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ffrOXJLli"Q&EMP&O. eWffEATBEE.— JLkt On Mondayand -during the week (except Tfaunday., when there will be no perforniaaceMrAlfred Wigan
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4 ^ £ S OP PS I ^ T © I ^ ALE , — XjL PAB ^ BB . and T WiUO *» ( Hate Harrington Parker ) , 5 i ,. PALL-MALL , are now dqlivaring tho ^ Gotobar iBrewiaga in casks oT 18 . gallons and upwards . —Also in bottles , Impe ' - rial measure-quarts , 8 s . ; Pinto , Sb ; Half-pinta ( for luncheon ) , 3 s . per dosen . . ¦
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TEA . IS GETTING DEAfi-EB ; this » therefore the Time to Boy . —PHXLXJUS « nd COMPANY are » tnl Selling a . t Old Priobs , although the market value of Tea has risen 3 d . to-4 d . perlb .,-and -will be still higher . The Teas wopfchjmronaBing are—The strong Congou Tea , at 3 s . 4 d . ber 1 b . T % e : priTOefkracneng'P « a , at'Ss . BeC , 9 s . 8 d ., mitt 4 b . ThB prime Gunpowder Sea , tst 4 b .. 4 & , 8 d ., » nd 6 s . The best Pearl Gunpowder , at 5 s . 4 d . All wno purchase at these prices will savse nroney , as Teas are getting-dearer . SPrime Coffee , at 3 s . and Is . 3 d . iper lb . The best Mocha , Is . 4 d . piarJLb . . Teas , Coffees , and all other Goods sent carriage free , "by ouT'Own vans wad cants , if "within eight mfles-, and Teas , Coffees , anfi Spioes sent carriage free to . aojMgirt of England , if to the value of 40 s . or 'Upwards , hy PHILLIPS and OOMFATfY , T ? eaanu Cdlonial Merdbants , 8 , ^ ing"WiHiamstreet , City , London . Phillips and Go . 's Price XAdt of R , A 3 snm , ' GxjXBJkmim t Impesiax PjiT ^ Ma , \ FiG 3 , &c ., is now ready , . and Is . sent , post free ., on Application .
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TNST 7 BKECTI 0 K -IN OSINA . —TEAS M- ar © aa 7 » noing 4 n Pricje / andfromthe-xtlistturbedstate of the producing districts , 4 he ¦ well-ascertained shortness of aupjiu :, anditne increasing consumption , there is . every probabdrtyof « , considerable rise . "We have "ndt at present altered > oux quotations , ^ tnd . tare * atill acQling Tlffi very 'Best-Black Tea , at _ l « . 4 0 the pound-Gbod sound Congou . ^ M .. 8 D „ ^ Finest ; Pekoe « ditk > — .-. _ ... ^ . . 13 S M Fine Gunpowder ............ ~~ . » - ~ A -0 „ Choice Coffee .... « . 1 0 Jt ; PinestB [ oni 030 pat * icCoco » ... : i D „ This ifl the tmostpleaiiaiftiand nutritious preparation of Cocoa . For the convetnence-oT our numerous customers , -we reiaail the finest * West India , and defined Sugars at market , prioes . ¦ . All goods delivered by our own vans , free of charge , within ei ^ htrmilea df liondon . Parcels of Tea and Coffee , oY the Talue of TDwaiPounds sterling , are seQt , caBriage'flree , to any part of England . t ^ CTTLUENG-HAM AND 'COMBAN 2 K , Tea-merchants-and Dealers , 27 , SKINNEB ^ STREET , SNOW-HILL , OVTY .
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f ^ ENBUeS , STOVES , and FCRE-IBONS . - * - Buyers ef ' thetabove tare nrequested , before nnally decidiug , to visit-TSTILLLIM fi . B-XERTON'S SHOW-BOOMS , . 89 , Oxlbrd-8 'treSt XGornor of Kewman-jstreef ) , Nos . l & 2 , Newman- « tree 4 , « na - * Jk 6 , Pcrry ^ s-phuje . They are the largeat -in the world , and contain such an assortment of . PEiTDEBS , « TO"VafS _ B . ANSBS , PIILE-IRONS . and GENUKAaL 1 JBONMOWSBBT , -as cannot t > e approached « lBewhere , « lthftrfOr variety , novelty , beauty of design , orexquufiteness of'workmanahip . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments ^ aai two ^ ets of bars , 21 . 14 s . to VI . 10 s . ; ditto with orrndki owuuneritB » nd two 'sets of bars , 51 . 10 s . to 122 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to 87 . i BteeJ Renders from 23 . 15 s . to 61 . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 5 S . 15 s . to 11 . 7 s . ; Fire-irons from ls . ^ d . ithe « eb to A . sIb . Sylvester and all other JPateut Stoves , with , radiating hearth plates . A 31 which he is enabled to seE at these very reduced Jtshaiwes . ; i'irat—From the-frectuenoy aad extentof Ms purchases ; and Secoudly—Btoom those purefcaaes'being made excluaively for flash . T ^ HE PJEEKBCT : STJBS 1 1 T 0 'Tifi ¥ O& JL SILYEit—The SEAL STieKBL SIBvTBB , introduced twenty years ago by WlLUtAM < S . BUB . TGK , when PLATED'by the = patent prooess of Messrs . Blkington and Co . ^ is beyond all oomparwon the very best -article next to sterling silvor that * can be omployed ^ as « uch , either * usefully or ornamentaUy , as by no possible test can . it sbe diatin- ; « mshedifroin . TBalsitveE . Tiddle SS ^ wick K ^ 9 Pattem - | 2 C Brttem . Tea Spoons , per dozen ... 18 s . ... 26 s . — 32 s . Dessert Forks 80 s . ... 40 s . ... 46 s . ^ Dessertspoons . 80 s . ... 42 s . „ .. 4 Bs . Table Forks 40 s . . „ 56 s . ... 64 s . TableSpoons 40 s . ... 88 s . ... Hds . a Tea and co-ffee sets , waiters , eandlEBticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of tre-plating done by the patent process . " . OHUBHCAIjLT TTJltfi BUCKML NOT PLATED . m . „ Jiiddle . Thread . King's . Tfthia bkoonsiand xotJcb , full 8 EZ » , per dozen 12 s . ... 28 sr ... 30 s . ' Dessertclitto « nd ditto ... 19 s . ... ' 21 a . ... 26 s . s Te * ditto > .. i .. i ... w ......... v 6 s . ... jaa . ... . 12 s . OUTliKfeT l ^ TA ^ R'R , A T ^ TEP . —The most varied Assortment df TABEE GT ! fTljEB . T in the ^ worloymll WB 3 Tanteapis » nSile « t WILMiOffS . BirKaPOJf'S , at priceB that are remunerative only because ^ if the large-1 nessoftlifissliQS . 34-inch ivory-handled table knives , with high snduldiOTTBi'lls . per dbsem ^ 'desserts to match , 10 s , ; if toJtalance , ls ^ perdozen extra ; carvers , 43-per pair ; larger sizes , from 14 s . 6 d . to 268 . pe » dozen ; extra Ane , ivory , 82 s . ; ipwiiih . silverfemOes ^ ts . to 69 s . ; white txme table knives ; k 7 s . r 6 d . per-dozen ^ desserts , 5 s . « d . ; carvers , 2 s . M . per jpair ^ blackiorn table knives ,-7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 b . : carvers , 3 s . 6 d ; 151 ack wood-handled table knives and forks , ^ s . perdoeen ; table st eel s from Is . each . The largest stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in casea . and otherwise , and of the new plated fish [ carvers . iSfeo a large assortment of Razors , Penknives , Scissors , &c ,, of the besc , quality . < T AMPS of all SOH . TS ana PATTEBK'S . ; JLi The largest , as well as the choicest , assortment in existence < xt PiilACBB'S UCAGNTJM anfl other LAMP'S , ' CAMPHEOL AaGAND , SOLAK ,, and MODEBA . 0 SEUB LAMPS , wibh all the latest improvements , and of the . newest and most Techeroh . 6 patterns , in ormolu , Bohemian , ' rand plain ^ lass , or papier mache , is ait WILLIAM S . BUHTCXN'S , and -they are arranged in one large room , so hat thepatfterns , sizes , and sorts can be instantly selected . ' PALMER'S ^ CANDLES , € * d . a pound . —Palmer ' s Patent Candles , all marked " Palnutr " : — Single or double wicks ... „ , ^ ... aid . per pound . Mid . srae , three wicks 9 d . ditto . Magnums , three or four wictea » id . ditto . English Patent Camphine , in sealed cans 6 s . 9 d . per gallon . Best Colza , Oil 43 . mtfo .
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Having the llonour to perform'at Windsor Castle ) , 3 Purst time at this Theatre , the Oomtc jDrama , ' iC » lled ; - lEjffE FLBST NJGUT . TP ^< apalcTiaracters ^ by Messrs . A . Wigan , Leslie , Vincent , H . Cooper , ^ feo- ; 1 K « b Ti ^ yndham and Mass P . Horton . Alter which , -the -new Introductory ^ Extravaganza and ¦ Dramatic Boview , called THE 0 A 3 ffP , A 2 T TffiB GVXmBLG { Principal . dhsractsrs'by Messrs . A-Wigan ; Bx > bson , ia * rtan ,-vmLSiisnm GaHi , ; Xxa . Chatterloy . Miss P . Horton . Itfrs . ptirlipr . and'MPB . A . Wigan . After-which , 'i * npfl ¦ WANDEBr-UTG 1 LENBTB . EL . 3 em Baggs , Mr .. F . Sobson .
Untitled Ad
. DISH OOVEES AKD HOT-WATEE DISH 33 S in every msterial , . in great variety , and at the newest ajid most recherohe patterns . Tin Dish Covers , 6 s . fid . the set of six ; Block Tin , 12 s . 3 d- to 28 s . 9 d . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 34 s to 58 s . 6 d . the set ; Britannia Stetal , with or without silver-plated handles , 76 s . 6 d . to llOs . &L th&set ; Sheffield plated , 10 ? . to 16 Z . 10 s . the set ; Block Tin Hot-Water Dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 s . to 30 s . ; Britannia Metal , 32 a . to 77 s . ; Electro-plated , on Nickel , fall siae , 11 * . 11 s . WILLIAM S . JBURTOIT has TEKT LARGE SHOWBOOMS ( all communicating ) exclusive of the Shop , devoted solely to the show of GENERAL FURNISHINxJ IRONMONG-ERdT ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated and japanned wares , iron and brass bedsteads ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at once make their selections-Catalogues , with engravimrs , sent ( per post ) free , The money returned for every article ndt approved of . 39 . OXFOBD-STaiEET ( corner of Newman-street ); ITos . 1 & 2 , NElVlIAN-STBJEIBa : ; and 4 & 5 , PERBY'S-PLACB .
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WTBIITriN CKTOM C ^ B AND METHOPO-• . 'XtlVUUIT ATKEirJBVM . W ~^ W-M . fci . thY AJSSEMBI ^ EBS for Music and Dan&nff—Lectures , Classes , and Entertainmonts — x ^ ning , Coffee , 'Bnioking , and Drawing-rooms—Library , heading and N « ws-Toom 8 , supplied with 80 Daily and 100 Weekly and Provhxoi&l Papers . Subscriptions , Tw&Qiiineas ¦ the Year ; One Guinea the Half-year . Ladies half these arates . * Ficket « Tor the-ensuing year , -half-year , and quarter , are ttOWTeady . NO JSNTBAWCB OKBB . \ . ^ TProspec ^ us , with a ooinpjete list of Lectures , Classes , andlSntertainmeuts for the enaa&ag guarter , may he ob-UlnedortbeBecretary . B M 'I A . Musical -Entertainment , entitled " The Pleasure Trip , " will be given by Mr . and Mrs . G . A . Cooper on Thursday evening next , January 12 . 1 To commence at Eight o ' clock . Members free , wifcli the usual privilege for their friends . . Non-Members , One Shilling . M . 1 MB BEAWOISIN has just commenced a NEW CLASS Tor * he STUDY df the FRENCH LANGUAGE . : HZBNiET Y . KBAOE , -Secretary . 87 , jlrundel-Btreet , Strand .
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TTJTElS'IIiE BALL .. —The FOURTH ** -ANNUAL JUV ^ ENILE BALL of the WHITTINGTON CLUB will take i > laoe on MOBTDAY EVENING NEXT , - nwMT 9 . DanoinK to commence at Seven o ' olock- Dissolving views and other Entertaixunents during the evening . aJb-o number of Tickets being strictly limited , Members are requested to mak « immediate application for themselves and friends .
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EATi AND SON'S 3 EIDEB DOWN QtJIl / r is the warmest , the lightest , and tlie most elegant Covering , suitable for the Bed , the Couch , or the Carriage : and for Invaliua , its comfort cannot be too highly appreciated . It Lj mado in three varieties , of which a large assortment eaax be seen at their Establishment . liists of Pdoes of the above , together with tone Cotaloirue at Bod-¦ t « ad « i , sent free by post . JJLEAL & SON , Bedstead and Redding Manufacturer * , 190 , Tottenham-court-road .
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FIYE GUINEAS . —Mr . WM . H . HALSE , theMedical Oalvanist ^ of 22 , Brunswlok-sqnare , London , informs Ills friends that his FIVE GUINEA APPAB-ATU 8 BS are bow ready . —Send two poetago stomps for his Pamphlet on Medical Galronism , 1
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TO THE LOTERS OT FISH . f ^ BOaSTMAS PRESENTS for OOUN-\ J TSPS FRIENDS . 25 Real Yarmouth Bloaters delivered 1 n London for 2 s .: 1 C 0 forwarded to any part of the Kingdom for 6 s . ; 100 fine Devonshire Kipperd Herrings , fluite a luxury , for 8 s . ; 100 fine American Herrings for 8 s .: they are highly dried , and will keep for years ; they are well adapted f * r emigrants and residents in the Colonies . Al « o , 12 dozen of fine Albro * Dried Sprats for la . 6 d . FinePinnon Haddocks , 4 s ., 5 s ., and 6 s . per dozen . A Barrel of the best Native Oysters for 5 s . 6 a . ; or a bog containing Half-a-Bashel of good quality Orsters for 10 s- All orders immediately attended to by WILLIAM DEEKS , 1 , Bow-street , Covent-garden . N . B . Country residents requiring fresh Fish from London may rely on their orders boing punctually attended to , both in price aad quality . All Post-office orders , as above , to be made payable at the Strand Money Order-office . The Trade supplied .
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CAUTION . —TO TEADESMEIST , MERVJ OHANTS , SHIPPERS , OUTFITTERS , Ac —Whereas It has lately oomo to my knowledge that some unprincipled p erson or persons have for some tflne past been imposing oi » Ihe Public , by selling- to the trade and others a spurious article under the name of BOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INK , this is to ffivo notice , tliat I am the Original and boIo . Proprietor and Manufacturer of the said article , and do not employ any traveller , ot authorise any person to represent themselves aa coming from my establishment for the purpose of soiling the said ink . This caution is published by me to prevent further imposition upon the public , and serious injury to myself , H . R . BOND , solo executrix 1 and widow of the lute John -Bond , 28 , Long-lane , West Smithfleld , London .
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JT EATING'S COUGKS IiO ^ ENGES . X-m . During a period of more than 40 _ year » fthiB valuable medicine has triumphairtly borne the severest test of public opinion * and upon that ; sound basis alone it'has gradually but surely won its way to pre-eminence , until it is now universally acknowledged to be the most effectual , safe , and speedy remedy ever offered to the world for that large class of disease which affects the Pulmonary organs . Prepared and sold in Boxes , Is . IJflL , and 'Tins , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d- each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , &c ~ No . 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Sold retail by all Druggests , &c , in the whole world . NJ 3 . —To prevent spurious imitations , please to observe that the words " Keating's Cough . Lozenges" are engraven on the Government Stamp of eaoh box , without which none are genuine . * ¦ RECENT tTESTtHOSXAX . 84 , "Wine-street , Bristol , August 7 , 1853 . Sin , —It is with much pleasure I have to inform you of the benefit I received from your Lozenges . I was attacked with the typhus feveT , during which time I had a violent cough , bo xhat it kept me awake the greater part of the nignt . A "friend persuaded me to try a box of your " Cough Lozenges , " wTiicb . I did , and am happy to say that with only one * box of you * valuable compound I was quite free from my cough . ^ Ton can make what use of this yon please , for I think such a valuable medicine ought not to go unnoticed .. I remain , Sir , your obedient servant . WM . T . TRUSCOTT . Mr . Keating , 70 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . « .
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, REGISTERED AS THE ACT DIRECTS . STEPHENS' IMPROVED PABALI 1 EI 1 BJHiEB ,. —In the nse « f * h&coniHionDe 8 k Ruler every person knows thattfaeneis a constant motion of the Angers to accompaenytae reveltttionot'the ' JBuler- ; this-raotion , besides the inconvenience to the operattor , occasions itrto roll out of the parallel , and lines so ruled , do not in any length of surface correspond . Another inconvenience inthe common Ruler-is , th * t , 'byita « contadt with the Pea , $ rik stains are left on the « ideB ^ jf tie Ruler , which , in uevolving , soil the fingers and the paper ; both these inconveniences are removed 'by the above-named improved Ruler , which : having therrollets underneath-av-Aat upper surlace , voEs over the paper without coming i » tcontact with . £ he . fingers ; and by a peculiarity of formation , at the ruling edgethe Pen is kept irom contact with the awBng parts on -the paper , 40 that soiling the fingers on the paper is completely prevented . Rulers oT various lengfchs . trom seven to eighteen inches , . at prioes varyingfrom 2 s . 0 a . to 5 s . Manufactured and Sold by the Proprietor , HENRY STEPHENS , 54 . Stamrord-street , Blackfriars-road , London . SoldbyallBookBoDoraandiStationers ,
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prices <* here were -rising , entirely owing to the discovery that stocks at the seuMtvts we scarcely sufficient -to last for ; local consumiJtitm -till"tHeTre . openin ^ of the inland naviga- ' tton . IBwauujy . jtt aiipeaxs from a ^ statementbeToram , psrtly ' found ed on Gavernmect ^ t urns , thai the deftciency m the . csrra rfBjye and tWlie&t In Holland is equal to about half a safuion quarters , -and tthat the stotfts t > f thesemrtidesat ATMjterdam anttronAhellaa » are aS 0 < O 0 Q qra . leasthan at the end oflft ^ An&thedflference is . ©* enJcreater compared with file tteee ^ previous T « kirs . Here , then , is another large naulBifcin « iditfem tojpranceand Belgium , for the grain at > present on passage to the north of Europe and England . XMtfr ; welieiar 1 roml ^ ml ) ard y fhttt the Communes in tliat Jaoontry « re * anik 3 ng eoritraete in Veiuoe . TTrieste . and else-^ rhjuna ^ ifor WhOUsto » T ) o delisrered-f . a . b . in the Black « nd 3 Uoff Seas at firat open water next spring , at prioes nearly
wpoaT to present edst , freight , and insurance rates . "We ^ miidrthese £ hxee ' olecuanstancen worthy of your attentive ^ consideration . -ABjegards our own 4 Jountry . it is , to be . ob-HBrved , "that rtocka hive become greatly reduced in several of thegndndhM £ lpovtBinCBnglana and Scotland ; At Bristol , JteU ^ JSuIl ,: Wakandi 2 , v « nd . along the 6 outhem Coast , little » hel ^ a . compared / to tke requirements of the districts . In loriddn , the 'deliveries 'in granary Twve exceeded the remipka + 'Wi thotodv exfaensive supplie * ficoxn America are an ^ course of . arr ival , hqfh . hjere . juia nvlavexpool , prices lirve -risen aa ^ h ^ aB ^ lnea ^ oaltatxa maEkets , showing that the < tiWMift ig-g > CatBp 1 thaii | . -ftie'Bupptv . As-to Ireland , the stocks ^^ o seiga ^ h «|« t amiBmaU , and we believe it will be found -Cnat ^ ae ^ hjpinents of ^ hoth- grain , and potatoes to this fOeufitry losre heeninaHe on such -a scale as to render imwarpttixma twjb wtty to am unexpected extent . Prices of Oats and Barley have already risen considerably in that country .
The cessation of demand from Trance is , as we are Informed by our friends in that country , caused partly by the holidays , tout more especially by fears of Government interference ; so that should these give way we expect to have a renewed demand from thence .
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32 THE LEABER . . { Satpbbay ,
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- r : . ! * toft ; JKb »< Tues . Wed . TThwrA VHd i ^» bitBf » aKv . v ... - . « : r ..... * ms 2 i » rt - vn ¦ i zer 3 : perOent . iHed .. _ aaf « J | 33 * > 9 S $ 83 931 SperjCent . eDn . Jm . .. „„ .. . ; ,.... . . „ .. „ aas 'Consols for Account 9 S ^ 92 i 931 931 93 i & 4 » Vpercent . An . ... «* f < & # } W ' 944 9 ** ... rwteVsfilJtBTUeSM £ L > . *< <•*••• ' ¦ ....... « .... ...... ' ...... ~> .... ^ n ^ J ^ s ^ ep ... * -....... si ...... QJ fij , SfttoliraMb * 4 BOO 0 ' ^ . l . ipsr > 5 p ip " !!!! sip TOtfarjTmdar ^ eidOO ^ ... ^ , 1 .. ^ , i \ j& ^ —„ , 4 » p ^ B 008 , anooo ..:... -8 p * p iop top 9 p 10 p ^! iiliBP -da > aaailWi ^ -. ^ . o -. 8 ^; ? 6 ? p .: | © 3 > - I 10 p 3 ftp
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HjSOT'OFFiciix QtroTAzrioK Dtmnro thIT ' Weex : eio > ih& TETTESjOAT EvjtsrtJi «< 5 . ~)" ainnaiiim gwidfl ^ . t ^^ . ^ 99 Russian Bonds , B per < BtwnosJly ^ 6 per Cents . 634 Gents 1822 . 312 ^ TEKpikn 6 j » ertJent 9 ... » ... 108 Russian 4 jper Cents 94 ~ Btoisb"Bjper « 3 ent 9 .. 102 8 pa 3 nsh 3 p . Ct . NewDef . 21 * , Bcuailor , Blorid ^ j .. ^ -..... 44 ^ aaiishCommitteet ^ ert . iifffflrinan . flKper Cectau „ . 2 A& of tJoup . not fun ... 4 | mexican .. ^ 3 per X 3 fc- fqr Venezuela 3 J per Cents . 3 D Axsc * fJ * nsaery ? a . ~ . ^ . 23 i Belgiaa ^ api&r Cents ^ OTtmae ^^ tiKr CetJta , 8 $ i . = J >« teh 2 * per Cents „ 64 i TortUBueseS ^ p . Cts ., 184 B ... Dutch 4 per Cent . Oertif . 961
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BRITISH FCTNDS POB . THEB PAST WEEK . i ; r . ; ; ^ CwwnsrcHiBacas , ) ,
Ffroxjlli"Q&Emp&O. Ewffeatbee.— Jlkt On Mondayand -During The Week (Except Tfaunday., When There Will Be No Perforniaacemralfred Wigan
i ^ OlLAik ^ LIT MPIO 3 ? JffEATBEB . — JLkt On Monday , and -during the week ( except Thursday
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 7, 1854, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2020/page/22/