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I March SO, I860.] Q£%$; 13Uafr£i% 33
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I March So, I860.] Q£%$; 13uafr£I% 33
I March SO , I 860 . ] Q _£%$ ; _13 Uafr _£ i _% 33
! Just published , Part VI ., price 2 s ., THE TRUTH SEEKER ( Quarterly Review ) in _LITERATURE , PHILOSOPHY , and _RELIGION _, Letters on _Carlyle .-Le _^ _uS _^ locial Science _.-The « Ma- _chinery _Question _.- _' -Emerson ' _s" _Representative Men . "—Woman in the Nineteenth Century . —Carlyle on " The Present Time /'— On the Causes of Crime and the Treatment of Criminals . — Temperance and Intemperance ; in reply to the London Examiner and " Journal of Health . "—Penn and Macaulay . —Poetry , by Linton , Barmby . and others . —Reviews and Criticism . r John Chapman , 143 , Strand , London .
—; pnpTTT Ap work " * nf _TOHANTST H _^ _-TUFULiAK _WUKK _& ot JUHAJNJN GOTTLIEB 1 ICHTE . Post 8 vo ., cloth , 12 s . per volume . i - e x . c ? _ntents of "Vol . I . | 1 . Memoir of the Author , by William Smith . I 2 . The Vocation of the Scholar . | 3 . The Nature of the Scholar . $ 4 . The Vocation of Man . § Contents of Vol . II . _?| 1 . The Characteristics of the Present Age . % 2 . The Way towards . the Blessed Life ; or , the Doctrine of % Religion . j | London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand . | _
WORKS by WILLIAM MA CC ALL . I THE ELEMENTS of INDIVIDUALISM . —7 s . Gd . I THE AGENTS of _ClVlLIZATI 0 N .-3 _s . 6 d . I THE EDUCATION of TASTE— 2 s . 6 < 1 . THF _INDIVIDUALITY of the INDIVIDUAL -6 d 5 HFDOCTB _^ _oflNDIVroU _\ LITT 6 d I _VZ _rrOcrTv _= _, ! _B _« _TTrSvnr % 7 THE LESSONS of the PESTILENCE . —6 d . SACRAMENTAL SERVICES . —6 d . THE UNCHRISTIAN NATURE of COMMERCIAL RE- STR 1 CTIONS . —3 d . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand . ~~ — __
' GRE \ T REDUCTION in price mWF MFMOTR of Yir C FT _ANTISt ' _tNTS- _wifl _, _XFttrSs from his _CorreTi _^ _ndVnce and Mami ' _scrYnL _Fdltocl bv Ids Nenhew _^^ _"iuKSKTcnKsii _^ _OHidem ' _fcditeil o \ _ms _aepneiv , wihjam ii & nky _ohannino , and em- _bellished by t . ; vo very superior Portraits engraved on steel from _paintings by the eminent artists , Allston and Gambardella , in _, _,, _' / 8 vo doth nublished at £ 1 8- now _rpdnrprl to In _fi , l P published at * _l 8 o . f now reduced to
_, I _ ,,.,,. o 1 Just published , in 8 vo ., paper cover , price Is ., ri _^ HE TEMPORALITIES of the CHURCH as -L they are , and as they inisht be ;—Collected from an- thentic public records . By William I 3 eeston , an Old Churchman . The HISTORY of ANCIENT ART AMONG the GREEKS . By John Winckelman . From the German by G . II . Lodge . Demy 8 vo ., cloth , with Illustrations , price 12 s' The PURPOSE of EXISTENCE . Popular * _consi _. lered in relation to the Origin , Development , and Destiny of the Human Mind . Crown 8 vo ., cloth , 7 s . 6 _'d . _Tj-r . or > _n-a c vr P A _ttvt ? AT WAT o _« T 4- _Rliil- 'lihoCiiN _LA-llVJli MliiN . toeven JLectures . By Rali ' _H Waldo Emerson * . Post 8 vo ., cloth , 5 s . This edition is printed from an original MS ., revised and for- warded to England for the purpose , and alone possesses the sanction of the Author . The EARTH and MAN : Lectures on Compara- _tu-e Physical Geography in its _delation to the _Ilistorvof Man- kind . By Arnold Guyot . Post 8 vo _.. cloth , price 7 s . The _onarmal _Ameneau edition . LIFE of GODFREY W . von LEIBNITZ . By J . M . . Mackie . _liino . 3 s . 6 d . cloth . T i n _pwrr _O _^ _HPTTTPAT anrl / "P _^ _rrri 7 TTn _TT ? r _„ _, _* ,,. . _Vcalv-u r tf _r rVi _^ t _r-K _^ , _* , _-m t " I _iMib iinahss . _iisoi _ss _^ iu IjIjI _^ u . _^ xrai ) . « iateu , witu ; in m- troduction , by J . Wkiss . Post 8 vo ., os . cloth . PROSE WRITERS of GERMANY . T $ V _l- ' ni _' ui'UHJ _U . _IlED < iE . Illustrated with Portraits . 8 vo ., cloth , extra _» iit nrice _« 0 a viui i _oiuans . ovo ., uom , exuagm , pnce ~ u 3 . _CoNTENTh : Luther , Jacob Boehme , Justus Moser , Tvant , _Li'ssing , Mentlclssohn Hamiinn , Wieland , Claudius , Lavator , Jac « bi . Herder , GoSthc , Sc nller . _Mchtc Kichter , Schl _. _gels , _ScliUuerraacher , Hegel , Zschokke , _Novalis Tieck , _bchellinsr , Hoffmann , _Chamisso , & c , with sketches of their lives and ex- tracts from their writings . The RACES of MAN and their GEOGRAPHICAL _DISTRIBUTION . By Charles _Piokruing _, M . D . 4 to ., cloth , coloured plates , price * 63 s . Forming Vol . IX . of the United States _Explonng Expedition . WILLIAM VON HUMBOLDT'S LETTERS to _a _FKMALTS FRIEND . A Complete Edition . Translated from the Second German Edition . 15 y _Catherine M . A . _Couimsk , Author of" Visits to Heechwond Farm , " "Lucy ' s Ilalf-Crown , " & c . In 2 vols small 8 vo cloth , 10 s . tid . _.,.. 11 TTr . _ mTT > _TOTiTAXTi'ii-ir _rr . • _i'Ui ULAlv L > ilKIoLIA . JN 1 L Y : its lransition State and probable Development . By Fiikdruick Foxton , A . B ., formerly of Pembroke College , Oxford , and perpetual Curate of Stoke l ' rior and Docklow , Herefordshire . Post 8 vo ., cloth , fis . „ C _1 _D _ _ . . T > _T 7 TTr _> TrkTTCl TT _17 I ? e A RE 1 ROSPECT Of the RELIGIOUS LIFE of Sfjo _^ J _^ S ' T _^ _KA ' . _' _posSvo _^ _cSh . _el" JnqUiiy ' A SECOND _KDITIOX , WITH EXPLANATORY PREFACE . The NEMESIS of FAITH . liy J . A . FnoUDU , M . A ., late Fellow of Exeter College , Oxford . Post 8 vo ., cloth , 6 s . _tiTc'r _/^ _ij _-w _r * _i , _TJi _^ _i _^ TJ T _^ Mir _tv-t / _- \ at _Ai _^ r _^ TTV _-fv . _~ HI _* LORY of the _HfcBRIiW MONAKUIY , trom the _AriminUtration oi S . _uuuitl to the BabyloniHh Captivity . Uy Fuanois Wii , mam Nrwman , formerly Fellow of _IJalliol College ; , _Oxforrl , and Author of " The Soul : her Sorrows aud _Aspirations , " _& c . Svo ., cloth , 10 j . Gd . SKCOND KDITION WITH ADDITIONS r | . L lCmTr v _~ < _z (\\>\ _m \\ T < _± n _» A \ _, _~~ A GT _3 T _13 A InebOUh : her _oOKKUWa and her _AoflilA- _TIOXS . An _Kss _» ay towards the Natural History of the Soul , as the basis of Theology . By FiiAMMS Wiu . iam Nhwmas , lormorly Fellow of Halliol College , Oxford , and Author of ' A History of thu Hebrew Monarchy . " Poot 8 vo ., cloth , Ga . _piriQij c _^ r _w \ TTTT _H , r _T ? ... v / . lo w , Itm , I II AS 1 S _. S Of F AI J II . By _Fwancis WILLIAM _> kvvman , Author of A History of the Hebrew Monarchy , Hit- Soul : her Sorrows and her Aspirations , " & c . In the press London : John Chapman , <\> 1 , strand .
I _nHHE PEOPLE'S REVIEW of LITERATURE A aad politics . Edited by Friends of •* Order and Pro- grew . " Now read ? _- , pricei « d No . 3 , for April , containing : - IV _uSSSSVi-aio _' _lndWduJity . ' HI . Foreign Colonisation debated . IV . Importance of the Polish Question in the Politics of Europe . " V . Ancient and Modern Notions of Democracy . Bob _Thin's concluding Cuts at the Times . Vol . I . of _•« The People ' s Review . " in an illustrated wrapper , price Is . 6 d ., will be ready in a few days . C . Mitchell , Red Lion-court , Fleet-street . _~ ——
THE PHCENIX LIBRARY . Just Published _TTTOPTA _* nv trtP FTAPPV * _PPPTTRFTr 1 A I 1 U _* 1 A , or me nArri n , _JXKjl U » _HL / . A 1 — ' Philosophical Romance . I 3 y Sir Thomas More . 13 mo ., c i ° , _N ?» " _£ , e r _??; _£ d * _^ . -- _>* ,,- -r _^ _~ . _r-- _* T E 1 _TERS on EARLY EDUCATION . By _JLi Pestalozzi . With a Memoir of Pestalozzi . 12 mo ., cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . _^ The above , forming vols . 1 and 2 of" The Phoenix Library , " being a Series of Original and Reprinted works , bearing on the Renovation and Progress of Society in Religion , Morality , and Science . _—Selected by J . M . Morgan . London : Charles Gilpin ; Edinburgh : A . and C . Black Dubhn : _A-B-Gllpin-
COMPLETION OP TARVFR'S FRENCH DICTIONARY , _? _ir ? a , • ? V ¦ _% i w- i ! S _aik \ " Dedicated , by _permission , to his Royal Highness Prince Albert . Now ready , Vol . II ., royal Svo ., cloth boards , price £ 1 f > _s ., THE ROYAL PHRASEOLOGICAL A FRENCH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY . By J . C . Tarvek , French Master , Eton _College . FRENCH-ENGLISH PART . Vol . I ., containing the English-French Part , may be had of all _Booksellers . " A dictionary so elaborate , and so different from preceding b _h s of \ h f k . _« m _*? P considered an important addition to the French lexicography of this country . "— Ths Times . Dulau and Co ., 37 , Soho-snuare . —
_ Just published , price 6 d . f No . 3 ( April ) of T PRESENT AGE : devoted to the advocacy _* - of a 11 Progressive Reforms of a Moral and Social Nature . _' = roVTBNTS Present or Pcnn and _Macaulav —Woman in the rase ana _i resent , oi renn ana _Aiacauiay . woman in me Nineteenth Century . —The Poet ; his Psychological Experience . — Tempersince and i _^ temperance .-7 % iOMrn «/ o _/// e « _b . Punch , and the London Examiner . —Criminal Jurisprudence , or Facts and Reflections on Law Reform and Capital _Punishments . — Newspaper Criticism ' _Houiston and stoneman , 65 , _Paternoster-row , London . Post-free from Dr . Lees , Leeds , 7 s . per year .
— SUNDAY NOT THE SAABATH . _. _^ _^ r \ IVV b _i f _?!^?^ T * V 008 , _1 fre _° * ' IV _^ h _^ _n-r- _^ T A N EXAMINATION ot the AUIHORITl _ll for a CHANGE of the WEEKLY SABBATH at the _^^ SZ _^^^ _Sl _^ X _^ S _^^^^ _Sii SliVENTlI DAY , is _Unsanctioned by the New Testament Scrip- tares . By James A . Begg . Author of A Connected View of the Scriptural _Evidence of Christ ' s Speedy Return , " & e . << \ vell written and carefully reasoned . " Nonconformist . GLASGOW , Published by the Author . 35 , Argyll-arcade ; Co . _Zeigler , Edinburgh ; and JAM MS NISBET and CO ., London .
_TPfeAVID NUTT , Foreign and _Classical Buok- - _^ seller , begs respectfully to announce the removal of his business from ELEEl _' -STREET to more commodious and _Sf _^ _J 5 £ ™ _Ti . ? of ? t _' _^ _fheitoiSn of _^ _pL _\& _SZVua _^ g _^ n _^^ i . _Rl _^ of German elementary works : — TIARKS' GERMAN and ENGLISH GRAMMAR . _Eighth Edition , price Gs . TI AUKS' EXERCISES for WRITING GERMAN . Adapted to the RULES of his G 10 RM AN GRAMMAR . _Eighth Edition , price 3 s . TIARKS' PROGRESSIVE GERMAN READER , containing Grammatical Exercises , Easy Letters , Short Stories , Ea _? y Poems , Historical Sketches , Dialogues , ldiotnutic . il Phrases and Proverbs , for the Use of _Schools Iur s Fifth Edition price 3 s fid TIARKS 1 1 NTRODUC _I'OltY _GI-RM AN GRAMMAR With a _// n A _JSuctory ReadeVa . c _InUmluctory Kxerci _. _es an lnt _^ UCWI Vourth EdiUon . princk 6 d . And TJA ] lKg . Kliv to the GERMAN _1--XERCISES iiaiu Price 2 s tid . The above are all neatly printed ' in small 8 vo ., and uniformly bound in cloth . Fourth Edition , ISmo ., cloth boards , price 5 s ., ERMELER' 3 DBUTSCIIK 8 LBSKHU 0 H . Knla _. gejl and JT P ro J : ed . by _,. , 1 % f _^ r ! _° n ° _W A _^ _m _5 _' « _pS . _™ f _? _" n ° _/ n _^? , _"V _nnMon _Hniviriltr llEIMANN ' I ' " * " ™* of Oeunan At tU ( - wnoon , " J" . , _, . mT ¥ T , ,, _rnom ° " ? , I _™ " _ir i _>^\ C ,. _kt ;' 0 _^ ' _'' _,- _/• ' _i- v i r , i-i THE FIRST GLUM * N READING liOolv lor English Cuil- dr ( M 1 aiul Beginners in the Study of the Language , with Kx plana- tory Notes , liy Dr . A . Hiema . nn , Professor of German at the London University . A CATALOGUE of CLASSICAL and PHILOLOGICAL WORKS can be had gratis ; and Catalogues of the other portions of D . NUTT'S Extensive Stock of Modern Foreign Hooks arc in preparation , and will be furnished to gentlemen giving their naM 1 ( . 8 _' a , K | addresses 270 , Strand , removed from ir _, 8 ) Fleet-street .
_1-IRENCH LANGUAG K .-M . _de iJ BEAUVOI . SIN'S Clans-rooms ( opened _lHiifi ) , 17 , King William-street , City . Oral and practical method . Classes : Morning for Ladies , Evening for Gentlemen . I ' rivate _Lchhoiih . l /( j r t « nns and other _panicul . irs _, see the Prospectus , which may be had at the Class-rooms , an above . N . B . M . ue li . _' _s works , _namelv , " Mow to Head and Translate French , " " Anecdotes ami Stories , " " Teli '; rna <| ue , " _arranged on si . de Ji . _' s _original _syntem , with the interlinear translation on tnuisparent leaves , & c , are published by U . II . Law , I'M , Flout- street . " The arrangement in ' _Tulfiinaque' is ndmirablc . '—Duugla $ Jerrold ' s . « . (> 1 - N , ' r j e iit .. ulvoisin ' _a a < lmirahle _syKtem of rendering the Fr _<> n « h laii » ur _» . r ,., in the strictest meaning of the word , _eawy of compreheusioirto the Kn"linh learner we have already had oc- casion to speak . It appears to us aB pretty near _pcrluvlUin _ua teaching by hook can ever be brought . "— ltlackburn Standard . „ Wc consider _theso works as a « l . ; < ; idedacqui _, ili .. n . " -y _^ r _/^ . " F-very learner _whould _unhusitatinirly adopt this _Byfctcm . " — Court Gaxvtio . ' _Tranalutions in all languages .
Now fieady . —Gratis and Free by Post , T _^ kULAU and GO'S QUARTERLY LTST _fj No . G > ofNEW FRENCH , O KRM AN , and other FOREIGN _^ _J _&^^^ _T _& l _^^ g _££% ZS _? * * Lmlau and Co _- ' l orei _= n _Bookseller , 41 , _bono square .
—— NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS , ... . , , . _Fubusnea _oy Q _TVTTTTT "FT . _Tl "E "R A _"KT Tl f ! ft OJB . _11 _J 1 , Xi Ja XI X * _J * t xs . x « Xf \ j U , " _TflTOMAN in FftANCE during tbe Eighteenth _* Y Century . By _Jdwa _Kavanaqu . In 2 vola ., post 8 vp ., with Eight Portraits of Remarkable French "Women , price 24 a ., elegantly bound in embossed cloth . " Which among us will be ever tired of reading about the Women of France ? especially when they are marshalled so agreeably and discreetly as in the pages before us . "— Wteturum . " A compact view of a period of always reviving _interestnow more than usually attractive . The book shows often an original tone of remark , and always a graceful and becoming ' one . "—Examiner . " Delightful volumes , of immense interest and permanent value . "—Britannia . The AUTOBIOGRAPHY of LEIGH HUNT . In 3 vols ., post 8 vo ., with Portrait . [ In May . The SEVEN LAMPS of ARCHITECTURE . Bjr Joim _Ruskin . Author of " flloderri Painters . " 1 vol . imp . 8 vo _* ' with Foi"teen Etchings by the Author . Price One Guinea bound in crabo . ssed cloth , with _top-edge gilt . _» A lively , poetical , and thoughtful book : rich in refined criticism and _glowing _eloquent . Mr . _Ru ' _skin ' s poetry is always to the purpose of his doctrines , and always the vehicle of acute thought and profound feeling . "—Frascr _' s Magazine . MODERN PAINTERS . Bv a GRADUATE of Oxford . Fourth Edition , 2 vols . imp . 8 vo ., price 28 s . 6 d " From the series of works upon which Mr . liusUin is _eng-ag-ed , we can scarcely hope too much for art . They are amongst the books that must be read . "—North British Review . _OT-r-m-r _^ tr m i -r » _t ~ * ¦ - _* » - SHIRLEY : a lale . By Currek . Bell . Author of " Jane Eyre" 3 vols . post 8 vo ., £ 1 118 . 6 d . cloth . . "' Shirley' is an admirable boo ! , ; genuine _English in the independence and uprightness of the tone of thought , in the purity of heart and feeling-which pervade it . It is a tale of _Fusion and character , and a veritable triumph of psychology . "V .. Chronicle morning _^ _monicic . " The book possesses deep interest and an _irresistible grasp of reality . There are scenes which , for strength and delicacy of emotion , are not transcended in fche range of English fiction . "Examiner . THE NOVITIATE ; or , a Year among the Jesuits . By Andhrw Steinmktz . Third Edition , with Memoir and Portrait , 1 vol . post 8 vo ., cloth , tig . " This is a remarkable book . It describes , with a welcome _minuteness , the daily , nightly , hourly occupations of the Jesuit Novitiates at Stonyhurst , their religious exercises and manners in private . "—British Quarterly Review . bi _^™?? JJt ° I _^ J _^ l _^^ _T J' | _j ' _' lotn con _> erted Athclst - _Second Ldition , fcap . 8 vo ., ' ,.. '' . ' . .. . ~ __ . . , . . „ . _t ve _\ interesting account of the experiences of an _lntelji-*> ent and Slucere mind on the subject of religion . We can honestly recommend the book to the notice of our readers . "Medic Review . THE RECTORY OF _"VAjL-EHEA-D . By the Rev . R . W . Evans . Fourteenth Edition , price 5 s . cloth . London : Smith , Elder , and Co ., 65 , Cornhill . _
COMPLAIN NO AJORE OF INDIGBSTIOxV . QUFFER NO LONGER from LIVER _K 3 complaints . —Walter travis , m d ., _f . r . s ., Medical-hall , Manchester , having discovered a safe and really effectual remedy for Indigestion , Bilious and Liver Complaints , the result of a singularly successful experiment , recently made , and by which he had cured a considerable number ot patients , whose cases he had previously considered hopeless , or very doubtful ; amongst whom are several individuals of distinction , who were languishing- under the withering effects of incligestioii and affections of _thw Liver . He has determined to offer it to the public at the lowest possible _charge , and will supply tho remedy to persons applying at the Medical-hall for 2 s . 6 d . ; or to parties residing at a distance , it will be forwarded , postage frel , with the most complete directions , to any part of the united kingdom , on sending thirty-six postage stamps to Dr . Walter Travis , 80 . Travis-street , Manchester _, c _^»« following are selected from a great number of testimoriials : — _» r . _« uy says «• I have adopted your remedy in several cases _SfcSninP £ 3 _' ah _* _ofu _" oneVe y _bidTase _oU _iveTcon _, ulJnI J _^^^" a _. nV _. appy to id _^^ _V m _^ n _^^ _ViiiSS _^ ' The tcv ' _»¦ _^ _"" "" e " . _Bradford , writes , having •• _mys . lf _suffere _. _l most accutely during the last four years from an affection of the Liver , and an exceedingly bad digestion ; I hud really thought that even in the _present advanced state of medical science there was no radical cure for these complaints ; however , _from the benefit I have experienced within tho past fortnight , _j have not the slightest doubt of the entire success of your remedy . " .
- » - _* r AT _7 >> _tJ _rriiTV _* A r > u r _/ TTA _/ _T ATTn _nrr f c jJIjAlltrs UUU 1 « incl It tt _J-. U 1 V 1 Al 1 O 1 _JJjIjC 5 . - * - * The acknowledged efficacy of BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC 1 j ILL 8 , by the continued series of Testimonials _Jjj lch _^™ _™^ J _^ r _^ _^& Xo V ££ 2 X _*« _Z _SkcPXT _^ Collector of Customs , Jamaica , having beni handed by his brother , at Swindon , to Mr . Prout for publication willfully confirm : — "I know yon have never had occasion to take Blair ' s Pills , but let me emphatically tell you , in mercy to any friend who may suffer from gout , rheumatic gout , lumbago , sciatica , _rheumatism _, or any branch of that widfly-ulliml family , to reeommenu their using them . In _thia country they a » e of wonderful ellic . icy : not only am I personally aware of their _powern _, but 1 «< _' « » " . V _frii'iiils mid ae (| uaintai »( Jt ! B receiving iiiilailiug henelit from their _uae . I would not be without them on any _account . ' r taken in the early stage of _disrase , they _dunipate i _» altogether ; if in a later , they alleviate pain , anil effect a much speedier cure than by any other means within my knowledge . " Sold by Thomas Prout , _V 2 D , Strand , London ; unri , l _> y Jii . _s appointment , by all respectable Medicine Venders throughout thu United Kingdom . I ' rice V * . 9 d . per hox . Ask for _ULAIU'd GOUT and KIIKUMATIO PILLS , and ohsorvi- th _» : nanio and address of "Thomas Prout , - _' _^ 'J , Strand , London , " _iinpresaed upon the govorumuut btamp ullixod to _cu < : J » box of the Genuine Medicine .
Leader (1850-1860), March 30, 1850, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/ldr_30031850/page/23/