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Untitled Ad
THE FftATERNAL DEMOCRATS' SOlIfcEE in Comm ^ mpration of the Birthciay of MAXIMIUAN ROBESPIE&RE will take place in the Literary and Scientific Institution , Johnstreet , Tottenham court-road , on TUE 8 DA 1 T KVENING , April 8 at half-past Six o ' clock , —Tickets , Is . each , to be had of G Julian Harvey , 4 , Brunswick-road , Queen's-square . Bloomsbury : Mr . E . TrueJove , John-street Institution ; and Mr . Watson , 3 Queen ' s Head-passage , Paternoster-row . Admission after Tea , at Eight o ' clock—to the body of the Hall 3 d . ; to the Gallery , 4 d . ¦ " A number of leading : Democrats , British and Continental , will take part in the proceedings of the evening 1 . * . The profits arising from the Soiree will be devoted to the assistance of the Polish Refugees at Liverpool . Jbtil * PETTIE , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
, A QAItb . C 1 DOBSON COLLET , late of the . Royal Italian / Opera , Covent Garden , Teacher of Singing . For Terms of Musical Lectures , Private Lessons , or Cla < s Teaching- in Town or Country , apply to C . D . C , 15 , Essex-street , Strand '
Untitled Ad
Tft . B . QUEEN'S PARASOL , kegistered by THOMAS . EVANS and CO ., Feb . K > , 1851 , is the most elegant style ever produced . To be had of all Drapers and Wholesale Houses ; also at the Manufactory , No . 10 , WOODSTBEET , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON .
Untitled Ad
C OUGHS , INFLUENZA , BRONCHITIS — KEATING'S COtTGH LOZENGES , which are bo strongly recommended by the faculty ( testimonials from the most eminent of whom may be inspected ) aro in daily request at this most inclement season as a safe , speedy , and most efficacious remedy for Coughs , Bronchitis , Influenza ( now very prevalent ) , all disorders of the chest and lungs . Prepared and sold in boxes , from Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s 6 d and 10 a . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Pharmaceutical Chemist , 79 , St . Paul ' s-church ^ ard , London . Sold by all Druggists . ¦ °
Untitled Ad
THYSELF ; THE BEST OF ALL KNOWLEDGE . " See yourself as others see you . "—Burns . AN EXTRAORDINARY NUMBER cf ¦ t \ . TESTIMONYALS from all classes , Philosophers , Feers , Literary Persons , and Divines of every , denomination , hav 6 been received by the ORIGINAL GRAPHIQLOGIST , who continues to give her novel and interesting delineations of Character from an examination of the Handwriting , in a style of description peculiarly her own . filling four pages of . a sheet of paper .. Persons desirous of knowing their true character , or that of any friend in whom they may be interested , must send a specimen of their writing , stating sex and agre , or supposed age ( enclosing fifteen postage stamps ) , to Miss Ellen Graham . 6 , Ampton-etreet , Gray ' s-rnn-rosd , London , and they will receive iff a few days a minute detail of the gifts , defects , talents , tastes , affections , &c , of the writer , with , many other things hitherto unsuspected . Just published , price One Shilling , ARE YOU IN LOVE ?—A little plain advice td all on this interesting subject , sent , post free , by Miss GRAHAM , on receipt of thirteen postage stamps . deal of
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" A great deal of sound advice in a small compass . "—Ailas " The best book , for young people , of its kind . "— Hera Id . " We advipe all our young : friends who have so frequently written to u < = for advice , to g-et this book ; if they follow its precepts , it will save them a world of trouble . " —Ladies' News . Address—ELLEN GRAHAM , 6 , Ampton-street , Gray's-innroad , London .
Untitled Ad
DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR , WHISKERS , &c . 7 'I 11 HE only Preparation compounded on Physio-* ¦ logical and Scientific Principles , for the Restoration * Production , and Preservation of the Hair , is Dr . MERVARD'S Medicated KDYOSMIA . For many year . 3 it has been unfailinsly successful in the reproduction of the Hair , when lost either ' by disease or partial decay of the roots , and for checking greyness , strengthening and preserving- it after illness , &c . In the production of Whiskers , Moustachios , Eyebrows ,. &c , its effects are truly astonishing , producing them in a few weeks with the utmost certainty . It imparts a luxurious gloss to the Hair , and is esteemed by hundreds who have used it lo be the most elegant and cheapest preparation extant . Sent post free on receipt of twenty-four postage stamps , by Dr . MEIi . VA . llD , 14 , Hand-court , Holborn , London . For the nursery it is invaluable , its absorbent balsamic properties being exceedingly nourishing to Infants' Hair . °
Untitled Ad
CURE OF ASTHMA OF SEVERAL YEARS' STANDING . " Cainscross , near Stroud , Gloucestershire , " March 20 , 1850 . " Sir , —Having been troubled with Asthma for several years , I could find no relief from any medicine whatever until ! was induced about two years a ? o to try a box of your valuable Lozenges , and found such relief from them that I am determined for the future never to be without a box of them in the house , aod will do all in my power to recommend them to my friends . "If you consider the above Testimonial of any advantage , you are quite at liberty to make what use of it you please . " I am , Sir , your most obliged servant , " Thos . Keating , Esq . » W . J . Tuigg . " 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard .
Untitled Ad
LONDON CO-OPEjtATIVE STORE , in connection -with the Society for Promoting Working Men ' Association , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . The London Central Cooperative Agency ha 3 now completed its arrangements for transacting the wholesale business of the various cooperative stored . The books of the agency will be open at all times for the inspection of its customers , and thus the best guarantee will be furnished for honest dealing . . \ Original packages will be sent whenever the order will admit of it , so that the fir 3 t cost of the goods may be ascertained by inspecting the invoices . All goods are purchased at the first markets for ready money . Address , Lloyd Jones , Manager , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroysquare .
Untitled Ad
FRES FT ARRIVAL of SUGAR and SNOWCFRED SPANISH HAMS , ONLY 8 . 1 . per lb . —GEORGE OSBORNE has much pleasure in intimating to his kind Patrons and the Public generally , that he has again received through his Agent in Galicia a- large quantity of the above justly-celebrated Hams , so perfectly unique in point of delicious flavour and quality , that from the numerous testimonials he has received , they are truly pronounced to be , par excellence , the choicest delicacy of the kind of the present day . His Galician Agent , however , states that , from the scarcity of Hams of this quality in the market , an advance has been made in the price ; but notwithstanding this , George Osbnrne will be enabled to supply his customers at theabove moderate charge . G . O . earnestly solicits an inspection of his large and superior Stock of Provisions , comprising his RICHLY-FLAVOURED PEAT-SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON , 64 d . per lb . by the half-side . Also , avery large supply of delicatelySMOKED OXTONGUES , the finest that have been purchased in the market for many years from 3 s . 6 d . to 4 s . 6 d . each . FINE RIPE STILTON , 7 d . to Is . per lb . Good FAMILY CHESHIRE , from 5 jd . to 6 ^ d . per lb . Other Salted Provisions equally moderate , and of the choicest description . LARGE CONSUMERS will effect a saving of at least 10 to 15 per cent , by purchasing at this ESTABLISHMENT . All GOODS carefully packed , and delivered at the respective RALWAY TERMINI , as well as within five miles of London , free of expense to the purchaser . GEORGE OSBORNE , CHEESE and BACON FACTOR OSBORNE HOUSE , 30 , LUDGATE-HILL , near St . Paul's .
Untitled Ad
BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , EYEBROWS , &c , may be with certainty obtained by usin ° - a very small portion of ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE , every morning , instead of any oil or other preparation . A fortnight ' s use will , in most instances , show its surprising properties in producing and curling Whiskers , Hair . &c , at any age , irom whatever cause deficient ; as also checking "rayness , &c . Sent free by post , with instructions , &c , on receipt of twentyfour postage stamps , by Miss Coupelle , Ely-place , Holborn , London ; who may be consulted on these matters daily , from two till five o ' clock .
Untitled Ad
A FEW PUBLIC OPINIONS . " Your ' Edyosmia' has wrought miracles on my head , having clothed it after many years' baldness . "— Mr . JVhite , Cambridge . " It has produced an excellent pair of Whi 3 kers , send me another supply . "—H . Long , Esq ., Uxbridge . " My hair has never been so thick and glossy before . I very much like your delightful ' Edyosmia . '"—Miss Louisa Bovey , ' Chalfont . " It has quite restored my hair . "—Reverend Pf . Mann . Dr . M-ervard sives gratuitous advice on all Diseases of the Hair to those who state" their case by letter . Address , Dr . LESLIE MERVARD , 14 , Hand-court , Holborn , London .
Untitled Ad
LITXURIANT AND BEAUTIFUL HAIR , WHISKERS , &c . M ANiT Preparations for ihfc H ; iir have been iniroduced to the public , but none have gained such a worldwide celebrity and immense sale as Miss I > KAN'S CUINII . ENE . It is guaranteed to produce Whiskers , Moustachioa , Eyebrow ? , &c , in three or four weeks , with the utmost certainty ; and will be found eminently successful in nourishing , curling , and beautifying the IJair , checking greyness in all its stages , strengthening weak Hair , preventing ' its falling off , &o . See . For the reproduction of Hair in Baldness , from whatever cause , ' and at whatever age , it stands unrivalled , never having failed . One trial only is solicited to prove the fact . Ic is an elegantly-scented preparation , and sullicient for three months' use will be sent ( post free ) on receipt of twenty-four postage stamps , by Aliss Dean , 18 , Liverpool-street , Kiiig ' scroas , London . For Children it is indispensable , as forming the basis of a beautiful head of hair .
Untitled Ad
TESTIMONIALS . Lieutenant Holroyd , R . N ., writes : " Its effects are truly astonishing ; it has thickened and darkened my hair very much . " Mrs . Buckley , Stapelford : " Your delightful Pomade has improved my hair wonderfully . " Mr . Yates , hair-dres 3 er , Malton : " The young man has now a good pair of Whiskers ; I want you to send me two pots for other customers of mine . " Mrs . Lello , Worthing : "I use your Pomade in my nursery , as I find it very useful for children ' s hair also . " DO NOT CUT YOUR CORNS—BUT CURE THEM . Also will be sent ( free ) , on receipt of thirteen stamps , her only safe , speedy , and lasting cure for soft or hard corns , bunions , &c . It cures in three days , and is never failing . Mrs . Hughes , Sunbury : "It cured Your corns , and three bunions , amazingly quick , and is the best and safest thing I have ever met with . " AdJress : MISS COUPELLE , Ely-place , Holborn , London .
Untitled Ad
HOMCEO PATH IC COCOA PREPARED BY T ^ -VLOR BROTHERS . ( The most extensive manufacturers of Cocoa in Europe . ) This original and exquisite preparation , combining , in an eminent degree , the pureness , nutriment , and fine aroma of the fresh nut , is prepared under the most able homoeopathic advice , with the matured skill andexperience of TAYLOR BROTHERS , the inventors . A delicious and wholesome beverage to all ; it is a most essential article of diet , and especially adapted to tbose under homoeopathic treatment . It is not cloying to the appetite , and agrees with the moat delicate and irritable digestive organs . It is purifying to the blood , soothing and agreeable to the nervous system , lubricUing' to the alimentary canal , and proves , at the same time , invigorating and refreshing . TAYLOR BROTHERS confidently challenge comparison between this and any of the so-called homoeopathic cocoa offered to the public . A single trial will suffice . Observe , particularly , upon each packet , the name , TAYLOR BROTHERS , LONDON , whose advantages over other makers arises from the paramount extent of their manufacture ; larger experience , greater command of markets , matured judgment in selection , and skill in preparation , enabling- them to offer every kind of plain and funcy COCO V AND CHOCOLATE , aa regards both quality and prico , upon unequalled terms . They are also inventors and exclusive proprietor of the SOLUBLE AND DIETETIC COCOAS . The latter is strongly recommended by the faculty to invalids , convalescents , and dyspeptics , aa most nutritious and easy of digestion , mid being free from the exciting properties of tea nnd coffee , makes it a most desirable refreshment after a lute evening . All other makes of these aro spurious imitations . These standard Preparations , which WILL KEEP GOOD IN ANY CLIMATE , may bo had . wholesale , at tho Mills , 811 , ltRIC K-LANE . LONDON , and retail from all Grocers , Tea Dealers , and Oilmen . CAUTION . —To prevent disappointment see that the name * ' Taylor Ilrotherti" ig upon evrry packet ., there being inuny vile noxioiiH imitations of the HOLUULK and DIJKTKT 1 C COCOAS calculated to bring' Cocoa into disrepute .
Untitled Ad
HEAL TH , HA PP INESS , and EFFICIENCY in the various duties of life are intimately connected . Thousands drag on a miserable existence , worried withlndigestion , half imbecile from Nervous Debility , wasting with Scrofula , or eaten up with Rheumatism ; and tens of thousand * , through some minor derangement of health , are incapable of either fully enjoying the comforts of life or satisfactorily performing the duties of their station . To all such , whatever may be the nature , cauBe , or extent of their illness or inefficiency , a speedy and effectual remedy is now offered in the recent discoveries of DR . NAT I Kit . His medicines , directed to the root of the evil ( the debility or derangement of the nervous or vital power ) , remove disease , renovate ihe whole frame , both in body and mind , and permanently invigorate thoae powers on which Health , Happiness , Energy , and Longevity depend . For the butter accommodation of the Public , Dr . Napier ' s remedies me now issued in the form of Patent Medicines , and hie * Neurotonic Pills may be had at la . H < l ., 2 s . !((! ., 4 s . ( id ., and 11 m . per box . Sold by Neville and lioydd , ' .. '<< , MiuUlox-stroet , Regent-street ; Barclay , Farringdon-street . ; IIann : ih and Co ., Oxford-street ; Prout , Strand , and by most respectable vendors of Patent Medicines in Town or Country . ' 1 'ho M edieines are also made up in the form of a Cordial , 4 s . fid . audits , per bottle . A box of pilln and a paper containing cases and instruction .- ) forwarded post free for Fifteen Penny iStanips , addressed to Dll . NAI'IKK , 23 , MAUOOX-STRKKT , itKOKNT-STUKKT , LONDNON .
Untitled Ad
AUTHENTIC TESTIMONIALS . " I constantly use your Crinilene for my children . It restored my hair perfectly . "—Mrs . Long , Hitchin , Herts . "I have now lo complain of the trouble of shaving ; thanks to your Crinilene . "—Mr . Grey , Eaton-square , Chelsea . Professor Ure , on analyzing the Crinilene , says : — " It is perfectly free from any injurious colouring or other matter , and the best stimulant for the hair I have met with . The scent is delicate and \ t : ry persistent . "
Untitled Ad
CURE YOUR CORNS AND MINIONS . Those who wish to walk with perfect tuse will find Miss DEAN'S ABSORBENT the only radical Cure for Corns and ' Bunions . It iy guaranteed to cure them in three days , without cutting- or pain . One trial ia earnestly solicited l » y all sufferingfrom such tormentors . Sent post-free , on ruceipt of Fourteen Postage . Stamps , by Miss l )
Untitled Ad
NO MOliK CHAFPKI ) HANDS and FACKS BlJllYM HOYAL POM 1 A 1 ) OTJR I'OWDKlt- Recomincnded for daily iihr to remove that redness ami irritation remaitiin ^ -on the skin after washing , or from any other cause , as well ; ih poxht-Hsiiig tin ; ino ^ t cooling , Rol ' lfiiing , and h . ilHjmic •( iialiticH , and impart in ^ an exquisite whiteness ami cleariieflH to the complexion . It in strongly recommendv . < l lo the nolii-. t ; of molliciN an , I imrsrK for the use of iufant . H of the most tender Ufjv , beiiiLf Car superior to any other powder ; alfto , after H < -a-h . ithi rig , ami for ^ riHli'ineii after himving , its agreeable etlccts will be fully tented . Alfred Bury recommends the Royal Pompadour Powder an Ml article of comfort , and utility ( not a » a cosmetic ) , hut : us a plain vejr < Mi » hl < i powder for tin : une of both Indies and gentlemen , retaining it « virtues and purity in any climate , coiiriciMiently in well worthy thr attention of merchants , cnptniiiH , mid t-peculators , heing a preparation that commands a uulc throughout the i : i vili / . ed win Id . j ! I ' t ' I
Untitled Ad
"PLAHi'S GOUT and RHKIJMATIC PILLS . — ¦ - * The acknowledged eflicaoy of BLAIR'S CJOUT and 1 UIKUMATIC I'll . 1 . 8 , by the continued «« rien of Te « tiinoni . ilH Which havi ; been sent to , and published by , tins proprietor for nearl y twenty years , has rendered thin inedicino the inout popular <> f th « prttnent age ; and , in corroborat ion of which , thn following < " * lrnct of a letter , written by John Molarel Wheeler , Khii ., Collector of Customs , Jamaica , having been handed by his brother , at Hwindon , to Mr . Prout for publication , will fully confirm : — " I know you hnvo never had occasion to tnko Blair ' n PiIIm , ' » " < let me emphatically tell you , in merry to any friend who »>» y Huflnr from gout , rheumatic front , lurnbuifo , sciatica , rlieuinatijiin , or any branch of that widely-ullied family , to rcooin-»» end their iiMing them . In thin country thuy i » r « of wonderful « " < llc » r . y : not only am I personally aware of tlmir powr » . but I »!« ' « my friendtt and acquaintuiKMtQ receiving unfailing benefit jroin their UHOl | WOulil not bo without them on any account ,. Jf lakru in tl , « , eiuly atngo of Mm uao , thny di »» tpiit « i' a » U > fr « th «; r ; 11 m u Inter , they all «» li » t < i pain , and offect a much speedier "lire than by uny other mtmiiH within my knowledge . " Hold by Thmnitq Prout , 'Jliil , Htrand , London ; and , by hit ! "Ppoiutrmnt , by all respictubln Modlcine Venders throughout ll United Kingdom . Price Xh . ' . Id . per box . AHk for BLAIR'S GOUT and KII KWMATKJ PI LLM , and nb-H « rvo the name uml addroan of " Thomaa Prout , : W » , Ktrand , j'ondon , " Impressed upon thu Government utump ndUod to each b o * Of the Ucnninn Mndlnin . ; .
Untitled Ad
A NKW MKDICINK . I ^ RANKS'S SPKC 1-KIC CAPSULK —A form JL of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially npplicahlc to urethral morbid hcci etioiiK , and other ailmentH for which enpaihaand cubebH are commonly administered . Ivich Capsule containing t lie Hpccitic is made of I In- pinest Gelatine , which , encased in tinfoil , may be conveniently carried in the . pocket , mid , being both elastic ami pleaHnnt . to t . i' e , affords the greatest , facility for repeating the doses Without in- j termisnion—a desideratum to persons travelling , visiting , or engaged in busineHH , hh well an to those who object to fluid medi- cines , being uuiihji'ctioiiMhlc to the most silM'cpt ihle stomach . Prepared only by ( iKORGK FKAN KS , Surgeon , at , bis Laboratory , ill' . Itlacktiiars-road , LoikIoii , where they may he had , I and of all Medicine Venders , in boxes , at ^ s . ' . Ml . and Is . ( id . each , ' or aent fr « : n by pontat ¦ ' )« . ami . is . each . Of whom , aim ) , may be . t find , in hot . UcH , at . 2 h . ! M .. -1 s . ( id , and 1 Is . each , ' FRANKH'S 8 PKCIFIC SOLUTION OF COPAIBA . I TI ' . STIMONIAI . S . 1 From Joseph llnnry (< reen , Hnn ., F . R . S ., President of tin ; Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s ( Hospital ; nnil 1 ' rofcHHOi ol ' Suigeiy in King ' s College , London . .. " 1 have ni . iilc trial of Air . I'l an k -s ' n Kcduliim of Cop < tihu . at . ( Kt . TIioiiiiih ' h IIiiH | iil . al , in a variety of caaca , and tile icsultrt ; warnint my slating , that it . ii an clllcaciuus r . moly , iukI one which does not proilticc the usual un | ilrananI ell ' ei ^ ts of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " . loHKi'lt II 15 KHY ( iltKKN . i " Lincoln ' H-inn I ' "ields . April If ) , IH . 't . V From ltransby Cooper , K ( ii | ., F . R . S ., one o' tne ( Council of the I Rojal College of HiirgeoriH , London ; Henior Hurgeon to (; ny ' h s IloKpilal ; and Lrctuicr on Anatomy , » Stc . , " Air . Hraniiby Coopci pri'scnls hiH eoinplimeiUs to Mr . ( ieorge | Franks , "" d Ii . ih ( great pleasure in hearing testimony lo tiie I elllcacy of bis ( Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper him prescribed I the Solution in ten or twelve eiiHt'H with peifect Buccima . 1 " Nc . w-Htre . et , April 13 , IM : i . > . " H % TheH <; nuidicineH ar « protccteil H ^ unst counterfcitH by the H Government Htnwp-on which is cii ( frnveu " Ukuiiuk Fuank . i . I JUluckfriara-road "—being- atU'chud to uuclt . ' [\ S h
Untitled Ad
( .. ( i | I s , | I I 1 H H I [\ Sold in pai-ket . n , 1 h . and Vis . fid . each ;—those at IN . (! d . are cijim . l to t | ir « ' » la . pae . k « ta ; |> y post for ninteeii or thirty-eight uncut M . ampH . —Low , Son , mid Iteuliow , iJ . 'JO . Hlraiid ; Winter . ( MM , Oxford-Htreel | Pott or , ( i , l '' rcdcri < -l ( -pJac « , <) , d Kcid-road ; Stuc . ) , Park-street , Regent ' n-pai'k : liellingham , 41 . Tachnrook-street , I'iiul ' ico ; Ilopekirk , HH , WeHtiiiiiiNlfr Hrid ( f «! - road ; Hunter . ( "lapliam ; Klaiic . kley , Cliirenee-plaie , Clapbuiu ; Puijli , 7 , Cxlville-ternice , ( Jbelsea ; ClinrlHey . North Itrixtoii ; Label n , 49 , J udil-xtruut . Hruim"ick-n <| Uai' «; Phillipn , 'i Spencer- terrace . Lower -road , Islington ; Congre \ e , Okiiimereial-road , Peckh . un ; Uury , 10 , l ' . xeter-c . li ; wige ; Joiim , |' ,, |_ haui-eiesoent ,, Itroiiipton . Agiuitrt for lielmid . -Hewltiy anil Kvuiih , Siicliville-st . reit , ; Ivertliiml , Haekville-Hl . ree . ; Worn , Dittvsou-- ( . reet . ; Mm . Hired , I > a » VHun-nt . reet . ; Cork : O'Lenry ; Heifust : HyKge , C « Hth--plae . e . AgcntH for S otliind . — F . diuhurghi : HtttpheiiHon . Leilli-Hlreet ; Goikie , North-bridge ; G . li » rt ( fOw : Hold . Stoiikwiill-Htrret ; Aberdeen : Walker , Uniou-Ktreet ; Montrovn .: Hill , IligJi-Htreel . ; Perth : reddio . / irorge-Btreet ; Dundee : Neil , Murray-gate ; Groeiiook : Jliown ; Ayr : Corner .
Untitled Article
April 5 , 1851 . ] %%$ tUafrfct * 323
Leader (1850-1860), April 5, 1851, page 329, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1877/page/21/