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seems , has not renounced his character of Pretender , is about to bring an action against the director of Je Yw . deville , for producing a piece in which he is made to die at the age oV ten years , whereas he is still alive , ^ perfect health , and ready to assert his claim to the crown of ^" letter from Jersey announces the proximate gathering of a French democratic congress . Already some deputies were arrived from France . Ledru Rolhn and compeers were daily expected from London . Lola Monies , notwithstanding her sudden disappearance from the sumptuous apartments she furnished in the Beauion quarter , seems to be still lingering in the neighbourhood of Paris . Her presence m the suburbs is said to have been detected by the police , from the frequent visits of her maid to the Monte de-T ? 16 t 6 with lace and jewels to nledee . It is reported that some litterateur , whose chroniclesis
pen is skilled in the handling of gallant , preparing a volume of Lola ' s memoirs for the press . The Empress Dowager of Brazil arrived at Ostend , on Tuesday , by a special train from Verviers . This princess , aged only thirty-eight years , has been a widow since the demise of the Emperor Don Pedro I ., sixteen years since . She is daughter of Prince Eugene , Duke of Leuchtenburg Prince of Eichstadt . The Empress Amelie is accompanied by the Duchess of Braganza , her daughter , and a rather numerous suite . The University of Jena has recently conferred the honorary degree of doctor upon our co-religionist M . Meyerbeer . There is a peculiarity attached to this act which enhances the value of the tribute to the composer ' s talent . It is the first issued by that university to a professor of music . . _
• A rather strange scene is exhibited just now in Brussels , where Prince Metternich has been receiving visits and notes from many high personages , who are anxious to be assisted with his advice on the present state of the German question . The King of Bavaria lately paid the prince a visit . The Austrian diplomatists have waited on him , but the old councillor declines to enter into nearer relations with that court . He attributes his overthrow to the intrigues of the Emperor ' s mother , who , as early as 1843 , had endeavoured to bring about the abdication of Ferdinand in favour of her husband , a project which Metternich successfully opposed , although Count Kolowrat and the Archduke John supported the wily lady . It is remarkable that these personages also showed themselves exceedingly eager for Metternich s resignation in March 1848 .
, _ . ^ Letters from Ischl state that the Duke of Brunswick has arrived there from Venice , in order to be present at the celebration of the Emperor ' s birthday . He will accompany his Majesty to Vienna . The Prince of Syracuse has been passing the summer in Castellamare , where he has led the life of a country gentleman , with a large party of friends . The King of Naples , however , thinking his brother ought to be more sedate , particularly as his princess is known to be grave and religious , has forwarded passports to many of the Prince ' s intimates . In consequence of the breukiug out of the cholera at several places , an order has been issued at Stockholm , under date the 5 th of August , declaring the harbours of
London , Hamburg , Altona , Lubeck , and lravemunue , as infected . All vessels coming from thence are to be subject to a quarantine of ten days , reckoning from the day of their leaving shore . -
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The Stamford Mercury states that when a Mr « . Wainer , of Melton Mowbray , who , it appears , has , not
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The director and printer of the first number of the rroscrit , the new journal edited by Mazzini , Ledru Rollin and others , were tried before the Court of Assize of Paris on Friday , for having published a seditious address to the people , signed " Ledru Rollin , calculated to excite civil war . They were found guilvy , and M . Nadal , the director of the journal , was sentenced to imprisonment for six months , and to pay a fine of lOOOf . M . Briere , the printer , was sentenced tJV 1 m P " T inent for fifteen days , and to pay a fine of 500 f . M . Ledru Rollin was sentenced , by default , to imprisonment for one year , and to pay a fine of 3000 f . . The ConstittUionnel states , on the authority of a letter from Rome , of the 20 th instant , that several persons have been arrested there for a supposed conspiracy to assassinate the Pone , on Assumption-day , by throwing crystal
balls filled with explosive substances into his carriage when on tiia way to church to pronounce the benedict ion . 1 he discovery of the plot prevented all danger . Ihere was some agitation on the following Sunday , as it was supposed that there had been a plot against the Austrian ambassador , on the anniversary of the birth or the emperor . A Rtrong armed force was placed near his palace to protect it , and in the evening some arrests were marie . The official journal at Naples publishes a law against the press , so Hovoro in its character that it amounts to a total RiipprcRKion of the liberty of public discussion in the newspapers . ..
. .. .. ___ , An irruption of the Mella occurred on the 14 th instant , in the province of Brescia . It has devastated the fields , destroyed houses , and caused much loss of life . I no diligences for M ilan , after having encountered great danger in the road from Buurg to St . Jean , near Brescia , were otili « ed to mnke a detour to arrive at their destination , which they only oid after having bfen forty-eight hours on the road , owing to the vast extent of country flooded . M . Goldstein , a Vienna banker , has just died , leaving to his only daughter a fortune of ten millions of francs .
Twenty-six hankers and leading merchants in Berlin have published a declaration that , until September 1 st ensuing , they will not take foreign paper money in a proportion greater than of one-t « nth the whole amount of a pay rent , and taut after that date they will receive only Prussian hilv « T . M . HernuB , proprietor of t > jo chateau and estate of Hertheim , near Tubinguo in Wurtemburg , threw himself from the roof of his chateau last week , and , having fractured his skull , died on the spot . The unfortunate
gentleman was only 47 years of age , and possessed a large fortune . In 1825 he was to have married a young lady of Frankfort , to whom he was devotedly attached , but on the wedding morning she was struck dead by lightning . This plunged him into profound melancholy ; he retired to Hertheim , and ever afterwards led a solitary life , allowing no one to approach him except his domestics . By his will , he leaves his chateau and estate to a young man , whom he had rescued from poverty and made his steward .
A terrible accident took place on the 19 th instant on the railway between Essenach and Cassel . As the train was going rapidly round the curve near Wolfenhausen , the locomotive went off the rails , dragging the carriages after it . The tender and three diligences were overturned with a dreadful shock . Five persons were killed , and twenty-six badly wounded . Five of the carriages of the train remained on the rails . The Lisbon Board of Health have declared the port of Marseilles to be infected with cholera , and all the other Mediterranean ports of France to be suspected of infection . . _ . , The Spanish clergy , in imitation of their Piedmontese brethren , evince symptoms of a desire to embarrass the Government by refusing religious rites to the possessors
of church property . . The celebrated bandit Madero , who acquired an infamous notoriety in La Mancha during the civil war , and has since pursued his career of crime in that province and various districts of Ciudad Real , was slain on the 15 th instant by one of the detachments charged with the duty of pursuing him . His body was publicly exposed at Ciudad Real on the following day . The Breslaw Gazette states , on the authority of a letter from St . Petersburg , that orders had been given that the army , instead of taking its winter quarters , should extend a distance of fifty miles along the Prussian frontier . _ . _
The admiral who commands the fleet in the Baltic has given notice to the Lieutenancy-General that any vessels , bearing either the German flag or that of the Duchies , which shall venture into the open sea , shall be treated as pirates by the Russian vessels which shall encounter them . The latest ' accounts from Havannah state that the remainder of the Contoy prisoners are yet in confinement , but seven of them were to be liberated on the 6 th of August . The remaining three were to be sentenced to eight years in the chain gang . This is the finale of the piratical invasion of Cuba by Lopez . The Brazilian Chamber of Deputies has passed a law declaring the slave trade to be piracy , and seems altogether to be in earnest to terminate the inhuman traffic .
The tide of emigration to California is as great as ever by sea , and greater than ever by land . It appears , however , that the sickness and mortality have been truly terrific . One correspondent , writing from Fort Saramie , eays that he counted 645 newly-made graves on the trail to that place , and that many who were too ill to proceed were left by their companions to die . The captain of a West Indian ship just arrived from Matanzas , states that he was unable to obtain labourers to assist in storing his cargo at a less rate than 4 s . 2 d . per day for each man . Of course there was no other way of procuring such labourers than by application to a slavemaster , to whom he paid a dollar a day for each . All the English ships in the harbours had been taken up to convey produce to Ameiica .
The last accounts from the Mormon settlement , at the Great Salt Lake , represent them as very flourishing . The soil is astonishingly fertile , if their reports are to be relied on . The ordinary yield of wheat is said to be 75 bushels per acre , when sown broadcast ; but 160 bushels have been obtained from one bushel of seed when Accounts received from the Windward Islands state that upwards of forty vessels were driven ashore and wrecked during the huiricane of the 11 th and 12 th of July .
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The Lords of the Treasury have , it is stated , indorsed the report and recommendations of the Sunday Postal Commission , and arrangements are in progress forgiving them practical effect on Sunday ( to-morrow ) , when the usual morning delivery of letters and newspapers throughout the country will be resumed . At a conference held in the Foreign-office , yesterday week , of the plenipotentiaries of the great powers , on the Danish question , the Austrian Minister signified his adhesion to the protocol of the 2 nd of August , with reservation of the rights of the German Confederation . At the same time the Danish Minister made a declaration
that it was well understood that those federal rights extend only to the Duchy of Holstein and Lauenburg ; and this declaration has been accepted by the representatives of France , Great Britain , Russia , and Sweden . A public meeting of the subscribers to the Feel Monument Fund was held at the Townhill , Manchester , on Wednesday . The mayor announced that the subscriptions amounted to upwards of £ 5000 , of which .- € 4221 had been paid into the bank . After considerable discussion , two resolutions were passed , the effect of which was to
appoint a committee to carry out the erection of a colossal bronze statue to the memory of the late Sir Robert Peel in the area surrounding the Manchester Royal Infirmary , the character and ornamentation of the pedestal , and the drapery of the statue , being left to the committee and artists . An attempt made by a few gentlemen to insert a proviso that the statue should be attind in the costume of the present day was negatived . Among other visitors whom we may expect at the Great Exhibition next year will be a German chorus , made up of many Liedertafel societies , rivalling in number the never-to-be-forgotten Cologne gatherings ( an
assemblage of more than 2000 voices ) , the intention of which is to give performances in London . The foundation stone of the Holloway Ragged Schools was laid by Henry Pownall , Esq ., chairman of the Middlesex magistrates , on Wednesday . The interesting ceremony was attended by a large number of visitors . The Sikkim-Himmalaya Rhododendrons , the seeds of which were introduced through Dr . Joseph D . Hooker , have been successfully propagated in the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew ; and . we understand Prince Albert has had a stock of seedling plants of them forwarded to the royal gardens at Osborne , in the Isle of Wight , where , under the genial climate of that island , there can be little doubt of their succeeding to the fullest extent . The clearing clerk of an eminent banking-house absented himself from business in Lombard-street on
Saturday morning , when , on examination , his previous day ' s clearing was found to be £ 5000 deficient . A portion of the new building in course of erection at the corner of New Oxford-street , Tottenham-court-road , fell with a tremendous crash on Wednesday . Several persons who happened to be . passing were seriously injured . A party of labouring men and their wives , all more or less intoxicated , were returning from Battersea on Sunday evening . When off the Houses of Parliament , a
Mrs . Shadbrook , residing in Queen ' s Head passage , Charles-street , Drury-lane , who had conceived that an improper intimacy had taken place between a female of the party and her husband , in a frenzy of jealousy suddenly threw herself overboard . Mr . Shadbrook , though unable to swim , leaped in to save his wife ; the unfortunate woman , however , who was very drunk , was not seen to rise again , and her husband was with difficulty dragged into the boat . The body was not recovered .
A respectably dressed married female , twenty-seven years of age , the mother of four children , while standing on the pier at Blackfriars-bridge on Sunday evening , was observed by several persons to be looking very intently over the rail of the dummy on the side near the shore , when seizing an opportunity she suddenly rolled herself off the pier into the river . Upon an alarm being raised , she was immediately rescued by a pierman , who succeeded in saving the life of the unfortunate woman , and
conveying her on shore . The shopman of Messrs . Norche , marble dealers , King William-street , Charing-cross , a yonuir man about twenty-two years of age , agreed , for a trifling wager , to drink a pint of brandy , and then walk to London-bridge . He accomplished the wager , on Monday evening , and was then conveyed home , where he remained in a state of stupor till Tuesday morning , at five o'clock , when he expired .
A young man , named John Simpson , was brought up at Lambeth Police-office , on Monday , charged with having feloniously intermarried with Jane Robinson , his first wife , Susan Besy , being then alive . He was married to his first wife on the 13 th of June , 1847 , and they lived together for about a year . In July last he married his second wife , and soon after went off to Scotland with her , where he was apprehended . The first wife , who was in very bad health , has been living in Shoreditch . Workhouse lately . The prisoner , who made no attempt to defend himself , was committed for trial .
Thomas Livermore , a downcast-looking fellow , described as " a drunken profligate , in the habit of beating his wife , " was brought up at Clerkenwtll Police-office , on Monday , charged with a brutal assault upon his wife on Saturday evening . He had returned home drunk , and as usual began to strike his wife , who was working hard . He knocked her down several times and kicked her , she being in the family way , and , but for the interference of neighbours , would have murdered her . The prisoner could not deny the charge . Mr . Combe asked the poor woman what she wished to have done to her husband . She said she wished to have him . punished . She could live much better without than with him . She
could keep herself and her children by her own work ; as for her husband he had lived entirely on her earnings . The prisoner was fined 40 s ., or a month ' s imprisonment in the House of Correction . Mr . Combe warned the woman not to raise the money to pay the fine . She said she would not do so as she was in danger of her life from him . The prisoner was then committed to prison . The execution of Patrick Forbes for the murder of his wife , took place at Newcastle on Saturday . On reaching the gallows , the hangman was about to take off the culprit ' s shoes , when the wretched man exclaimed , very emphatically , "You shall have nothing belonging to me . He was supported up to the scaffold , and he was evidently unable to stand without assistance . His hands were clasped—his lips were moving in prayer . Mr .
Betham read the formularies of the Romish Church , concluding by the benediction , and signing the cross o \ er the culprit . His feet were then shackled , his handkerchief taken off , and he was lifted upon the drop . The hangman then adjusted the rope , Forbes apparently praying all the time . Upon the signal being given , the bolt was withdrawn , and a thrill of horror aud a suppressed scieam ran through the crowd ; but , unfortunately , from some cause or other , Forbes tell partly upon , and partly under the scaffold . At this , the crowd , who had not bei-n entirely quiet during the whole of the awful ceremony , uttered a furious and almost unanimous yell of execration . He was then again let down with a jerk , and hastily drawn up , and after a minute , the body oi the unfortunate man was lifeless . _ _ M
. . A barbarous murder was committed last week in Clare the victim being the wife of a labouring man of the most wretched class . During her husband ' s absence in search of work she was brutally murdered with a hatchet by a man named Quinbrian , whom she recovered sufficient strength to identify iu the presence of several persons before expiring .
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536 ffltJS $ LW 0 tt * [ Saturday ,
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 31, 1850, page 536, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1851/page/8/