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.WQ T H E I* E A D E R. [No. 321, Saturd...
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE.— Lessee Mr. Axfked Wigan.
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.Wq T H E I* E A D E R. [No. 321, Saturd...
. WQ T H E I * E A D E R . [ No . 321 , Saturday , 4 ii o ¦ ¦ - — === = in— . - ¦* ^* ^^ —r——^— ^«^^ ^ Mg ^~
Royal Olympic Theatre.— Lessee Mr. Axfked Wigan.
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . — Lessee Mr . Axfbed Wigan .
^^^ . ^ o ^ f ^^ M-siS Wff iMPffBXfBSWgt ^ SSB
Tlyf ADAME JENNY GOLDSCHMIDT-L IND tt r tah St WEDNESDAY EVENING next . May 21 , M ?^ M ^ re G ran d "by Meyerbeer , with Madame Viardot . Mr Otto Goldschmidt ^ will perforin Bach ' s Concerto for two $ anofo £ cs with Mr . Benedict . The programme is now feady . Reserved seats , \ l . is . ; unreserved seats 10 s . 6 d . AppHcations for tickets to be made to Mr . Mitchell , Royal library , S 3 , Old Bond-street ; and to Mr . Benedict , No . 2 , Manchester-square .
FRENCH EXHIBITION . THE THIRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION of PAINTINGS bv Modern Artists of the FRENCH SCHOOL is NOW OPEN , at the GALLERY , 121 , PALLMALL Admittance Is . Season Tickets , 5 s . Catalogues 6 d . B . TRODSHAM , Secretary .
SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS . THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION is NOW OPEN at their GALLERY . 5 , PALL MALL EAST ( close to Trafalgar-square ) , from Nine till Dusk . —Admittance , Is . ; Catalogue , 6 d . JOSEPH J . JENKINS , Secretary
DANTE , ALFIERI , AND MADAME RISTORL IN JUNE , at the Dudley Gallery , Piccadilly ( by the kind permission of Lord Ward ; , Count Arrivabene proposes to give a series of lectures on Dante and Allieri , with readings from the tragedies in which Madame Ristori is announced to perform at the Lyceum . Further particulars will be shortly published . Apply at Mr . Mitchell ' s , 33 , Old Bond-street ; and at Rolandi's , 20 , Berners-street .
T IV 1 NG PICTURES . —Mr . George . Buck-A-J land ' s new Musical and Pictorial Entertainment , Monday , May 26 th , at the Regent Gallery , Regent-street .
M R . GEORGE BUCKLAND begs to inform Secretaries of Literary Institutions in Town and Country , that he cannot accept engagements after May 24 th . Regent Gallery , Regent-street .
Tp | R . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , I J 4 , Coventry-street , Leicester-square . Open ( for gentlemen only ) from Ten till Ten , containing upwards of one thousand models and preparations , illustrating every part of tho human frame in health and disease , the race of men & c . Lectures delivered at Twelve , Two , Four , and at Halfpast Seven , by Dr . G . Sexton , F . R . G . S . ; and a new and highly-iuterestiu « Series of Lectures is now in course of delivery by Dr . Kahn , at Half-past Eight every evening . — Admission Is .
SISAL CIGARS , SISAL CIGARS , at GOODRICH'S Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores ( established 1780 ) , 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-squaro . —Box , containing 11 fine Sisal Cigars , for Is . 9 d . ; post free , six stamps extra : lb . boxes , containing 100 , 12 s . 6 d . None are genuine unless signed " H . N . Goodrich . ' A large stock of tho most approved Brands .
T HE COMMISSION TEA COMPANY , No . 35 , KING WILLIAM STREET , near LONDON BRIDGE . Established 1 S 23-BANKERS . —The Commercial Bank of London . RESIDENT PROPRIETOR .-Mr . John Voco Moore . Tho Company are one of tho oldest tlrms in tho City of London , and have for nearly thirty-three years boon distinguished by the excellence , cheapness , and purity of their Teas and Coffeos . They Bi * pply families properly introduced to thorn , or who can give them any respectable reference , upon tho best trado terms , in parcels of any size exceeding lib . weight . Teas , when desired , are packed in 101 b ., 14 lb ., and aolb . canisters , without extra charge ; and 3 / . value ( including Coffeo ) forwarded carriage paid . Good to Strong Congou Tea 2 . s . 8 d to « Ts . Od . por lb . Fine to very flue Pekoe Souchong .. » b . ( id to ; Js . 8 d . ,, Very Choice Souchong 4 a Od . „ Good Ceylon Coffee Is . Od . „ FineCosta Rica Is- 2 d . „ The Uncart Mocha , old and very choice Is . Od . ,, Vor tho convenience of their customers , tlie Company supply Sugars and Colonial Produce at a small por centago on import prices . Monthly Price Circular frco . THE COMMISSION TEA COMPANY , 35 , King William-street , near London-bridge .
HOLL OWAY'S PILLS SINGULARLY EFFICACIOUS FOR THE CURE OF BILE AND IStBtCMifiTlON . David Dogherty of Aghadoey was ho atnlotod with Indication and a disordered Stomach , that lifo hod become quite a burthen to him ; ho could scarcely digest any kind of food , oven bread alone would occasion faintnoBB and other unpleasant feelings . Ho tried a variety of remedies without tho wluhod for relief , but a few doson of Holloway ' a Pills hod a moot miraculous ell'ect , for in a few woerkH a perfect and most excellent euro wan effected by them . Bold by all Modioino Vendors throughout the world ; at Professor HOLLO WAY'S EtrtabliahmentH , 244 , Strand , London , and B 0 , Maidon-lauo , New York : by A . Stamp * . Oontftntinoplo ; A . Quidioy ' , Smyrna ; and E . Muir , Malta .
CRYSTAL PALACE .-FLOWER SHOW . THE FIRST GRAND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION of the preBcnt year will be held on SATURDAY next , the 24 th inst . Doors open at 12 o clock . Admission by Season Tickets , or by payment of Hajr-aguinea . Tickets for Single Admissions on this day may be purchased by Season Ticket Holders up to Friday the 2 Srd inst . inclusive , at 7 s . 6 d . each . These Tickets may be obtained at tho Crystal Palace , and of Mr . Sams , Mr . Mitchell , and Messrs . Keith , Prowse and Co . By order , G . GROVE , Secretary . Crystal Palace , May 15 , 1856-
CRYSTAL PALACE .-FLOWER SHOW . TO GARDENERS . No specimens can be entered for Exhibition at the Flower Show , on Saturday the 24 th inst ., after Tuesday next . Gardeners applying in writing , to the Secretary , on or before Wednesday next , the 21 st inst ., and producing satisfactory evidence of their employment , shall receive SPECIAL TICKETS admissible on payment of 5 s . at the Doors . By order , G . GROVE , Secretary . Crystal Palace , May 15 , 1 S 56 .
TO PERSONS VISITING LONDON . C POPPLE'S Private Hotel , 29 , Arundel Street , Strand , combines every comfort with moderate charges—Omnibuses for all parts pass the end of tho street every five minutes . Private sitting rooms for Families—Bed and Breakfast , 3 s . 6 d . per day .
TO BANKERS , MERCHANTS , and CAPITALISTS in GENERAL . —A Gentleman who has been occupied for several years in the Money Market , and who has acquired considerable experience in the negotiation of Loans , Discounts . & c , DESIRES AN ENGAGEMENT where his services could be made available . Projectors of companies would also find his information and assistance invaluable , as a protection against unscrupulous borrowers . References and securitv can be given . Apply , by letter only , to "R B ., " Garraway ' s Ooffee-house , Changeailey , Cornhill .
S CHWEPPE'S MALVERN SELTZER WATER . Having leased the Holy Well Spring at Malveru , renowned for its purity , J . S . and Co . can now produce a SELTZER WATER with all the CHEMICAL and MEDICINAL properties which have rendered the Nassau Spring so celebrated . They continue Manufacturing SODA , MAGNESIA , and POTASS WATERS and LEMONADE , at LONDON , LIVERPOOL , BRISTOL , and DERBY . Every bottle is protected by a Red Label bearing thensignature .
DR . DE JOTTOH'S LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL . Prescribed with complete confidence and the greatest success by the Faculty for its purity , speedy and uniform efficacy , entire freedom from nauseous flavour , and marked superiority over every other variety , mthe treatment of CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS . ASTHMA , GOUT . RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES DISEASES OF THE SKIN , NEURALGIA , RICKJ 3 TS , INFANTILE WASTING , GENERAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . EXTRACTS FROM SELECT MEDICAL OPINIDNS ;—HENRY LETHEBY , Esq ., M . B ., Medical Officer of Health to the City of London , & c , & c . "The Oil corresponds in all its characters with that named ' Huile Bruno , ' and described as tho best variety in tho masterly treatise of Dr . De . Tough . From my investigations , I have no doubt of its being a pure and unadulterated article . " ARTHUR H . HASSALL , Esq ., M . D ., P . L . S ., Chief Analyst of the Sanitary Commission of tho Lancet , & c , & c . " So great is my confidence in tho article , that I usually prescribe it in preference to any other , in order to make sure of obtaining the remedy in ita purest and best condition . " Sold by ANSAR , IIARFORD , and CO ., 77 , Strand , London , Dr . do Jongh ' s solo British Consignees ; and by mauy respectable Chemists throughout tho United Kingdom . Half-pints ( 10 ounces ) , 2 a . Gd . ; Pints ( 20 ouncos ) , 4 s . 9 d . ; Quarts ( 40 ounces ) , 9 s . IMPERIAL MEASURE . CAUTION . —Each bottle is scaled with a stamped metallic capsule , and bears beneath tho pink outside wrapper a label with Dr . de Jongh ' s stamp and signature . Aia- Ou . s OlfFJSIlEI ) A 3 DK . DE JONCIH ' 8 , Oil A 3 OF TilK HAME KINJ > . WITHOUT SUCH MAliKS . AltK J ? KA LTDUI . ENX 1 AU'OSITIONS .
F HAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . —The manifold advantages to tho heads of families from tho po 8 seHsion of a medicine of known eUleacy , that maybe ro-Morted to with confidence , and used with success in cases of temporary sicknetis , occurring in families more or less every day , aro bo obvious to all , that no question can bo raised , of ita importance to every housekeeper in tho kingdom . For females , these ; Pills are truly ox-cellont , removing all obstructions , the distressing headache so very prevalent with tho sex , depression of spirits , dulness of night , nervous ad'ootioiiH , blotches , pimples , and sallowncss of the akin , and produce a healthy complexion . Sold by PROUT and MARSANT , 221 » , Strand , London , and all Medicine Vondora . Price Is . IJd . and 2 s . fld . per box .
BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC 1 'ILLS . Thin preparation in one of the bonofltM which the science of modern chemistry lion conferred upon mankind , for , during tho tlrst twonty years of the present century , to speak of a euro for tho Gout wiw considered a romance—bid now tho ofllcacy and wafoty of , this medicine is so fully doinonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from perHoiiH in every rank of life , that public opinion proclaimH this as one of the moat important diNCOvorios of the present ago . Sold by PlfcOUT nnd MARS A NT , 5 Kl > , Strand , London , and all Medicine . Vandora . Price Is . 1 Jd . and "Jh . t ) d . per box .
COMPTON HOUSE . S WISS MUSLINS and KET CURTAINSthe Stock of a Manufacturer—vary cheap . SEWEiL and CO ., FRITH STREET anti COMPTON STREET , SOHO . ^^ fioN
pROWDEN AND GANOD'S PATENT \ j INDIA-RUBBER KNIFE-BOARD . A cheap and effectual substitute for Buff Leather , being far superior at one-half the price , by the use of which a clean and sham knife may be obtained in the shortest time , without -uselessly wearing it out , and with a . great saving of labour The cheapest and best article ever produced , price 3 s . 6 d to 10 s . Sold wholesale only by CROWDEN and GANOD Falcon-square , London ; and retail , by all respectable Oil and Colourinen , Ironmongers , Kc . N . B . ' ^ To prevent disappointment , see that the names of CROWDEN and GANOD are on the Board .
' PALMER'S PATENT LEG is far superior JL to all others that have hitherto been invented , and is a valuable addition to our means of removing the inconvenience arising from a severe mutilation . "—The Lancet . Adjusted with perfect accuracy , by the aid of Machinery to every form of Amputation , by Mr . EDWIN OSBORME ' of 24 , Saville-row , London . '
T HE FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS , made to order , from Scotch Heather and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant 'lailor , 74 , Repent-street . The PELISSIER OVERCOAT , 2 ls . and 2 Ss ., adapted for the season ; the TWO GUINEA DRESS or FROCK COATS -, the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS ; and the HALFGUINEA WAISTCOAT . N . B . —A perfect fit guaranteed .
TEETH . — By her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . THE PATENT PNEUMATIC PALATE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH . Messrs . MOGGRIDGE and DAVIS , Surgeon-Dentists to tho Royal Family , 13 , OLD BURLINGTON- STREET , BOND-STREET , PATENTEES of the self-sustaining principle of fixing Artificial Teeth . —From One to a Complete Set , upon thoir peculiar principle of self-adhesion , which can be adapted to the most tender mouths , without any operation whatever , and possess the desired advantages of preserving their natural colour and protecting the adjoining TEETH — of never decaying or wearing out aiul ^ so arranged as to render it impossible to distinguish ARTIFICIAL from the NATURAL TEETH nnd restoring to the countenance a younger and improved appearance . The PNE UMATIC PALATE has excited the greatest admiration of the most eminent PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS of ENGLAND and tho principal cities of the CONTINENT , who constantly favour them with their distinguished recommendations , aud who consider their system to be greatly superior to any in use , as by it the gn .-attnt possible firmness and security in the mouth is attained , and the patient enabled to properly perform the important operation of mastication , which is most essential to health . It also renders the articulation clear and distinct , and the unpleasant whistling so long complained of , impossible . —This to public speakers is invaluable . An upper set , 10 Guineas ; a lower set , 10 Guineas ; a full sei of Artificial Teeth , 10 Guineas ; a single tooth , 1 ( j uinea-STOPPING , CLEANING , & c . ATTENDANCE , 10 TILL 5 O'CLOCK . ALL CONSULTATIONS FREE . MESSRS . MOGGRIDGE AND DAVIS , SUKGKON-liENTISTS TO THE ItOYAL FAMILY , No . 13 , OLD BURLINGTON-STREET , BOND-STREET , LONDON .
MINERAL WATERS OF VICHY . —The increasing demand for these Waters , as valuable remedial agents , by the Upper Classes in England , has induced the Company to whom the French Government lias conceded the privilege or vending thorn , to form an Establishment in London , whero they may be obtained m any quantities precisely as they aro bottled at the springs . Hie PASTILS or LOZENGES prepared from tho SiiIukj Constituents of tho Vichy Waters , and the SALTS , for Intenml Use or for Baths , so celebrated on tho Continent lor all Stomach , Liver , and Renal Disoases , Gout , Rhcuiiiiitism , & e ., aro also kept at the VICHY WATERS COMPANY S DEPOT . 27 , MARQARBT STREET , C . YYKNOIbll SQUARE .
Iu the High Court of Chancery . rpitlESEMAK . —On the 29 th of May , 1855 , JL an Injunction was granted by the High Omit , ol Onanoory , and on tho lltii of . luiio following "as mini" l « fpctual , against Joseph Franklin and others , to restrain Uiom , under a penalty of 1 . 000 / .. from imitnting this medicine , which ia protected by Royal Letters Patent of Englainl . nnrt secured by tho seals of tho Ecole do Pliarmacie uc 1 an * , and tlio Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna . ' 1 rirMMnur . No . 1 , iw a remedy for Relaxation . Spcrmatori lio'it , ami J « tho distressing consequences arising from early abuse , «(¦ . and its ell ' ccts are elllcacioiiH iu youth , manhood , ami " niru ; and to those persons who are prevented entering y » - married stato from tho results of early errors " ¦';!' , " r valuable . Trienonmr , No . 2 . ellectually , in t he short si . < , « i three days , completely and entirely eradicates all u . u ' » "J thoso disorders which eapaivi and eubeb . s have so long •« ; » thought an antidote for , to tho ruin of the health ol a \ . w portion of tho population . Triosoniar , No . 3 , is M ! , ' ' , ... Continental remedy for that class of disorders wlneli n tunatoly the English physician treats with meirurv , u > " » iuevitablo doBtruotioii or the patient ' s eoiist . itul . ii > " . '" " which all the narsaparilla in the world enunot *<; " J ' . - Triesomar , Nos . 1 , li , and 3 , are alike devoid ol taste <> i » and of all nauseating qualities . They may lay on "" ! '' y table without their use being suspected . -Tricsriiinr , ' > * ;'' a , S , are sold in tin eases , price 11 s ., or four cases in «» " <¦ <>' : j ; jh ., which saves lls , ; and in St . cases , whereby •'" ' ¦ ' , , saving of 1 / . 12 s ; divided into separate doses , as '"'"; , _ torod by Valpeau . Liilloinand , lloux , . to . T" be had « sale and retail in London , of . Johnson , 08 , Cornliill ; IM ' »•> and O ;> .. ( lit , Oxford-street ; mid Hanger , 150 , Oxloru ¦ < ¦ It . II . Inglmin , druggist , tlJ , Markol-ntreol , iMitiuibcpK' , IJradbury , bookseller , Deansgato . itoltou ; . 1 . 1 riesu . > ' , '_ iiiisti . fia , Lord-street , Liverpool ; Powell , bookseller , I ... vt ¦• morelandstroot , Dublin ; Nvinimll , bookseller , llifjh Mi <» > Birmingham .
Leader (1850-1860), May 17, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_17051856/page/22/