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PENINStJL ABand ( XRIEN'TAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPJLJHiL DEPARTURES OUTWARDS . Ip ) IA and CHO-A , via EGYPT .-For Aden , Ceylon , ^ JSf' < ¥ E 2 £ " '» Psxiw 1 b ' Singaporo , and Hong Kong On Q ? & . U * 2 K v evei 7 month from Southampton , and on the 10 th and 26 th from Marseilles . AUSTRALIA ^ via . SINGAPORE . - Tor Adelaide ; Port Philip , and Sydney ( touching at Bat&via ) , oh the 4 th of January , and 4 th of every alternate month thereafter from Southampton and on the 10 th of January and 10 th of every alternate month thereafter from Marseilles . : HAI / TA and E&TPT . —On the 4 th « nd 20 th of every month from Southampton , and the 10 th and 26 th from Marseilles . MAJ / TA and CONSTANTINOPLE—On the 27 th of every month from Southampton . s MARSEILLES and the COAST of ITALY . —From Mar-Ifr %% } £ Genoa , Leghorn , Civita Vecchia , and Naples , on the 15 th . and 30 th of every month ; and from Naples to Civtta Vecchia , Leghorn , Genoa , and Marseilles , departing from . Marseilles on the 19 th and 4 th of the ~ mpnth . ¦ SPAIN and PORTUGAL . - For Wigo , Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , and Gibraltar , from Southampton , on the 7 th . 17 th ! and 27 th of every mouth . CALCUTTA and OHINA . —Vessels of the Company ply occasionally ( eenorally once a month ) between Calcutta P . enang , Singapore , Hong Song , and Sbanghae . Tor further information , and tariffs of the Company ' s rates of passage money and freight , for plans of the vessels , and to secure passages , &c , apply" at the Company ' s offices , 122 , leadenhall-street , London , and Oriental-place , Southampton .
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HTHE UNITED MUTUAL LIFE ASJt . ^ < SfURA ^ qiJ SOCIETY , 54 , Charing-oross . Jroneies mdistnita \ He . Assurances effected on the lives of persons about to reside in Australia on equitable terms . THOMAS ERITCHAED , Resident Director .
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XJOPE MUTUAL L ^ FE OFFICE . - * r * : . Incorponrated under Act of Parliament . rMs society combines all the modern improvements in * ne practice of mutual life and honesty guarantee assurance . H . d . EIFFJ 1 , General Manager . 4 , Princes-street , Bank , London . Loam an personal security granted io-the policy-hcldexs .
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SOUTH AUSTSALTAJT * B £ &KT 8 Qt COMPANY . Incorpocated by ^ Rcqnri ^ Charter , IBAt . The ^ pourt , oTTMreetors « rant XiaTEERS oT TJKBTOT and P JJk S ££ daZ 8 ^^^ u *» ° u ta * ^ omptoyB Bank « t AdS Jaide . Tbe «« efiai ^ ot » winis » 1 >^ miunx or Charge of two per cent . Ammwea -drafts 7 m Boutb . AustralSn « gotiatedraria ? iiiaya ^ BSS . Apply at the ^ mpiJny ^^ ffloakJM ^ gM aKwaatreet . London . WUJUU&mjmtt ^ bata&sc ? London , Janosrsr , IBM . ™ c «* .
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"PDTTCATrO ^ . —A WHowl ^ ar , residing -1—i in one of the finest xxtunties-in Eng 1 snd * 3 n .. t ] ie vicinity ! & £ - £ 3 & £ ! £ 2 $£ ? 25 aJS ? iE . -nfltesJBwm 3 Jondbon * jBfeoeives as BOAEDEHS fflJX TDIUfflBXjAJDIBB , £ o 11 » "nrHmtnrt with her tvo daughters , Hinder hear inunBOiateraapeKitttauienfB . References of the highest order . —Terms ax . 9 . vti £ aar par Oculars maybe Jaad - on application to Mrs . < J 5 . Lover , H , VictoTia-terracc , Bedford ; or 1 o T&r . Xcvell . 'Wlmtew & 11 Bucks .
Untitled Ad
AM EDXTtJATIOWAL gQM ^ g ^ JL NEAR TO REGENT'S PARK , 'Conducted by a Ljarsrwho % a ** ilmoto& many years to Educa&m , r | \ HJji instruction , whioh is graduated from X the simple toth « nM > i » oo ] npIfiz , 3 ^ c at ; fi fl ^ the comprehension of Ob cfiUcL ; jumI , w&I ^ tbe Inuchlng of dogmatic creeds on . 'Hk * jpa » f »^ mffln >< - ° ^ f ' ^ h'jti * tinu '^ wttonafile "truth is Bcrupiilomaly , » T > fili « fl t vajf ^ pginijjf ^ f fl ajn the dae exercise and developmeart'of ^ tfaB latwileOTOftl 3 fccal ties , — the utmost mfHrni nuin nui imbTIii to ^ Soae and strengthen those rilnmrmtn nf i liaimrtiin niiffHi hi o lliu fuun datioaof true religious feeling . Xnowledg © i «« nMMio « ttrao tive and the les » na «»;^ Ten . ^; alM « iia ^ seiuible signs withAmihar coii' ^ nations ^ oa ^ tbe . principle of'Cultivating thoperecptive an ^ -reasoning wwreri byi ^ nulftei ^ smio caneeraxxng uveiBteactare « na ^ cadtfiM £ 67 tiol ^ aali « nd . ths phenomena of nnlmatnand fimrnimatfrmitnTrj - Pot Prospectus « nfl TWini ^ qp fly tr > T ^» " f 7 h ^ pm ff . i ^ 14 ^ Strand . - . , . .
Untitled Ad
THE LITUBPOOL AJO 3 LONDON FERE AND 1 . TPB 1 NSTJEANOE COaHPANY . _ , Capital JE 2 , 000 , 00 (> . Established in 1836 . —Empowered by Acts of Parliament . 37 , Castle-street , Liverpool , and 20 and 21 , Poultry , London . Parties wioseFUUBPOLICIBSwith this Company expire on the 25 th instant are respectfully reminded that the receipts for the renewal of-thesatae wilMbe found at the Head Offices in Liverpool and London , and . in the hands oi < £ he re- spectiro agents : aad those who , preferring fba security offered by this Company , may desire to remove tilieir tn- surauce , are informed that mo expense will be incurred by Buch-removal . . , In the LIFE D ^ TPAKTMENT , peculiar advantages * xb ' afforded the assured ! , residence in tie Australian ^ X > lonieat being allowed , without extra premium , and great iaoiHtiea ; are afforded in the payment 01 renewal premiums ijirough , the-several agencies throughout the Colonies . Policies issued free of Stamp Dubc Annuities , immediate or deferred . ¦ Puxther particulararmny be had on application . Swnrroy "Bouit , ^ Secretaryto thQ Company . BENJ . TIiOTHBitsoH , Besiaent Secretary , Xoodon . Decenaber , 1853 .
Untitled Ad
ESTABLISHED 1851 . SCOTTISH EQUITABLE H ^ IFU ^ ASSURANCE S 0 COSTT . L Incorporated by Royal Charters , aad Special -Axfc Jot < Parliament . ; Head Office—Edinburgh , 3 B . m . latirevr-aqamee . Manager—Bobert Christie , Esq . London ; 123 , Biahopagate-stEeet .-Cornhilk ' Glasgow : 103 , St . Vincent-street . ; The Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society is amTh- ! atitnfcion peculiarly : adapted toafiforl provMon ' wrjfbniilieB . i It was established in the year 1831 , sroon * the priancaple of ' Mutnal'Cotttributicra , fhe Surplus " or ^ Profit branjg ^ wholly ' divisible , among the Members ; sntl the Additions -which have been made to Policies at the Periodical'InvesiSgationB of the Society afford satisfactory evidence of the prosperity of the Institution , and the great advantages derived , by its-Members . The following Examples exhibit theAddSiom already made : — A Policy forlOOO ? ., opened in 1852 , is now incareasedio 1508 Z . 9 s . 4 d . * } A . Policy for 1000 ? ., opened in 1856 , is now increased rto ; 1407 L ISs . Id . ; A . Policy -for 1000 ? ., opened in 1846 , is now incxeased i » 129 W . 15 s . 7 d . ' The Profits are ascertained and Divided TxtezmiaDy . amongst Policies of more than five years'duration- ; The Annual Revenue is upwards of 140 , 0002 . ' Tie Amount of Ajssurancesxa force is upwards of' 4 , 000 , 000 ? . sterling . . : Tlie Amount Taid "to the Bejaresentatives of 13 ecBaBed Members exceeds 500 , 0007 . sterling . , The Total Amount of Vested Additions aUccsatea to Policies exceeds 6 OO , 0 O 0 Z . ' . The Accumulated Fund is -upwards of 760 , 000 ? . ; LoansGranted to Members to the extent of tlie Offloe . Value of their Policies . Copies of the . Annual Report , Borma of Proposal , and all Information may be had on application at anjr < of . the Society ' s Offices ia Town or Country . W . COOB ^ Afieat . ' 136 , Bishbpsgate-streetjTjondon . ^
Untitled Ad
O RPHAJSTS . —A Gasunxuar ^ School Education , including mstructi « n « al > Q « amd « r Taaidont iMmnters , i ± i French , Qesman , Italian ,, TtimmSfclM * mS&unk extra charge , is . o ^ rea ^ br alinojbeo ^ nuiBlMe ^ oir ^ Qrihans , cfc 12 guineas per annum . ' ' ¦~ ' - . ' ' ^ ' -j - . ¦/¦' Teqans for other pupils , * * S gniPwwp < tP-wun )( nni Ditto ( with separate residence ) , 2 » to ^ 5 i « ifaaaai ^ clitto . Private pupito ^ AO to ao . giiinao ^ dittar - •¦ ' - . ' : N . B . ScholarsliSps amouhtiiur -to -KHSLwBt Jgaxram TSBf mmally awarded at thi « tBetrtBaiimBnt . _ Addraaa , " ^" iiSfc JWn&mMiXUndvB .
Untitled Ad
ITALY , aENOA , LEOHORJST , FlaORENOE , ROME , NAPLES , and MALTA . Travellers and Families about to visit Italy , Ac , are informed that the PENTNSiOTj&R AND ORIENTAL S 3 CEAM NAVIGATION < X > M : PANF S two new' 8 team-ships"V Ee-TIS sl and " VALBTTArpf l « 00 tone and 400 horee ^ power each _ , fitted up with . superior passengeraecommodation , and ah * eady proved . to be the fastest ocean steamers afloat , now run from Marseilles to Genoa , Leghorn , Civita Tecchia . Naples , and Malta , departing from Marseilles on "the 15 th and 30 th of every rnorith ; also from Halta to Naples , Civita Vecchia , Leghorn , Genoa , and Marseilles , departing from Malta , on the 1 st and . 15 th of every month . Particulars of fares , accommodation , &c ., may be obtained on application at the Company ' s Offices , 122 , LeadenhaU strecfc , London , where also , by timely arrangement , separate cabins for families or parties may be secured .
Untitled Ad
MELBOWENE AND SYDNEY . THHE ^ ENEBAJi SCREW STEAM X ' . SHIPPING COMPANY'S steamer " CRCESX 3 S , " of 2 SOOtons , JOHN VINE HALL , Commander , will sail from Southampton . oa the 10 th proximo . ' Parcel rates very moderate . . For passage and fceight apply to the Company ' s O ffices , 1 , Adelaide-place , liondon-bridge .
Untitled Ad
'PHD WOUKINa TAILOBS' JDI 5 TT JL STOCK COMPANY , 314 , Oxford- street , near Hanoversquare . Registered under 7 and 8 Victoria , cap . 110 . The above Company beg leave to call the attention of then * customers and the public to the fact that they have lately made alterations in some of their arrangements and officers , in OTder that increased efficiency may be given to their business transactions , and greater satisfaction to their customers . The result of the experiment which they have now been engaged for three years in making , has proved the practicability of tlie principle of self-dependence on which they set out , relying for success on supplying good articles at a moderate price , in the fair way of ordinary business . JAMES CAMPBELL , Manager and Secretary .
Untitled Ad
HEALTH . —GYMNASTICS . jpiMTAIN' ^^ OSBiij X «^ v > PO&rij , 3 ii 50-V ^ fessor of Gymnastics at Trniv er ^^ ^^ Tfti ^ v ^ Sonobl , [ ioneton . Privste Axsa ^ myfox Lu »© IB 8 . m 3 iker ^ street , 3 ortman-square-~«} ymn »« tic Au » d « wy tuS Salle Sl'Arm » or XJENTOTMBN . m , New-ioad , joo * nejt ( ffIQoJK aap-street . --Private Lessons and'JQlasses . A * * - A £ ri ^ g ] simaezaiionia £ 1 ''iiLA £ a » tdaya . ttWUkMOTB * '
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BANK OF D E P O S I T , 7 , St . Martin ' s-place , Trafalgar-square , London . Established May , 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , by which a . lrigh rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security . The Interest is payable in Jantuj&y and . JiFGr , " and for the convenience of parties residing at a distance , may * e - recaivod at the Branch Offices , or paid through Country Bankers , without ; expense .. PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses free on application . : , . 11 . **!
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MESSRS . PABKELL AND HiaaiNS , NAVAL and MILITARY TAILORS , OUTFITTERS for INB 1 A and the . COLONIES , 5 , Princes-street , Hanoversqiiare . JP . and H . deem it unnecessary to adopt any of the modern systems of advertisement . They enjoy the patronage and support of the most distinguished men of the day in social position , fortune , science , and literature ; andwirilst their order-books can boast of the most illustrious of names , their unrivalled cut is equally within the reach of the moat limited in their means . Liveries from the highest to jjhe plainest style executed on the shortest notice . The best Irish rnodo Shirts , Six for 36 s . ; Coloured , Six for 21 s .
Untitled Ad
T HE NEW CORK RESPIRATOR . — The lightest , cheapest , and most effectual ever produced , remaius perfectly dry while worn , allowing for respiration without being acted on by the acids of the stomach . It is particularly recommended to Invalids , and all who attend evening meetings or places of amusement . The ease with which it is applied and removed cannot fail to make it appreciated by Ladies . Price 3 s . each , freo by post . "Wholesale and retail of William T . Cooper , Pharmaceutical Chemist , 20 , Oxford-street , London .
Untitled Ad
Money received on Deposit at Five par Cent . Interest , payable half-yearly , on tilxe 1 st of April and . 1 st of July . HOUSEHOLDERS' LIFE ASSURancb COMPANY . 15 and 16 , Adam-street , Adelphi , London . Capital £ 250 , 000-TEU 8 TEE 8 . T 3 ie Right Hoa . T . Milner William Ashton , Bsq . Gibson , M . P . Charles HLulse , Esq . JT . WalbankoCliildcrs , Esq . Richard Griffiths Welford , WilliamBulkely Glasse , Esq ., l * q . Q . C . F - D . Bullook Webster , Esq . The funds of the Company being ; advanced upon -freehold atid other Securities or a like nature , accompanied by an assurance on life , yield a highrofve of interest , and afford a perfect security to its membeiw- . Prospectuses and informatioilcan be had on application to R . HODSON , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
A NEW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . MR . HOWARD , SURGEON-DENTIST , 62 FLEET-STREET , has introdueod an ENTIRELY TTEW DESCRIPTION of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , fixed without springs , wires , or ligatures . They ao tiorfoctly rcaomblo the natural tooth as not to bo distinguished from the originals by the closest observer ; they will never chango colour or dooay , and will be found superior to any teoth ever before usod- This method dooa not miairo tho extraction of roots , or any painful operation , aud will support and preserve teoth that are loose , and is ^ uarantood to rostoro articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth rendered sound and useful , in mastication . 52 . FLEET-STREET . —At homo from Ten 1111 Tivo . ' ¦ ' >
Untitled Ad
THE COMEORT of s FIXED WATERCLO 8 ET for £ 1 . —Places in Gardens oooiveTrteQ into ' comfortable Water-closets by the PATENT IHUBJ&MJETI-1 CALLY-SEALET ) VAN , with its oclf-acting water-trap valvo , ¦ entirely preventing the return of cold air or effluvia . Price ' Xl Any carpenter can fix it in two hours . Also PATENT > HERMETICALLY-SEALED rtfOBOBDTJB COMMODES 1 or tho Sick-room , price £ 1 4 s ., £ , &-6 b ., iwid < fi 8 . A ( ProepeotuH with EnpxnviivKS forwarded by enclosing a poBt-Btttmp . At FYFE and OO . 'S , 26 , TarlBtook-Btreet , Oov < mt-pardcn ,
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john b . oouge « omfcmm . XJAHEE , IBxiae 13 . The TMFCfKTANCE ol £ he TEMEERAITCE J 3 N-! CEfitPBiIS £ L JPnioeild . JOHN IB . GOUGH ! S AtrTGBaiDCEEtiCPST- Pxico S ^ , ^ lr ^> fl ip- ' ' BREWURS TBH 9 TT 8 ITBETOTa ^ EBS . A 'Searcli for Nourishment in a Qallpn Jtt * lQB » or . Plain Tactw from'flie Brewery . Prioe'la . 4 a . i > erHH > . 'OndemyfoHft , for Wall or Window Bilta , ia . « ach . BBlLMfiH TAXATION . -CDTwisting of Ei * e Pyramids . Printed in coIouts , Showing , at a glance , tlm Taxation of the Country as compared with the Cost erf rfche Drinfcing ¦ System , with a pointed w » d ncaoticajl -SUtemenatcfl £ eniperanoe £ rinoiples . ZRiioe : id . TEMFER&SCE AJTD HIGH WJkX 33 ES . < & . Xeature , by WILLIAM TWEEDIE . Third Edition , ld-v 3 > otir-tree , 2 d .. SOOBETT B ( AS A "RIGHT TO ^ PROTECT IT-8 ELF . ThraeXotters on the Maino Liquor JLaw . By J . E . B . ITOHIE . Price ldL ; post-free , 3 d . THE THEOlffE OIF UTIQUiT * - , w : fltwtainiag Evil by Liaw . By the 3 fcev . ALBBICT iB ^ SSPBfi . tbo distinguished Commentator . Price Id . A MAINE LAWTOE E 3 STGLANH . JPnce Gaa Halfpenny . THE HOUSE THAT JACSKBtHHiT . WKhTwelTft Outs . By QEOaQB CfiiUIKSEDAjNK . Price Id . The TEMPERANCE MOVEME 5 TT : its Bise , Progroes , and Results . Enamelled covor , 18 pp . 8 vo , price id . The WOEST THIMBLE : a Tale . By Mrs . fi . « 3 . HAUL . Enamelled cor « r , 16 pp . 8 vo . price lft . Tho " MODERATE" USE trf JNTOKEDATIMa DRINKS Physiologically considered . By . W . « . OAa-PENTER , M . I ) ,, F . ll . & . Jv . QiS . SnunoUed cover , 16 ppt 8 vo , prioe Id . EHTMES AND EECrXATKJSTS J'CTR THE BANDS OF HOPE . Juat published . 3 rice 4 d . THE TEMPERAKOB 3 PIMDGE-BOOK . Price la . and ? m-. TEMPERANCE TALES FOR THE YOUNG . By Rev . JAMES JBAJULANXYJNE , l ^ rioo < kL ; hiuid-Bomol ^ bcund In cloth , ig . ^ Iiontton-: W . Tweedio . 387 , Btrand .
Untitled Article
Ja ^ ttaut 7 , 1654 ] THE LEADER . 23
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 7, 1854, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2020/page/23/