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This day is published , in 1 thick vol . post 8 vo ., cloth , 12 s ., WILLIAM PESTN : an Historical Biography . From new Sources . With an Extra Chapter on the "Macaulay . Charges . " By William Hefwobth Dixon . With a Portrait . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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This day , post octavo , price » s ., YEAST : A PROBLEM . Reprinted , with Additions and Alterations , from " Fraser ' s Magazine . " London : John W . Parker , West Strand .
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OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OFFICE , 29 , New Bridge-street , Blackfiiars , and at the Exhibition Building , Hyde-park . NOTICE . —Advertisements intended for the First Edition of a Quarter of a Million of the Small Catalogue as also for the First Editions of the Illustrated , the German and the French Catalogues , should be sent in immediately , in order that they may be classified and printed forthwith . 1 . Literature and the fine Aits . 2 . New Inventions . 3 . ' Agricultural Machines and Implements . 4 . Insurance Offices . - 5 . House Agency—Hotels , Taverns , and Lodging-house ; . 6 . Places of Public Amusement . 7 . Railway and Steamboat arrangements . 8 . Classification of Trades and Miscellaneous . SPlCEtt BROTHERS , Wholesale Stationers CLOWE 8 AND SONS , Printers , ' Joint Contractors to the Royal Commission
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LONDON CO-OPERATIVE STORE , 76 Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . — NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS . — The Depositors are informed that the BONUS to which they are entitled on their business with the Store for th « first two months , November and December of the year 1850 will be PAID to them on the 6 th of April next . Such of the depositors as have not yet sent in their books are requested to do so by the 25 th of March , or their claim will be forfeited . LLOYD JONES , Manager . London , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-aquaie , March 5 , 1851 .
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This day , with numerous Illustrations , Second Edition , 4 s . 6 d . CHEMIST RY of the FOUR ANCIENT ELEMENTS , FIRE . AIR , EARTH and WATER : an Essay , founded upon Lectures delivered before the Queen , and dedicated by special permission to her Majesty . By T .. Griffifths . Professor of Chemistry in St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital . By the same Author . CHEMISTRY of the CRYSTAL PALACE : a Popular Account of the Chemical Properties of the Chief Materials employed in its construction . [ Nearly ready . RECREATIONS in CHEMISTRY . Second Edition . with numerous Illustrations , much enlarged , 5 s . The WRITING-DESK and its CONTENTS , taken as a Text for the illustration of Important Facts in Experimental Science . 2 s . London : John W . Parker , West Strand .
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Just published , in 8 vo ., cloth , 10 s . 6 d ., THE ALPHA ; or , First Principle of the Hupian Mind . A Philosophical Inquiry into the Nature of Truth . "We love to meet with a man thoroughly in earnest upon any subject , and especially upoo one which professes to be of interest ' so vast and universal . This book , therefore , invites and deserves notice . " —Literary Gazette . " The volume before us is a remarkable one in every way . It is a bold attempt to discover a test of truth It is not a book to be lounged over , but to be studied . It is singularly terse in its language , and close in its reasonings . "—Critic ? . " One of the best points in the book is the manner in which the writer upholds the power of conviction in urging men to action or restraining them . "—Spectator . " It i 3 not every day that a book so note-worthy is laid on our table . For boldness of conception—easy flowing eloquence of style—subtlety and completeness of thought within the ran ^ e in which it moves , and which it mistakes for the whole universewecau call to mind few fit to be its fellows . "—Athenceum . " We must not close this notice without emphatically recording our admiration of the author ' s varied powers . "—Leader . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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In the course of next week will be published , in post 8 vo ., ITALY IN 1848 . By L . MARiorri , Author of Italy , Past and Present , " &c . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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This day is published , price Sixpence , A SUPPLEMENT to the Second Edition of LETTERS ON THE TRUTHS CONTAINED IN POPULAR SUPERSTITIONS . By Herbert Mayo , M . D ., F . R . S ., F . G . S ., &c . < ontaining farther Researches on the Odometer , or Divining Kino . "William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London . . :
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NEW AND CHEAP EDITION . Now ready , in 1 vol . crown 8 vo ., 300 pp ., price 4 s , THE BRITISH CHURCHES in Relation to the BRITISH PEOPLE . By Edwaed Miail . London : A . Hall , Virtue , and Co ., 25 , Paternoster-row . Edinburgh : A . and C . Black .
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A NEW PERIODICAL . Published weekly , price Threepence ( No . 1 appeared on the 22 nd of February ) , T ^ H E ASSURANCE RECORD , SHARE PROPERTY AND BANKING GC 1 DE . A Jonrnalestahlished to faithfully analyze the proceedings of Assurance , Banking-, and other Associations . ° Published by Arthur Hall , Virtue , and Co ., 25 , Paternoster-row .
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- This day is published , THE CREED of CHRTSTENDOM ; its Foundations and Superstructure . By William Rathbonb Greg . 8 vo ., cloth , 10 s . 6 d .
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RAILWAY ACCIDENTS . THE RAILWAY ASSURANCE COMPANY , Incorporated under the Act of Parliament , ? and 8 Vic , c . 110 . C A PIT A L— £ 100 , 000 . Offices—No . 5 , St . James's-street , London .-TRDSTEgS . The Right Honourable Earl Fitzwilliam . The Honourable Henry G . Spencer . The Common Serjeant . Charles Hopkinson , Esq . The distinctive feature of this Company consists in the Sufficiency of ONE PAYMENT to cover an ASSURANCE FOR THE WHOLE OF LIFE .
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LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT and CENTRALIZATION , the Characteristics of each , and its Practical . Tendencies as affectingr Social , Moral , and Political Welfare : and Progress , including Comprehensive Outlines of the British Constitution . By J . Toulsiin Smith . Post 8 vo ., cloth , 88 . 6 d . Ready on Tuesday the 18 th inst .
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The FIRST is the ONLY Expense and Trouble , there beiny no Annual Renewal of Premium . It will be seen that , by a eingrle payment of Five Shillings , any Railway Traveller may be assured in the sura of £ 100 for the remainder of his life . Upon proo f being given that a party assured has met with his Death by Railway AccMent , the Company will pay to his representatives the full amount of his policy . If the accident shall result in personal injury only , the Company will pay to the assured a fair compensation for such injury . Assurers will have the option of travelling in Carriages of any Class , and on any Railway in tlie United Kingdom . This Company is now granting Assurances upon the following terms , viz . : — For every Policy of £ 100 .. £ 0 5 s . » „ 500 .. 1 5 » . t , „ 1000 .. 2 2 s . 2000 .. 4 4 s .
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Now ready , The SIEGrE of DAMASCUS ; a Historical Romance . By James Nisbet . In 3 vols . post 8 vo ., cloth , 31 s . 6 d . " A work which abounds in exciting incident , and fresh and vigorous descriptions . " —Globe . "The romantic tale of ' Jonas and Eudocia'is the groundwork of these well-written volumes . " —Morning Adcertiter .
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THOMAS COOPER'S WORKS . THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES . A Prison Rhyme . In Ten Books , with Notes . In one vol ., cloth boards , price 3 s . 6 d . To be had in Numbers at twopence and Parts at sixpence each . ' WISE SAWS and MODERN INSTANCES . T » vo vols ., cloth boards . Piice 5 s THE BARON'S YULE FEAST . A Christmas Rhyme . Wrapper . Price 1 b . 6 J . EIGHT LETTERS to the YOUNG MEN of the " WORKING CLASSKS . Price Gd . COOPER'S JOURNAL . Complete in one vol . cloth boards , containing the Critical Exegesis of Gospel History on tliv basis of " Strauss ' * Le . ben Jesu . " Price 3 s CAPTAIN COliLEll ; or . the Lincolnshire Rehellion . An Historical Romance of the Reign of IlfciirvVlII In one vol ., clolh 1 ttercd . Price 2 * . Gd THE MINSTREL ' S SONG , and the WOODMAN'S SON'G The Poetry and M .-lody by Thomas Coovkk Arranged by J . D . Coi . lkt . Price 6 . 1 . London : J . Watson , ; I ) , Quecn ' B-head-passage . Paternoster-row
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LETTERS on the LAWS of MAN'S NATURE aud DEVELOPMENT . By II . G . Atkinson and HakiiIet Martinbau . Post 8 vo ., cloth , piice 9 s .
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Agents are appointed in all the principal Towns of th « United Kingdom , through whom Assurances may be effected , or application may be made to the Secretary , at the Company ' s Offices , No . 5 , St . James ' s-street . London .
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METROPOLITAN AND PROVINCIAL JO TNT-STOCK BREWERY COMPANY . ( Registered Provisionally pursuant to 7 and 8 Vic , c . 110 . ) Capital £ 200 , 000 , in 40 , 00 . 1 shares of £ 5 each ( with power to increase it to £ 1 , 000 , 000 . ) Deposit on allotment of shares 6 d . per share , as provided by the Act of Parliament . Call on each share , on complete registration , 10 s . ; further calls , not exceeding 10 s . per share each call , as the necessities of the Company require , of which three months' notice will be given by public advertisement . TttUSTEBS . John Macgregor , Esq ., M . P . | Alfred Bullock B . Watts , Esq . i ' t ( j
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t SOCIAL STATICS ; or , the Conditions Essential to Human Happi ness Specified , and the first of them Developed . By Herbert Si-knchk . i 8 vo ., cloth , price 12 s . ' " The author of the present work is no ordinary thinker and no ordinary writer ; and he gives tin in language that sparkles t with beauties , and in reasoning at once novel and elaborate , ( precise and logical , a very comprehensive and complete expo- ( ition of the rights of men in society The book is cal- ' culated to give an impulse to thought , and to interest the public j mind on subjects of the very highest importance and the most abstract nature . It is distinguished by good feeling and close J reasoning , and will mark an epoch in the literature of scientific ^ morality . "—Economist . J London : John Chapman , 112 , Strand .
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rriHEHISTORY of the LAST TRIAL by J URY - » - for ATHEISM in ENGLAND . A Fhaomknt oi' Autobiography . Submitted for the Pertival of her Majesty ' s Attorncv-Gener . I and the British Olerjry By GEORGE JAG'Olt HOLVOAKK "I was present in the court to witnen * the trial of Grorirr Jacob Ilolyoake . I heard Wooler and Hone defend them-,. lv 5 . . ucceB-fully in 18 . 7 ; !> ut I would prefer to be declar 7 ruikJ TiSX- 'iuZ ^ ruW *™ tlle srwmA ol w «* * --JiiHt published , price In . fill ., c ' otli lettered ^ London : James Watson , 3 . Queen « -head-paaaage , Paternonter-
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J ^ J DIRECTORS . John Francis Bontems . Esq . Thomas Jones Saunders . Esq . William Dunbar . Esq . Sidney Stevens Esq . John Jamieson . Esq . Chailes Swainson , Esq . Saw uelS ten ton Markham , Esq . Managing Director—John Francis Bontemg , Esq . AUIMTOB 8 . J Ihomas Willows Farnell , Kaq . I Thomas Walk . r . Esq ., B . A . Charles Robs , Esq . | Hirain Williams , Esq ., C . E . . Bunkers—The Royal British Bank , bohcitora—Messrs . Kdinands and Jones , Eldon-chambem . Devereux-court , Temple . Temporary Offices , Kldon-chambera , Devereux-court , Temple . The object of this Company is to establish Breweries on a comprehensive plan , for the purpote of supplying the public with those necessary English beverages . Ale and Porter , pure and unadulterated at prices far below those at present charged by the trade for an inferior , and frequently a very deleterious artiole . t » *' lliattliM be
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p HE R MAJES T Y 'S THEAT R E . J The Nobility , Subscriber * , and the Public are respectfully informed tliat this THEATRIC will OPEN on SATURDAY . MARCH 22 . when will be performed Donizetti ' s Opera , entitled LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR . In which Mile . Caroline Duprcz will make her Hrut appearance , t To be followed by a NEW and ORIGINAL » BALLET , a i . a Wattkau : *' Composed by M . Paul Tnglioni ; the Music by M . Nadaud- u the Scenery by Mr . Charlea Marahull ; in which Mile . Am alia ., l '' errann will appear . cl The Grand Opera of j , OUSTAVD 8 tc if in active preparation . The part of "Madame Aukeatroin" will bo mpported by O Madame J-iuraiitlnl . lhe part of O . car . " by Mile . Carol ! i ¦! Duprci ; and Gustavuu , " by Signor Calzolari ' i c to () sho
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TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCKUN ! Now in the Press , to be itmieil on the JJlat of March ISM Price In ., ' TfOICES of FREEDOM , and LYRICS of * LOVK ! A Volume of' Poeum . By T . Gkkald Mahnkt . Working Man . Homo said " Don't print them , Tom , " other * said " Yea »" borne ( aid . ' They might do good , " others » aid Nay " ' ro w ^ E ^ M t * m ' *? , L K C T L l « K A K Y . I AVKii ^ Hrt » "" ' ! "" ! <> ift y Co » ) iew <) f KOltKOW' 8 LAVKN <» IU > ore in circulation at MirPIK'H HFI KPT ii" AHK V ' **• Url ' KIN ( M ™ ' ' l ' l ' oOM 5 Buiiy ! NINCil . K 8 linsCRII » TION—ONK OUINKA l'KK ANNUM lifHt-claHH ( : < , i . ntiy 8 nbH «; riptioii- 'rw « GiiiuvaH and upwards lu-v . mdi ,,- ; to th «; niiiiib ,: r of volumtrH required . t « rmH ! nU 7 l I . " fUitllti () llH ; '" 'l «» k Societies eupplled on moderate teiniB . A 1 rospeclurt will | w forwarded on application . C . 15 , Ml ) DIE , 28 , Ujjp . r Kiujr- » tr « et , Iilooin » bury- » qnarc .
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N ° K , ^ Pf ^" , ^ LAND " «> KAMAil ? £ £ ^ .: ;! J :: " ^ ti ^ - ^ A : ^ avuiA mill i » a r irn'i'i v iJ- "''' Viwii DJOUAMA of rSiES £ = SH'S - ^ - ^^ yf ^ - SscSSSSS ria . —Daily , at tiv . lre , three , und eight -AdmUalon li - r « servedscatH . «» . « . ! . " A < "niHalon , Is ., rc-
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H E R MAJESTY * S 'J' H " Jt E MLLK . CAUOLINK DUPRKZ . It is rcBpectftillv announced that the departure of Mile Duprrx fron . l' . ri . having l , een fortunately arranged Z « ear i r perioil than anti . lpi . ti-d . al . e will ,,, ak ,, Lt « r » lVi > iwaraf « - « in this country on Hntur . lay next . March 22 » PP « - « rance in
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y very . u ., j , tc O ¦! lliattliMcan be accomplialied and pay a handsome remuneration for the capital inveated has been ahown by the argument " inl arliamcnt . by the public pre «» , and by carefully prepared culculutions of persons practically acquainted with the bu « ine » B . OoiiBuinei » will derive < louble advuntuge from becoming Shareholders , and the ahareu have been fixed ut X' 5 each , to enable all to avail theniHt ' lveii of it . Further particulars and pronpectuses may bo obtained of th « Secretary . Charlea II « nry Kdmuudu . Kao ., : it the Temporary () fllces of the Company , and to whom applications for aharca should be uddrenHed . Form of Application for Shares . To the Directora of the Metropolitan and Provincial Joint-Stock Brewory Company . Clentleincn , —I requost you to nllot me ahnres of £ ! i eurh in the above ( Company , mid I l , cre | , undertake to accept »« ch aharc-a or a . jy le »» number as may bo allotted to mo . and to pay th « required deport , thcieon , and to execute all neceawry d « ed » when required . —Duted this , day of — , 18 . "> . Name in full .. " Addled * in full l '> ofi'stfiou or trade -Reference -Addreua of Refereu
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260 tRife ILt&btt ' . [ Saturday ; March 15 , 1851 .
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T . rn ?! of K «> i r l "" £ 7 , i """ < N » » . Chapatow-ttrmw . •»»«•• Jo , e ? , h < W 15 '"" , M ' ««) . ' »» ' « OiHc . ol Kobrrt Falser -nd clTr ^ L , ? V ' . '" * r L ( ""«« n i ¦> ' «» publUhed by / o . aru r « Ukaf ' MTf ' -iT a «« 'u ( , U , bii , K-um 0 .. No ! SOI ,, Htr . » a . iu U . o Mw « h ll w * " ' ' »• «« f ' W « t « inater .-MA « V «»* i ,
Leader (1850-1860), March 15, 1851, page 260, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1874/page/24/