ireland . III . Charity , noxious and beneficent . IV . The English Stage . V . American Slavery , and Emancipation by the Free States . VI . The Atomic Theory , before Christ and since . VII . History and Ideas of the Mormons . VIII . Daniel Webster . IX . X . XI . XII . Contemporary Literature of England , America , Germany , and France . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
This day , Fifth and Cheaper Edition , enlarged , 3 s . 6 d . "DEADINGS IN" SCIENCE ; Familiar Ex JlAj planations of Appearances and Principles in Natura Philosophy . Also , Cheaper _Eelitions of tbe following , READINGS IN POETRY ; Selections from the "Works of the best English Poets , with Specimens of the American Poets : Notices ol the Writers : and Notes . _iSa _ftd . _j _^ _.... . __ - _„ . _~ , .. , _n _^ , „„ .. „ . _vfo . uu . READINGS IN ENGLISH PROSE LITERATURE ; Specimens of the Works of the best English Writers , with Biographical Sketches and Essays on the Progress of English Literature . 3 s . 6 d . READINGS IN BIOGRAPHY ; a Selection of the Lives of the most Eminent Men of all Nations . 3 s . 6 d . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand . ¦ ¦ _MM 111 I . 11 - II ' —¦— - ¦ . ¦ II . | ¦ II - ¦ I . l .. — ¦ —
On the 8 th of January will be published , _priece Three Shillings , in cloth , THE THIRD VOLUME OF THE HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE OP CURRENT EVENT OF 18 5 2 . Wliich being declared , by the Judgment of the Court of Exchequer _^ Legal Publication , not coming within tl provisions of the Stamp Act , will be regularly continued and much improved . * * The First and Second Volumes , being a Becord of Public Events of 1850—51 , may alwa ys be had , price 3 s . each , neatly bound in cloth . The Christmas Number of " Household Words" is still on Sale . OFFICE , 16 , WELLINGTON STREET NORTH . Sold by all Bookseixebs aot > _Newsman .
This day is published , price Is . 6 d ., ADDRE SSES TO THE SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OP PRACTICAL ART , delivered in the Theatre of Marlborough House . By HENRY COLE , C . B ., General Superintendent ; and RICHARD REDGRAVE , R . A ., Art-Superintendent . Published by Authority . . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccaelilly .
Now ready , in 8 vo , price 14 s . cloth , lettered , with a lithograph facsimile of the corrected folio of 1632 , NOTE S AND EMENDATIONS TO THE TEXT OF SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS , from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio of 1632 in the possession oi JOHN PAYNE COLLIER , Esq ., F . S . A ., forming a Supplemental Volume to the Works of Shakespeare by the same editor , in eight vols . 8 vo . As only a limited number of the above Work has been printed , purchasers of "Mr . Collier ' s Shakespeare" are requested to complete their sets without delay . Whittaker and Co ., Ave Maria Lane .
Price Is . 3 d ., demy 18 mo , 144 pp ., cloth , lettered , FACTS AND FANCIES ; or , Random Sketches of Men , Women , and Princi p les . By FREDERIC ROWLAND YOUNG , Ipswich . With an Introductory Chapter by Mr . JAMES SPILLING , Author of "The Sp irit of the Seasons . Contexts : Woman—Marriage—Home—Eliza Cook—Thomas Carl y le—Our Young Men—Robert Burns—Persecution for Opinions— " _Festus , ' by Bailey—Fare ye Well , or Last Words . London : Simpkin and Co . Ipswich : J . M . Burton and Co . ; and all Booksellers . _4 L
THE DOCTRINE of a SUPREME BEING VINDICATED , and the Fallacy of Infidel Arguments Exposed and Refuted ; being Strictures on a Lecture delivered at Heywood , June 16 th , by Mr . G . J . Holyoake , of London , " On the Development ofthe Principles of Free Inquiry , " & c , by the Rev . Wood ville Woodman . Price Id . London : Fred . Pitman , 20 , Paternoster Row .
THE ONLY COMPLETE EDITION . BY MRS . HARRIET BEECHER 8 TOWE . THE MAYFLOWER ; or , Sketches of Scenes and Characters among the Descendants of the Pilgrims . By Mrs . HARRIET BEECHER STOWE . With the Preface by her Sister , Catherine E . _Bkeciiku . Is . 6 d ., cloth lettered . Contents : Love versus Law — tho Tea-rose — Triids of a Housekeeper—Littlo Edward—Let every Man mind his own Business—Cousin William—Uncle Tim—Aunt _Mary—Frankness—The Sabbath—So Many Calls—Tho Canal boat—Feeling —Tho Sempstress—Olel Father Morris . Also , extracted from the abovo , FOUR WAYS OF OBSERVING THE SABBATH : _Sketches from the Note-book of an Elderly Gen-I tlemun . Tliird edition , price tkl . rp ) S . ARTHUR'S WORKS , 1 - At _Oei . each , sowed ; ' or In . cloth gilt . 1 . Tho Maiden . 4 . Fanny Dido . 2 . Tho Wife . 6 . A Christmas Box fe > r tho 3 . Tho Mother . Hems and Daughters of Temperance . Nob . 1 , 2 , 3 , are bound together in ono vol ., prico 2 s . 0 d ., cloth gilt ; or me . rocce ., 3 s . Oel . At 8 d . each sowed , e ) r Is . cloth gilt . "Sweethearts anel Wives . Rising in tho Worlel . Lovers and Husbands . Riches have Wings . Married anel Single . Keeping up Appearances . 'Debtor anel Creditor . The Laely at Home-. Tho Heiress . Retiring lVe . m Business . The _. _so marked * may be ) hael Lemuel teigothcr , in cloth , gilt , at 3 a . ; me . re . e-ce > , 4 a . At Is ., seweel ; la . 6 d ., cle . th , gilt nnel _leettercel , AONKS , THE POSSESS Ki ) : a Revelation e . f Mesmerism . At Ih . 4 d ., rowed ; 2 h ., cloth , gilt , nnel _le-ttercel , INSUBORDINATION ; or , thc _Shoemaker _' H Daughters . At 2 s ., cle . th , lettered , anel g ilt , _e-elges , STORIES FOR MY _VrtlJNG FRIENDS . Cemtaiuing Fifty Artie ; le > _s iu ProHe aliel _Ve-rHc . rpiIE RKV . JACOB ABBOTT'S JUVEX N _1 I . E HKKIKH . j In ( i ve . _ls . sepmro Kline ., cloth , _Is . _efel . each ; or 7 n . del tho set . Tho Little ) Hcholur Loan . ing to Talk |(„] l ( , Learning te . Remel -He . lle . at Work Re . lle . at 1 _'li . y -Hollo ut School—Hollo ' s Vocation . liotUon _, 21 , Portugal Stroeat , _Liucolu _' _g Iuu _, London .
rpiiE CIVIL SERVICE GAZETTtt-JL Te » -l > Av , January 1 st , iH _Publishoel this NEW WKKKI . Y FAMILY JOURNAL , price ( Sixpence , established for advocating anel protecting the interests of nil Civil _onieiorti and _ClerkH in eivcry _dopiu-tinoiiL e . f tho Public Service . . It will suppl y thei _earliest , information on thei imhjcct of idl Vacancies . —Orders rocoiveet by oil Newsmen . Advertisements to be sent to Mr . Joseph Huuth , 6 , _Oatheriuo-Btroet . 8 _traud , or to any _reMJoguiaod ugoul .
BO ARD OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND . CONSUMERS * PROTECTION AGENCY . _Feitchitbch Chambers , 159 , _Fenchttbch Stbeet , City . Objects of the Board of Supply and Demand : — To undertake the execution , on behalf of the public , of any Orders for any articles of trade ; To secure the purity , quality , right price , prompt and safe delivery of articles ordered ; To establish and maintain , upon an extensive scale , warehouses for receiving and testing the articles for consumption ; To recommend to the clients of the Board the tradesmen , contractors , working men , and various persons whose services may be required ; To settle accounts and make paymonts on behalf of the customers or clients , & c . & c . & c . Advantages secured to customers dealing with the Hoard : — An easy , safe , inexpensive mode of transmitting their orders ; All anel every security , that the existing state of civilization , and tho concentrated power of capital , labour , machinery , skill and experience' can afford , as to the purity , quulity , right price , prompt anel safe eielivery e ) f the articles ordered ; An efficient respe _. nsibility in case of damage anel defect ; _Simpliflcatit . n of _houscheild _aeicounts ; All articles charged _according to a list of fixed prices , _settleel between tho mere-bantu and the Board : all such hsis published anel forwardcel , from time te . time . Reduction of prie . _'cs , nnel great saving by tho HiippresKion e _. f all the costly experiments that consumers have to bear from their not being accpiainteel with proper places of supply , ami with _. w oll-ce _. ntre _. lleel merchants ; Facility fe _. r creelits applicable te . the whe _. le of their _consumption , anel bearing upon the whole e . f their income , whatever may be the _te'nns e . f _reviving the Haid iuce > me , monthly , _ejuarterly , half-yearly , e _. r yearly . IMMKDIATK _JiUSINKSS TKA N 8 ACTK _1 ) BY TDK I'IBM OF J . L . ST . _ANIXRK . While ) preparing the ) me _> re _pcrfoe-fc _organizntiem eif a BOAKJ ) OF SUPPLY AND DKMANI ) , tho unelerjiameel firm ia ne _. w _redel y te . e'xe ) _cutes _eirelerB , te . nny amount not _uneier . 1 _Ci > , iu e > ne ) or various article's . The ) _arrtiugomeiiitH for the ) re : tail traele ) will l > o He ) em ce > mplcteel , but until then , _orelers uueletr t . 5 must be ) _eltwlincel . General Manager— , \ _JlAlr \ _liVAIVL KVALIKR HT . AN DRE . _Uusiness tranHuedcel unele ) r the ) linn e . f J . li . ST . AN . T ) RI <] . Aoknth WANTKD . A pp _lie'ivtie _. iis freim the ) ceiuntry must be ) tu ) ce > iripiinie ) el with _uimxccptieninble _rejleremccs in Lemelon . _*» * Ne ) OltDKUH _KXKCllTHll ON KATIJII 1 ) A YK . _le ' iJKTHKK _I'AHTie . iJi . AitH Tei me ii A i ) b y appl ying to tho abovo _nelelrenH , eir b y l ' _eirwureling two pemtago _Htnmps . yycyyce r - . " . - -. - ¦ m " "" NEW _Sl'OKTINO NEWHPAPKR . Published this day , price Sixpence , to be continued Weekly , _Tjih Ftu . st Ne . miiku _eiif TIM O FIELD ; or , Country Gkntlkman ' s _NUWHI'AI'KK . " With _IlliiHtrations , by JeniN Lunoii anel _Rujuaui ) AnbuKu ,. Publishing _Olllere , 4 , Uryelges Street , Oe _. vont Oiinlen _, whero AelvertinenientH anel _Ceimmiuiicatie _. ns to tho Editor can bo _adttroHHeiel . I
CAW SON HILL MINING COMPANY . Shareholders in this undertaking are referred to the Leader of the 27 th November for a full report of the First General Meeting . Persons desirous of becoming Subscribers can obtain a prospectus and fullest particulars upon application personally , or by post , to the Purser , at the offices of the Company , No . 3 , Crown Court , Threadneedle Street , City .
S OUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors grant Letters of Credit and Bills at 30 days' sight upon the Company ' s Bank , at Adelaide . The exchange on sums above £ 10 , is now at a premium or charge of two per cent . Approved drafts on South Australia negotiated and bills collected . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , No . 64 , Old Broad Street , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , January 1 st , 1853 .
STEAM to INDIA , CHINA , AUSTRALIA , & c , via EGYPT . The pEXiirsTrx . AK and Orient al Steak _Navigation Cokpany book passengers and receive goods and parcels for ADEN , CEYLON , MADRAS , CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , by their Steamers , starting from Southampton on the 4 th anel 20 th of every Month , and from SUEZ on or about the 21 st and 6 th ofthe Month . The rates of Passage Money on these lines have been materially reduced . N . B . —The Company ' s Steamers now run direct . between CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , and between HONG KONG ahd SHANGHAI . AUSTRALIA . —By the Packet of the 4 th of March , and of the 4 th of every alternate Month thereafter , in correspondence with Steamers from SUEZ and SINGAPORE , the Company ¦ will be enabled to convey Passengers , Parcels , and Specie to BATAVIA , KING GEORGE'S SOUND , ADELAIDE , PORT PHILIP , and SYDNEY . MEDITERRANEAN . —To MALTA on the 4 th , 20 th , and 29 th of every Month . To CONSTANTINOPLE on the 29 th of the Month . To ALEXANDRIA , on the 4 th and 20 th of the Month , from Southampton ; and from MARSEILLES to MALTA and ALEXANDRIA , on the 10 th and 26 th of the Month . SPAIN and PORTUGAL . —To Yigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , on the 7 th , 17 th , and 27 th of the Month . For further information , and tariffs ofthe Company ' s recentlyrevised and reduced rates of passage money and freight , for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , & c , apply at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , Leadenhall Street , London j and Oriental Place , Southampton .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1853, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_01011853/page/24/