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T> O Y A'L O L YM ETC T H E A T R XV Lessee and Manager, Mr.A.WIGAN. and theweekv will be produced a
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Untitled Ad
/^ HtTBB'S- LOCKS , with aU the ^ reeen * ^ A' 1 mwrMmmh K krone -Fireproof Safes , ( Dash , ana JJeeo . i ^ r € toKe * i . H 8 texlri ^ ««! prices m * y . be had ou ^^^ TBB ^ nd SON 57 Sfr Paul ' s Churchyard ^ London ; ^ S ^^ l L ? wp ^ t ;^ Jarkef c . Stee e * , Jtt « nchester ; atad , Horsley ^ ftalds , Wolverhampton .
Untitled Ad
. ¦ fTVl « H COVERS and HOT-WATlR JLJr - ' DflSiEES injjeeeigr matarial v in -great variety-,, and-bf the newest and roost recherche patterns ^ Tw Dish Covers * ' Gs . ed . tKe-setof stx ; Block Tih , 12 s . 3 d . to 2 Ss ., 9 d . thesefcof 8 Mf . elewin * -anodeB » "patternBt 34 * t © 58 » . > 6 d . the set ; firi * taunia ; Metal » 'witb or ; withaut silver-plated-han * jes , 76 b : eefc . to 110 s . ed- the set ; - Sheffield plated , 1 W . to 102 . 19 s . the set ? Block Tin Hot-water Dishes , with wells for gravy , 12 sv , t 6 309 . ^ BrcfcitnBa . MetaIv 22 s . ~ ta 77 Sw ; Electroplatedron Nlale * , fulUize . 11 * . lls . THE PERFECT : SUBSTITUTE F-OR SILVER . —Tb > RealNICKEL SILVER , introduced 20 ^ years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when PLATED by the patent process of Messrs . Elkington and C 6 ., is beyond a& comparison ; the very > best article- next to sterling stiver that can . be employed as such , either : usefully or orna # » menially , as by no possible test can it be distinguished from s real silver ; Fiddle bSSSST Kin «' " Patten ... ^{ S ; Pattern . Tea Spoons ,-per dozens . 18 s . ... 26 s . ... 329 . Dessert Forks , 30 s . ... 40 s . ... 4 Gs . Dessert Spoons „ 30 s . ... 42 s . ... 48 s . Table Forks „ 40 s . ... 56 s . ... 64 s . Tablespoons „ 40 s . ... 58 s . ... 66 s . Tea and coffee sets , waiters , candlesticks , &c , at proportionate prices . All kinds of re-plating done by the patent ) process . ; CHEMICALLY PURE . NIGKEL NOT PLATED . Fiddle . Thread . King's ,-Table Spoonsand Forks , full size , per dosaen ...... 12 a * ... 28 s * ... S 05 » - - Dessert ditto and ditto ... 10 s . ... 21 s . ... 25 s .. Tea . ditto 5 s . ... lls . ... 12 s . HOT AIR , Gas . Vesta , Joyce ' s STOVES :,- — ' STOVES for the economical and safe heating of hails , shops , warehouses , passages , basements , and the like , being at this-season- demandedv- "VTELLIAM > S . BURTON invites attention to his . unrivalled assortment , adapted ( one or the other ) to every conceivable requirement , at prices from . 10 s-. eaoh t * 39 guineas * His vari&tyx > f registrar and bther stovesr fonders aud kitchen raagesy is theilargest . in . existence . WILLIAM S .- BURTON ' haa TEN LAME SHOW * ROOMS devoted to the show of GENERAL FURNISHING ' IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated and japan wares , irqiv and brass bedsteads and bedding } ,. ; bo arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at ' once make their selections . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . Tli& ' money returned-for every article not approved of . 39 , OXFORD-STREET-- ( corner of Newman-street ); I , 3 , and 3 . NEWMAN-STREET ; and 4 and 5 , PERRY'S * PLACE . - ' ^ .
Untitled Ad
- W HOBB ^ PATONT I AO TW S ^ AMP BNOUISHLOOKS . -KfOSSRS . HOBBS , ASHLEXV andi Co . are JM . now maimfactuwn * the * celebrated AMERICAN . ^ SBmS ^^^ - ^^ &SSBl .-aa ^ SSBSE ^ i ^ duction . ^^ Ste mire moderate-tton any Locks pwduced , either m / Towa , or Country * In addition ! * o which , they are apphcable to all purposes for which Looks are used . ¦ ¦ EVERY LOOK being made and to"to * - «^ to . « $ * " * FACTORY beara- THEIR OWN STAMP , and ^ is WARRANTED , without whicb none are genuine- These Locks can be procured by order through any respectable Iron" m ^^>^^ ^ HBl&WAnBKOVSB , 97 , CSBAV . B ^ l ^^^^^ t ^^^ nt ^ GL PBiQOF SAFES fittedwith Hobbs' Patent Locks .
Untitled Ad
Monday and during the-week , will be proaucea a new Ctomcdietta ; , caUed TIT . FOR TAT . Principal Characters by Mr . Alfred Wigan . Mr . F . Kobson * Mr . Emery ,, Miss Maskell , Miss E .. Turner , and Mass Btomley . After ¦ which , ' : the- NeWand Original Fairy Extravaganza , ^¦ 7 iSSS ^ i ! fe ^^ raB " KDsro of the to « dri . « i | k ° ™ 1 Journal . Mr . Browtf . > . ... ' .. Mr . Emery . M ^ Harcoiwfc . T ........ ; .... Mr . Leslie . Mrs . Brown ,.....,.. _ ..... MissMaskell . - r i '
Untitled Ad
* i ' ' ; ' * , FITCH AWD SaN'g BREAKFAST BAC 01 T . fci Now for 15 Years before the P « blic and . s ^ iretaining its deserved pre-eminence , is GUREDt and ^ SMOKEDja * I CALNE ; in WILTSHIRE , a district abounding m dairy f - farms , arid offering peculiar facilities for the breed aud " mShumSS ® vta all OTHER KINDStojltaAGlUBB-- ABLY STIMULATING FLAVOUR , and its freedom from « saltness ; while it is a most excellent stomachic , and adapted for the most delicate- constitution ^ ,. The price * also , is . not higher than that of . Bacon ordif- narily sold . ¦ _ , mLTSfHIKB CHAPS , cured at Calne ^ r SiSs ^ aBssfaRass ^ ssiHAioL STRASBURG BACONS ^ . , , - „ CHEDDAR OHZBESEj of extraordinaryTichness and flne > ' fl&VOlTl * i STILTON CHEESE , of the choicest dairies , rich and full ' of blue mould , are all worthy of notice- for their-surpassing quality and moderate price . . A remittance is requested from correspondents unknown tothe Firm . " , _ . . _ . ., Deliveries free" to all the London Railway Termini Daily . FITCH AIMIK SON'SiECONOWMCAL ^ PROMSKXNS ; Per lb ; s ^ d ^ Fine Rich Cheshirorby single Cheese ... ... 0 7 } Good Sound ditto ditto 0 7 Ditto Serviceable ditto _ ditto « <* ¦ Rich American ditto ditto ... ... 0 6 * BeBt Salt Butter , by half firkin ... 1 0 Very-good , ditto ditto- ... 0 11 Fine-Small Hams ... ... 0- 8 J A . Priced List of the parts of a Side of their CELEBRATED BACON free upon application ; ^ FITCH AND SONY PROVISION MERCHANTS AND I MPORTERS , « 6 , B 4 « lu > p «« a 4 ; e-wittily
Untitled Ad
BE MUTT'S MOD E L , . WATCH . - In gold' cases from 10 guineasv In silver cases from 5 guineas . Every watch is skilfully examined ,, timed , and its —^ . . ^ , performance guaranteed . BENNETT , WATCH MANUFACTURER ^ 65 , CHCSAPSIDE . >
Untitled Ad
^ ADNAM'S Improved Patent Groats and Barley . THE ONLY'EXISTING PATENT , And Strongly recommended by the Medical Prof ession * rpo INVAIiUXS-, MOTPIERS ^ AND FAMIJL LIB 8>—TBR' important object- so desirable to be obtained , has . at length been secured , to the Public by J . and 3- C . Adnam , Patentees , . who , after much , time and atten .-tton ; have succeeded- by their Improved Process in pro ~ dricing preparationa of the'purest and finest quality ever manufactured , from the Oat and Barley . TO enumerate the many advantages derived by the Public from the use of the Improved Patent Groats is not the intention-of the Patentees ; , suffice it to say that , by the process of manufacture , the acidity and unpleasant flavour so generally complained of in other preparations is totally obviated , and very superior Gruel speedily made therefrom-. W Is particularly recommended to those of consumptive constitutions , Ladies , and Children ; and the healthy and strong """^ rnlniSit ' a »' excellelit"LUntm . e' © n ~ 6 r " St ^) perr * The Barley being . prepared by a similar process is as-pure as can be manufactured , and will bo found to produce a light arid nourishing Food for Infants aud the Aged ; anclto contain all the necessary properties for making a delioious pudding . TX has also the distinguishing character for making very superior Barley Water ,, and will be found a most excellent ingredient for thickening Soups ,. &c . Caution . —To prevent errors , the Public are requested to bserve that each Package bears the . Signature of tha Patentees , J . and J . 0 . Adnam . To be obtained Wholesale at the Manufactory , Maidenr lane , Queon-streetr , London ; and Retail in Packets and Canisters at Cd . and Is . each , and in Canisters for Families at 2 s ., 5 s ., and 10 s . each ; of all respectable Grocers , Dxug , * gists , & 6 ., in'Town and Country . ,
Untitled Ad
K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . — A certain remedy for disorders of the Pulmonary Organs . In difficulty of breathing ,. in redundancy of phlegm , in incipient consumption ( of "which cough is the most positive indication ) , they are of unerring efficacy . In asthma , and in'winter coughrthey have never been-knowarto fail . — Sold in boxes . Is . lid ., and tins , 2 s . 9 d .,. 4 s . Cd ., and 10 s . 6 d . each , by THOMAS * KEATING , Chemist , Sec ,, No . 79 . St . PauL ' s-churchyard , London , and by all Druggists . IMPORTANT TO CLERGYMEN , PTTiBLIC SPEAKERS , Sco . St . Paul ' s Cathedral , 30 th Nov ., 1849 . Sib , —I have much pleasure . in recommending your Lo - eenges to those who . may . be distressed with hoarseness . They have afforded me relief on several , occasions when scarcely able to sing from the effects of catarrh . I think , they would . bo very useful to Clergymen , Barri&torsv and Public Orators . — I am . Sir , yours faithfully , ToMr . Keating . Thomjas F « A » oi 3 , Vicar Choral . KE ATING'S COD LIVER OIL , imported direct from Newfoundland , of the fluent quality , pale , purified , and nearly tasteless . Imperial Measure half-pints , 2 s . ; pints , 3 s . Od , ; quarts , 6 s . 6 d . ; flve-pint . bottles , 153 . V * Orders from the country should expressly state "KEATINGS COD" HVBJS OIL /' -
Untitled Ad
eABINPLT FURNITURE , CARPETS , CURTAINS ; AND PURIFIED BEDDING . The general reduction in price of the above-named articles have induced MESSRS . HO WITT and , ( JO . to-increase' considerably the stock in their various Show-Rooms and Galleries . They respectfully invite- public attention to the largest and most varied assemblage of FURNITURE in the Kingdom , in ROSEWOOD ,, WALNUT , aud MAHOGANY , and all of modern Manufacture . English and Foreign : Damasks , Tapestry , Brussels and Kidderminster Carpets , in great - variety ^ and reduced-from -laefr year ' s prices Bedsteads in Brass , Iron , Walnut , Birch , and Mahogany , with Spring and French mattresses , are fitted up in a-room set apart for that purpose . References to-all parts of the United Kingddm and the Colonies . All goods marked iu plain * figures throughout the entire range of the ground floor ; aho % o-roome and galleries : any article selected changed , if not approved of . Books of Estimates sent free upon- application , and alt orders in England delivered in their own vans . HOWITT and Co ., Albion House ,, 226 , 227 , 228 t 229 , and 230 , High ) Holborn .
Untitled Ad
NO MORE PILLS NOR ANY OTHER MCBDSCINE .- —For Indigestion ( Dyspepsia ) , ConstipaMon ^ NerTouSk' Bilious ,, and ; Liver Complaints , Cough ; Consumption , v and Debuity ^ By DU BIARRY'S dolieious REVALBNTA xARABJCOA FOOD ; whloh saves fifty ttmea iinoostiuimediobaow A fewtout . of . morethanCOjeoOcures aue given . Cur © No . 71 / of -dyspepsia , from the Right ; Hon . tno LORD STUART DE DEOUES : "I have derived consideoable bejnoflt fronu Du Barry ' s Bbvalenta Arablca Fbod , iand consular it duo to yourselves and tho public to authoriso the publication , of these lines . " SlUAHT DB DbOIBS . " From the DOWAOER-OOUiNTESS of CASTLE-STUART : Cure-, 62 v 8 fl 2 ;— ' ? 'JBtbsataavor , County of Downk Ireland . 9 W » Docombor ,. 185 ^ i . "Tha DowageuxCountoas of Caatlo-Sfcuart focla induaacU ; In . tho ' interest of suffering huma * - nity , tasbftte tbatiDu-iBariw'soxoelleni ) . Ravelenta Arabic * Food has cured her , after all medioinsa had failed , of Indigestion , bile , groat nervousness and irritability of many years ' standing . This Food deserves tho confidence of aft sufforora , and may bo considered a real blessing . Inquiries will bo cheerfully answered . " Cure No . 40 , 832 . — "Fiftyyears' indescribable agony from dyspepsia-, nervousness ; asthma , cough , constipation , flatur loacy , spasm ^ eiokneea at the atoruaoh , and vomltiug ; havo been ramoved by Du Barry'tf excellent food . "MJakta JoiitT , Wbrtham , Linft near Dfss , NorfolKif " ^ tbl . 9 tf .. 0 Gl . i . Blb 8 4 sk fld . 5 , 5 Jibs ., lla . ; 121 ba ., 228 . ; super-JJftned ^ Ubwe a ., alb » ., ' » a . 6 lba ., £ 29 . ; 10 lbs ., 83 s . Tho % " !* " £ & *» lb j Ogriiagfl ft « o on receipt of a poet-offloo ^ P *> f ' , jXury , JXaBaxTy . and Co .,. 77 , Rogent-street , IiOnr ^ i ^ Wu 2 £ . * f 95 lt % i ; iro ^ ! num » Mas ? » aod Oo - Purvoyora SS ^^ SWffiP * . Pw » dUl 4 f » andalao at eo . Graoeoharoh * "SZ&X fft ^ 2 P ia » t ** > fo « U <*» OheopBidot 880 and Ml , trana ; -80 , OnannK-oross .
Untitled Ad
A . NQV . DISCOVOEURY IN * ¦ BEBBPH . MR . HO WAR L ^ SURGEONvDENTIST . . 02 . FLEET STBE-ET , has introduced anSTNTIRELY NEW DESCRIPTION of ARTIFICIAL- TEETH , fixed without springs , wires , or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble tho natural ta « th as not to bo distinguished from tho originals by the olbieat observer ; thby will never change colour or decay , and will be found superior to any tooth over before used . This method does not require the extraction of roots , or any painful operation , and will support and preserve teeth that are loose , and is guaranteed to restore articulation , aud mastication .. Doooyed teeth rendered sound and usoful icumastication ... 02 .. FLEET-STREET . —At homo from Ten till Fivo-.
Untitled Ad
DB . DE JONGH'S LIGHT BROWJi COD LIVER OIL , PREPARED for MEDICINAL USEi in . thoLOFFODBN ISLES , NOltWAV , andv put to tho teat ) of . Chemical Analysis . r ^ HIS pure and unadulterated , transparent , light JL brown Cod Liver OU , long known and justly appreciated on-the-Continent , has- now acquired the general con ? . fidenco of tho Medical Profession in this country , by whom it has been > extensively and successfully proscribed , and with , almost immediate 1 and- remarkably beneficial results—in many iiiBtanoea where ordinary- Odd Liver Oil had been copiously , though ineffectually , administered . It owes its superior efficacy not only to its method of pro * parations but to tho factp-olcarly established by chemical analysis and thorapeubio oxnorlmenta—that tho liver of tho species of cod nsh' from ' which it is cxcluBivoly procured naturally contains a larger quantity of iodine , of tho elements of the bilo'and 1 other essentrat remedial properties ,-than is found in other kinds of the . g-bntts gadus . It is of tho finest quality , tree from-any admixture , or tho usually repulsive , sickly , and nauseous flavour , or-after-taato of the Palo Oils , or or the coarse ' Brown-Oil , commonly sold , though totally unfit'for medicinal purposes . Being sold by IMphhiax MfiAeunK it in as low in prioe per ounco as any other genuine Cod Liver OH , wliilot its regular and speedy effects render it Incalculably cheaper . Medical and Scientific Testimonials of tho highest character delivered or forwarded , obatis ,, on application to Dr . do Jongh ' s Solo AijontH and Consignoos . ANSAR , HAltPORD , and CO ., 77 , STRAND , Londoiu by whom tho Oil is sold wholesale and retail , in bottles capsulod-. and' labelled with Dr . do Jongh's stamp and signature , and in thbi countby by rospoctablo Ohomists and Vendors of Medicine . Where difficulty occurs in procuring tho Oil-, four hhlf- |> lut bottles will bo forwardod to . any part of England ; cauhxaou fais , on receipt of a remittance of ton shillings . Half-pints ( 10 ounces ) , 2 s . fld . ; Pints ( 20 ounces ) , 4 a . 0 ( 1 . Quarts ( 40 ounces ) , » s , ' '
Untitled Ad
BEAFNESS AND SINGING NOISES' Instant roliof bjf Df . ' HOQHTON'S new and painless madaiafiouoai . Angr extremely'deaf sufferer , by one visit , is , ¦ pomonently enablod > tohear wltheose ^ ho usual-tone of con > - varsattou , without operation , pain > or thonsoof instruments . Thirty-four rpatientaourod'laet week t many totally deaf Instaninaeousty restoren to perfect hearing ^ : TesWrnoniaJa from tha highest medical authority in London- can bo soon , and persons referred to . The above dlscovory is known and practised only by Dr . Hoghton , Miombor of tho London Royal College of Surgeons , May 2 , 1846 ? L . A . O ., April 30 , 1840 ; Institution for tho Cure of Deafness , 9 , Suffolk-placo , Pall-mall . ' Just published ^ Self-Cure of Deafness , for country pa" ' ttonta—wstop to empiricism , qmvekory , and exorbitant foes —seat on receipt of sovon etamps . frc «
Untitled Article
SwS ^ dt ffg geort . freight and insurance . BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST TCBEK . , . ( Gtosrae PKJGEfs . ) — " Sail jffQft . . jViMi ! » % d ajfeet ^ - * Wd « - &ffifi ^ s . a , at ^ l * a "' WiBBE ' % :: ^ 4 : £ v i * i ¦ ' £ :: : ^ IndSLStock ; ....,...... 322 22 S . ... „ . .-... ...-Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 1 * 12 ... ~ . Ditto , underflow ...... U . .-- ¦ - 14 JBfcBlU »;* 10 Oaj ; 4 * ' 7- 7 7 7 ...... IKtto , Je 600 ....- < 4-. . ....... 7 ... ~ . 7 ........ Ditto , Small .. „ 4 7 7 t 7 7
Untitled Article
FOREIGN FUNDS . tliLBT OrBIClA 3 UiiPO 3 aKMO » IWBIITG- TBB W-EKX KKDiSW , V *** D v Thttb 8 DJlT . Evening . ) Brazilian Bonds 100 c Russian Bonds , 5 per BuenosAyreseperCnts . ... Cents ., 1822 ... ...... ... GttiliaAi < £ pe » € en * fc ~ 102 * Russian 4 * per Cents .... 89 J 5 &sh , 5 p ^ Xtente ., .. Spanish &i > , CtJMewDef . 175 ¦ Ecuador Bonds . 3 f Spanish . Committee Cert-Mexican SpejKJeats .... 25 ; of Coup . not fun ....... 4 * » g » ^ mfQB " ... 23 rfS ££ 2 ff ~ 92 i BasgsisgSia , ;* ssassas&a& g ~ [ fci I f -
Untitled Article
Sfi - ; TEDE LEAI ^ E B , [ SatttkdaiV
T≫ O Y A'L O L Ym Etc T H E A T R Xv Lessee And Manager, Mr.A.Wigan. And Theweekv Will Be Produced A
and theweek will be a T > OYAL OLYMPIC THEATR : XV Lessee and Manager , Mr . A . WIGAN .
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 3, 1855, page 118, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2076/page/22/