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The most important feature of the week with regard to the war . is the rumoured resignation of Omar ltacha . The announcement is as follows : — " Bucharest , Jan . 29 . '**" Omnr Pacha -has'resigned . The reason is that Ismail Pncha , who is at the head of tho army of ltoumelia , has not been made subject to hia orders . " It should bo observed that as yot this etatomont has not been confirmed , nor contradicted . The decisive news is of the usual description . On the 13 th the Russians made a violent assault on the English and French lines , The affair began with a heavy cannonade on tho . part of \ he enemy , nnd the Russians came on with considerable speed over tho snow .. The conflict , however ,. did not last long . Tho Russians were speedily repulsed with considerable
slaughter , while our loss . was only 14 missing , rod 1 officer and-19 men wounded , The Russian accounts of-this-. va * y , as visual , in every-particular ; but the above is « ndoubtedly ., cop rect . Oxi the 22 nd the Rtu ; sians , oiv a , . similar occasion , met with-similar results . Shot > and >» hell » l > egan to -damage the works of Sebastopol . The ^ French Tirailleurs sought to . enter the suburbs -through the breaches . These -atteaapts fre / jttentjy « u < sceeded . The defences are directed by General Osten-Sacken . A Russian despatch , dated . St . Petersburg * Jan . 30 ,
and given of course " with all reserve , " .-states that ' 'Tilnce Mensehikoff writes from the "Crimea , under date of Jan , 22 : 'In the night of the 19 th to the 20 th we made a : sortie against the left flank and centre of the French trenches , which was completely successful . The « nemy ( the Allies ) suffered greatly . Two officers and several - soldiers were made prisoners . Having need of fuel , our adversaries did -not even respect the ancient temple of Chersonesus . They took off the roof And the cupola , and burnt several of the internal ornaments . '" Our own accounts of the same . date do
not -mention this . An important change has been effected ; part of the English lines are now binder the care- of the French , which-will make the strength « f the two armies , in relation to the work , not so unequal as it was . General Ganrobert says , doubtless-in better French than his translator ^ - English : — " . I / he English have ceded to us a portion of their lines— : namely , the works commanding and- destined to batter , in breach the MaJakoff Tower , on which , a serious attoek . will moet likely cbe made within 4 i « shorfc . delay . "
" The warlike . operatiensin theCrimaa , " says-a . Vienna journal , " seem to develop-themselves ma ^ aanner which responds to the diplomatic . negotiations . At ; leost , the extensive plane of operation which the French , English , and Ottoman generals are reported to have % agreed to , indicate that the ecsertions of the Allies-do not merely aim at the conquest of Sebastopol , but that the-conquest of the Crimea entire is now intended , in order to gain a strong basis for the further operations -against-Russia , which may hereafter become as injurious to that Power as once were the horde-like wanderings of the Tartar tribes . " Thirty-. two thowand , TParks Jiaase mow % een conveyed to Eupatoria . Regarding future plans , the Times . correspondent says : —
" Without stating too explicitly ¦ what means the generals of the allied armies propose to take in . order to prevent the enemy availing ' themselves of . the -communication between the interior and the beleaguered side of the city , it-is not too much to say that active measures will at last be taken to eftect that object , and that those measures will be connected with , very considerable deviations from the origi nal plan of Attack , which w ill , it is hoped , have the effect of taking much of the defences of the place in flank and in reverse . Two strong divisions of French troops will leave their camps on the left of our position , and will inarch over : towards
Inkerman in a , day or two . They will take- » p . ground on our right over the Tchernay * . Ibis jnovemontmill be madu in connexion with the , plan of operations to fee carried into effect against the place as soon as the weather will permit us to work . There was a conference of genecala , French and English , at Loud Kaglan ' s quarters yesterday , and Sir Edmund Lyons rode over to attend it . Within the last few days the gallant admiral has been frequent in his visits to his lordship , and these visits are looked npon as certain tokens that some active opei'ations are under discussion and consideration , just as the appearance of the stormy petrel is regarded as a'sigu of high seas and rarrffh ¦ weather' by the marmer . "
The MUitarische JZcitnng says that tivo . French divisions , under General JMissior , are < x > Join . Omar Pacha ; ami that Perekop is to be Attacked , and , if'possible , taken by the-combined forces . General Marmora ' s < force will land in the bay of . Kaffii , under the protection of the guns of-a « q » adton . of . the allied fleet , . and will threaten the communications . by way of the Isthmus of . Arabad . Thia l iedinonte « e detachment will embark for- its -destination on the .. 28 th of . February , and will be reinforced byjsonae Anglo-French troops .
JiUSSIAN FACTS . A report in the Journal de / St .: P 4 terabourg states that i n tho dofence of Sebastopol , from the 5 th of Octobor to the 17 th of November , the Kussinna have suBtaincd tho following losses : —Generals , 1 killed , 3 womulod ; superior officers , 4 killed , " 24 wounded ; subalterns , 14 killed , 104-wounded ; sub-officora and sailors , 789 killed , and 2934 wounded . A letter from Warsaw , quoted by tho Cologne Gazette , says that the loss sustained by the Rowuau activo army ( that iu " tho Grand Army , " under X * rincc l ' askiawitsch ) , during the year 1864 , has amounted to 111 , 182 men , of which 29 , 204 were killed , 55 , i )() i wounded , ( 5120 deserters and absent , while 16 , 160 Uavo died of divers dirfouses . Tho Military Gazette of Vienna nnnounces the receipt of a telegraphic dcwpatcli , to tho pfleet that tho K ' mpcror of Russia hns rcquostod an armiatieo of six wco . kn .
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BJBE AT ^ o ^ S ^ L ^ ^ I * st Sunday * fisei * oke out in the- Boyal AsfleaaL It ^ onmreoced in theIjanoasteivsheU mawafaotejry lartMrywiBitbe * oof and "damaging the aa * Miimety . "tfeereof- ^ f tbe storehouse is also raufeh'damaged . With' the ^ exception of the loss of time consequent troon theremoval of the machinery , and the repairs of its ifljured . parts , the manufacture of the shells will not be retarded beyond-a < diay or so at 4 h « farthest . Tie property destroyed was-munsuned ..
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: the division ou hr . roebuck's motion . GWDER ^ ead , for resuming adjourned Debate on question jf 2 Gth . January ) , " That a Select Committee be ap-• pointed io inquire' into the condition of our ' Army before Sebastopol , and into the conduct 6 f those Tl T > epartments of the Government whose duty it has been'to minister to the wants of that Army : " ( Mr . Roebuck ) . Question again .. proposed ; Debate . *» - . yarned : —Qu 2 * tion put : —The House divided ; Ayes ¦ 305 , Noes 148 . ¦ MAJORITY— AYES , 805 . Adderley , Charles -Forester , Colonel Mowatt . Yrancis Aloack . iThomaB Porster > Ohartes Mowtway , John AlszanderuJohn Forster , John Mullings , Joseph Artmfchnptt , Gen . Pranklyn , George Muntz , Gecwge ArohdalLM . Trench , P . Murrough , John ArfcJfWght . Geo . Prewen , Charles Neeld , John Atherton , Wm . Gallway , Sir W . Neeld , Joseph B « ley * Sir-J . Galwey , Lord Newark . Vrecmmt Birileyjerawshay Gardner , B . N © wdera * e , Chas . BalUBdwaird GaskeU , James Newport , Viscount Baldock , Etbfw « d George , John North , Colonel . Bandngton r lx ) rd Gilpin , Oolonel Oakes , James Barrow , " vymiam Gladstone , Capt . Ossulston , Jiokd Ba * Bson : 'Thomas Goddard , A . Otway , Arthur Beekett / 'William ^ oderioh , Vrac . Packe , Chartes Bective , Earl Gooch , Sir-Edward Pakington , Sir J . Bellew , Thomas Graham , I » ord Palk , Lawrence Bennet ,. Kiilip Granby , Marquis Palmer , Robert BentinolcLordH . Greenall , Gilbert Paxtou , SirJ . BiBtinck . G . W . Greene , John Peacocke , George Beresfordi Wm . Gregson , Samuel Pellatt , Apsley Bei-kel ^ , Henry Grenfell , C . Percy , Joceline Bijws , William Guinness , 'R . Perry , Mr'T . Blandferc ^ iiord Gwyn , Hwrel PMnn , TJiomas BoWerp , Colonel Hadfield , George PigOtt , Krancw Booker , Thomas Hale , Robert Portal , Melville Brady , John HalforlftSir'H . Powlett , Lord . 7 Cr . B * amleyiMooreJ .-Hall , GeneTal- iPritchard , John Bramrton . Thoa . ^ Hamilton , LordC . ItarBsden , ^ Sir J . Brockleharet , J . Hamilton . Geo . ReedjJoseph ~ Bvovm , fiumph . Hamilton , James Rieardo , donn Bauoe , OuutmiDic HanburytC . RksardOi Osman Bruoe . S-A . Harcourtj Col . Rich , Henry Buck , Lewis ¦ Hayes , Sir E 7 ~ Robertson , R , Bttlter ; 'Sir Jdliu Headlam , T . Roebuck , J . BttrghTey . Xflrd Henley , ffoseph — Rolt , Peter BuTfov « ir ! T . ' Herbert , Sir T . Bandars , George BarronebesyH . H « ywarth » i . ^ Scholefleld , W . Butt , George Hildyard , ' Robert . Scobell , Captain Butt , Isaac HorsnUl , Thomas Scott , Prancis Oabbell , Benj . Horsman , E . Seymour , ¦ H-D . . ¦ Campbell ; Sir A . Hotham . Lord Seymour , W . p . Oarnac , Sir J . Hume , W . P . « hafto , Robert Cavendish , G . Hutohins , Edward Shelley , Sip John CayleyjJBdvraird Hutt , William Sibthorp , Col . Cecil , Lord R . Jolliffe , Sir W . Smijth , Sir % V . Challis , Alderm . Jones , Captain Smith , John A . Chambers , M . Keatiqg , Robert 'Smith ^ M . T . Gluunber&T . Keating , Henry Smith , VVm . M . "ChaiSdQsTMariiV KelljrrSir Pitzr . oy SrnythrJohnJa .- -.-Chelsea , ViscoUnfc 'Kendall , N . Spoonor ; Richard € hild ;» nrith Kennedy ; T . Btttirord , A . < 3 h < dmondel * y Ld KerriBon , 3 Bdwanl Staffiord , Mavcpus Christy , flamuol King , Looko Stanley , Lord , Clifford , Henry Kinnaird , Arthur Strickland . Sir G . , Clinton , Lord C . Knatchbull , W . -fittiart , 'WllHaan Ottvo . Roiwjrt Knight , Fred . Start , Henry Cobbott , John KuiKUtly . « ,. ... « uJUvan , M . ; Cobbold , John Knox , Colonel Swift , Richard . Cocks , Thomas Lacon , Sif E . Taylor , Colonel Codrington , Sir W . Laffan , Robort Thesiger , Sir P . Cole , Henry A . Laing , Samuel ' Thoruhill , W . Oolos , Henry B . Laagton , W . Gore Tolletn » che , * ohn Collier , Robert tangton . H . Gore Tomline , George Colville , CharleB Laslott , W . Townsond . Cant . Cojcpton , Henry Laurie , John Trollope , Sir J . Conolly , Thomas Layard , 'Austen Tudway , Robort Corry , Henry Leo , W . Tyler Sir G . Oraufurd , ' B . Lennox , Lord A . Tyrol ) , Sir-John Croak , Joseph Lennox , Lord H . Uacbridgc , Earl Oubitt , Alderman Leslie . Charles Vance , John Davies , David Liddell , H . Geo . Vansittart , Q . Deedos , "William Liddoll , Henry Vcrncr , Sir Wm . Doring , Sir B . Lindsay , Colonel Vornon , L . V . Dovoreux . John Lindsay , W . S . Villiors , Francis Disraeli , BonJ . Lockhart , William Vyvyan , Sir R . Dod . J . W . Lowther , Oolenol Vyuo , Colonel Duckworth , Sir J . Lowther , Captaiu waddington , D . Duko , Sir James Lytton , Sir I ? . Waddington , H . DwnwnvVtacount Macartney , Geo . Waloott , Admiral Dontnm , Geongo M'G « f gor , Jas . Walnwjtoy , Six J . Duncombor T . ' M'Mahon . P . Walpole , eppneor Buncombe , A . M'Taffgart , Sir J . Walsh , Sir J . Dancothbe . O . Maddook . 'Sir H . Walter , * o » m Dunoombe , W . Mosuiro , John Warnor , M . jDurwrarvoi ) , Lord Manns , Richard Watson , W . H . Dunlop , Alex . 'Mandovillo , Vise . -Welby , Glynno Dnnno , Oolonol Mangles , Ross Whatman , James Du Pro , O .-Georwo Mannora , Lord G . Whiteeido , Juines East , Wr James Maroli , Karl Whitraore , H . Bbrington , Lord Martin , John Wilkinson , W . Egorton . HirT Mossoy , WilHaTn Wffliams , Wm . Bgertom / IWwiwd Mastorman , Jbhn Willoughby , fiirH . Xhnley . i viaconnt iMeux , Sir'Henry Wise , Ayshford : Parnh « w > Bdward Miall , Edward Woodd , Uasil Parror , James Milos , WilMam Wyndham , H . WnoWeS t Sdward Milln , Thomas Wypn . SjrW . W . NtmwriHT'E . Milner , WiUlam Wynne , William * MtaB « iaia ; W , » . Milton , Viscount Yorko . JEliot , |; itBwWijS » , 0 . Mioholl . William IfUBWiUiajtn , Gfeo . JHitoholl , Thomas "raunma . Flover ; ff 6 hn Montgomery , Sir Q Drummoad , H . Pollott , Bront Morgan . Octavius Uorkeloy , CrMon
: MINORITY—NOES , 148 . Aoland , Sir ^ . Preestun , Colonel O'ConnolVD . A ^ ottrtJxJharleB TTe * hneld , J . O ^ ConnelVJohn Acto ? Jo ^ eTin » l ^ tone £ Wm . p ^ brne Ratoh A \ dah-, % « eh « Hyn , George Owen , Sir John Adair io&rt Gordon , Hon . A . P « get , Lord A . AndS ^ rli » J . Goulburn , Henry P ^ er ^ BonndeTl Bali ;*) hti = GowerT Xeveson Palmerston , Vtec . Baring , Henry Greene , Thomas Patten , John Bartaf SirFT Grey , sir George ,. Peel , Sir Robert Baring-Thomas Grosvenor . Ld . R . ^ el , Prederi'dc Barnes ^ Thomas Grosveuor , Earl 1 ^ . ? , ^^ nLta ^ tiintatal Gnr » ev . John Phillimore , B . HS ^ - lsti , ISls BethelL Sir R . Hanmer , SirJ . Price , Sir Robert Bonham-Carter Harcourt , George Rice , Edward Bouverie , EdwJtfd Hardinge , Chas . Roche , 3 Mnmnd Brand . Henry Hastie . Arch . _ ^ Russell , f r-C . Brotberton , J . Herbert . H . A . Scrope , « eoi « e Bruci ^ ord E . Herbert , Sidney 1 ^ ° ^^ , Buckleyt General Hervey . tordA . Shclburne . Harl Bvmc George Heywood , James Sheridan , R . l ^ r ^ S l " Edward Hogg . Sir James Smith , John B . SSsh / C . Howard , Ohas . W . SmUb-Vernon CtoeXmVjohn Huriies / WiHwm JSP John OUnton , Lo » d R . I « s > am , Robert ^ P f en ^ ' ^ Oookburn , SiiFA . -Jackson , Wm . f *™**; T . ww Cowper , W . P . Jermyn , Earl Button , John HCrosslev , Prank Johnstone , James Thompson , George Cun-ieTRaik ^ l Johnstorie ^ Sir J . Thornely , Thomas Dalkelt ^ Earl Keogh . Wnliam Traill , George D ^ niMn , ' Edmund . Kershaw , James Tytite , Colonel Denison , John Labouchere .-H . Vcrnon , - Jx . to . Dentt ^ hn Loeke , Joseph Villers , Charles DeVereiS . Lockharfc , AUcn WhitbreadrS . DrumlanriftTisc . Lowe , Robert Wickham , H . DUff George Luce ? Thomas Wteram , Loftus Diifl *; James Lushington , Chas . WiTson , James Ete !» o , Lord Maokinnon , Wm . Wmmngton , SirT . EUice ; Edward M'Gann ^ ames Wood Sir Charto . EUice , Edw ., Jan . Marjonbanks , I > . \\ ortley , J . fe . Elliot , ^ ohn -Marshall , Wm . Wwghteon , Wm . Emlyn / Tiscount MilUgan , Robert ^ Wyndham , Wm . ¦ Pagan , Wffliam Milnes , Richard Wyvill . M . Fenwick , Henry Molesworth . Sir W . Young , Sir John IP « age »« ld , Sir T . Tttonck , Visooant Pit ^ emld , John Moncrwff , James te ^ bbs . Fitzroy , Heury Motris , David Hayter , Wm . iPoley , John . Mostyn , Edward Muferave , Earl 'Pdrtescuo , C Jforth , Pred . VAIRS . 'TOK . XG-AXSST ' Bitffy * Charles Benbow . John Mundy , William . Waterpark . Lord Seymer , H . Ker Portman , W . Christopher , R . - Davie , Sir Henry Porster , Sir" G . Caulfield , Colonel Napier , Joseph ¦ OJBrien . Sergeant _ Hudson , George _ WeHs , William Booth ; Sir R . Mansell , Wilham , Puller , Augustus Stanley , W . O . - George , John Scully , Vincent Burrell / SirC . Lemon , Sir Chas . Repton , George 'Matheson , A--Smith , Abel Graham . ^ ir J . _ : 9 B 8 rkeley , 'Sir G . . Heathcote ; Sir W . , _ Catena , H- Heneago , — - West , Frederick M&theson , Sir J . Naas , Lord Castlerosse , Lord "King , James Chaplin , William Annesley , Earl Vivian , Hussey Stanhope , Banks M'Gregor , John Pugh , David Bagshaw , John Manners , Lord . J . JDundas , ; Pred . Vane , Lord A . Ponsonby , A . Parker , Townley Peilden . M . Hawkins , Wm . Vivian , John Bernard , Lord- _ O * Flah , erty , A-. _ . _ . . . _ ¦ Maunsell , Thos . Moffatt , Georgo Maxwelli James SomorviHe . Sir'W . ANALYSIS OP THE DIVISION . Majority ... 305 Minority 148 Tellers 4 Spoaker 1 Tatrs ... 64 Absent Ministerialists 84 Absent Opposition 57 Ono Vacant Scat 1 C 5-1 MAJOKITT . Opposition 20 B MiniBteriaMsts 09 . 305 ¦ MUTOBITZ . MitiifiteriaUsts ... 140 Opposition .,. „ 8 14 , 3
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102 THE < h ® A P E R . [ SATimiRA ^
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Leader (1850-1860), Feb. 3, 1855, page 102, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2076/page/6/