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NEW NOVEL BY XHE AUTHOR OF " OLIYB , " " THE OOItyiES . " To be had at all the Libraries . . ' T H E iff E A ib Q * T KEF A MIX Y . IN THBEE VOLUMES . ' The interest of the tale , the purity of the moral . ^^ , J ^ X ^ beaUty ° f the descriptions , and the richness of the style , cannot failto render ^ e jorka * SKff £ A menta iecess ^ S" feat and lasting popularity . '' - ******™ . * . A very remarkable and powe ^ ul b ^ k . wunau in ^ peru 8 ed for a considerable time . . . . . The unaffected simplicity o ^ n ^ S fc onToY Sgreat chlrtstf the ^ ook . o £ * especially when beneath that simplicity of . tyle is revealed a power and vigour of no ineanorder /'•—Sun . 7 - Thisday . Inafewday 9 . 2 vols .. 8 vo ., cloth , 32 s ., MB . CABLYLE'S NEW WORK . LIFE AND LETTERS OF Second Edition , post 8 vo ., cloth , 10 s . 6 d ., BAETHOLD GEORGE NIEBUHR . THE LIFE OF JOHN STERLING . From the German and Original Sources . By Thomas Cabltlb . With Essays on his Character and Influence . ; By the Chevalier BunseN , and Professors BKANDisand Lobbbll : gecond - Edition 8 mall 8 yo <; cloth 7 a Handsomely printed in crown 8 vo ., price 8 s ., cloth , -. WILLIAM PENN . THE POETICAL AND DRAMATIC WORKS OF AN HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHT . SIR EDWARD BULWER LYTTON , Bart . tkom new sotjbchs . Vol . I ., containing " Narrative Poems , " By WltLtAM Hbpworth DixoN . The New Timon . " &c . ' TOi ( t ,. p . » i ( With a Portrait and Vignette Title . With a rortraxt . LONDON : CHAPMAN AND HALL , 193 , PICCADILLY . ______
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Now ready , -vt T HE WESTMINSTER and FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW , No . CXI ., JANUARY , 185 < 8 . Price 6 s * Contents :-l . Representative Reform- ^ 8 . Shell Fish : their "Ways and Works-3 . The Relation between Employers and Employed ^ . Mary Stuart-5 . The Latest Continental fheory of Legislation—6 . Julia von Krudener , as . Coquette and Mystic —7 ; The Ethics of Christehdom-8 . Political Questions and Parties in France—9 . Contemporary Literature of England—iu . Retrospective Survey of American Literature—11 . Contemporary Literature of America—12 . Contemporary Literature of Germany —13 . Contemporary Literature of France . , , . .. v .-Persons desirous of having the work forwarded to them by post , postage free , are requested to transmit theuvnames to the Publisher , in order that they may receive their copies on the day of publication . . . ¦ - London : John Chapman , HZ , Strand . .
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Price 8 » . 6 d ., bound , and free by post , T WO HUNDRED STEEL ENGRAVINGS from finely executed plates , published in various Annuals * comprising Views , Portraits , and Figures , suitable for illustrating Albums and Scrap-books , or for Presentation . Perfect impressions sent free on receipt of Post-office order . Heath ' s Comic Album ( 500 Sketches originally published at Two Guineas ) , free , 6 s . James Reynolds , Publisher , 174 , Strand .
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IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS . THE WOLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD , and BIRMINGHAM , SHROPSHIRE , and MIDLAND COUNTIES ADVERTISER . The advertising public is respectfully informed that the WOLVEBHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD is now circulating extensively throughput Staffordshire , Shropshire , .. and the Midland Counties , and is , therefore , the beat advertising- medium in this populous and highly important District , as , independently of its large ciiculation in Private Families , it has an extensive one amongst Public Institutions and Professional Men , and is read in-every respectable Hotel and Tavern in the above Counties . With respect to its teeming population , its vast extent , immense resources , and unrivalled manufacturing operations , this District is one of the highest importance to advertisers , and circulating extensively . throiurhout . the WOLVERHAMPTON and 8 TAF-: FORDSHiRE--Ttt : fe ^ AL . O ¦ i ^ irdicto adve . rtiMrf and-the ^ public Professional * Men , Merchants , Factors , Tradesmen , and General Dealers ,-and that too at it scale of charges , the liberal character of which , has not failed to secure to the proprietors an extensive patronage . The WOLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD is published every Wednesday morning , price 5 d ., on a sheet as large as the Time * , and circulated , at an early hour in the morning , through the entire District , and in many parts of the Kingdom . , % All letters for the Herald should be addressed , Thomas Bardel Brindley , Herald Office , Snow-hill , Wolyerhampton .
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— APPROPRIATE GIFT-BOOK OF THE SEASON . BY AUTHORITY OF THE ROYAL COMMISSIONERS . rfiHECOMPLETE OFFICIAL DESCRIPTIVE JLL taid ^ LLWERATED CATALOGUE of the GREAT EX-^¦¦ m ^ mmm-tt tmmK $ of . INDUSTRY of ALL NATIONS , which excited the wonder of the ttiviliiedlrlobg , antfTormed one vof the brightest phases of the present century . —Mmtng Jourttal » * ' 8 PICER BROTHERS , Wholesale Stationers . WM , CLOWES and SONS , Printers . Official Catalogue Office , Tudor-street , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , and of all Booksellers . ¦
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REJECTED ADVERTISEMENT . The following Advertisement has been refused insertion by the Medical Times , " " British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review , " the " Edinburgh Journal of Medical Science , " and the " Provincial Medical and SurgicalJournal . " O N the 1 st of January , price 5 s ., No . XXXIX . of the BRITISH JOURNAL of HOMOEOPATHY . Edited by l ) rs . Drysdalb , Russell , and Dudgeon . ( Published Quarterly . ) Principal Contents : —Lecture III . on the History of Medicine ; by Dr . Scott— Dr . Rutherford Ruseell on Mesmerism—Mr . Lendam on Uterine Disease—Dr . Hayle on Scurvy , Hwmorrhage . and the Homoeopathic Law— On the Homceopathic College Question—Dr . Acwortli ' a Conversion to Homeopathy—The Odometer and Magnetoscope — Dr .. Ozanne on Metroperitonitis and Ascites—Mr . Sharp on Calculus in the Female—Dr . Walker on Phlebitis — Dr . Wielobycki on Gangrenous Erysipelas—Dr . Russell on the Prophylactic Power of Belladonna in Scarlet Fever—Trial and Confession of Professors Syme , Chriatison , and Simpson . Reviews , Homoeopathic Intelligence , &c . London : Aylott and Jones , Paternoater-row .
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On the 1 at and 15 th of each month , rp H E C K . ' I T I C : •*¦ London Literary Journal : The largest and moet complete Journal of Literature , Art , and Sdience published in Europe ; containing 72 columns , price only 6 d . ; stamped , 6 Ad . ; 6 s . for half-year ; 12 s . for a year . In monthly parts , price fa . ; or in quarterly parts , price 3 s . The contents of Tim London Litbraby Journal are thus arranged : — LEADING ARTICLES—By writers of eminence , comprising : — I , Original Biographical Sketches of Notable Contemporaries . ( Oi this series Carlyle and Emerson have already appeared . ) II . Sketches of the Riso and Progress of the Contemporary Press , and of the Writers and Editors connected therewith . ( 8 ketches of the Edinburgh and Quarterly " Reviews have already been inserted , and will shortly be followed by the } Fettmintter Review , and the Timet . ) Ill * Dialogues of the Day ; Note « by an Observer ; and Gossip of the London Literary Circles , with brief Sketches of Authors and Artists . XV . Gleanings of the Georgian lira ; being a series of curious original Documents , unpublished Letters by distinguished Persons , &c , collected and edited by G . Harris , Esq ., Bnrrister-at-Law , Author of "The Life of Lord Hardwlok" ( now in progress ) . NOTICES OF ALL THE NEW BOOK 8 , with copious extracts delected for the amusement and information , of readers , so as to enable thorn to know the subject * , style , and character of books , classified , for convenience of reference , under the following divisions : — H istory . Toetry and the Drama . Biography . Natural History , lieligion . Medicine , Philosophy . Mental Philosophy . Science . - Periodicals and Herlaw . Voyages and Travels . Pamphlets . Fiction . MMopllaneottS . Education . FOREIGN LITERATURE AND ART—French , German , 8 l S 2 & S NEW WO ^ K 8 bF ART , with the Talk of th . 8 D ? l f ASrdV u B LWISu 8 EMENTS . Notices of NEW MUSIC and MUSICAL CHIT-CHAT . COURE 8 PONDENCK of Authora , Arilets , Publishers , Sco . A Monthly CLASSIFIED LIUT OF NJJW BOOKS , &o . SCRAPS from the NEW BOOKS . ' ., . , . ¦ The ADVERTISEMENTS 'of Authors , PubllsherB , and other * connected with Literature , Art , and Education . May be had of any bookseller , by order ; or Subaorlbera' names may bo sent direct to Mr , OrQokfoid , ft * publUUw , » 9 , E » MX-¦ tr « ot . Strand , Loudon , -
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WORKS on CO-OPERATION and SOCIALISM , Sold by JAME 8 WATSON . ROBERT OWEN'S BOOK of the NEW MORAL s . d . WORLD . 1 vol . cloth 11 0 Ditto , 8 lx Parts , reduced to 6 d . each . Part 4 out of print . ROBERT OWEN'S DEVELOPMENT , or Principles of Home Colonization . 1 vol • 3 G ROBERT OWEN'S LECTURES on a RATIONAL STATE of SOCIETY , in Answer to tho Bishop of Exeter . . • • . . . • . , ^ ROBERT OWEN'S TWELVE LECTURES on » n ENTIRE NEW STATE of SOCIETY . . - . 36 JtOBERT OWEN'S REPORT to tho COUNTY of LANARK 06 31 OBEUT OWEN'S 8 IGN 8 of the TIMK 8 . . . 03 ROBERT OWEN'S ADDRESS to SOCIALISTS . . 02 ROBERT OWEN'S OUTLINES of the RATIONAL SYSTEM . .. » 02 ¦ ROBERT OWEN'S MANIFESTO ( 8 oventh Edition ) . 1 0 BOBERT OWEN'S DISCUSSION with tho Reverend WM I , EGG ... ...... 1 6 ROBERT OWEN'S DISCUSSION with Jf BltlNDLEY , ROBE RT OWEN'S FIRST LECTURE « t ' the W nriANICS' INSTITUTION , London . . , . 08 nSuElli * OWEN'S ADDRESS on tho OPENING of tho NEW LANARK INSTITUTION • •; « 6 ROBERT OWEN'S JOURNAL , Vol » . 1 and 2-each g q BOBBltT OWEN'S LETTEU 8 to tho HUMAN RACE 1 0 ROBKRT OWEN'S REVOLUTION in tho MIND and THOMPScSrB ENQUIRY into tho DI 8 T 1 UBUTION of ^ ^ THO ^ mSf'S ^ APPEAL of WOMEN . In a wrapper . 1 0 THOMPSON'S LABOUR REWARDED . In * . w ™ PPer 1 0 BllAY'S LABOUR'S WRONGS and LABOUR'S BEMKDIE 8 . 1 vol . . * Lonaou ; J , W » twn , » , Qwm ' n Uvrt-tmn go , P » t « m «» t « r-TOw .
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Just published , foolscap 9 vo ., in ornamental binding suitable for presentation , 7 s . 6 d ., NORICA ; or , iftALES of NIJRNBERG . Fkok MM Olden Time . Translated from tnjB ^ rman of August Hagkn . . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand . , ¦
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'¦' . ¦ ThiB ;' diyi »; pubU » hed , price 2 s . ' " . TTHE MYSTERY oX ^ he DANUBE : shdwinpf 1 how through Secret Diplomacy that River has been closed . Exportation from Turkey arrested , and the Reopening of the Isthmus of Suez prevented . By David Urquhart , Esq ., M . P . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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This day is published , neatly bound in cloth j price 3 s . 6 d . ( collected and reviBedlfrom ^ HoiJSBHpLD Words , " - with a-Tableof Dates ) , THE FIRST VOLUME . OF A CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND . By Charlbs Dickens . With a Frontispiece from a Drawing by F . W . Topham . The History will be completed in Three Volumes of the same size and price . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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NEW SPORTING WORK , WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY JOHN LEECH . This day is published , to be completed iri Twelve MqnthiyPakts , price Is . each , MR . SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR . By the Author of " Handley Cross , " * ' Jorrocks ' s Jaunts . " &c . Each Number containing One Coloured Engraving and numerous Woodcuts , by John Leboh . '»¦• Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-strect .
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HOUSEHOLD NARRATIVE . This day is published , price 8 d . i the December Number ( completing ihe Volume ) of . rpHE H'OUSEHOLD NARRATIVE of JL CURRENT EVENTS ; which , being declared , by the judgment of the Court of Exchequer , a legal publication not coming within the provisions of the Stamp Act , will b .- regularly continued and much improved . A Numbei is published at the end of each month . . The Second Volume , being a Narrative of the Public Events of 1851 , will be published on the 7 th instant , price Three Shillings , bound in cloth . The First Volume is always on sale , price Three Shillings . . Published at the Office of Houseaold Words , No . 16 , Wellington-street North . Sold by all Booksellers and Newsmen .
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NEW FICTION , BY THE AUTHOR OF " PIQUE . ' ' Now ready in Three Volumes , AGATHA BEAU t ^ OJRT ; orv FAMILY - PRIDE . By the Author of * 'Pique . " - Just ready , in-Two Volumes , post 8 vo . THE TWO FAMILIES ;! an Episode in the History 6 f Cnapelton . By the Author of " Rose Douglas . " London : Smith , Elder , and Co ., 65 , Cornhill .
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ONE OF THE CHEAPEST WORKS OF THE DAY . , Just published , neatly bound in ' cloth , I 2 mo ., 2 s ., ' rp ^ E PROGRESS of K ELIGIOUS SENT I-; A MgNT—T , he ^ Qy , AN 9 EMENT of the P ^ i |^ litts , j 8 i ^! ijjl ,. of Creeds ' , ^ ODES of Christian Communion , and Evarigelic » l ' Statistics : An Historical Sketch . By Joseph Adshead . Manchester , r ¦ - ' . ¦ " . To which is appended , Articles of Christian Faith and Practice , &c . London : Houlston and Stoneman ; Charles Gilpih . Manchester : Fletcher and Tubbs . Leeds : John Heaton . figg "" This volume , with its closely printed matter , contains as much reading as an ordinary 8 vo . of from 500 to 600 pages .
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CHRI 8 TMA 8 PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS . Just Published , by DEAN nnd SON . 35 , Threadneedle-streot . Edited by Miss Corner . Price 3 s . Cd . each Series , each complete in itself , bound in fancy cloth , gilt edges , sides , and back , T HE COLOURED NURSERY PICTURE SUNDAY BOOK . With above 100 coloured illustrations . Edited by Miss Corner , Author of the "Historical Library , " &c . &c . Illustrated 2 s . 6 d . Books . Nine different Lists on application . SUNSHINE AND SHOWERS ; or , Stories for the Children of England . By the Author of " Spring h lowers and Summer Blosnoms . " Forming No . IX . of DEANS' 2 s . 6 d . Series of Present Books for tho Young and Good . Bound with gilt edges , sides , and back . Handsome Book for a present , price 5 s ., tastefully bound , with raised fanoy covers , gilt and figured , gilt edges , and printed in emblematic coloured borders , with Selections of Poetry appropriate to each Flower , THE ORIENTAL TEXT BOOK , and LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS . By G . W . Adams , Author of " Poetry of Flowers , " &c . See . Price Is ., stiff cover ; or Is . 6 d . cloth , PAPA AND MAMMA'S EASY LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC . By T . M . Moebli ,. With Thirty Illustrations . Same size and style as Miss Corner's " Play Grammar , " and Miss Sargeant ' * " Papa and Mamma ' s Easy Lessons in GcooraDhv . "
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Will be ready on the 16 th . TO THO 8 E ABOUT TO MAltRY 11 ! SHOWING HOW TVB ( THE JONES'S ) COMMKNOED HOUSEKEEPING ; with some account of ray motherin-law . Designed and etche (\ by Watts Phillips , pupil of George Crulokshank . All for 2 s . Cd . plain , or 5 e . coloured . Fun for Christmas , and all Times , REMINISCENCES of the GREAT EXHIBITION ; or , ANNAL 18 FACETARUM of 1851 . la . pluln , 2 n , coloured . A Comio Panorama , price Is . plain , 2 s . fid . coloured FROLIC and FUN ; or , What was Sean and Done in London in 1851 . LAUGHTER and FUN for , EVERY ONE , showing the Comical e , ff « ct of l'URN-UP and TURN-DOWN ; tho whole a Mint oi Fireside Fun . Price ( id . plain , la . Gd . coloured . Price Cd . plain , in stiff cover , or 1 b . coloured , in boards , i with 44 Illustrations , PLEASING POPULAR RIDDLES and PUZZLES . London : Printed for George Mnn , Oornhlll . by Dean and Son , Threadneedlfl-dtraet ; and by ordor of all UookBollonii .
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2 Mf } t fteafrtft * tSATUBDAir , Jan . 3 , 1852 . ^
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London i Printed by Tuomton Hunt ( of BronAwny-Uoune , in the 1 'wWli of lUmmenmltli , Middleiex ) , at tho Oillce of Meun . I ' ulmnr and Clayton , No . 10 , Crano-court , in the Paritli of 8 t . Duuntnn-ln-tho-Weiit , londoni aad puhlUhed hy the anid Tiiobhtow Hunt , at tho LUADJilt OFFICE , 10 , WELLINGTON HTEliKT , WSUAJHV , in tho l'rcduet vt tk « flimw . H&AjuiwAx . Jiumnnr 3 . im .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 3, 1852, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1916/page/24/