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LIST of NEW WORKS . ¦ 1 . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • MOUNTAINS and MOLE-HILIiS ; or , BBCOLLBCTIONS of a BUBNT JOtTBNAL .-By FRANK MABRYAT . Illustrated by the Author , 8 vo , 21 s . B ULSTRODB WHITELOCKE'S $ SH 8 £ SiBWBBSM ! S ^ BTiVt 2 vols . 8 vo , 24 s . 3 . Bishop THIRLWALI / S HISTORY of GREECE . Cheaper issue of tho Library Edition , with Maps ; Vol . 1 . 8 vo , price 7 s . 6 d . [ Vol II . on the 28 th inst . 4 . Colonel MUBE ' S CRITICAL HISTORY of the LANGUAGE and LITERATURE of ANCIENT GREECE . Second Edition . Vols . I . to III . 8 vo , 86 s . JAMES MONTGOMERY'S POETICAL WORKS . Cheaper issue of the Collective Edition . Vol . I . fcap . 8 vo , 8 s . 6 d . _ £ VoHI . onthe 28 th inst . HOLLAND and ' EVERETT'S MBMOIRS and CORRESPONDENCE of JAMES MONTGOMERY . Vols . I . and II . post 8 vo , with Portraits , &c . 21 s . 7 . The WARDEN . By ANTHONY TROLLOPE . Post 8 yo , 10 s . 6 d . CHARLES RANDOM ; or , LUNATICS at LARGE . By THOMAS "WHITE . 3 vols . post 8 vo , Sis . 6 d . 9 . HENEY BOG-ERS'S additional ESSAYS from CONTRIBUTIONS to the EDINBURGH REVIEW . Vol . III . supplementary to the First Edition . 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . ¦ ' . ¦ ' . ' " ' . ' ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : " - ¦ io . : ¦ ... _ .. ^ SA JST ; i ^ OTJIS and HENRY the a ^ fflS ^^^ p fcBy ; the . ReTr J . H . GURNEY , M . A . ^^^^^^ mm ^ mMmm : ; "• -.-.: HIW ^^^ P WNIKimmm&k : tNTDlAN : ARGHIPJBLA 6 K >; its HISTORY and PRESENT STATE ; , 2 vols . post 8 vo , 21 a . . :. . FRANCIS'S CHRONICLES and CHARACTERS of the STOCK EXCHANGE . New Edition , 8 vo , lOs . Cd . ' :-¦¦ . >¦ ¦ 14 . ,: WILSON'S BBYOLOGIA BBITANr NIOA : A now Edition of HOOKER and TAYLOR'S SritisTi , Mosse *; with 61 Plates . 8 vo , 42 s . ; with coloured Plates , 41 . 40 . , 15 . IDLE'S HINTS on SHOOTING , FISHING . &c . on SEA and LAND , and in the FRESH-WATER LOCHS of SCOTLAND , Fcap . 8 vo , 5 s . 16 . A MONTH in the CAMP before SEBASTOPOL . By A NON-COMBATANT . Second Edition . Post 8 vo , 6 a . _ 17 . The Bev . A . ABEOWSMITH'S GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY of tho BIBLE and APOCRYPHA . 8 vo , 16 s . ; Mr . FYNES CLINTON'S LITEBABY , REMAINS . Edited by tho Rov . O . J . FYNES CLINTON , M . A . Post 8 vo . 0 s . 6 d . ( XIX . BOURNE'S TBEATISE on the SCREW PROPELLER . A , Now Edition , thoroughly revised ; with large Plates and Woodcuts . 4 to . 38 a . [ On Monday next . < The FIRST FOUR BOOKS of M 1 LTON'S PARADISE LOST : with Notes for Schools . Editod byC . W . CONNON , M . A . 12 mo . [ On Monday next , i ¦ ] XXI . i A POPULAE HABMONY of the BIULE . By HENRY MOLINEUX WHEELER . Fcap . 8 ro . ( jOn Monday next . XXII . Dr . BOGET'S THESAURUS of ENGLISH WORDS and PHRASES classified and arranged , r Third Edition , much improved , and printed in a moro convenient form . Crown 8 vo . , [ In a few days . j - A LONDON : ft LONGMAN , BROWN , GRBBN , awd LONGMANS . 2 . ' . - » ' 5 ' J - -
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NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS . Next week , octavo . OXFOBD ESSAYS written by MEMBERS of the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD . Contents : Lucretius and the Poetic Characteristics of his Age . By W . Y . SELLAR , late Fellow of Oriel College . Suggestions on the Best Means of Teaching English History . By J . A . FROUDE , late Fellow of Exeter College . Alfred do Musset . By F . T . PALGRAVE , Fellow ot Exeter College . The Plurality of Worlds . By HENRY J . S . SMITH , Fellow of Balliol College . Persian Literature . By E . B . COWELL , Magdalen Hall . Crime and its Excuses . By tho Rev . W . THOMSON , Fellow of Queen ' s College . The Neighbourhood of Oxford and its Geology . By JOHN PHILLIPS , F . R . S ., F . G . S ., Deputy Reader of Geology . Hegel ' s Philosophy of Right . By T . C . SANDARS , late Fellow of Oriel College . Oxford Studies . By ~ the Rev . M . PATTISON , Fellow of Lincoln College . , The First Volume , Octavo , 12 s . A HISTOBY of ENGKLAND DUBING the REIGN of GEORGE tiao THIRD . By WILLIAM MASSEY , M . P . To be completed in Four Volumes . ANNOTATED EDITION OF THE ENGLISH POETS . The First Volume , 2 s . 6 d ., of THOMSON'S POETICAL ¥ OBKS . Edited , with Memoir and Notes , by ROBERT BELL . On the 1 st of March , CHAUCER'S POETICAL WORKS . Vol . III . Two Volumes , Foolscap Octavo , 9 s . GWEN ; or , THE COUSINS . A Tale / By A . M . GOODRICH . Two Volumes , Post Octavo , 15 s . aENEBAL BOUNCE ; or , THE-LADY and the LOCUSTS . By G . J . WHYTE MELVILLE . Octavo , Ono Shilling . ON the ACADEMICAL STUDY of LATIN : an Inaugural Lecture delivered in the Theatre , Oxford . By JOHN CONINGTON , M . A ., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature . By tho same , octavo , 7 s . 6 d . AGAMEMNON of AESCHYLUS , tho Text , with a Translation into English Verse , and Notes . London : John W . Paekeb , and Son , West Strand .
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This day is published , price 2 s . THE WMTEBOY ; A STORY OF IRELAKJ ) W 1822 . By Mrs . S . O . HALL . Being tho Now Volume of tho Select Library of Fiction . Already publishod—MARY BARTON BLITHEDALE ROMANCE BACHELOR of tho ALBANY HEAD of tho FAMILY HALF-SISTERS FALCON FAMILY DLIVE RUTH This day is published , No . III ., price Ono Shilling , | THE MARTINS OF CRO' MARTIN . ' By CHARLES LEVER . With Illustrations by Phiz . Fcftp 8 vo , prico 3 s . . ? HE MOUSE AND HER FRIENDS ; WITH OTHER STORIES . ' Translated and adapted for Children . ' Jiy JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR . A Companion Volume to , " Tho Fairy Ring . " London ; OnArMAN and Hall , 103 , Piccadilly .
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r j , A ft Now ready , in a handsome volume of 108 pages , cloth Jimp , price la . THE HISTORICAL POCKET ANNUAL for 18 ( 55 ; containing a Chronological Summary of £ ho Events of 18 JJ 4 , with Abstract ! of important State Papers—An Account of tho War—An Obituary of Notable Personsand llotnarkablo Disasters . By Dr . BERGUL . TnuBNisn and Co ., 12 , Patornoator-row .
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, < Second Edition . Just published , in 8 vo , prico Is . rpHEOLOGICAL TENDENCIES of tho X AGE : an Inaugural Lccturo Delivorcd at the Oponing of St . Mary ' s College , on Tuesday , tho 28 th November , 1854 . By tho Rov . J . TULLOOH , D . D ., Principal and Primarlus Professor of Theology , St . Mary's College , St . Andrews . Edinburgh : Paton and Ritchie , Hanover-stroot ; London : Hamilton , Adams , and Co ., 33 , Patornostor-row .
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Just published , 8 vo , cloth , price 7 s . 6 d . ON DISEASES of the LUNGS , having especial reference to Consumption : including Diagnosis , and Treatment . By ANTHONY WILLIAM CLARKE , M . D . "A true and faithful record of clinical experience . — Lancet . . London ; Samuel Highley , 32 , Fleet-street .
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NEW AND CHOICE BOOKS . t % JT A ¦ "W T COPIES of each of the following Works are " at hom 6 " this day at J > X MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY : — The ILnglishWoman is RussiA—Tufi Quiet Heart .- ^ Waaoen . 's Art Treasures in Britaik ;—MurchibonJsiSS-Heartsease ; oe , the Brother ' s Wife . —Lord , Carlisle ' s Diary . —Atherton By Miss MxtforS-MauricS Sermons on Sacrifice . —OakleighMascoxt .-Gwen ; or , the Cousins—Gilchrist ' s LiFE ^ OF * E ™ -Sroms of Ladt Blessington , James Montgomert , Wii ^ liam Jay , Thomas Moore , aSlia OpST B . R Haydon , &c .-Hooker's Himalayan Journals—Katharine Ashton .-The Old Chelsea Bunhouse , &c . &c . . - , j - « t - , Fresh Copies are added whenever a delay occurs , and an ample supply is provided of all the principal New Works as they appear . Single Subscription One Guinea per annum . Book Societies and Literary Institutions supplied on liberal terms . Prospectuses may be obtained o ? i application . CHARLES EDWARD MUDIE , 510 , NEW OXFORD-STREET .
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In two volumes , crown octavo , price 11 s . 6 d-, with 113 Illustrations on Wood , and a Copious Index , THE CHEMISTRY OF COMMON LIFE . By JAMEST . W . JOHNSTON , M . A ., F . R . SS . L . and B ., &c , Author of " Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology , " &c . "All will concur in admiring the profound thought which has ennobled so many familiar things , and has even tinged the commonest processes of household life with the hues of novelty and surprise . " The work deserves to be universally read . " -rBritish Quarterly Review . William Blackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
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LONDON : Printed and Publishod bv Albbhd Epmitiu ) Galloway , at " The Leader" Office , No . 7 , Wollington-af root , Strand , in tho County of Bf iddlosox . —Fobruary 3 , 1855 .
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rjvH E L EA PER . [ Saturday , Eeb . 3 , 1855 . «¦ i ^ vl . ¦ ' —^ ———^——^^^———a
Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 3, 1855, page 120, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2076/page/24/