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nFJBm EPINBUBGUIBEVTEW , No . CCI . J _ ' * " will b « published on Wednesday next . , - ¦ .. -- ^ OpMHBHTS . lord John Bust ' s Memoriesfdf Mr . Fox . and the Book' , ; . - ; , ^ !' y ;; :: ingham Papers . W ^ t ^^ R ^^^ I ^ ' AX * s ^^ i'HiS' ^ BowBiwiay .: . - ^ yggjg ^^ pwjihet JUdbi sad Poor . , ^^ TOIWJl . lilMi ? a '' wbrici . ¦ - . ' ¦ , - ¦ ' ^ S" ^ ¥ » chiiler 2 Lof Parliamentary Legislation . ? ra . jr |!« jpWK >^» n ^| nTipire . London : Longman & . Oa , Edinburgh : JLAC . Black . : *^ ; 2 J ^ yp « 8 U » 1 »» a , in post 8 r © , prioe 5 a . 6 d ., A J ) ± ! i * 'JbJJS'GE of the ECLIPSE of FAITH , J ^ Witaiuthor : Being a Rejoinder to Profesaor Nov . ' l ^ nft oiu Ltagman , Brown , Green , and Longmans .
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This day is published , in one handsomo quarto volume , beautifully bound in cloth , price 21 s . THE FOREICN TOUR MESSRS , BEOWN , JONES , & ROBINSON , .: Being the History of what they saw and did in Belgium , Germany , Switzerland , and Italy . By RICHARD DOYLE . , BBfcKBUBY AND EVANS , 11 , BOUVEBJE-STREET ,
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CHAMBERS'S EDUCATIONAL COURSE . - ; . Already issued , strongly bound in cloth : —r-3 > lrectorle > . Writing and Drawing . Infiuit Treatment under Two Tears o > f Age Is . 3 d . Writing—Plain , Current-Hand , and Ornamental , Infant Education from Two to Six Tears of Age ... 2 s . Od . - ¦ in Tifteen prepared Oopy-Books ( post size ) , eaeh 6 d . ' JLL . First Book of Drawing is . 6 d . ™ *¦» i _ *¦« '„; BnglMOi . Second Book of Drawing Is . 8 d . First Book of B « adinK ljd . Drawing Books , comprised in Eighteen Books , eaeh la .-6 d . MffiBi 8 « 3 fci ™ - - -=: ~ r . "r- ¦ Jt _ . . iE ^ ^ -VT *" " ** , « , Rudiments of Knowledge iod . Mechanical Drawing , in Three Books -j . each Xs . 6 d . Moral Class-Boole ... * .... . ' . ' ... I ! . I !' . !! . !" . "" .. ! " !!! Is . 6 d . # a «« - ^ .- * . _ Composition , Introduction to . ; 8 d . ^ .. , ,, . Geography . Grammar , Introduction-to . ; . is . 9 & . Geographical Primer 8 d . Grammar and Composition . as . Od . T ^ trjBookof Geogjarfiy for Eagland lQd . ¦ ~ -J— , by the Rev . A . J . D . D'Orsay , Geography , General Treatise on Ss : 6 d . _ in-Twp Parti 8 a . Od . SCHOOL-BOOM MAPS ( 5 feet 3 inches long by Etymology ... 2 s . Od . 4 feet 6 inches broad ) ; namely—Elocution . -. 2 s . 8 d . ' JliirflT . Aien ~ I Etnuvra : I K-frica ¦ ¦ --History of the ^ njflislilAnguage and Literature ... to . ed . SS , pSnn , nS ££ Ajosrtca , Arithmetic and Mathematics . Irar-Awto , | Asia , I Botjthc Ambbica . Introduction toTArithmetic is . od . m _ Each , mounted 14 s . Od . Arithmetic , Advanced Treatise ; .....-. 2 s . od . The Hbmisphkbbs , mounted 21 s . Od . Key tojlrithmetic :.. ^ . ' . t ..... „ 2 s . Od . These Map * may also be had Varnished , at 2 s . 6 d . Book-Keeping by Single Entry ...........-.. ; .. is . Sd » additional . Boot-Keeping by Single and Double Entry 2 s . Od . arrrnnr JWAflrf nr , jo ™ , bji » . u , * «^^ r two BufedPa > er Bodld [ for Single Entry ., la . * 3 d . S ~ ££° i' 5 SsSS « i -iJfthR S& ] £ * £ & . ^ " -, * ° ** r ¦ - *— tw- ° ^ i- ti ^ Z . _ , _ » j urapny , consisting or Tnirtyriour , 4 to Maps 10 s . 6 a . Algebra ......... ^ -. for Double Entry Is . 3 d . panjEB . ATLAsTconsisting of Nine 4 to Maps &r . 6 d . Keyto A ^ b ^\' . \" . ' . ' . * . ' . V ' . V . " . ' . " . * . " . * . ' ^ as . " 6 d ! . - , !** «« PlaiieGeometry ... ..,.. _ 2 s . « d . . ukmii . Key toPlane Geometry .., . 2 s . Od . XUuttrated with copious English Note * and Prefaces . x&if ^ f §^^ J ^ 5 £ !^ : 2 -i-r—j- g - 6 d . Latin Grammar , Elementary 2 s . Od . ^ SSSiSSSrS f ^' S ^*^' ^ maiaB ' ' 2 ' 2 f- —^ . Advanced .... 3 s . 6 d . ^ iSsSSSnwM ^^^ 8 Bm ^ Latin Exercises , Elementary is . 8 d . ¦ n" * w »™» wcaiJ-a |> ies , ; .. rt . Ss . 6 d . — -. — —— . Advanced 2 s . Od . SciMie * ¦ ¦ - : — - Latin Dictionary , Latin and English 9 s . Od . PoikcatE ^ riomv p ? xw » M : r . . r ^^ la € u ^^ glish larfc . New Edition 5 s . Od . Introduction to tfhe Sciences .... ; :... Is . Od ^ Caesar .-Kngusn-ijaian j- art 4 s . Od . Lawso ^ Matter and Motion _ iod . Safest " ¦"¦ 1 ^* % a Me « haaics ........ : ioi cSSusCurtiis "" ' ¦ ' S' Sd " Hydrostatics , Hydraulics , and Pneumatics ; . iod . HJid Ourtlus ; £ \ . SF Atibustics .:..:..:...:: ............ ^ la . Od . Horace tS' M Optics > is . Od . viS ' ' " *""" ^ ' m Asfcronotny - :...- Is . od . j ^ 1 £ JJj BBSfe- *"* - * i Jl & ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;;; g : Si Kat oral ^ lo ^ op ^ : ^ ybrL / ' ^ nt oSg "jitter " Ph » Ws Fables :: is' SL i and Motion , Mechanics , Hydrostatics , * c ., tuwuiiu ^ nuiis xB . oa . Acoustics . ; . „ „ .... :...., .: 3 s . od . S ( k « . » n Natural Philosophy . Vol . IL * cotttaiHing Optics , _ ..,.. ^ .. ^ * \ . t „ , „ t ! Astronomy , Electricity , Meteorol ^ r ............ .. Ss . Od . Edited by Dr . Atte , German Master % n the Htgh School , C ^ mistry—New Treatise , by Dr . Wilson :.. 8 s . Od . JSdinburg ' h . Animal Physiology .: , U ^ . ^ -Jv 1 » , 6 d . First German Reading-Book ) . 2 s . Od . Zoology .... „ .-. ..-. j ....................... 4 s . Od . Second German leading-Book ., 3 S . od . Vegetable Physiology , is . 6 d . Gerinan Grammar 3 a . 6 dl Geology .... 2 s . 6 d . English-German Phrase-Book 2 s . Od . ' ' History . Ancient History ^ 8 s . Od . German Dictionary . Part I . German-English 5 s . 'Od . History of Greece - 2 s . 6 d . Part XI . Engliali-German , in preparation . Histor ? of Borne 2 s . 6 d . History of the British Empire 2 s . 6 d . Mnsic . Exemplary and InBtructive Biography 2 s . 6 d . Manual of Music , by Joseph Gostiok 3 s . Od . « \ * Other Works in preparation . Published by W . & B . Chambebs , 3 , Bride-passage , Fleet-street , London , and 339 , Hi gh-street Edinburgh ; J . M'Glasman , ... " Dablin ; H . Campbell , Glasgow : and all Booksellers .
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u . _ __ Kow ready , price is ., r 3 . EGBQ : B eEITEESHj ^ NK ' S MAQASMEDLB YrFrank Fairlegh ) , ' and Slustrate / by GEOBGE GKUIKSHAN ^^ t £ " ? , — ? r- ~ : ~ < ¦ - ¦ ¦ : - ¦• S- ;? r . _• . ^ --- / . ^ ri ^ JBo ^ ue . Heet- ^ treet . " ¦• . ¦ - ., r . r K ^ owrpadJy , fcp . 8 vo , jBs . . . li / TEMOBABIiE WOMEN :, the Story df ^^^ m ^^^ ' ^ mn ^ j ^ wm ^ xn ^ atAiiib : - ¦ Cpntab ^ ng i Ladjr Bichel Bussell-Madanie D-Arblay-J ^ Pi ^^^^ are—Mi ^ HutcMnson-LadyPaaisrlawe ^^ ^ ^^^^ ' ^ LFOSTER . - ¦ . ¦ ¦' - . , ; - -.- , 1 * >_ 3 i , yidBogue , Fleet-street . tw& * ^^^ 'N «^^|^ ' ® iW *^^ ltt ^^^ tPa ® p $ > EB . .. SMITH . X Including" AiXfelhmnm , ^'' An ETeningatHome , " Ac . , . . DaTidBo gue , Floot >« treet . . * -. v ,- . rr-gjKW- ' . ~> t > ¦• rfVij , . a- ' - . - ¦ ¦ ¦ * ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' '
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rpSK . JR ^ jpd : | 79 TSB .. EEYIEWl -i- , . ¦ . Nbw Series . No . IX . , 'SWi ' ia ^ . C : ^ -uCi "" jiiLii ^ u ^ L . ' ' - ' ¦ .-. , a-,.. . ' - CUHTSnTBS iJ . ConititnticnalB . erorm . ^ Prw ^ ajl attl his Oohtemixjraries . . mv English BeligionV its Origin and Present Types . t&muUK& * & " ' ¦ '¦' . ' VTL Life and Do-trine of Qeoffrov St . Hflalre . Politics . ^ . . Mence ^ rs . Classics and PUflbTogy . - ^ S 4 . IB ^^^ B icpfaphy ^ Yoyages , and TTravels . —§ 5 ; Belles Let-LondUm : . John jChapmanl 143 , § tra nd . Edinburtd .: Mac * ^ &n ! and ~ gtei » art . Glasgow : Joseph Mille ? . Liver-
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nraos iaPHHoiiQaioAii jouBisrAii : v--i ^^ # ^ e * * ' Bdited- % LUKE BURKE . - ¦ . xmpublication of this ^ work . suspended since tlis spring ofl 849 , > nWT * B ^ e ^ and wi 1 l l > € ^ nttnuedfor 4 WKtari in *; ftn »| irfeform . . Th ^ ftrst ^ nftiber , which will appear on wSWbM-sSSP **** PJ * & ? Gd- ' V * devoted to a systemStio ^ si ^ M ^^^ S ^ S *^ ^¦ jSaSSO 1 ^©^®*®®^? the fii ^^ ljsnmont of . a new science . This science , strictly indujctire ^ anil resting exclusively , o ^ i demonstrable facjbs ,, is < dli fKil ^ y . ggg !? % df . and , even consid j ^ bly adranoed and bia brought to light a long series of most itnportant SfflSWSWPSliifltMWW ^¦ *» ? rimi * Jv © and Ancient History . It ^ ln a % trDdng degree the analogue , and in some respects also the oomplement , of Geology , revealing the great ontlmej ^ JJiAnm ^ hed g hiator ^ ofhiLrQanity , as geology discloaeithephyBical revolutions of the globe . TheWSWof its laws and facts will be completed in the second number of ^ Journal , after which the subject will be taken up in det ^ l-insnocceaing number .. London published for the Editor , by John Chapman , 1 * 2 , ' ¦ " -- . Strand . -
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I | 0 JMS . By ANNA BLACKWELL . . *; : 1 . (! iii ; . Fcp . 8 vo , cloth , 6 s . " We have in fact , and it is worthy of note , found a poet , and one soigifted * so self-sustained , that she may eing from hencefocth and ch ^ m the world ' s ear . Her poems have the power of awakening rapture , therefore they are true po « ns"—Crttw . - ¦ ' "The literary finish of the poems is almost faultless ; frpm-tbe > flrst page to the ending : the metre is as musical , and the ' rhymes as true as the nieest ear could demand , and the harmony of thought and word is closely sustained . " — Qlobm . ' ¦ ' ^ JHD ^ jp oatry ¦ . \ b marked by a richness of-rhythna , " and full flow of * thought , which forcibly remind us of Teaaysou . "BristolMei-ctiry . , , . n , London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand . This day is published , T _ XESTEB A 2 CD ELINOR : or , THE X-V DISCIPLINE OP SUFFJ 3 BING . A Novel . 1 vol . poet 8 vo , cloth 10 s . 6 d . London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand . S TJMMEB SKETCHES , and other Poems . By BESSIE RAYNEJi PABKES . Post 8 vo , paper cover , Is . * * London : John Chapman , 142 , Strand .
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Just published , I 2 mo , 4 s ., JANUS , LAKE SONNEJS , &e ., and other Poems . By DAVID HOLT . " London ; W . Pickering , Piccadilly , and George Boll , 186 , Fleet-Btrcet .
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This day , 1 vol . post 8 vo , 20 s . DANTE —THE DIVINE COMEDY , THE INPERNO . PURQA . TORY AND PARADISE . A literal Verse Translation . By TBI 3 DERICK POLLOCK , Esq . With Fifty Illustrations by Gboeqb Schauj ? , Jun . London : CThapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
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Now ready , price 5 s ., cloth gilt , THE CAUCASUS . By IVAN GOLOVIN . Embracing its Topography and Ethnography—* £ a connexion with Russia—its Past and Present Conditionthe Prophets of the Caucasus—Russian Armenia—Daghestan , &c , with a Coloured Map . Trtlbner and Co ., 12 , Paternoster-row , and T . P . A . Day , 18 , Carey -street .
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2000 SOLD IN ONE DAY ! npilE Publisher of the NOETHERN JL ( Tyne ) TRIBUNE regrets to say that he has been unable to supply the great demand for the Magazine , the first edition of 2000 having beon sold in a few nours after publication . Another edition of 2000 is in the press , and will be issued with aa little delay as possible . The indulgence of the numerous friends wlio have beon disappointed in not cotting tho Magazine is asked- Nothing but the extraordinary and unexpected demand has caused the delay . Price 4 iA . ; stamped , 5 d . " Northern Tribune " Offico , Tfowoastle-on-Tyno , Jan . 2 , 1854 . London i Holyoake and Co .. 147 , Fleot-str ' cet ,
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•• ~ ' Just published , price 2 s ., post free , 2 s . fid . l ^ EBVOUS AFFECTIONS : an Essay on -L ^ i Spermatorrhoea : its Nature and Treatment , with an Exposition of the Frauds that are practised by persons who advertise the speedy , safe , and effectual cure of Nervous Derangement . By a MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS , London . London : Aylott and Co ., 8 , Paternoster-row .
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, Just published , crown 8 vo , 1 b . LOSS of " The MEEIDIAN , " Sydney Passenger-Ship , and Courageous Rescue of tho Crew and Passenger ! by Captain LudTow and Crew , of " The Monmouth /* Amorican Whaler . By A . J . P . LUTWYCHE , Esq ., of the Middle Temple , a Passenger , and Australian Correspondent of "The Morning Chronicle . " From "The Morning Chronicle" of Dec . 2 , 1853 . Xondon : J . S . Hodson , 22 , Portugal-street , Lincoln's Inn .
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IN MONTHLY PARTS AT SIXPENCE . Beginning on the 1 st of January . 1854 ( Forty pages , in a wrapper , wibMfcn JBmgraving ) , ^ pHE ENGLISH REPUBLIC : An en-JL deavour to explain Republican Principles , to record Republican Progress , and to establish a Republican Party in England . Edited by W . J . LINTON . J . P . Orantz , 2 , Shoe-lano , Fleet-stroet , London . Monthly Sills of Contents can be had of the Publisher .
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% 4 T H E LEADER . [ Saturd ^ . r ; January 7 , 1854 .
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TBBM 8 OF SCJJfiCBIFTIOM TO " THE ISADEB . " **** Half-Yoar , 18 « . ( To be remitted In ndvanee . ) tSantr OrHon ihojUd be drawn upon tho 8 TUAHD Branoh Offloe , and be mode payable to Mb . AurttUD E . Qau . &wat , at No . 7 , Wellington Street , Strand . LONDONj Printed by Okobob UoorElt , ( of No . 3 Nortbond Toitbco , Hammersmith Hood . In the County of Mlddlowx ] , and PublUhed by TiiontiTOW I . bioh Hunt , [ ofNo . lll . lJontlnok Torraoo , Rogont ' a VoltW . ) ntTHE LEA . DBK . OFFICB . Ko . 7 , WELLINGTON 8 TBEET , 8 TUAND , la Uio Prooinot Of tbcBnvoy . ln the Mm « County . —HATUK 0 AY January 7 , 18 * 1 . tf
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 7, 1854, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2020/page/24/