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HAL F-HOURS WITH THE BEST AUTHORS . The First Quarter , forming a Volume , with a Frontispiece , containing Portraits of Spenser , Lord Bacon , Jeremy Taylor , and Dr . Johnson , handsomely bound in cloth , price Half-a-Crown . London : Charles Knight , Fleet-street ; and sold by all Booksellers in London and Country .
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PIC TORIAL HALF-HOURS ; or , Miscellanies of Art , with Illustrative Descriptions . The First Quarter , forming a Volume , elegantly bound in cloth , price Three Shillings and Sixpence . London : Charles Knight , Fleet-street ; and sold by all Booksellers in London and Country .
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Just published , price Is . 6 d ., THE MERITS and TENDENCIES of FREE TRADE and PROTECTION respectively Investigated , and Measures of Amendment Suggested . By John W . Calvert , M . D . London : John Hearne , 81 , Strand .
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Now publishing Weekly in Numbers , price l £ d ., and Monthly in Parts , ELIZA COOK'S JOURNAL . Volumes I . and II , cloth , 43 . 6 d . each . All the back Numbers are in print , singly , or in Parts . A REISSUE of the COMPLETE WORKS of ELIZA COOK will be commenced in the First Number of the Fourth Volume , to be published November 2 nd , and continued Weekly until completed . Illustrated Prospectuses for distribution forwarded to all parts on application to the Publisher , J . O . Clarke , 3 , Raquet-couit , Fleet-street .
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S ECOND EDITION of the BRITISH CONTROVERSIALIST and IMPARTIAL INQUIRER . To meet the great demand for this Magazine , it has been put to press again , and any number may now be had . No . V ., for September , price 3 d ., will open a debate on the important question , " Is Universal Suffrage Just or Desirable ?" and No . VI ., for October , will contain papers on " The Connection of Church and State , " and " The Moderate Use of Alcoholic Drinks . " This Magazine i s " open to all and devoted to none . ' * London : Houlston and Stoneman ; and of all booksellers . % Order immediately .
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Louis Philippe ' s Early Days—Rustic Civility—Autumn—Visit to the Zoological Gardens—Sonnet—A Ramble in September-Poetry , &c . &c . &c , profusely Illustrated with Steel and Wood Engravings , in No . 3 , for September , of PETER PARLEY'S NEW MONTHLY JOURNAL , price 3 d . No . 2 , for August , contains : —Sir Robert Feel ' s Early Days , with a Steel Engraving of Diayton Manor—The Morning Walk—The Lakes of Killarney—Tales of Terror—Visit to the Zoological Gardens—Laughable Adventure ¦ with a Lion—The Mother—An Evening Ramble—The Spirits Home—The Rose .. &c . &c . —Splendidly Illustrated . Published by J . G . Samouelle , 2 , Creed-lane , Ludgate-hill ; Jerries Gilbert , 49 , Paternoster-row ; and sold by all Book-Bejlerjj . ,
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SERMONS on the COMMANDMENTS . By the Rev . E . R . Larkbn , M . A . 5 s . 6 d . cloth . ¦ Pelham Richardson , 23 , Cornhill . Also , by the same Author , . SERKON on TOLERATION , preached before the University of Oxford . Price 3 d . The FROGS of ARISTOPHANES . Translated into English verse . Price Is . John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
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Now published , WILD FLO . WERS for CHILDREN . By Mr . Honeysuckle . Price Is . MASTER WOODBINE'S ALPHABET . Is . THE YOUNG LADYBIRD'S ALPHABET . 6 d . A GOOD CHILD'S ALPHABET . 4 d . THE TINY ALPHABET . 2 d . Flowers , Fruits , and Leaves , twopence the set . All coloured . THE FLOWER and the STAR , or the Course of the Stream ; a Child ' s Story , with Twenty-five Engravings , Is . 6 d . C . Honeysuckle , 85 , Hatton-garden , London .
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WO RKS FOR THE WORKSHOP . By G . Jacob Holyoakb . s . d . Euclid , or Mathematics , no Mystery 2 6 Practical Grammar , Fifth Edition 1 6 Hand * Book of Graduated Exercises 1 0 A Logic of Facts 1 6 Rudiments of Public Speaking and Debate 1 6 People ' s Review , Edited in Concert 1 0 Literary Institutions , their Relation to Public Opinion .. 0 2 Paley Refuted in His Own Words 0 6 Rationalism , Mr . Owen ' s Views Individualized 0 6 Lifi ; , Writings , and Character of Richard Carlile 0 6 Logic of Death , Tenth Thousand 0 I •• The Uenaoner , " Enlarged and Illustrated ( Weekly ) .... 0 1 [ Any who caro to see the Protestant " right" of Private Judgment ( understanding by it the expression of that judgment , without which the right is barren ) advocstted as a personal protection against error , and exercised with a view to guide public opinion on great questions of Theology , which are Bfidoin discussed in ltvligious Journals—may do bo in The Jieasoner . ] London ; Jaiuca Wataon , 3 , Queen ' s Head-passnjre .
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PERIODICALS FOB SEPTEMBER . PENNY MAPS . Part II . Containing Four Maps in a Wrapper . Price 4 $ d . plain , or 8 £ d . coloured . THE DALTONS ; or , THREE ROADS IN LIFE . By Charles Levbe . No . 5 . Is . Illustrated by Phiz . THE BARONIAL HALLS . No . 6 . 2 s . 6 d . Reissue , in super-royal 4 to . THE JOURNAL OF DESIGN AND MANUFACTURES . No . 19 . Is . With numerous Fabric Patterns and Illustrations . WORKS OF MR . CHARLES DICKENS . Cheap Edition . Part 46 . 7 d . ( Sketches by Boz , Parts 3 ) WORKS OF SIR EDWARD BULWER LYTTON , BART . Cheap Edition . Part 38 . 7 d . ( Pilgrims of the Rhine , Part 2 . ) . BECK'S FLORIST AND GARDEN MISCELLANY . No . 33 . Is . With a Coloured Illustration and Woodcuts . NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE . No . 357 . 3 s . 6 d . Edited by W . Harrison Ainsworth , Esq . AINSWORTH'S MAGAZINE . No . 104 . 2 s . 6 d . London : Chapman and Hall , 186 , Strand .
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DR . CULV 1 SRWELL ON NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row , and all Booksellers . Price Is . ; by Post , Is . 6 d . \\ 7 " rJAT to EAT , DRINK , tmd AVOID ; with ?? niKl ' -TABLBS for ALL COMPLAINTS . t , aroaml lorothoujrhtuvert more tires than water extinguish ; t « ir 1 ! ru «« i » K iivoiila mul euros more illnesses than physictakitiK prevents or ri > movi > H . Uy It . J . CutVRKwau ., M . D ., M R . C . S ., L . S . A ., fee ., wn rK . " ! . r . rr ?** " * practitioner in London , of whom the & ? 1 , ' IVT lh 0 l l ! lllir c «»«« Ue « l . 10 . Argyll-place , nine At home uuily Ullnve ; Evenings , " even till
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1 % / rONUMENTtotheMEMORYofEBENEZER 1 VX ELLIOTT . The following Subscriptions have been already received towards the Elliott Monument : — £ s . d . Town Trustees of Sheffield 10 0 0 T . Birks , Esq ., Mayor of Sheffield 10 0 0 R . Cobden , Esq .. M . P ., London 10 0 0 Samuel Bailey , Esq ., do 10 0 0 Thomas Dunn , Esq ., J . P ., do 10 0 0 P . Ashberry , Esq ., do 10 0 0 Bight Honourable the Earl of Carlisle , London .. 5 0 0 John Parker , Esq ., M . P ., do 5 0 0 G . P . Naylor , Esq ., J . P . Sheffield 5 0 0 F . Hoole , Esq ., do 5 0 0 Bramley and Gainsford , do 5 0 0 H . Wilkinson , Esq ., J . P ., do 5 G 0 H . Hinde , Esq ., do 5 0 0 H . E . Hoole , Esq ., do 5 0 0 T . Wiley , Esq ., do 5 0 0 J . W . Hawksworth , Esq ., J . P ., do . ..... ... ; 500 R . Bentley , Ksq ., Rotherham 5 0 0 J . C . Wilson , Esq ., Sheffield ..... 5 0 0 R . Leader , Jun ., Esq ., do , 5 0 0 C . Thompson , Esq ., M . D ., Sheffield 5 0 0 Ibboteon , Peace , and Co ., Sheffield 5 0 0 W . A . Matthews . Esq , Sheffield 5 0 0 Proprietors of The Leader , London 5 0 0 Henry Vickers , Esq . Sheffield 5 0 0 T . R . Barker , Esq ., J . P ., do 5 0 0 G . and W . A . Charles , do 2 2 0 E . Vickers , Esq ., J . P ., do 2 2 0 Reverend Jos . Hunter , F . S . A ., London 2 0 0 M . Hunter , Esq ., Sheffield 2 0 0 C . Hawksworth , Esq ., do 2 0 0 E . Liddell , Euq ., do 2 0 0 F . T . Mappin , Esq ., do 2 0 0 H . Atkin , Esq ., do 2 0 0 Crowley and Pearson , ' do . 2 0 0 W . Fisher , Esq .. do 2 0 0 W . Fisher , Jun ., do 2 0 0 P . E . Fisher , Esq .. do 1 1 0 R . Martineau , Esq ., Birmingham 1 1 0 John Betts , Esq ., do . 1 10 W . Favell , Esq ., Sheffield 1 1 0 . J . « . Buckingham , Esq ., London 110 Asline Ward , Esq ., New York .... 110 John Chambers , Esq ., Sheffield 1 1 0 J . Hobson , Esq ., do . 110 R . Solly , Esq ., do 110 8 . C . Hall , Esq ., F . S . A ., London 110 Mrs . S . C . Hall , do 110 Jas . Montgomery , Esq ., Sheffield 10 0 G . Earion , Esq ., do 10 0 T . Rodgers , Esq ., do 10 0 Broadhead and Atkin , do 10 0 Butler and Co ., do 10 0 J . Rorlgers , Esq ., do 10 0 J . P . Cults , Esq ., do 10 0 G . Foster , Esq ., do 10 0 A . Chadburn , Esq ., do 10 0 F . W . Chadburn , Esq ., do 10 0 J . R ., do 10 0 J . Beckett , Esq ., do 10 0 M . Smith , Esq ., do .. 10 0 T . Oates , Esq ., do 10 0 F . Wever , Esq ., do 10 0 J . Bedford , Esq ., do 10 0 Jos . Johnson , Esq ., do 1 0 0 John Walters , Esq ., do 10 0 Jos . Stevenson , Esq ., do 10 0 Isaac Ellis , Esq ., do 10 0 W . C . Hutton , Esq ., do 10 0 James Morton , Esq ., do 10 0 T . A . Ward , Esq ., do 10 0 John Garside , Esq ., Newark , United States 1 0 0 J . Ironsides , Esq ., Sheffield 1 0 0 8 . Dewsnap , Esq ., do 10 0 Reverend E . R . barken , M . A ., Burton-by-Lincoln 10 0 G . Dawson , Esq ., M . A ., Birmingham 0 10 0 A . Heath , Esq ., Sheffield 0 10 0 G . B ., do 0 10 0 G . Eadon , Jun ., Esq ., do 0 10 0 B . Tojnbee , Esq ., Lincoln , 0 10 0 Editor of the Rvasaner , London 0 10 0 Eight Working Men of Coventry , per Mr . J . Lynes 0 9 0 A Reader of the Leader 0 10 0 Thomas Atkins , Esq ., Oxford 1 1 0 Mrs . Atkins do . 110 T . Atkins , jun . do 1 1 0 F . A . Atkins do 0 10 6 W . G . Atkins do 0 10 0 Subscriptions will be received by T . Birks , Esq ., Mayor of Sheffield ; and at the Leader Ofllcu , 9 , Crane-court , Fleet-street , London .
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ROSSI'S PERUVIAN BALM for CLEANING , BEAUTIFYING , and STRENGTHENING the HAIR . This BALM , containing neither ardent spirits , pungent essential oil * , nor other injurious material *!—cleans the Hair expeditiously , renders it beautifully bright , and imparts to it theiielicue fragrance of flowers . The Hair when washed with this Balm soon becomes pleasantly soft , and luxuriant in growth ; and although , by improperly employing injurious extracts lo clean it , the Hair may have been rendered harsh , or turned grey , it will soon be restored to its natural colour and brilliancy by using the PERUVIAN UvLM . Prepared only by L . Rossi , Haircutter and Coiffeur , 254 , Reg « at-8 treet , opposite Hanover-square .
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REDEMPTION SOCIETY . —RESCRIPT for ELECTION . —Notice is hereby given to all Members , Candidates , and Donors of the Redemption Societr . that it is proposed to ELECT SEVEN PERSON 8 to be located in the Welsh Community , namely—One practical Agriculturist , and one Woman , who should be the * wif < Mrf the above , and able to Manage a Dairy , &c . ; one Ploughnw ^^ one Stonemason ; one Shoemaker ; one Blacksmith , if possible acquainted with Farriery ; and one Girl , about fourteen years of age : the last may be the daughter of any of tojb . above . All applications accompanied with testimonials of character must be sent to the Secretary , at Leeds , on or before the 21 st of September next . The day of Election will be October the 1 st , 1850 , and by ballot in all the branches , members only being entitled to vote . BY ORDER OF THE BOARD .
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THE NORTH LONDON NEEDLEWOMEN'S ASSOCIATION , 31 , Red Lion-square . Established for the execution of all kinds of needlework , and to secure to the workers the profits on their work hitherto taken by the slopseller . The principle of this experimental Association is , that united labour , under good superintendence , in wholesome room ? , with » division of profits among the labourers , is more economical , more safe , more Christian , than rival labour , in separate hovels , carried on for the benefit of middlemen or puffing tradesmen . Shirts from 4 s . 6 d . each . All other articles at charges as low as is consistent with the necessary requirements of the Workwomen . Every description of Ready-made Linen and Baby Linen at moderate charges . There is a Dressmaking and MillineTy Department in the Establishment . Orders should be transmitted to the Superintendent , 31 , Red Lion-square . *«* Ladies acquainted with deservingand necessitous Needlewomen who are desirous of entering the Association , may send them to Mrs . Hanson , 31 , Red Lion-square , for examination .
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THE WORKING TAILORS ' ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLE-STREET , OXFORD-STREET , Opposite the Pantheon . A few Journeymen Tailors , anxious to rescue themselves and their class from the miseries and degradation consequent on unlimited competition , and from the abuse of the powers of capital as lately exhibited to the public by the Morning Chronicle newspaper , in his letters on " Labour and the Poor , " have resolved to seek a remedy in their own exertions rather than in any parliamentary enactment , and in some system which shall combine their own interest with the interests of other classes of society rather than in that return to old customs now chiefly advocated in the trade , by which the benefit of the master and journeyman ( but especially of the former ) is sought to be realized at the expense of the consumer . They have , therefore , united together on the cooperative principle , possessing first-rate talents-in the Cutting and Work * ing department , and being supplied by several benevolent gentlemen , with sufficient capital ( which they are anxious to pay back on the first opportunity ) , they have commenced business on extensive premises in Castle-street , Oxford-street , to which and the accompanying list of prices attention is respectfully invited . It will be seen from the latter that they are at once able to compete with the slopseller , whilst realizing a fair profit themselves . They are mutually bound to devote one-third of their net profit » -to the extension of their numbers . It now ? rests with the public to stamp their experiment with success by favouring them with a liberal measure of custom , and thereby demonstrate , on an ever-widening scale , that health , prosperity , and moial worth can be secured to the operatives , and cheapness guaranteed to the consumer , by the faithful realization of the brotherly and Christian principle of cooperation . They wish not to injure the trade of any truly "honourable" employer , and venture to hope that all who feel that custom itself ought to have its morality , and who are willing to do what in them lies towards dealing fairly by the operative , will help them by their sympathy , and , as far as possible , by their orders . All who are friendly to this experiment , and wish it to succeed , should give it all the assistance in their power , and recommend it to others .
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LI 8 T OF PRICES , FOR CASH ON DELIVBRY . £ S . d . Best superfine Frock Coat , with Silk Skirt Linings .... 3 18 0 8 uperditto from 2 10 0 Best superfine Dress Coat 3 1 * 3 0 Super ditto from 3 5 0 Superfine Dress Trousers 1 1 » « 8 uperditto from 1 0 0 Superfine Dress Vest J > *» 0 8 uper ditto from 0 18 0 Llama and Beaver Paletots from 2 2 0 Suit of Livery from 3 15 0 GENTLEMEN' 8 OWN MATERIALS MADE UP . Clerical and Professional Robes made to Order . LIST OF PRICES SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO WORKING MEN . £ s . d . Fustian Jacket from 0 11 0 Good ditto Trousers C roin ( i 2 « Ditto ditto Vests from 0 6 0 Ditto ditto Coats f » m 0 15 0 Doeskin Trousers fn » m 0 14 0 BlackCloth Vests from ? « ° Ditto Dress Coats i k l ) i X Ditto Frock Coats from 2 0 0 Ditto P ., letou trom I 10 0 Silk Vests and other Fancy Goods in like proportion . WORKING MEN'S OWN MATERIALS MADE UP . N . B . —If purchasers will examine and take into consideration the quality of our workmanship , we pledge oursrives to compete with the Sweaters and Slopsellers . ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES . Remember the Address , THE WORKING TAILORS' ASSOCIATION , 34 , CASTLE-STREET EAST , OXFORD-STREET , OPPOSITE THE PANTHEON , LONDON .
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Londoni Printed by Robbrt Palmbb ( of No . il , Chepstow-terrace , in the Pariah of Kensington , Middlesex ) , at tlie Office of Robert l ' alfi . er and Joiepli Clayton , No . 10 , Crane-court , Fleet >« treet , in the Pariah of 8 t . Dumtan-in-the-Wcit , in the City of London ; and published by Joutru CtAiTOi « , Junr . of and at the Publiihinv-otBce , No . Mb , Strand , in the Parish of St . Clement Panel , iu the City of Weitminater . —Satcspat August 31 . 18 fiO .
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—i 552 © f > 0 fLt&ijet . [ Saturday , Arc . 31 , 1850 .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 31, 1850, page 552, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1851/page/24/