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by special Act of Parliament , 4 Viet ., cap . ix . HALF CREDIT RATES OF PREMIUM . Persons assured according to these rates are allowed credit ( without security ) for half the amount of the first seven annual premiums , paying interest thereon of the rate of 5 per cent , per annum , with the option of paying off the principal at any time , or having the amount deducted from the sum assured when the policy becomes a claim . Policies may thus be effected at lower rates than are-generally required for the term of seven years only ; whilst the holders have the same security for the payment of their claims , whenever death may happen , as if they paid double the amount ; of premium which would be charged for assurances effected in the usual way . Increasing rates of premium on a new and remarkable plan , for securing loans or debts ; a less immediate payment being ' required on a policy for the whole term of life than in any other office . Policies revived , without the exaction of a fine , at any time within twelve months . A Board of Directors in attendance daily at Two o ' clock . Age of the Assured admitted in the Policy . Medical attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports . Extract from the Half Credit Rates of Premium : — Annual Premium required for an Assurance of £ 100 for the Whole Term of Life . Half Pre- Whole Pre- Half Pre- Whole Pre-Age . mium for mium after Age . mium for mium after seven years , seven years . seven years , seven years . £ . a . d . £ . s . d . £ . b .. d . £ . s . d . 30 119 236 50 226 450 35 1 4 11 2 9 10 55 2 12 9 5 5 6 40 19 2 2 18 4 60 3 6 8 6 13 4 45 1 14 10 3 9 8 - ' ¦ PETER MORRISON , Resident Director .
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THOUGHTS on INDIGESTION , &c . By JAMES COCKLE ,. Surgeon . " Ah ! in what perils is vain life engaged I WKaf-sUght neglects—what trivial faults ^ . Destroy the hardiest frame . " Disease has been designated , as truly as poetically ., the " sad heritage of humanity . '' We-are , in fact , both by our organization and our habits , alike subjected to . its blighting influence . Too frequently are we induced , through bur social position , to " press the poisoned chalice to our lips , " swallowing'with the lucious draught the germs of future suffering and . distress . There are , perhaps , no organs in the body whica suffer so much from frequent disturbance of their functions as those of digestion , and none in which the tone of the stomach . is sooner weakened . By the remarkable power of sympathy , morbid phenomena of the most diversified character are propagated throughout the endless chain of nervous communication , occasioning those peculiar symptoms so well understood by the dyspeptic sufferer . To those , therefore , who suffer from indigestion , bile , sick headache , acidity in the stomach and bowels , heartburn , flatulency , spasms , &c , COCKLli'S ANT . IBILIOUS PILLS will be found invaluable . May be had of all medicine venders , in boxes , at Is . ljd ., 2 a . 9 d ., and 4 s . 6 d . ; of whom also may be had COCKLE ' S INFLUENZA and COUGH LOZENGE , a most efficacious , safe , and ngreeable preparation for the relief and cure of influenza , colds , coughs , hoarseness , chronic bronchitis , asthma , &c , complaints which are so troublesome and peculiarly harassing at the present season . In boxes , at Is . l £ d . and 2 s . 9 d .
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CURES FOR THE UNCURED I HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT . — An extraordinary Cuke of Scrofula or Kino ' s Evil . Extract of a Letter from Mr . J . IT . Alliday , 209 , Hig-l » -8 treet , Cheltenham , dated the 22 nd of January , 1850 . "To Professor Holloway . Sir , —My eldest son , when about three yenrs of age , was afflicted with a Glandular Swelling in the neck , which , after a short time , broke out into an Ulcer . An eminent medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula , and prescribed for a considerable time without effect . The disease then for four years went on gradually increasing in virulence , when , besides the ulcer in the neck , another formed below the left knee , and a third under the eye , besides seven others on the left arm , with a tumour between the eyes , which was expected to break . During the whole of the time my suffering hoy had received the constant advice of the most celebrated medical Gentlemen at Cheltenham , besides being for several months at tlie General Hospital , where one of the Surgeons said that he would amputate the left arm , but that the blood was so impure that . If that limb were taken off , it would be then even impossible to subdue the disease . In this desperate state 1 determined' to give your Pills and Ointment a trial , and , after two months' perseverance in their use , the tumour gradually began to disappear , and the discharge from all the ulcers perceptibly demeaned , and at the expiration of eight months they were perfectly healed , mid the boy thoroughly restored to the blessings of health , . to th « astonishment of a large circle of acquaintances , who could testify to tho truth of this miraculous case . Threo yearn have now elapsed without any recurrence to the malady , and the boy is now as healthy as heart can wisli . Under these circumstances I consider that 1 should be truly ungrateful were I not to make youacquainted with this wonderful cure , effected by your medicines , after every other means had failed . ( 8 igned ) " J . H . Almday . " Sold by the Proprietor , 344 , Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines throughout the Civilized World , in Pots and Boxes , at Is . lid ,, 2 * . 9 d ., 4 a . 6 d ., 11 s ., 2 'ia ., and 33 a , each . There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes . N . B—Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each Pot or Box .
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FLOUR . Town-made P er sack 40 s . to 43 s . Seconds 37 — 40 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship 32 —34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 — 32 American per barrel 23 — 25 Canadian 22 —24 Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , 6 d .
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PROVISIONS . Butter—Best Fresh , 10 s . to Us . per doz . Carlow , £ 3 10 s . to £ 3 13 s . per cwt . Bacon , Irish per cwt . 543 . to 60 s . Cheese , Cheshire 48 — 5 " } Derby , Plain 44 — 54 Hams , York 60 —70 Eggs , French , per 120 , 4 s . 9 d . to 5 s . 6 d .
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BIRTHS . On the 22 nd inst ., at Raithby-hall . Lincolnshire , the wife of the Reverend E . Rawnsley . of a daughter . On the 23 rd inst ., at Hambleden Rectory , Bucks , the wife of the Reverend W . H . Ridley , , of a daughter . > On the 23 rd inst ., at Edgcott , Northamptonshire , the wife of A . Cartwright , Esq ., of a daughter . On the 24 th inst ., in Albion-street , Hyde-park , the wife of T . B . Browne , Esq ., of a son . On the 25 th inst ., in Woburn-square , Mrs . Henry E . Norton , of a sou . * On the 25 th inst ., at Walham-green , the wife of A . H . Wyatt , Esq ., of a daughter . On thi » 26 th inst ., nt Syston-park , Grantham , the lady of Sir J . C . Thorold , of a daughter . On the 27 th inst ., in Upper Bedford-place , Russell-square , the wife of M . UpborneEsq . of a daughter .
, , , On the 27 th inst ., at the Vicarage , Stradsett , Norfolk , the wife of the Reverend A . V . H . Hallett , of a daughter .
MARRIAGES . On the 23 rd of April , at Geelong , Port Phillip , S . Edward , second son of Sir T . \ V . Blomefleld , Bart ., and assistant minister of St . Peter ' s , Melbourne , to Jean Abigail , youngest daughter of J . Macwhirter , M . D , of Geeiong , late Bengal Establishment . On the 8 th of June , at Dacca , Bengal , H . J . Anderson , Ksq .. of the Madras Light Infantry , to Anme Hessie , daughter of 8 . J . Paxton , Esq ., of the Bengal civil service , and granddaughter of Lieutenant-General Carpenter , H . E . f . C S . On the 15 th inst ., at Ancaster Church , the Reverend IT . A . Marsh , third son of W . C . Marsh , Esq ., of Gaynes-park , Essex , Fellow of Trinity College , Cambridge , and vicar of Tuxford , Notts , to Eliza , eldest daughter of the late Very Reverend J . Lamb , D . D ., Dean of Bristol , and master of Corpus Christi College . Cambridge .. On the 20 th inst ., at Frankfort-on-the-Maine , Captain Henry Morse , of the Bombay army , to Lydia , second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Walker , R . M .
On the 20 th inst ., at Congleton , the Reverend Henry Lister , incumbent of Boxmoor , Herts , t <» Mary Turville , only child of the late W . Drayson , Esq , of Florefield-house , Northamptonshire , formerly high sheriff of that county . On the SOth ' inst ., at St . Bride ' s Church , Richard Ilbert , third son of the late J . L . Philipps , Esq ., Haver to rdwesr , to Frederica Maria Louisa , gldest daughter of the Baron de Rutzen , of Slebechhall , Pembrokeshire . On the 21 st inst ., at Monkstown Church , near Dublin , W . C . Bruce , Esq ., captain , Seventy-fourth Highlanders , to Charlotte Isabella , third daughter of the late Honourable Waller O'Grady , of Cdstlegarde , county of Limerick . On the 24 th inst ., at Hackney , James , third son of the late J . Clark , Esq ., of Dalstoti , to Marianne , elder daughter of the late J . Young , Esq ., of Manchester . On the 24 th inst ., at St . Mary ' s , Bryanston-square , Captain M . M . Hammond , of the Rifle Brigade , ti-ird son of W . Q . Hammond , Esq ., of St . Alban's-court , Kent , to Rosa , daughter of G . J . Pennington , Esq ., of Cumberland-street , Portman-square .
On the 27 th inst ., at St . George ' s , Hanover-square , Waller A . Lewis , Esq ., M . B ., Cantab ., to Hester Margaret , youngestdaughter of the late Lieutenant-General Sir W . H . Pringle , G . C . B . On the 27 th inst ., atSt . George ' s , Hanover-square , the Honourable F . A . C . Foley , R . N ., son of the late and brother of the present Lord Koley , to Frances , younger daughter of Sir G . Campbell , of Edenwood , Fifeshire . On the 27 th inst ., at Catton , Staffordshire , the Honourable R , Curzon , eldest son of the Honourable It . Cnrzon and the Baroness De la Zouche , to Emily Julia , daughter of the late Right Honourable Sir R . W . Horton , Bart . On the 27 th inst ., at Brighton , Lieutenant-Colonel H . F . Bonham , of the Tenth Royal Hussars , to Augusta , second daughter of the late Sir C . Musgrave ; Bart ., of Edenhall , Cumberland . On \ he 28 th inst ., at the Friends' Meeting-house , St . Johnstreet , G . N . Driver , Esq ., of South Lambeth , Surrey , to Mary Ann , youngest daughter of the late Joshua Hutchinson , Esq ., of Highbury-park *
On the 28 th inst ., at Edinbnrgh , the Reverend V . G . Faithful ! , to Frances Maria , younger daughter of the late Major-General Farquharson , governor of St . Lucia . On the :. 8 th inst ., at SU George ' s , Hanover-square , William Chatteris , Esq ., of Sandleford Priory , Berks , to Kmily Georgina , second daughter of the late Admiral Sir T . M . Hardy , Bart . On the 28 th inst ., at Brighton , Lord Alwyne Compton , youngest son of the Marquis of Northampton , to Florence Caroline , eldest daughter of the Honourable Mrs . Anderson and of the late Reverend R . Anderson , of Trinity Chapel , Brighton . On the' 39 th inst , at the chapel of the French Embassy , and afterwards at St . Mary's , Bryanstone-equare , F . D . Caillard , of the Inner Temple , Esq ., birrister-at-law , nephew of the late Marquis Diego de Penalver , to Emma Louisa , only daughter of the late V . S . Reynolds , Esq ., of Canons-grove , near Taunton , Somersetshire .
DEATHS . In May last , wrecked in the ship Sulitnany , in the Madrasroads , W . Edward , eldest son of the late Reverend G . Hey wood . On the 2 ;< th of J une , of cholera , near Ramahpntam . on his way home from Scctinderabad , H . St . A 1 ban 3 Burdett , Esq ., late of the Second Madras European Infantry , fifth son of the late W . Jones Burd-tt , Ksq ., of Twickenham , Middlesex , aged 23 . On the 14 th inst ., at Paris , Major H . R . Thurlow , aged 46 . On th » 17 th inst ., at Freywald . in , in Austrian Silesia . Julia Frances Lady D'Arley , aged 69 , widow of the late Sir W . D'Arley . She was the youngest sister of T . L . Hodges , Esq ., M . I . On the 18 th inst ., in Switzerland , Mrs . Julia Tod , relict of the late Colonel James Tod . H . E . I . C . S . On I he 20 th inst ., Sophia Stodhart , widow of the late Reverend R . Stodhart , of Islington-green , aged 69 .
On the 20 th inst ., at Mo Hat , in Scotland , Miss Mary Mein , of Edinburgh , last surviving sister of the late Colonel J . A . Mein , of the Seventy-fourth Highlanders On the 20 th inst ., Catherine , wife of the Reverend J . Connop , of Brndfield-hall , Berks . On the 21 st inst ., at Pendennis Castle , Cornwall , Captain F . M . Campbell , Fourth ( the King ' s Own ) Regiment , youngest eon of the late Colonel R . Campbell , of ( , ' raignish , aged 36 % On the 23 rd inst ., at Hyde , Isle of Wight , AliciaSpiller , granddaughter of Lady Honora Haivey , uud daughter of Major Spiller , R . A . On the 23 rd inst ., in Doughty-street , D . C . R . Harrison , Esq ., aged 79 . On the 23 rd inst ., Captain E . C . F . Beaumont , late of the Thirty-second Bengal N . I ., Becond son of the late J . T . Barber Beaumont , Esq ., aged 46 . On the 23 rd inst .. Viscount Newark , of Torquay . On the 24 th inst ., at Tunbxidgc-wells , G . It . li < binson , Esq ., M . P . for Poole , and late chairman of Lloyd ' s , aged 69 . On 24 th inat . at WeymouthSir W . L . G . Thomas , Bart .
, , On the 25 th inst ., at the house of his father , Sir It . Campbell , Bart ., in Argyll-place , Sir Edward A Campbell , C . B ., late ot the Bengal military service , aged 49 . On the 25 th met ., in London , Wm . Slade , Esq ., late of Goudhurst . Kent aged 76 . On the aqih inst ., aged 87 , Mrs . Anne A . V . Barker , the last surviving sister of the late 11 . II , Judd , Esq ., captain , R . N ,
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On the 26 th inst ., at Clapham , Surrey , the Reverend Thomas M ' Gill , aged 48 . _ _ .,, „ _ . On the 26 th inst ., at Wiseton , Notts , H . Riddell , Esq ., barrister-at-law , of the Middle Temple , aged 31 . On the 26 th inst ., in London , Elizabeth , the wife of Colonel Bristow , aged 60 . ¦ ¦ , ... ... On the 27 th inst ., at Teignmouth , Catherine , daughter of the late 8 ir F . L . Rogers , Bart ., of Blackford , Devon . On the 27 th inst ., at St . Leonard ' s-on-the-Sea , J . Marshall . Esq ., formerly President of the Government Bank at the Cape of Good Hope , and late of Chelsea . At Bathampton , aged 84 , G . E . Allen , Esq . At Brixton , A . Parish , Esq ., late mathematical professor , Roya J College , Mauritius , and third son of the Reverend W . Parish .
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AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR . The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar , computed from the returns made in the week ending the 27 th day of August , 1850 , is 25 a . 6 d . per cwt .
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BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhall . * Smithfibld * . s . d . 8 . d . s . d . s . d . Beef 2 6 to 3 4 2 10 to 3 10 Mutton 3 8-3 8 3 8-4 2 Veal 2 4 — 3 8 2 8 — 3 8 Pork 2 8 — 4 0 3 4 — 4 0 lamb 3 4 — 4 4 3 8 — 4 6 ? To sink the offal , per 81 b . Head of Cattlb at Smithfield . Friday . Monday . Beasts 1117 4184 Sheep W , 8 « 0 31 , 620 Calves GO * 330 Pi < rS 245 255
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HAY AND STRAW . ( Per load of 36 Trusses . ) Cumberland . Smithfield . Whiteciiapel . Hay . Good .... 74 s . to 78 s 72 s . to 74 s 65 s . to 70 s . Inferior .. 50 — 68 .... 50—70 .... 0 — 0 New 50 — 68 48 — C 3 55 —63 Clover 80 — 86 88 —90 .... 75 —84 WheatStraw .. 26 — 30 .... 22—28 23 —26
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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tuesday , August 27 . Bankrupts . —J . Matnprice . Soham , Cambridgeshire , innkeeper , to surrender , Sept . 4 , Oct . 8 ; solicitors , JVJ essrs . Hawkins and Co ., New Boswell-court , Carey-street ; and Mr . Hnstivick , Soham , Cambridgeshire ; official assignee , Mr . Stansfeld — H . Ward , Holbeach , Lincolnshire , draper , Sept , 13 , Oct . 18 ; solicitors , Messrs . Cooper and Sons , Manchester ; and Messrs . MotteramKnightand Emmett . Birmingham ; official assignee ,
. , Mr . Bittlestone . Nottingham—J . Robinson , Ripon , Yorkshire , surgeon , Sept . 13 , Oct . 7 ; solicitors , Mr . Mitchell , Halifax ; Mr . Wise , Kipon ; and Mr . Courtenay , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Young , Leeds—J . Kino , East Stonehouse , Devonshire , builder , Sept . 12 , Oct . 3 ; solicitors , Messrs . Edmonds and Sons , Plymouth ; and Mr . Stogdon , Exeter ; official assignee , Mr . Hemaman , Exeter—J . Chell , Manchester , oil and colourman , Sept , 6 , Oct . 1 ; solicitors , Messrs . Thompson and Debenham , Salter shall ; and Mr . Andrew , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Pott , Manchester .
Dividends . —Sept . 19 , R . Clifton , Brandon , Suffolk , brewer-Sept . 12 , E . and J . Williams . Dudley—Sept . 12 , G . Bailey , Coventry , riband manufacturer—Sept . 9 , G . Ellins , Droitwich , salt manufacturer—Sept . 18 , W . and S . Hague and VV . Shatwell , Manchester , commission agents . Certificates . —To be granted , unless cause be shown to the contrary , on the day of meeting . —Sept . 19 , J . Woods , Conduitstreet , Bond-street , t . iilor—Sept . 19 , Garrett , 8 towmark * t , coachmaker—Sept . 23 , J . Sharrock , Toxteth-park , Lancashire , licensed victualler—Sept . 28 , T . Rollason and W . Burman , Birmingham , glass-dealers . Scotch Sequestration . —J . Boyd , Perth , merchant , Sept . 3 , Oct . 1 .
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Friday , August 30 . Bankrupts . —R . Barker and H . Davby , Bicester , drapers , to surrender Sept . 9 , Oct . 10 ; solicito r * . Messrs . Ha « -d » vick , Davi . Non , and Bradbury , Weavers ' -hall , Basinghall-street ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Birchin-lane , Cornhill—V . J . Powell , King ' s-place , Commercial-road East , tobacco manufacturer , Sept 7 , Oct . 10 ; solicitor , Mr . Burnell , Fenchurchstreet ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street — R . M'Dowall , Worthing , diaper , Sept . 7 , Oct . 10 ; solicitor , Mr . Cattlin , lily-place , Holborn ; ofllciil assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street—C . Porter , late of Brain tree , grocer , Sept . 11 , Oct . 11 ; solicitor , Mr . Cotterell , Throgmorton-strcet ; official assigneeMr . Graham—S . Wilson , Wolverhampton ,
, grocer , September 12 , October 15 ; » olicitor , Mr . Chaplin , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Birmingham—W . Jeffbhson , Kingston-upon-Hull , painter , Sept . 18 , Oct . 16 ; solicitor , Mr . Moss , Hull ; official assignee , Mr . Carrick , Hull—R . Smith , Liverpool , tavern keeper , Sept . 11 , Oct . 4 ; solicitor , Mr . Owen , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Bird , Liverpool—W . Miller and A . Miller , Liverpool and Bootle , wine merchants , Sept . 11 , Oct . 4 ; solicitor , Mr . Cooper , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr . Turner , Liverpool—J . Snowball , Gates head , builder , Sept . 13 , Oct . 15 ; solicitors , Messrs . Bell , Ikodrick , and Bell , Bow-churchyard ; and Messrs . Chater , Newcastle ; official assignee , Mr . Baker , Newcabtle-upon-Tyne .
Dividends —Sept . 23 , H . W . Hemsworth , Primrose-street , Bisho | i 8 gate-street , wine-merchant—Sept . 2 ' J , W . Willis , Trowbridge , Wiltshire , wool broker—Sept . 21 , W . J . Duckham , Little Love-lane , Wood-street , Cheapside , hosier—Sept . 26 , J . Coker , Narford , Norfolk , timber dealer-Sept . 26 , G . Teil and B . M'Kenzie Ronald , Old Jewry-chambers , East India merchants-Sept . 27 , J . II . Henderson , Leicester , wine merchant—Sept . 21 , J . Boycot , Kidderminster , draper—Sept 20 , B . Royle , Manchester and Ardwick , check and gingham manufacturer—Sept .
20 , P . Little , Blackburn , Lancashire , currier . Certificates . —To be (/ ranted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting . —Sept . 27 , 8 . Gillatt , Chapelstreet , ( i rosvenor-square , builder—Sept . 29 , J . Ryan , Mark lane , City , and Manor-lane . BHrmoudsey , manufacturing chemist—Sept , 21 , J . Arutidell , Titchtteld , Hampshire , common brewer—Sept . 28 , J . Barnard , Stanford Rivers , Essex , baker—Sept . 21 , 1 . Collir . gwood , Abinedon , butcher—Sept . 23 . D . l ' retyman ant ! G H . Hobson , Cornhill , ironmongers—Sept . 20 , II . H . Parkineon , Manchester , warehouseman . 8 cotch Sequestrations . — H . P . Forster , Glasgow , Sept . 4 , 85—J . Gibson , Edinburgh , solicitor , Sept . 4 , 25 .
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Aug . 31 , 1850 . ] «!) * & ** & **? fi 51
Britannia Life Assurance Company, 1princes-Streetbanklondon.—Empowered
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 31, 1850, page 551, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1851/page/23/