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Save 50 per Cent, by purchasing your Wat...
Cfie Zoological <3*artten#, REGENT'S PAR...
MONT BLANC—Mr. ALBERT SMITH has the hono...
(^UTTA PERCH A TUBING.—Many y^-A. inquir...
I T AI.lt.—]{, . BKCK ih now liianiifnct...
X Ah I US' COLLEGE, Bkdkouo Square. — I ...
All Policies Indisputable, and payable t...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Watches! Watches! Watches!
Save 50 Per Cent, By Purchasing Your Wat...
Save 50 per Cent , by purchasing your Watches direct from the Manufacturer , at the Wholesale Trade Price . " Warranted Gold Watches , extra jewelled , with all the recent improvements £ 3 15 0 The same Movements in Silver Cases ; 2 0 0 Handsome Morocco Cases for same 0 2 0 Every other description of Watch in the same proportion . " . Sent Free to any part of the Kingdom upon receipt of One Shilling Extra . Duplex and other Watches practically Repaired and put in order , at the Trade Prices , at DANIEL ELLIOTT _HEDGER'S WHOLESALE WATCH MANUFACTORY , 2 . 7 , CITY ROAD , near Finsbury Square , Xiondon . # * Merchants , Captains , and the Trade supplied in any quantities on very favourable terms .
Bats As Shown At Ths Exhibition, Class X...
BATS AS SHOWN AT THS EXHIBITION , Class XX ., Ko . IV . PALMER CO 51 , STONES' END , BOROUGH , ( Opposite the Police Court . ) THE LARGEST , CHEAPEST , _AaNB ONLY RETAIL HAT & CAP FACTORY IN THE BOROUGH ASSORTMENTS SENT ON APPEOVAL . No Extra Charge for Bespoke Articles AND ., No Charge for Delivery in Town or Country
Cfie Zoological <3*Artten#, Regent's Par...
_Cfie _Zoological < _3 * _artten _# _, REGENT'S PARK , Are Open to Visitors daily . The Collection now contains upwards of 1500 Specimens , including two fine Chimpanzees , the Hippopotamus presented by H . H . the Viceroy of Egypt , Elephants , Rhinocebos , Giraffes and young , Leucobyx and young , Elands , Bonteboks , Camels , Zebbas , Lions , Tigebs , Jaguabs , Beabs , Ostbiches , and the Aptebyx presented by the Lieut .-Governor of New Zealand . All Visitors are now admitted to Mr . Gould ' s Collection of Humming Bibds without any extra charge . Tho Band of the First Life Guards will perform , by permission of Colonel Hall , every SATUEDAY , at Pour o ' clock , until further notice . Admission , One Shilling . On Mondays , Sixpence .
Mont Blanc—Mr. Albert Smith Has The Hono...
MONT BLANC—Mr . ALBERT SMITH has the honour to announce that his ASCENT OP MONT BLANC will CLOSE for the Season , with its 230 th representation , on Saturday Evening , September 11 , and re-open with several interesting additions , on Mr . Smith's return from Chamouni . In the recess the room will be entirely re-embellished , and some alterations and improvements made which , it is hoped , will contribute much to the comfort of the general audionce . —Egyptian Hall , Sept . 1 , 1852 .
Department Of Practical Art, Marlborough...
DEPARTMENT OF PRACTICAL ART , Marlborough House , Pall Mall : The Autumn and Winter Session commenced on 1 st September . The _WTISKXTM of Ornamental Art , with a Special Collection ol Pottery , including very line Specimons of Olil _Sevres Porooluin . lent b y tho Queen for study , is open to the Public on Mondays and Tuesdays , free : on Wednesdays , Thursdays , and Fridays , Students aro admitted free . Occasional applicants pay ( id . Prospectuses , & c ., at the Offices ; at Somerset House , and 37 , Oowor Street ; Messrs . Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly ; Mr . a . Boll , 186 , Fleet Street ; Messrs . Jaokson and Graham , J 7 , Oxford Street ; Messrs . Colnaghi , 13 , Pall Mall , East ; and Mis . ChappeU , 60 , Now Bond Street . W . R . DEVERELL , Secretary .
(^Utta Perch A Tubing.—Many Y^-A. Inquir...
_(^ UTTA PERCH A TUBING . —Many y _^ _-A . inquiries having been mado as to the Durability of this 1 _"hing , tho Gutta Pcrcha Company havo pleasure in drawing attention to the following letter , received _l'UOAI MB . C . _HACKliB , 8 UKVBYOE TO TUB DUKE OF BEDFORD : " Office of Works , Woburo Park , Jan . 10 , 1852 . " In answer to your inquiries respecting tho Gutta Poreha I _' ubijj _^ JV _, r Pump Suctions , I lind that tho water has uot affected 't in tho leant , _although it will oat lead through in two years ; wo have adopted it largely , both on account of being cheaper than '" ad , muck easier fixed , and a moro perfect job . "Yours , Ac , O . HACKEE . " N . B . The Company ' s Illustrated Circulars , containing _Instruo ioim to Plumbers for joining tubes , lining tanks , & c , will bo for warded on tho receipt of throe postage stamps . THE GUTTA P . REC 1 IA COMPANY , _PATENTEES , IH , _WHARF-ROAD , CITY-ROAD , LONDON .
B'Kal And Sons Illustrated Catalogue Of ...
B _' KAL AND SONS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of BEDSTEADS , sent freo by post , '" _iliimiiig designs and prices of upwards of 1 < K > different _Ited-HI « _'ads , and also their Priced List of Bedding . They havo like-ZT ' _d-. V ! » u , diUou to tbeir usual Slock , a great variety of 'UUHIAN UKDflTEADS , both iu wood and iron , which thoy _"'ivojUHl . imported . Heal and Hon , _Hednt . eud and Nodding Manufacturers , UM ! , Tottenham Court Road .
I T Ai.Lt.—]{, . Bkck Ih Now Liianiifnct...
I T AI . lt . —]{ , . _BKCK ih now _liianiifncturiiitf | ho Tl i * m ' i" ! _iH'' m , l , ( , ri , « EA D-DK HUSKS for LA DI KM nmlOKNv ,. i . ¦ i' U , ><> " au « _"'' _»« 'ly N < , w Construction . It . B . has for tl . n , T " strictest regard to llttingtlio Head , and studying HiHil »¦ i '" _'l' _K liro ot' * l , ° wearer , requisites too _ollon lost liilm- 1 ° i . ' "" 'diiuiry Wiginal . eiH ; mid without whieh _t _. _lio wi "" ti r ,, m 4 iH " _"""' diat . oly detected . His Wigs have lihohliriiil ¦ _t _, _'"' _"' _,, ll ,, vll "'" _W <> f being only leather-weight ; neither in ' . l ,. „" i ' ' "" . ' 4 ' _x' , HII ( , il , K ! nor will tliey lose colour , or < : haugo " "' V _cliinal ,,. Prices nuigo from One ( luiiiea . froni ni , 0 lf ' . _? u ,,, INl »« , d upwards of Twenty-live Yours , Removed _^^ "S 6 _»!! s hu , uldcokl lowol , J '
Allsopp's Pale Ales And Baron..{Liebig.—...
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALES AND BARON .. { LIEBIG . —Although not in the habit of replying to anonymous advertisements , and although they cannot condescend to answer some of a . very discreditable nature to the parties concerned , Allsopp and Sons are compelled to take notice of an announcement bearing the name of Professor Liebig , to which an invidious publicity has been given . Messrs . Allsopp and Sons regret this necessity , as they have reason to suppose that advertisement has emanated from an unworthy jealousy on the part of those who should rather have shown gratitude for the labour and expense whieh Messrs . Allsopp and Sons have not spared to remove the otherwise ruinous prejudice impending over the Pale and Bitter Ales of this country , from the mistake of a French chemist . Messrs . Allsopp and Sons would now call the attention of the public to the following points : — That the original letter of Baeon Liebig is addressed to Mr . Henby Allsopp , individually : — That he therein intimates that he had been applied to by Mr . Heney Allsopp on the subject , and that his opinion had been requested , of course , for publication by that gentleman . — That he therein acknowledges the receipt of samples of Allsopp ' s Pale Ales , from the London bottlers , as well as other samples of the same , sent to him direct , by private friends . On these he , specifically , founds the opinion reported by him to Mr . Heney Allsopp in that letter—the general mention of the Burton brewers being incidental : — Thus , then , the letter of Baeon _LrEBia , having been written for Messrs . Allsopp and Sons , and sent to Mr . Heney Allsopp , on the subject of Messrs . Allsopp and Sons' Ales , they , having , as they had , Baeon _Liebig's authority to do so , were fully entitled to publish it . Messrs . Allsopp and Sons consider it not unnecessary to ndd , that their intercourse with Baeon Liebig is of somo duration ; they having frequently consulted ihe _learned Professor on certain _prooeases of brewing . And they are confident , therefore , that this last letter , anonymously issued , must either have been greatly mutilated previously to publication , or that it could only have been sent in reply to some wrong impression conveyed to that eminent man in respect to an alleged undue publicity given to his opinions . Burton-upon-Trent , August 25 , 1852 .
Professor Liebig On Allsopp's Pale Ale. ...
PROFESSOR LIEBIG on ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE . Fkom Baron Liebig to Mil . Allsopp . "Tho specimons of your Pale Ale sent to mo afforded me another opportunity of confirming its valuable qualities . I am myself an admirer of this beverage , and my own experience enables me to recommend it , in accordance with tho opinion of the most eminent English physicians , as a very agreeable and efficient tonic , and as a general beverage , both for the invalid and the robust . "Giessen , May 0 , 1852 . Justus Limbig . " That the Publio might form a correct judgment of the intention of that eminent authority , Messrs . Allsopp and Sons have re-published Baeon Lieuig'h Letter to Mil Allsopp in extenso , in all tho London Daily Journals , as well as in other Papers ; Copies of which Letter , and of the vory numerous and continually increasing Professional Testimonials in favour of their Palr and Bitter Alis , may bo obtained on application at tho Brewery , Burton-on-Trent ; or at their Establishments in London , Liverpool , Manchester , Derby , Dudley , Glasgow , Dublin , Birmingham , and elsewhere . TT . No . 4 . ]
Rpiik Peninsular And Oriental X "Steam N...
rpiIK PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL X "STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Book Passengers and receive Goods and Parcels for MALTA , EGYPT , INDIA , and CHINA , by thoir Steamers leaving Southampton on the 20 th of every Month . Tho Company ' s Steamers also start for MALTA and _CONHTANTInAPI ' . E on tbo 2 » th , and VIGO , OPORTO , LISBON , CADIZ , and GlIiUALTAR , on tho 7 tb , 17 th , and 27 th of tho Month . Eur further information apply at the Company's Offices , 122 , Loadouliall Street , London ; and Oriental Place , Southampton .
X Ah I Us' College, Bkdkouo Square. — I ...
X Ah I US' COLLEGE , _Bkdkouo Square . — I J Parents wishing to complete thoir Daughters' Education at this College , aro informed Unit a Homo will bo in readiness for l _. honi at the opening of the Session in October , in the immediate neighbourhood , on a nlan of equal division of Expenses ho as to reduce tho cost to tiie lowest ., consistent with tho habits and foelin _^ H of Gentlewomen . Though not formally connected with the badies" College , no Pupil will be admitted into this Family unless recommended by one of tho Lady Visitors or ol tho Professors . —Particulars iiiuy bo had at tho _Ludies' College
Htfe Assurance. Law Property Assurance A...
Htfe _Assurance . LAW PROPERTY ASSURANCE AND TRUST BOCIET _^ i 30 , Essex Street , Strand , London ; and 19 , Princess Street , Manchester . Subscribed Capital , £ 250 , 000 , in 5000 Shares of _JB 50 each . LONDON BOARD . directors . Ral p h T . Brockman , Esq . James Macaulay , Esq . Ben ) . Chandler , jun ., Esq . Henry _Paullj Esq . Edward W . Cox , Esq . Robert Young , Esq . _AUDITOES . E . E . P . Kelsey , Esq ., Salisbury . James Hutton , Esq ., Moorgate Street . BANKEES . London and County Bank , 21 , Lombard Street . standing counsel . Henry Stevens , Esq ., 7 , New Square , Lincoln ' s Inn consulting actuaey . Francis G . P . Neison , Esq ., 25 , Pall Mall . medical officer . Dr . McCann , Parliament Street . solicitob . - William Colley , Esq ., 16 , Bucklersbury PEOCTOB . H . Pitcher , Esq ., Doctors' Commons . ACTUAEY AND SECEETAEY . William Neison , Esq . F . S . S .
Manchester Board. Dieectoes. Nicholas Ea...
MANCHESTER BOARD . DIEECTOES . Nicholas Earle , Esq . Thomas Taylor , Esq ., Isaac Hall , Esq . Norfolk Street . W . H . Partington , Esq . G . B . Withington , Esq . James Street , Esq . Thomas Whitlow , Esq . BANKEES . Sir Benjamin Heywood , Bart ., and Co . COUNSEL . J . P . Lake , Esq ., 4 , Townhail Buildings , Cross Street . PHYSICIAN . J . L . _Bardsley , Esq ., M . D ., 8 , Chatham Street , Piccadilly SUBGEON . R . H . _M'Keand , Esq ., 5 , Oxford Street , St . Peter ' s . _SUEVBYOBS . Mr . Edward Corbett . | Mr , Edward Nicholson , Mr . William Radford . agents . Messrs . Dunn and Smith , 19 , Princess Street SECEETAEY . W . H . Partington , Esq . This Society is established to appl y the principle of Assurance to Peopebty as well as to Life ; and its business consists of The Assurance of Defective and _Unmaeketablb Titlss _^ rendering them absolute and perfect . The Assurance of _Copyholus , Lifeholds , and Leaseholds , thereby making them equal to , or even better than Freeholds , for all purposes of sale or mortgage . The redemption of Loans and Mortgages , and guaranteeing their absolute repayment within a given period . Increased and Immediate Annuities granted upon Healthy as well as Diseased Lives . The Fidelity of Clerks , Servants , and others Guaranteed upon the payment of n , small annual premium , and a reduction of nearly one-half is made when a Lile Assurance is combined with the Fidelity Guarantee Policy . Life Assurances effected for the whole term of life , or for a term of years , and the premiums can be paid yearly , half-yearly , or quarterly . Endowment and Education Assubances and Annuities granted ; the premiums can bo paid upon tho returnable ot non-returnable system , in case of death before attaining the age agreed upon . Immediate Annuities , or increased incomes , granted in exchange for Revbrsionaby Interests . Whole World Policies granted , and all Policies issued by this Society are Indisputable , except in cases of fraud . Every information furnished , free of expense , by applying to WILLIAM NEISON , Esq ., Actuary and Secretary . 30 , Essex Street , Strand , London . Agents Wanted
London Assurance Corporation, Establishe...
LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION , Established by _Roval _Cjiahtee a . d . 1720 . FOR LIFE , FIRE , AND MARINE ASSURANCES . Head Office , 7 , Royal Exchange , _Counuii . l . Branch Office , 10 , ItEdUNT Stuekt . Actuary , Peter Hardy , Esq ., F . R . S . This _Cohpouation has effected Ahsubanokh for _» period exceeding One Hundred and Thirty Years , on tho most Favoueable Thumb . JOHN LAURENCE , Secretury .
All Policies Indisputable, And Payable T...
All Policies Indisputable , and payable to Holder within fourteen days alter Death , and IVoo of Policy Stamp to tho Assured , An entirely now and most economical Scale of Premiums . HOUSEHOLDERS' AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . 10 and It ! , Adam Stiucut , Adklpjii , London . diukctokh . William Anhton _, Esq . Kiohard Griffiths Wolfonl , Esq . Tho _llov . ThomasCator . Kdward Hascomo , _ICsq ., M . D . Charles Hulso , Esq . Petor Paterson , Hsq . F . Davenport B . _\ Vol > Hter , _Esq . Peter Paterson , Ksq ., jun . _DISTINCTIVE AN 1 > VRCI _/ LIA 1 C _PKATI / UKH . 1 . Every l'olicy is absolutely indisputable , the state of health , age , and interest , being admitted on the Poliey . 2 . A _tjiiwttr Scale < g _~ Premiums than any other Office . ll . Policies transferable by indorsement .. 4 . Policies _t ' aitl within _Mutrtetm Days tfter Fraif of Death . 5 . No chargo for Policy Stamp . ( I . Persons recently assured in other Offices may obtain indisputable Policies JYom this Company at more moderate rates tf premiums . 1 . Medical Referees hi all cases paid by the Company . RICHARD HODSON , Secretary .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 4, 1852, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_04091852/page/23/