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NEW AND CHEAPER ISSUE OF BOUTHEY'S POETICAL WORKS , On Saturday next will be published ' , ' Vol . I ., comprising " Joan of Arc , " with Portrait of the Author , and Vignette ; to be completed in Ten . Monthly Volumes , price 3 a . 6 d . each , EO BEKT SOtTTHET'S POETICAL WOBJKS . —A Re-publication of the first collected Edition , containing the Author ' s lastIntroductions and Notes ; andenibellished with a Portrait and Nineteen Steel Plates . ¦ ¦ .. ¦ ' * * This Edition was thoroughly revised by the Author , and contains upwards of 1000 important emendations , all of , which , are copyrig ht property , and therefore cannot be printed in any other edition . ¦ . London : Longman , Brown , Green , and Longmans .
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TMs day is published , handsomely bound in cloth , price 2 s . ROSCGE'S LIBBABY ; or , Old Books and Old Times . By the Rev . JAMES ASPINALL , M . A ., Rector of Altborpe , Lincolnshire ; Author of " Sermons , Doctrinal and Practical , " . "Occasional Sermons , " " Liverpool a few-Years since , " &c . &c . Sold by Whittaker and Co ., Ave Mana Lane ; and all other Booksellers .
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t > EKE , IN'S FRENCH SCHOOL BOOKS New Edition , 12 mo , 2 s . cloth . ¦ 1 . PERRIN 'S WEW and EASY METHOD of LEARNING the SPELLING and PRONUNCIATION of the FRENCH LANGUAGE . By C . GROS . Thir ^ r- third edition , 12 mo , price Is . 6 d . cloth . 2 . PERRIN'S ELEMENTS of FRENCH CONVERSATION , with Familiar and Easy Dialogues . By C . GROS . Twenty-eig hth edition , 12 mo , price 2 s . 6 d . cloth . 3 . PERRIN . —FABLES AMUSANTES . Revue efc eorrig e par C . GROS . Longman and Co . ; Hamilton and Co ; Whittaker and Co . ; Simpkfn , Marshall , and Co . ; Dulau and Co . ; Houlston and Stoneman ; F . and J . Rivington ; E . P . "Williams ; C . H . Law ; J . Hughes ; Tegg and Co . ; J . Green ; and Hall and Co .
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*¦ , [' - » In the Press , # HE " ¦ BtrSSIm SHOBES OF THE BLACK SEA £ ' ¦ ¦¦ ^ : -vl ^ ; , ' - ; - ¦ - . - ¦ - WITH A VOYAGE DOWN THE Y 0 £ G 4 AND f ^ OUR ^ ROUGH THE COUNTRY ¦ ' OF THE DON COSSAdKS . M By LiWEENCE OLIFHANT , AUTHOE OF A " JOUBNEY TO ITEPAUL . " la Octavo , with Illustrations . I WILLIAM BLACEWOOD . AND SONS , EpiBTBURQH AND LONDON .
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| NEW SCHOOL ALTASES . . . . ¦ ¦;¦ .. : by ' . ¦ - . ¦ ¦ A L E X . K E ITU JOHN S TO N , KB . SJ ., F . B . G . S ., T . GKS . Geographer to her Majestyfor Scotland , Author of the " Physical Atlas , " &c .
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, ' On 1 st August will be published , A SCHOOL AT ^ A P QF CLASSICAL GE O GRAPHY ; COMPBISING , IN TWENTY P 1 ATJES , MAPS AND PLANS OF ALL THE IMPORTANT COUNTRIES AND LOCALITIES C O N S T R TJ C T E D FE'O M T HE BEST MATBEIA 1 S , % x ( a TEmfcotreing fye Utzult * oi $ e most rmruy Enbestfgatton * . Printed in Colours , uniform with the Author ' s General and Physical School Atlases , and accompanied by A COMPLETE INDEX OF PLACES , In which the proper Quantities of the Syllables are marked , by T . Habtey , M . A ., Oxon , Classical Master in the Edinburgh Academy . Price 12 s . 6 d . half-bound . , _ _^^_ _ . . _ A _* b . b . . _ rf » a * A 4 « ¦¦ M fi J ** h— Ti i"fr
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This day , Is . 6 d . AN ASTRONOMICAL YOCABULARY : J \ _ An Explanation of all terms in use amongst Astronomers . By J . RUSSELL HIND , Foreign Secretary of the Astronomical Society . . ¦ ¦ ' By the same Author , The COMETS : a Descriptive Treatise , with a condensed Account of M odern Discoveries , and a Table of all the Calculated Comets . London : John W . Parier and Son , West Strand .
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This day , Third Edition , much enlarged , post 8 vo , 8 s . HHHE CLOISTEE LIPE of the EMPEROR X CHARLES the FIFTH . By WILLIAM STIHfSTG , M . P . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ t ¦ ' - ' By the same Author , Three Volumes , with Illustrations , £ 3 3 s . ANNALS of the ARTISTS of SPAIN . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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Second and Cheaper Edition , 4 s . DE MOSTHENES ; Select Private Orations , after the Text of Dindorf ; with the ' various EeadingS of Keiske and Bekker ; with English Notes , by C . T . PJBNKQSE , MA . ' ' Octavo , 10 s . 6 d . PROPERTIXJS ; with English Notes , Preface on the State of Latin Scholarship , and Copious Indices . By F ; 'A . PALEY , Editor of " ^ schylus . " Second and Cheaper Edition , carefully revised , 6 s . 6 d . MULLER'S DISSERTATIONS on the EUMENIDES of AESCHYLUS . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand . Cambridge : John Deighton .
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Just published , One Volume , post 8 vo , cloth , 7 a . 6 d . THE TURKS IN EUROPE . A SKETCH OF MANNERS AND POLITICS IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE . By B A Y L E S T . J O H N , Author of " Village Life in Egypt , " " Two Years' Residence in a Levantine Family , " &c . "The little tractate on the ' Turks in Europe' in particularly full of matter . Mr . St . John hits seen much of the Turks , and sketches vigorously with a few bold strokes their manners and capacities tut an European nation . It is lull of animation , anecdote > and point , convoying in a graphic and elluotivo way much information . " — 'Examiner .
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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ IATE 1 Y PUB 1 ISHED , BY TBB SAME AUTHOR , 1 . —A SCHOOL ATLAS OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY , Printed in Colours . Imperial 4 to , '" half-fcound in' 8 vo , " price 12 a . 6 d . ... 2 —A SCHOOL ATLAS OF GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY , founded " on the most recent Ipiflcoveries . With Index , printed ' in Colours , ^ mpenal tto , halflbound m 8 vo , p rice 12 s . 6 d . - ¦ ¦•'¦•• ¦ ¦•¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 3—AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATLAS OF GENERAL GEOGRAPHY , for Junior [ ' Classes , including Maps of Canaan arid Palestine . Witft . Index . Printed in Coloura . Pomy 4 to , naifbound , 7 s . 6 d . ¦ • ! 4 —SERIES OF GEOGRAPHICAL PROJECTIONS , to accompany Johnston ' s School Atlases . Comprising The Woui . B-EuBOPE-AsiA-AjmiCA-NoBTK anj > South Ambbioa-The Bhitish Isles . In Portfolio , price 2 a , 04-WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS , EDINBURGH AND LONDON . SOIJD BY ALIi BOOKSELTjEEB .
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CRANF 0 RD . BY THE AUTHOR OF "MARY BARTON , " " RUTH , " Ac Reprinted from " Household WordH . " Small 8 vo , cloth , 7 fl . ( Id . " Thoro is no much dolicato , feminine observation , so much bright and goni . a humour , nhadowed every now and then by msWes of Viuiofc P olios , that the book traimoortH us into . Utm m'Sod ^ lIago , mifcos ub in < inmt « with ita okf world WWyH / aud standB out in the memory lileo an oxporionco . —Leader .
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READING FOR TRAVELLERR . Jimt published , 1 ' oolHCivp , prioo One Shilling , SAMUEL JOHNSON . By THOMAS CABLYXE . Roiirintod from " Critioal und MiHcellunooufl EsaayH . " Iliiaontly TubliBhod , Chaiiactku ani > Awkohothh ok OiA . ur . HH van Sjccond . la . MONXBNKUWO ANI > TIU 1 fctl . AVONIA ^ . Olf Tl / UKKY . IB . fld . Thk Yi ^ 'Aoid Do ' otoh . la . ' IT . tANiVi-m ' f ) 'i ^ QO'tbruW : a , Sltotish ol Groonland , &e . la . ( Jd . MAOIO A ^ U WWOUOBAI'T , 18 . Or , i > Koadh ani > Nkw Roa «» . !»• London : Chapman » nd Uall , 103 , riccudilly .
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OHOBHAM ENCAMl'MENT . — In Oaso , Coloured , 19 . 6 d . WYLD'S PLAN of tke ENCAMPMENT at CHOBHAM , » nd tho PonHion of the Troops , with the Hurrounding country , » nd tho Railway communications . Jamcfl Wyld , Goographor to tho Quoen and H . R . 1 I . Princo Albert , Charing-crosa oaat , next door to tho Poat-ottlce , ana 2 , Royal Expn ' angfr . ' _
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Two Shoots , Ha . ; in Oubo , 10 s . rrilTRKEY . — ODESSA to CONSTANTII NOPLE oxtonding ft-om tho Rivor Pruth , and ombracmg theTWeatorn Shoro of tho Black Boa to Constantinople . TURKEY in EUROPE . Ono Sheet , Gs . Cd . ; hx Oano , ' lOH . 6 d . Ditto , Quarto . In Shoot , U . M . ; in 0 » no , 2 B T ? im » H Wvia GooRraphor to tho Q « i « on and ll . ll . it . Prince LowoBtor
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*~~~ ATLAB ^ B . —OolosHiil Globe , -squnro . WYLD'S FOLIO ATLAS ; containing 07 Mttpn , hiilf-bound in ruBHia , dill 11 b . ATLAS of fcho WORLD ; containing 4 , 0 Maps . £ ( 5 ( fe . half-bound . T OUAETO ATLAS of tho WORLD ; contafarine 6 » Mapn . i $ » W » . < W . hall-bound . WYLD'S SCHOOL ATLAS ; with copious Index . 12 n . ThOBo AtliiBoa contain all roo « nt diHcovono .,.
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Just published , royal 4 to , bound in cloth , price 14 s . rpHE : ALPHABET ANNOTATED and X Hints upon Slip-Slop to improve the Language of tho livinff Alillioris and tlio Million * yet to . live . By an OLD ETONIAN With Sirty-four Pagea of Illustrations , by C * . W . TERRY , Esq . London : Aokormann and Co ., Strand .
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RUSSIA and TURKEY—Yaasa , Bucharest , and Odosaa . Now ready , 2 vols . royal 8 vo , bound in oloth , with numeroua Plates and Maps , price Two Guineas , M ANATOLE DE DEMIDOFJF'S . TBAVBtB W SOUTHERN RUSSIA AND THE davia , Bessarabia , &o ., with ft flnely-ongravod Portrait oi tho JCmperor of Russia . Coloured Maps and IlluBtrutions . " Most amp ^ o iuformation , upon vivrioua important subjects .,. ¦ .,.. The on \ y complete oompend . mn at » nfi > rmntio m oxistonoo relating to 1 tHoM' va ^ t' roflons kn 6 wn ' Southern ltuHsiu . "—Neto Quarterly Iteview . J . Mitchell . Bookttellor and Publisher to her Majoaty , I )!) , Old Bond Btre , ot .
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Just published , foolscap 8 vo , 4 s . fld . cloth , TPHE GENIUS AND MISSION OF THK TOQTB 8 TANT . BPISOOPAL CHURO H IN HCK Kffiofssc s ^^^ SS a ^ BSSoPssiraM Kditlon . ) , , ' * 3 f 8 . Hodaon , 23 , rortugftl Street , Lincoln a Inn .
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A ^ V ^ 1853 . ] ,.. ... . THE LEAD 719
Leader (1850-1860), July 23, 1853, page 719, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1996/page/23/